Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3519: Akkalemon

Instead of staying at the Hradik tribe, Tia and Benzina were added to the team, and they grew a little bit bigger. They set off on the same day and returned to Holy See.


After leaving for more than half a month, there hasn’t been much change in the Holy See. Raphael selected more than 100 adventurers who came to join the cultivation dream. They arrived just a few days after I left the Holy See. Some of them were familiar faces, some were Born to face, the arrival of these people adds to the Devil Village...


Okay, I wanted to say this, which added a lot of anger to Demon Village, but in fact, these guys went to sleep as soon as they arrived, went out to sleep after sleep, and came back to sleep at night, did not give Devil Village at all What brought anger, brought the snoring sound of the sky to the truth.


   In addition, the acting village chief Beiya, who has been dealing with the disappearance of some feathers and garlic, finally received a decent request.


   Request to set up a magic circle around Hell Mountain.


   said before that the energy of the **** world is chaotic, and it is not suitable to arrange the magic circle around like the dark continent, which is convenient for adventurers to experience.


   Moreover, for most of the Demon King Army, there are not many areas that can be experienced in Hell World. Even in Hell Mountain and the area around Hell Mountain, even if you throw away two legs, it will not take long to reach your destination.


But after the cultivation of dreams, the situation is different. Usually everyone goes out to practice, not to mention it is also ten days and a half months. Naturally, they don’t care about the time spent on the way back. Now everyone is going out to practice during the day and come back to dream at night. Time becomes appreciable.


It doesn’t matter if the power of the world is strong, and the power of the field is barely acceptable, but it is different for the pseudo-field masters who occupy more than half of the number. They urgently need a teleportation array to shorten the time of going out and improve the experience. Efficiency, strive to become more useful talents, contribute to the alliance and the mainland.


  I am so overwhelming, I can't just sit back and ignore it. I promised, and I don't have to worry about it anyway. This technical problem is still left to the old Fara.


   However, when it comes to teleportation, I remembered an important thing that I almost forgot.


  Why did the guy with the two tails have no news?


After Akala proposed the two-year plan, I suddenly realized the importance of the twin-tailed family. These **** cats are not only huge in number. According to Twin Tail, they also have a large number of powerful individuals, so to speak, If I were replaced before I was promoted to the four wings, I would lead the Holy See against the two-tailed Hellcat family, I am afraid I would lose.


   Therefore, if the big family of Hellcat brought by the two tails becomes an ally and fights against the seven giants together, it may play a greater role than the cultivation dream brought by Elia.


It can also be seen how weak the Holy See is. If we were not promoted to the four wings ourselves, with such a deterrent effect of strategic weapons, we would not even be able to do so with the two-tailed family, let alone confront the seven giants who ruled the entire world of hell. ?


   Back to the topic, why is there no news in Shuangwei? Could it be that the unlucky guy encountered the Seven Giants halfway, and his betrayal of **** was exposed, and he made a pot of fighting for the Seven Giants by pinching the cat's neck and carrying it?


   As I was nagging, I was worried, and wondering if I would just run a run to confirm whether my tails were alive, this elegant cat-baron guy finally came back with a noble cane.


   "Everything is ready." It said to me concisely and clearly.


"When can we go? The sooner the better, you know that my little group of guys are not at all restful, just bringing them together has already caused me a lot of headaches. If you don't solve it quickly, I'm afraid something will go wrong. ."


   "Of course, of course." My gesture of everything is ok. Of course it was over, only to find myself taking it too seriously.


   The most important Icarai has not returned yet! Who would do the teleportation magic circle without her? !


   In addition to the materials used to make the magic circle, although it does not need to be particularly rare and expensive, but the amount is surprisingly large.


   I turned my head to pick up Beiya, and asked about the material collection work in her protest.


In order not to eat the soft rice so thoroughly, I promised that I had to prepare a part of it. Of course, I couldn’t take out so many materials by myself. Isn’t there still the Demon King Army? The Demon King Army can’t do it. Ask Akara for help.


   "Do you think your Highness is a fool Wu?" The elf girl is still very dissatisfied with my move, not because she was busy in her busy schedule, but because of the way she carried her over me.


  How can I say that I am also a fairy princess, how can I be carried over like a sandbag, this princess does not have a face? At least you have to have the etiquette and methods that meet the noble status of the princess, for example...for example, what the princess holds...


  Thinking about it, blushing inexplicably, and then a dive head, shouting foolishly Wu Fang died!


   This time I refrained, you see, this little girl's underwear is still wearing well.


