Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3521: Terrible

"Okay, okay, I know what you want to say and question my bad taste, right."

Facing everyone's weird eyes, the two tails expressed great pressure and wit like a cat. It took the initiative to attack us, pressing our cat's claws to signal that no fuss, this is basic exercise.

"It's not that I have bad taste, I am also a last resort. The clan people trust me like that just now. I feel that Kong Wu's powerful form is more in line with the image of the leader. "

With that, the two-tailed look looked as if standing on the lofty ground of history, the moral commanding height, it spread its arms and read aloud.

"Yes, you simply don't understand how hard it is to be a good leader. In response to everyone's wishes, even if it is questioned that the taste is poor, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Although what you said makes sense." I touched my chin, and I was not shocked by the bluff of the two tails. After thinking about it, I thought something was wrong.

"Different talents, as the savior, can also be regarded as the leader of the Holy See, and I don't necessarily have to betray my own morals to maintain the morale of the Holy See."

"Do you sell too little morality?"

Shuangna combined the word, even Tia and Ekalay nodded subconsciously. To be honest, I was very hurt. Who am I for selling my morals? Is it because I like to sell it? I am not Huang Duanzi's maid, is this not to sacrifice the ego, to fulfill everyone?

"Cough, even if I'm selling ethics." There are many people in the opposite party, even Tia and Miss Bailong are standing opposite. I am wronged, let's take a soft one first, and then worry about it, the topic has changed.

"Forget about the ethics, at least I haven't heard of a leader who must forcefully lower his taste for his own people. For example, I, have I ever had it? Not."

"Because your taste is already bad." It's a double-na combination, and it hurts me again and again, and I'm going to blaze...Why the two of you, Tia and Icarai, nodded again! ! !

As if for the first time I realized how ruthless this world is, I stumbled back a few steps, my face unbelievable.

The betrayal of the relatives is better than that. For the trivial morality and taste, will you betray me? !

"All in all, there may be a better way, without sacrificing taste." The next moment, I looked like this and made recommendations to Shuangwei.

"Ah, escape from reality." The evil dragon Lena coaxed behind her.

"The reality is too cruel to monkeys, so pretend to be casual. Divert the topic. The only way to play this car is to encounter this kind of blow often. It is also pitiful to think about it."

Ben Zina showed mercy to me for the first time, but unfortunately I don't want this at all now.

"For example, becoming a maid catwoman like Fanny?"

Curious baby Tia inserted a sentence next to it, I nodded, yes, yes, this sample taste came up...right! Become that pair of Hellcats and betray them, OK?

"Sure enough..." The ubiquitous Shuangna combination looked at me with contempt, as if to say that the pervert finally planned to shoot a cat.

"Wait, you quarreling with you, can't you drag me into it?" After seeing a lot of slaps along the way, both tails decisively rejected the dog food.

"Speaking, what is your **** with your two tails?" Still curious baby Tia, asked unconsciously, not only other people, my ears are also raised, good question, I finally asked to point my Tia .

"Gender? I have been dealing with our **** for tens of thousands of years [communicating], is it still too silly to ask this kind of question now?" Even if it is the genius magic girl who is facing the Herald Princess Ya, the cat's mouth with two tails is still merciless, and the crutches in his hand are pointing at each other.

"The vast majority of hells do not have a so-called gender. Unlike your sixth, they rely on the combination of sexes to produce offspring. Don't forget how we were born. In a sense, you are our parents."

"Sound dad come to listen?" I blurted out, now looking at me with two tails speechless, can not help but smirk: "Sorry sorry, I don't mean anything else, just thinking, not malicious."

"Relax, I know your head is empty, you will care about you." The two tails are worthy of gentleman cats, baron cats, personable, elegant and rational. Thought.

It's just that his mouth is poisonous, and he can be changed to become a gentleman.

"The vast majority?" The witty Akkalei caught the blind spot.

"Yes, the vast majority is not non-existent. As far as I know, there are a small number of hells who will gather together in a family-like relationship, but this family relationship is more similar to the extension of the tribal relationship. Walking with each other is not to spawn future generations, but to keep warm together."

"If you just want to unite, isn't the tribe's relationship enough?"

"So I have only a few of them. This situation occurs. One is that the individual is relatively strong and has an independent personality. With the number of [family], he can already survive in the world of hell. The second kind is similar to the resurrection. Or, you can get a lot of **** by breeding blood and beasts. The flesh and blood rebirth and the blood and beasts can be regarded as a family relationship tentatively... right?"

In the end, Shuangwei didn't confirm it, adding a questioning tone. Song Yuwan Tang [Part 2]

"Analyzed only from a biological point of view, probably it can be counted." I couldn't confirm it, and changed the subject delicately.

"Other than that? Is there any other possibility?"

"Other than that, it's the seven giants. The high-level existence like them is already similar to the real demons. I don't confirm whether they have gender distinctions. I have only seen them a few times. It feels more like you. Humanity."

