Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3459: Nostalgia

Testing the world in a dream, today is another day of unrest, and the next ten years will also spend the leisurely assault and killing as before... It’s strange.

It is still the Rogge camp of the first world. It is still on the high grass **** where you can look around half a camp yesterday. Only the time is different. Now it is sunny day.

Originally, the camp during the day should be noisier than at night, but it is quiet here, and there is no wind even surprisingly, as if it is an incomplete world with the sound isolated.

But, as I am familiar, I stayed at Camp Rogge for nearly a thousand years. This silence, this one is empty. This kind of lonely feeling that only one person exists. Occasionally, for example, now, let me Unexpectedly rushed to feel relieved and moved.

For me now, the real-world Rogge camp is unfamiliar-if I hadn't experienced that dinner, I would definitely think so.

However, because there are girls, Tamoa, and Lena, they are waiting for me, so I can tell which side is reality and which side is illusory, and I can resolutely break the familiar and reassuring illusory world, Longing for the strange and fearful real world.

Yes, because they were there, I made it clear again, reviewed this feeling, looked up again, and looked at the bright sun, blue sky and clouds again.

Familiar, it’s time to say goodbye, in the last ten years.

Tomorrow, there will be a transfer ceremony in the real world, so I can’t wait any longer. In this decade, I will draw a rest in this test world where I have lived for thousands of years.

This world has given me too many negative feelings and taken away many of my precious memories. But now, when I want to say goodbye to it, I am so reluctant that I am really a strange guy.

"Hello, is it enough to stand?" Evria's voice suddenly sounded.

"Alas, the nasty guy, disturbed me for the last memory." I sighed, and I felt helplessly recovered from the sentimental sentiment.

"You have been standing here for a whole day."

"Huh, is it?" Looking up at the sky, indeed, I don't know when it's getting dark. No, looking at the height of the moon, it should be almost before dawn.

But it’s nothing. It’s just a daze. The basic operation is like studying carving in recent years. Sometimes I focus on it. In a blink of an eye, ten days and eight days have passed. It's a fuss.

"Remember, did you finally figure it out? Are you leaving here?"

"Ah, of course, ask for some reason, don't say what happened in the real world, you don't know."

"But when you guys leave, I was really Shi Lezhi. I would give you such a test and ask for trouble."

"What does it mean to ask for trouble?"

"You, do you know how much energy it takes to maintain this entire test world? Of course, it is not a problem for me, it is just uncomfortable. I didn’t expect you to be a guy who eats a king’s meal, obviously hundreds of years ago. After completing the test, I still have to rely on not to leave."

"Is it?" I listened to the complaint of Ivoria, and I smiled: "It can make you unhappy, then I will be happy."

"Ah, I really found a white-eyed wolf."

"It's not impossible to say thank you if I want to."

"Forget it, you're already tired of it."

"Thank you, Ivoria."


"Do you feel very tired, just right, I'm happy."

"I'm thinking, these years...you seem to be a little more cheerful again, maybe it's a phenomenon of back to the light."

"For example, the kind of smiling murderer?"

"If you have to say something, it should be that the smile metamorphosis is more correct."

I thought about it, no, at least not in the real world. I don’t seem to have done anything abnormal lately. Can I help Lena check her body growth last night? That's my right and duty as my brother!

So what abnormal things did I do before? Although I can’t remember clearly, I don’t think so. I was originally an ordinary upright middle-aged uncle insulated from metamorphosis. Even in an atmosphere full of metamorphic elements, there are such terrible servants like Huang Duanzi and Princess Sanwu. Existence, still out of sludge without dye, very strong.

However, there is one sentence I agree with Everia. It seems that they have been a little more cheerful in recent years. Even if you don’t need a strong spirit to test the world and show a lively and cute smile to the girls, what is the reason? What happened?

I don’t remember much. Perhaps, it started from the day I learned that the evil dragon Reina was pregnant. With the power of future generations, is it really so powerful?

This strange and familiar feeling...