   "In short, a lot of materials have been collected, of course, complete satisfaction is impossible, after all, the amount is too large, unless you ask the mainland for help."


   "Oh? In such a short time, I have collected so much?" I was a little surprised. Has this little girl princess become more powerful recently?


   "Don't look at who your highness is." Be proud for a while, Beya honestly explained.


"In fact, the Demon Army can be a comrade with the Hell clan when I hear it. I feel very fresh. I hope that the clan of the two-tailed lord will come over quickly to see what it is like to fight side by side with the once dead rival. , Are very enthusiastic."


"I was originally worried that the enemy who had been doing so long would not be able to adapt for a while, or even resist, resist, it seems that I don't need to worry about this." Twin tails listened, squeezing the cat's beard, relieved, old-fashioned Gratified.


   Although he moved with the clan to lift the clan and gave up secretly, seemingly made such a simple decision, but no one can really understand what kind of determination and pressure the two tails are paying.


Seeing things develop on the positive side, I suppressed the brain circuits of normal people, and there should be some resistance to the joining of the Hellcats who were once enemies, but most of the brain circuits of adventurers are not normal.


   "I have also gathered a lot of materials here, I don't know if I can use it as a teleportation array."


   "Let Akkalei see it first, and if there is still a vacancy, I will run a trip to the third world, and I will beg for Rafael to make up the number."


   "What if Lord Raphael doesn't want to help?" Beya, the girl, learnt to raise bars with me if she didn't want to learn.


   "It's okay." I slammed my chest and swallowed like a tiger.


   Then patted Linya's incense shoulder next to him, with this momentum: "Isn't there still Linya? As long as Linya is out of the horse, Master Raphael, who hurts her own good granddaughter, will definitely agree."


   "It's so nice to say, but I really don't want to eat soft rice." Beiya murmured, so I didn't listen to the truth: "What are you talking about?"


   "No, you didn't say anything, you didn't hear it."


  Beiya's long and straight legs were uneasyly clamped, fearing that something would fly away.


   "The biggest question now is, where did the Lord go?" Wit as twin tails, I saw the guilty conscience of a certain druid early in the morning, and he pointed at the core of the clan.


   "This... this... she went back to something, please rest assured, soon, soon will come back."


   "Speaking of Sister Icarai." Beya girl suddenly remembered something.


   "She came back before."




   "It should have been ten days ago, perhaps earlier. Your Royal Highness managed every day and couldn't remember the specific time."


   "A fool, give yourself an excuse."


"what did you say?!"


   I touched my abdomen and shook my head: "No, I didn't say anything, you just heard it."


   "I blame you stupid Wu, keep me in the mouth. What did His Highness just want to say? By the way, Sister Aikalay came back a few days ago and took Sister Chasi away."


   "Chasi? Are you sure Chasi is not Bisi?" I was a little bit confused. I thought Beya had made a mistake. Bisi was Akkalei's Dragon Knight, OK.


   "You can go to the Greenwood Bar to see if your Bess is there!" Beiya is so angry that he doesn't believe His Royal Highness? Really treat your Highness as a fool?


   "Well, I believe you are." I responded casually and suddenly felt wrong.


  What is my Beise?


   was trying to correct it, and glanced around, and found that no one even showed a strange color, or intended to tease me, and suddenly got rid of it. I didn't know which link was wrong, and I lost the motivation to explain.


  Me...Bise and I are really innocent, really...


   At this time, the topic should be decisively changed: "What did Icarai take Chasi away, and where did he take Chasi?"


   "Who knows? But I think it should be Huilong Paradise."


   "What did she bring Chasie to Dragon Paradise?"


   I am even more confused~lightnovelpub.net~The idea of ​​Miss Bailong's sister is really empty, throwing away her dragon knight partner, even abducted Chasi, although her relationship with Chasi is also good.


   "Who knows? When she comes back, you can ask her if you don't have it? Your Highness has no time to guess with you." Beja shrugged and ran back to work when I was in a daze.


Maybe I should ask Bess, she might know the reason, right, now it’s not time to go to the bottom of the side, and you must hurry back to call Ekaley, you haven’t seen that the two tails have thrown its cane. Is it the same as the turbine blade?


   It was at this moment that my ears sounded and made me think about it...No, it was a dream...No, it was a psyche... Emma, ​​in short, it was like a ringing bell.


   "Your Excellency Wu Fan, are you looking for me?"


   My first reaction was to turn around and flutter towards the direction of the voice, hug my thighs, and shouted Aikalai dream to help me!

  ) Book friends, pay attention!