Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3483: Dreamland Tourism Group


   "Brother, do you think you can do this in the past few days?" Reina, who stayed here instead of Linya, was like a lotus, and the quietly blooming fragrance approached from behind.


It’s been more than ten days since the four fighters did not resemble the demon god. The heat of the four wings slowly cooled down. Only when they showed their faces outside from time to time, everyone would look at them like a mascot. They looked up and looked down. They all wanted to know. How can I break the rules and get promoted to the four-wing realm, or more excessively, I want to know my journey.


   Hmm... Want to live alone for a thousand years? Brother anyway.


   The heat has cooled down, but there is nothing to do, do you remember what Akara said before? In the Third World, there are many young guardians who are unemployed, and they desperately need to be employed like me to receive four-wing wages.


  At first, I thought that as long as I wrote some experience of working in a small book, I would copy it and send it out.


But no, you see, Brother Master II and Brother Two, there are thousands of mountains and thousands of waters away from the Four Wings Realm. You all know that you must feel the power of the Four Wings Realm, not to mention the urgent wailing, just separated from the Four Wings Realm. Senior guardians of a door?


  But they have the heavy responsibility of monitoring the movements of the hells. It is impossible to leave the heavy task and come to me. It happens that I am a little idle, so I have to find them. The savior serves home, and there is no one.


   Therefore, I am very busy these days, and I have no time to be busy and the girls are very kind. This matter is very serious, which is equivalent to doing nothing. After all, the savior is nothing more than a deputy.


However, in the face of the life and death of the dark continent, I can’t help it. If I have one more four-winged strongman, the alliance will have more power, and I will have less pressure. Therefore, if I don’t do business, I have to do my best to do it. How about the Hells? After the opening of the Four Wings, will it lay the same eggs? Suddenly, ten or eight Demon God level strongmen will emerge. This is the most worrying thing for us.


After taking the schedule from Lena, by the way, the poor sister, the older sister, also took over and sat on the lap and hugged, sniffing the intoxicating fragrance of her body, and the grudge decreased only a little. It fell to the small book that Lena handed over.


   "Let me see, hey, it's quite loose, is it wrong?"


   "Because the other day, my brother has met with all the guardians and adults, and now it is the review stage."


The slender and delicate jade arms were gently pulled around his neck, like a lazy and coquettish kitten basking in the sun, and he squinted in his arms, Lena said vaguely, wanting to see the usual ethereal, It is not easy for the quiet and elegant elder candidates to reveal this look. It is better to say that outsiders have no chance to see it.


   "Oh? At the review stage, this face is not easy to see." I recalled my experience these days and scratched my head.


The senior guardians are not as good as the master brothers and brothers and they are so easy to fool... cough, of course, I need to explain that I did not fool the brothers and brothers, that is, their realm is too low, and the too powerful four-wing power is not Well show.


   In short, every guardian predecessor is at least a strong man who has lived for hundreds of years. Although it is incomparable with my thousand-year-old elder, it is almost half a gallon and one-third gallon.


   Um, suddenly found that the old man Gallon is also quite suitable for combat power units. Is it that the two brothers of the master can’t even get the last lunch?


In short, such predecessors, more or less, must have some extraordinary places that they can only look up to in some aspects, so communicating with them is not unilateral, and they have learned a lot of experience. Skills, in addition, in the course of the battle, it can also exert more four-wing power and constantly improve its combat experience at the four-wing level.


   is a win-win situation, it is perfect.


In principle, there is nothing to complain about, but it’s just that the schedule is too intensive. Sometimes it’s like catching a show. Sometimes I have to deal with five or six guardian seniors a day. This is really a “fight”. From Early to late, even if the body is not tired, the heart is tired.


The culprit was Raphael, and she had arranged it before, but I can also understand that the guardians are all big brothers, and the heroes who made their own contributions to the alliance, even Akara and Raphael must be respected. Youjia, to consider themselves as juniors, if they are in a hurry, Raphael can only grieve me this new, who made me rob her baby granddaughter.


"The elder brother has worked hard these days." Lena seemed to understand my heart, opened her half-squinted eyes, and exposed the pair of aura eyes with light gray eyes, and a pair of small hands hanging around her neck leaned up, lightly Rubbing lightly on the temple.


   "No hard work, is this kind of thing good for me?" Five fingers gently rubbed against the cascading soft snow in my arms, and I shook my head.


   "My brother is thinking about everything, but Lena knows everything." The more naughty sister, the furry wolf ears shook cutely, stuck to the heart, made a listening gesture, and smiled at me.


   "I didn't expect my biggest secret to be known to you, what do you say I should do?" My tone became fierce, but the movement of rubbing my long hair was softer.


"Brother... what does Brother want to do with Lena? Lena just does it, no matter what kind of thing." Lena is like a trembling little rabbit, but her tone is full of hints and temptations. Sister, have you learned badly?