Gradually, I fell into a trance again. This time, Evelia seemed to know what I was thinking, did not disturb me, and kept thinking dreamily, to pursue the feeling of deja vu, and became the father of Cyrus Ecole On that day, it seemed that it was not, that day when he played the parent of Xiaoheitan with Huang Duanzi's maid? It seems that it is, but it feels a little worse, it is a kind of more...more...

The unspeakable feeling is far away, far away, far back to a long, long, long, long, long time ago, those nostalgic, tearful, dreamlike dream scenes, my sixth sense tells me this.

It’s daytime when I come back to God, and I don’t know how many days I have stayed. I’m really getting more and more sleepy. Don’t do this after returning to the real world. It’s really my self.

"Evelia, how long have I stayed this time?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's one day, maybe two or three days, isn't this a common thing? It's a bit fussing until now."

"Before obviously staying there for most of the day, I was vomited by you, but this time I put on an indifferent attitude."

"Just seeing you seems to be thinking about important things."

"Is it important?" I said to myself, then asked myself.

Yes, although I can't recall it, my feelings tell me that it is indeed very important, and it belongs to something that I definitely don't want to forget.

However, it is logical to forget.

There is no abruptness, it seems that it is just natural to follow the laws of nature. Although I don't want to forget, I still forget.

Alas, why do we have these weird thoughts? I feel that after a thousand years of hardship, I have not become as strange as I am today.

"Let's go." There was a murmur, and the windless grass sloped up, suddenly blowing a strong wind, turning into a strong wind, and rolling up a huge tornado.

In the center of the tornado, a small figure seemed to be infinitely elongated, pulled high, and finally turned into a storm, completely integrated into the tornado and united.

Blue ice and fiery red flames, like two dyes accidentally dumped into the tornado, gradually dyed the white tornado with red and blue colors. The red, blue and white first became clear, then gradually merged, and finally, it seemed like Become a color picture from black and white, color, to finished.

The three-color tornado turns into a storm, scrapes into the sky, cheers with the magnificent elements of the ocean, enjoys the clouds, celebrates in the blue sky, under the sun, and dyes the sky together.

Wandering around Rogge camp for several times, it seemed that the bird was about to move south, the last attachment to his hometown, and then left.

In a blink of an eye, a three-color storm passed over the grassland, misty forest and Gobi, and came to Lugaoin. The looming outline of the human face hidden in the storm, composed of three colors, seemed to be looking down, deeply Watching this bright jewel inlaid in the desert.

The storm crossed the Twin Seas, and then came to the humid Kurast Forest. It passed through the city on the swamp and whistled above the imperial city in the forest.

The thousand-meter-high stone pillar mountain built by the Qunmo fortress overlooks the entire prairie and desperate plains in the suburbs, and overlooks the Shenpu Mountain Range. It is also overlooked at this time, from the cold and strong gate to the gray metal. The angular building revealing the blood of blood, and then to the center of the fortress, on the stairs, the only temple that can make people feel a little warm and peaceful.

Even if it is the hottest summer, Harrogas is still cold and windy, and it is frozen all year round. The towering Harogas Mountain seems to be the center of the world, standing tall and having an unshakable sacred position.

Foxmen and Werewolves live independently as before, but from the empty but dense tent buildings, we can see the speed of development in these years. The secret base of the Foxmen, the second tribe, has not fallen, even inside The entrance of Tianhu's test is wonderful, and people have to sigh Evria's...peeping and cottage ability.

The bear-human tribes are also in the Yarret Mountains, but their tribes are much farther than the fox-wolves, and they are also more remote and bitterly cold. Even if the teleportation link is built now, it needs to be transferred, but the bear with strong vitality People are as happy as they are and think they can hone themselves better.

The three-color storms walked through the places they were familiar with, the trajectories they had traveled, and then, with a strong attachment, they directly gathered into a mass and were involved in the world of stone transmission array. Second World, Third World...

This tour lasted for three days. The final goal was the Holy See. When the storm was sensed, the distant bone land, the bone dragon once again curled up his body, breaking off the body that could not shrink into the nest. With a tail, the kung fu of ostrich burying the sand has become perfect.

