Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3461: Life and death

Not the real world I know, this is a white, snow-white world, shrouded in heavy mist.

From time to time, some plausible memories flashed in my mind, that is, the sense of sight is full of hearts, but they are all fragments of memories. No matter how I think about it, I can't think of a complete memory lens.

But, somehow, a sad remembrance that I didn't even notice, so I hit my heart without warning, when I felt my face cold, I touched it subconsciously, and found that I did not know when the tears had flowed out. , Only to realize this.

Why me?

When was the last time you cried? Should I know the moment when I finished the test, or after learning that Rena was pregnant with her child? Hundreds of years have passed, and it’s hard to remember which man would remember when he cried the last time.

Anyway, it can make me cry at four digits of psychological age. I think it is already a very difficult thing, let alone tears unconsciously.

I'm curious, what the **** is this white world, and what a surprise to me.

Probably, you have to go forward to get out.

Inexplicably, this kind of speculation came into my mind, no, not to say that it is a positive thought, just like I have experienced it before, experienced, and come over.

Slowly stepping out of the pace, don’t forget to look around, but unfortunately, in addition to the dense fog, it is still an endless thick fog, there is no trace of sound, no movement, and even the sound of his footsteps can’t be heard, just like a world that is still in time, The quiet makes people panic and dull.

Even when I was testing the world alone for a thousand years, I couldn't help but start talking to myself.

"Where is this?"

"The fellow Evelia, you must say it well after you go back, and suddenly take me to such a place, what exactly do you want to do? What kind of crooked idea?"

"I have... really been to such a place before?"

Along with self-talk, and with people wondering if there is any step in their footsteps, the endless fog, more and more memories flashed in my mind.

Fragmented, like the sand of the Ganges, but gradually, gradually let me piece together some incomplete fragments.

Then, these incomplete fragments finally pieced together a complete memory.

I finally remembered where this was.

This is not a world created by Ivoria and intends to deceive me, this is my [place].

Perhaps, Evelia is nearby, and is engaged in its peeping old industry, but it really belongs to [my territory].

In the past, long, long ago, in this snow-white world, I saw vague backs and vague dialogues. Then, inexplicably, I felt sad, just like those backs and dialogues, which had a great connection with myself.

So this time?

While generating this enlightenment in my heart, the thick fog that stretched out my hands without seeing my fingers suddenly became thinner, and I could vaguely hear the vague voice.

this is……

I speeded up, faster and faster, and finally became full-powered running, constantly passing through the heavy fog, the fog, became thinner, and the voice became clearer.

Finally, as if the last curtain had been lifted, a clear and clear line of sight appeared in front of me, even the wind, the sun, the breath, all these things that could not be recalled in the white world before, appeared.

What is displayed in front of us is a boundless world.

Above the high cliffs, overlooking the ground below, green forests, gurgling waterfalls, winding rivers, rolling mountains, countless flying birds, yoyo beasts, under this blue sky, in the nourishment of the sun, live happily in In this world, there is no peace, no peace, no war, no killing, no disease, no death, no pain, no parting.

It's just... carefree paradise.

Isn't this the ideal world that we aspire to and pursue?

In a trance, I seemed to see the deepest dream in my heart. If I could live with a girl in such a world, how good would it be.

Perhaps, the ideal township that Wang Xiaobu pursued is nothing more than that.

But somehow, it is a flawless perfect world, which makes people love it at first sight. I feel how good it would be if I could live in this world, but I suddenly felt a sense of discord in my heart.

I can't tell the truth, I just think there is something wrong in this world.

Without waiting for me to delve into it, in front of me, at the top of the cliff, as long as I stepped forward, I would fall into the distance of the abyss, and suddenly there was a voice.

What surprised me even more was that the master of the sound turned out to be a skeleton!

A golden skeleton with a pure sense of majesty in the sun!

What surprises me even more is that in the arms of the skeleton, a cute girl holding a carved jade bracelet, only about four or five years old, with a pure and unblemished face on her face, people can't help but narrow their eyes with a bright smile , It seems to be playing coquettishly with the skeleton holding her, reminding me of my twin princess when she was a child.