   "Let me think about it, although it is a candidate for the elders, but it seems that I can't come up with any good things."


   "Yes, except for my brother, I really have no valuable things to take out."


   "Hmm..." was teased by my sister, what should I do? Waiting online is very urgent. Another box of rescue pills, I think White Wolf may need it.


   Hearing Lena say this, I am also helpless, there is no way at all, it is impossible to ask for yourself, so I can only retreat and add the power of my sister.


Today's arrangement is indeed a lot easier. The senior guardians can go to this step. In addition to living long, the talent is naturally awesome. After the first round of combat practice, I have already gained a lot of insights. Closer, of course, even if there is only one door away from the four wings, it is also a huge iron gate. It is not easy to push it away. It is not that the rules have opened the realm of the four wings. Go out.


   Judging by my superficiality, among the seniors of these guardians, the fastest would take a year and a half to get their income. They began to try to break through, and maybe even more than half of the seniors could never cross the threshold of the four wings.


After all, the four-winged powerhouse is not Chinese cabbage, it does not mean that you have achieved the qualification for promotion, you can have full confidence to break through, and do not know how many people are stuck in the realm of world power, even the realm of realm, the realm of pseudo realm, Mood and other bottlenecks cannot be passed through for life. There is no shortage of talent, wisdom, effort and opportunity.


However, dozens of guardians, even if only half of them can break through, it is also extremely amazing combat power. Now the alliance and the hells seem to be in a delicate state. They seem to be holding back and strive to occupy more in the silver age of re-entry. With many advantages, even Sister An and Bailier who have always been fond of trouble, have calmed down and can't hear any news.


As for Akala and Raphael, because of the arrival of the new era, on the one hand, we must pay close attention to the development of the alliance, on the one hand, we must always pay attention to the movement of hell, explore the news of the seven giants, and the changes in the power of heaven. After the crisis has passed, they have become more busy.


   Me, my savior is concerned about physical work, my brain is still enough, but no, because of the change in schedule, I can finally take the time to continue to tinker with my dream realm.


The realm of dreams, to be honest, is a bit of a shadow of the soul. After all, the test world that Evelina played for me seems to be using the realm of dreams as a template, but it is only more complete, such as adding an upgrade plug-in, a monster system, The equipment system, skill system, etc. are completely a real world, except that there are no other people.


At the beginning, under the gift of Lord Luna, the Saint Moon Wolves reached the top level in the world, and the dream realm was extended to nearly ten times in one breath. One night can be practiced for three or four days. At the beginning, I was shocked. Then, the result was compared with the world of Evelina's test, and suddenly found that this world is still terrible.


  Promoted to the four-wing realm, do not know how many days the dream realm can last? After all, I can use the power of the world's hemp, it is really a shotgun for a cannon, I did the experiment on the second night of the return.


   The result is... more than twenty times, let’s just think of an hour as a day.


The best situation is much worse than I expected. I originally thought that with the help of the world, it would not be a problem to get a hundred times. The result is that I think too much. After all, the longer the time, the higher the multiple, the more difficult. The higher, the more spiritual power is required, just like the adventurer's upgrade experience, how much the previous ten levels are promoted, and the last ten levels can only be said.


   I have no responsibility to estimate, to achieve a hundred times, it may have to be promoted to the six-wing realm, then the question is coming, what grade level is Evelina?


   In addition, it is worth mentioning that there are more guests in the realm of dreams.


   At first it was Eriya. This little mermaid princess hadn't seen her for a while. I don't know what she was doing recently. During this half year, she didn't get out of the lake much, especially in the second half.


   asked Captain Haibei, just saying that Eriya was struggling to sleep, uh... struggling to sleep, it should be striving to practice in the Mermaid Dictionary.


  As soon as I entered the realm of dreams, Elia visited the house. As the genuine owner of the realm of dreams, she could easily enter the realm of my dreams.


The other is a small ghost. Through soul fusion, it can also break into the realm of dreams boldly, without the consent of my host, especially since she has been full of food lately, so she enters the realm of dreams and vents at the same time. Experience skills are also normal.


   In the past, Eliya and Little Ghost were the only guests in the realm of my dreams. Of course, Tia and Little Fox also came in to practice and worked hard to restore the magic formation on the Holy See.


However, the two were through more troublesome soul magic. Tia said that the little fox had no soul magic and had to enter through the soul potion. After retrieving the Holy See, the two hardly entered the realm of dreams. Too.


   But now... uh... Am I wrong in the way to enter the realm of dreams?


   In addition to the whispering Elia in her arms, the little ghosts running around with ADHD, there are many more familiar figures.


Tia, the owner of soul magic, passes certain conditions, such as skin blindness. Of course, it is not necessary to get close to the kind of light. In addition, intimacy is also an important indicator. As long as these conditions are met, she can pass soul magic Entering into the realm of my dreams, I have known this for a long time. It is not strange, not strange, but it is strange how she suddenly came on a whim and ran into the realm of my dreams.