However, this time the storm did not scrape over its head to start the ten-year massacre, but turned around in Hell Hill a few times and finally gathered on the Holy See.

Devil King Village, who has restored his body, looked at the life-like statues randomly placed on the road, and he was very emotional. When he returned home, he was very moved to see the many statues of the girls.

For a thousand years of testing the world, it seems that all you can be attached to is this, if not counting those cute little monsters who have contributed countless experiences to themselves.

The ridiculous ridiculousness is like an old man who thinks that he is suffering from vicissitudes. When he is about to die, he plans to review his magnificent life, and even use the last time to write a book that is destined to touch countless people. But I found out that my life was so pale and lonely.

However, it is not meaningless.

Yes, this millennium of accumulation has experienced from germination, growth, and flowering. As a result, now, after ingesting a thousand years of nutrients and experiencing a thousand years of incubation, at this moment, finally, a fruitful harvest.

Looking around, unconsciously, he picked up a set of knives in his hand.

This is based on the tools in the hands of Wang Wurek, and he made it back to the world of testing. Although he is completely partial in forging, he can only use sloppy descriptions in crafts other than repair, but fortunately these tools are also It's not difficult to build, and finally I made up for myself.

Unconsciously, he came to the bow of Holy See Mountain, where hundreds of stones of different sizes and specially selected stones were scattered.

Going back and forth among these stones, picking and picking, and finally leaving a small part, the rest of the stones were swept away, because they were no longer needed.

After a while, a jingle sounded on the bow of the Holy See, roughly listening to thought it was forging, but after quietly distinguishing, he found that the sound was softer and the rhythm was slower.

The knives in my hands were changed one after another, and the stone in front of me was gradually slender from the rough and weird shape, and was given the shape of a rough person. Every time I changed a knife, there seemed to be many stones After getting angry, details of the limbs, hair of the five senses, and dressing up gradually appeared.

One was carved, and the other started non-stop. It was so devoted to the whole body. It was carved with no heart in mind, and I didn’t know the passage of time until the last statue was carved.

In front of his eyes, is the standing figure of a group of girls. The clothes are different in appearance, but the behavior is almost the same, and they all maintain the applauding posture.

Putting these statues inside and out, it looks as if the girls are clapping and smiling around themselves, celebrating something.

"It took more than a month to do this kind of thing? You guy, although I think I am already familiar with your virtue, it is still more sullen than I thought." Evria vomited~ lightnovelpub.net~ Unsurprisingly appeared.

"Isn't there a person celebrating, don't you feel lonely?" I don't take it for granted. This is a sense of ritual, a sense of ritual that can effectively provide a success rate buff, okay?

Besides, after more than a month of carving, the heart has reached the most ideal and empty state.

Then, those who said goodbye also said goodbye.

To say anything regretful...Looking at the attribute box, I let out a slight sigh.

Level...Stay at level 98.

The experience required for the next level, I don’t know if the number is too long or what conditions need to be met, it has completely become a series of question marks.

Gallon used level 99, which was not achieved for thousands of years, and I still did not reach it. I have to say that this is a pity. I also wanted to surpass the old man in all aspects and let him see that his students were more prosperous and chose me that year. , Is his blessing.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The most important reason is because I want to visit the Big Seven with the bug sword.

Now, of course, I dare not go to the trouble of the Seven Giants. Even if I have been successfully promoted to the level of engulfing the world, I can't compete with the Seven Giants immediately, even if it is the Four Demon Kings who have not yet reached the Devil God Realm.

Others are veteran players. Although they have not reached the Demon God Realm, their fighting power has already surpassed that of the ordinary Demon God Strong. My newly promoted pink newcomer ran to the door, and it is estimated that only the person who was being molested.

It's different to have a bug sword in your hand. The gap is like carrying a toy water gun and carrying a tube of Gatling to trouble others.

However, perhaps the condition for reaching level 99 is to reach the realm of swallowing the world. Although it is unlikely, I still comfort myself in this way and raise my spirit.

Although it's a little in the ointment, it's time...

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