Didn’t she know that she was holding a gruesome skeleton?

I remember that in the previous white world, even if I could only peek into the back, but the protagonist was definitely not the two of them. No, I remembered it. It seems that there was an extra baby in the last white world. Is it that? little girl?

But who is the skeleton? What about the sword?

In the second season, the old characters are partly retained, and the new protagonist has been replaced?

Perhaps it was the first season that made a lot of money, even the background special effects are different? Even if the main scene appeared before, the background is still a white world, with only one person and one sword.

Now it's okay, the background has become the real world, the ideal paradise, how much money is burning?

Obviously, the audience is only me. The ratings have already exploded.

At this moment, one person and one skeleton on the edge of the cliff finally began to speak, which made me immediately put away my inner crankiness and listen carefully.

"Dream, do you like this world?"

The golden skeleton with five fingers sticking out the bones, gently touching the little girl's head, the movement is very gentle, it should be a slightly horrible scene, because this gentleness has also become extraordinarily warm, making people trance can ignore it as a skeleton The fact is that it is a family interaction between father and daughter.

The dream, it seems... remember, it was indeed the name of the girl I saw when I entered the white world for the last time that year, which was taken by the teenager who kept crying with a sword.

As for the voice of the skeleton... I also remembered that the young man who cried with his sword was correct.

Not the second season, or the first season, but the protagonist changed the shape? Just like the beautiful girl in the game put on the krypton costume?

This shape change is too sharp, hello! Who else will spend krypton clothes like this! ! !

In short...In short, you can now confirm that the character has not changed.

The little girl turned back in her arms and tried to look up at each other. The impression should have grown up from the last time. I always felt that this round and cute face seemed a bit familiar, like who is the younger version, illusion?

"I don't like it," she whispered, and Moe deadly replied.

"Oh, why?" The five fingers touching the little girl's bones paused slightly, and the teenager, who turned into a golden skeleton, asked curiously.

"Because...papa, don't like it."

Ah, Papa, it's calling me, it's calling me right?

For a moment, the daughter control who couldn't hold back the inner cheers and cheers. After returning to reality, you must supplement her daughter control energy.

"I... don't like it?" The young man's movements froze, although he couldn't express his expression as a skeleton, but I think he should be surprised.

"Yes, Papa doesn't like it, so dreams don't like it either."

So understanding, mine, this is my daughter! ! !

"Really? I didn't like it, but why?" With a sigh that he didn't even realize, the Skeleton Boy touched the little girl's head again and looked away.

"Obviously so peaceful, peaceful, no disputes, no wars, this should be the world I dreamed of, right, why would I not like it?"

The little girl couldn't answer this question. She rubbed her hand on her head with her small head and continued to act coquettishly, as if she wanted to ease the doubt and loss of the skeleton boy.

a long time……

"Now, Evelia, why did brothers and sisters become like that..." The Skeleton Boy seemed to figure out something and suddenly said.

Such a question is naturally not sent to the little girl in her arms, it slightly leans towards the skull head and looks down at the ground next to it.

Looking down its eyes, I saw a sword vaguely lying next to it.

I had always been in my arms, but since I had a daughter, I threw it aside and changed to hug my daughter. Boy, your sword is crying, but it’s beautiful, maybe we will get it.

The sneaky sword... what does it look like? Maybe the lower part is in the shape of a hammer, or maybe the slippery fish tail that can sway from side to side?

I used to be held by a teenager, and the teenager turned his back to me again, and it was lying on the ground with a hazy mist, and the 16*16 black and white animation was changed to 4k level, you should be able to see it.

Because the teenager is on the edge of the cliff, a little higher than where I am now, at this angle I can only see a little bit, so I plan to take a few steps forward, according to previous experience, whether it is a teenager or that Even the talking swords do not know that my peeper exists.

After walking for a little while, I gave up this lucky thought.

As before, I am like an audience, teenagers, little girls, and swords, all of which are present on the screen, and will not change the distance on the screen because of my movement.

Can't see can't see. All I can see now is everything I can see, whether it’s looking horizontally, vertically, hanging upside down, looking close, running away, flying up, burying it underground, There will be no difference.