   So what's the matter with others?


Not only the little fox who had entered my dream realm before, I counted, my king, Sister Colgate, Sister Selna, Benzina, Evil Dragon Rena, Aikale, walking around curiously, Dong Touching and touching, are you here for a group tour?


  No, no, it’s not this one who vomits. How did these people come in? Where to put the master of my dream realm?


   "Fan, don't disturb you to practice." My king looks majestic, and the golden dull hair is also majestic, and has a certain eye.


   "No, no, no, how come, welcome is too late, just..."


   "The way was taught by Tia." Although my king didn't understand people's hearts, my expression of reluctance was too obvious. She still saw it at a glance and smiled and pointed me in the direction.


   "Tiya girl, you come to me."


   "I didn't say I should be called a girl anymore, but I am a serious wife." The little girl was dissatisfied with her mouth, but her eyes were bright in a blink of an eye, and gave me a warm hug.


   "It's nice to be with Fanfan in a dream."


   "Good, everything is fine, could you explain to me what is going on?"


   "What do you want to explain?" The little girl blinked her innocent eyes and didn't understand what I was asking.


   "So many people, how did they come in?" I angered a mind coffee table.


   "How do I come in, they come in."


   "They don't know soul magic."


   "As long as there is soul potion, won't it be?"


   "Don't you say that making soul potions is difficult and the materials are precious? Why is it now like Chinese cabbage?"


   "Precious, you ask Aika Lei." The little girl showed me a clear way, and I almost understood it by now, but I still have to ask the convention.


"Why do you want to fight?" Seeing my fart run over and disturbing them to watch the realm of dreams, the evil dragon Reina immediately took the posture and wanted to have another round with me, on the victory and defeat symbolizing her shame Add another stroke.


"Unpretentious, you don't look at where this is, you are looking for your own way." I sneered and rubbed my hands, and now I don't plan to take into account her [pregnant woman]'s identity, anyway, how to make trouble Just come here, forcibly change the way you get along, everyone is embarrassed.


  Using the identity of the master of the dream realm, there is no suspense perfect KO after the evil dragon Reina, I went to Miss Bailong sister.


   "Aika Lei, it is your blessing to hear Tia say that everyone can come here?"


   "Where and where, I'm sorry Tia." Miss Bailong's delicate and elegant face rarely showed embarrassed expression.


"what is the problem?"


   "I have heard from Tia before that when I entered the dream realm of Lord Wu Fan in order to restore the magic circle of Holy See, I was a little curious and gave Tia a bottle of soul potion..."


   "Then what?" Seeing the Bailong girl spitting a little, I couldn't help but asked curiously.


   "Then, because of curiosity, I studied for a period of time, and as a result, I developed a method of making, and by the way, improved some side effects."


   It turns out that it is no wonder that Ekalay will be embarrassed. According to the original world, this is a copyright infringement.


   "So, for your dragon, the material is nothing, so it benefits everyone?"


   "Yes, but according to the regulations, our dragon family can't help other than our helpers, so there is no way to produce a large amount of soul potions. If I make it myself, there is no big problem."


   "I understand this, I am very happy to have you guys help me." I gave up. I never thought of letting Icarai do these things. It was enough to understand why everyone could come in the realm of dreams.


   "Me too, knowing His Excellency Wu Fan is the happiest thing in this life."


Listen to me, Akkalei's hands are soft, her smiles are full of smiles, the beautiful smile of the bloom of the high mountains flowers, and the hidden and charming eyes full of lingering meaning, instantly hit my heart, almost suffocated, I can't help but shout.


   Aika Lei, Miss Bailong, I beg you, please don't do this, don't be in front of everyone, don't get estrus in my dream!


Opened his mouth and closed the last sentence in his throat. I couldn't ask it~lightnovelpub.net~In addition to the soul potion, another condition that must be met is intimacy. Icarai and I have known each other intimately. To the extent that you can fall asleep?


   glanced at me sideways, screaming at me, ready to resort to violence at all times, the dragon, Reina, I think this question is a proposition, and decisively did not make this big death. Turned his head, changed the subject, and said a yellow servant maid.


   "What is your little maid for?"


   come in to practice? I didn’t believe that the crane’s tail would work so hard. I heard from my sister Karujie that the maid of Huang Duanzi was forced to go to practice and she looked like she was crying and shining.


   "As a model personal maid with a strong sense of responsibility and a sense of mission, I have already achieved the consciousness of becoming a sacred tool of the prince of beasts even in my dreams."


   The maid of Huang Duanzi, who was looking around, turned back and bowed slightly to me, and suddenly became a very serious maid, but when he said it, he broke the watch and immediately reduced my SAN value a lot...


  . . .