I gave up all my thoughts and sat down cross-legged, ready to watch the play seriously.

"What do you think, it seems that you already have an answer in your heart." The sword that was ruthlessly abandoned on the ground, without answering questions, clever skills, or complaining about your current treatment?

"I'm not sure. After all, I don't have the wisdom as my sister. I am ordinary in any way, so..."

"Whether it is right or wrong, the first step is to say your own thoughts. If you don't, others will never understand you, and you don't know whether your thoughts are right or wrong."

This sword, said in unexpectedly gentle words, that's good, I also want to be treated so gently.

"That's it...Thank you, Evelia, I get it." The teenager seemed to be sure, and nodded. The little girl in her arms, her eyes wide and clear, kept looking up at the teenager.

"Evelia, I think...maybe my sister and brother...too tired."

"too tired?"

"They used to know that this was not the case. Even if it was worthless, it would only bring them unpleasant me, and they would often come to visit, sincerely...love me."

"Then, I don't know when it started, it has changed."

"They have taken on too many things, even with endless wisdom and **** of the kingship of all things. With time and accumulation, these things will gradually become more and more unbearable."

"is it?"

"Evelia, you don't seem to agree, is it really me wrong?"

"It's not a denial, I just want to hold a reservation. I want to know, whose outcome is this, who do you think is the fault? Or is the clubhouse still stubbornly thinking that all this is caused by you?"

"No, although I am responsible for the final result, I figured it out, it was not me, nor my brother or sister, it was just...time."

"Eternity is wrong."

"Do you really think so?"

After a moment of silence, the skeleton seemed to be racking its brains, and then shook its head.

"No, I want to correct what I just said."

"There is nothing wrong with eternity. What is wrong is that neither me nor my sister and brother can bear eternity."

"Under the scouring of time, we have gradually changed in the eternal prison, and gradually lost many precious things."

"Whether it is happiness or sorrow, it will continue to accumulate, and sooner or later it will become a burden, when you are used to happiness, you will lose the smile brought by happiness, when you are used to sadness, you will lose the reflection brought by sadness, and then , Become numb unconsciously, become high above..."

"It doesn't make sense to say that."

"Evelia, do you think I'm right?"

"Even if I agree, it is not necessarily right, why not try it?"

"Try it?" The young man murmured, and after a moment of loss, he suddenly stood up from the edge of the cliff.

"Yes, why not try it?"

"Eternity is wrong, immortality ~lightnovelpub.net~ will only bring destruction."

"and so!"

The young man’s weak, unconfident voice became majestic, ancient, and sacred. The golden skeleton’s back seemed to be transformed into the heavens and the earth, and the words in the mouth were the will of God echoed in the world.

"This world needs [life] and [death]."

Something that is mysterious and mysterious, when the voice falls, is intertwined with something that originally existed in this world, becoming more complete and more perfect.

Since then, the world has come alive. Because of eternity, the existence of time loses its meaning, but the appearance of life and death makes time flow again, and the sense of non-explainable violation disappears.

The blue sky was overcast with lightning, thunder and thunder, and a violent storm began, the beasts screamed away, the birds wailed, and the leaves fell desolate, as if proclaiming the arrival of the cycle of life and death.

Bathed in the heavy rain, the skeleton boy hugged the little girl, and he murmured softly.

"Including... me."

"Papa." The little girl in her arms, his little hand pulled his father's...er, ribs.

"Dream, too, just like Papa."

"This..." The Skeleton Boy is entangled. Everyone is selfish and everyone is partial. He doesn't want his daughter to face death.

However, after all, she did not touch her daughter's naive but firm expression.

As if it were a perfect ending, the mist appeared again, covering everything, and my own consciousness gradually sank, becoming blurred and dark.


Eternity... is wrong.

I do not know why, this sentence echoed in my heart for a long time, even when the consciousness gradually sinks, it is very clear, and it seems to have a huge resonance with myself.

Perhaps it is because of the torment of a thousand years, so it is so empathetic...

Then, consciousness fell into darkness completely...