"Oh, have you seen the Big Seven?" I widened my eyes and got excited.

"Hey, anyway, I'm still a bit of an identity in the world of hell. Under the seven giants, my strength is comparable to me, and I have lived for thousands of years. What big scene haven't seen?" Shuangwei pinched Cat beard, straight pupil squinting into a line, of course said.

I really want to say, how did the Tiannian Sanhua come back then? But think about it, even a gentleman like a twin tail will soar, hold back.

"Then tell me what the seven giants look like?"

"It's silly to ask me this kind of question, haven't you seen it before? And I have seen more than me. In the first and second world of Diablo 6, those projections and avatars I have seen, Just like what you have seen, it is stronger than the Big Seven, and does not bother to change forms. Their own existence is a deterrent, unlike me... alas."

As I said, the two tails sighed a long time, and it was quite mean to meet others, as if to say, you said that my clan's aesthetic is so unique? It hurts me to taste and cooperate with myself.

"How do you know that the projections and avatars we saw in the first and second world are the same as the real ones you have seen in the world of hell? Oh, I see, you went to Diablo 6!"

"Finally, my brain is not completely stupid. The gallon **** has called me for so long, and I have to pay a price to drag him for a trip."

"Do you have any thoughts?" I was excited, as if a Western reporter had interviewed an African refugee who had just returned from a trip to a free country.

"The atmosphere of civilization is everywhere, and it is more perfect than I imagined. This is probably the case." For the height of my inquiring gesture, the two tails don't think it's true, because it is true, compared to the dark 6, the **** world is like It is a desert of civilization... No, it is an abyss.

"There is also a bad side."

In this regard, I have to be humble. It is a period of aggression and oppression by the Hells. Everyone abandons their previous suspicions, and they are united and united. Perhaps they will not be able to see it. When peace is resolved, the inferiority of humanity will be truly exposed. Sometimes it is even more terrible than **** demons, otherwise how do you think the world of **** was born? Without a [good parent], how can you teach these [good kids] of the hells?

Without further explanation, Shuangwei understands it better. It is to stand out from these well-behaved children, get rid of chaos and ignorance, and plan to reinvent the mind and do it again...be a cat.

"No, wait, Andalil, Durell, and the Three Demon Gods. We've all seen it in Diablo 6. As you said, you don't need to repeat it. What about the other two?"

"One of them doesn't say for the time being, and the other one doesn't count in your own heart?" The cat's eyes, formed into a line of vertical lines, obviously thought of bad memories, such as Tian Nu San Hua.

"It turns out that you already knew." I suddenly recalled a detail. Since Shuangwei came to the Holy See Mountain, Biansha has not appeared. One of the reasons is probably because of the death of the old man Gallon. Determined team.

In addition, she might not want to meet Shuangwei, otherwise she would not appear immediately after Shuangwei left.

"What else can I say? I can only admire you, the idiot master and apprentice, who is brave, you cattle!"

Shuangwei took out the rhetoric learned in the bar, stared at the cat's eyes, and forcibly gave me a thumbs up with the cat's claws, including the hair fairy in the legs of the sky spirit.

"Okay, okay... Cough, Azmodan put it down, what about the last one?" After asking, his neck was stretched, his eyes fixed on his tails.

Think about it, as the biggest enemy so far, I always have to know what the other party really looks like, otherwise what if the wrong person is cut? Although it is true, it is more likely to be killed.

"The words of the adult..."

"The enemy is now the enemy." I reminded that when we got on the black ship of the Holy See... ahhh, the thief ship... it was not right. It was the ark of justice, so we had to come up with a change of camp attitude.

"I can't change my mouth for a while, you don't want to embarrass me first." Twin tails turned the cane a few times in distress, and then said.

"The existence is ever-changing and extremely confusing, but most of the time, if you see a little girl with butterfly wings, how far can you run."

"Little girl with butterfly wings?"

I touched my chin and nodded, and the projection I saw in the first world was just a fake, no, even the butterfly-winged girl mentioned by the two tails may be fake, who knows if the real body is more than Barr What a disgusting tentacle, yuck.

"Speaking of it, you certainly don't know." Maybe he wanted to show off, or maybe he didn't want to mention too many things about Bellir, and the twin-tailed cat's eyes rolled, smiling.

"You certainly don't know, another form of Lord Azmodan."

"Oh?" My two tails successfully raised my curiosity. It caught a big fish! Another gesture by Beansha? I want to know! My stupid and lovely little sister, what other gesture? Could it be a sailor suit? Or is it dead water? Cat servant? Got Rococo Victoria? I'm so excited! ! ! Cents debt

"Are you sure you really want to know?"

"Of course, hurry up and tell me, hurry!" I increased my tone, sprayed my nostrils, completely ignoring Shuangna's combination and despised me with a deadly gaze.

"You certainly don't want to know." Shuangwei was determined and sold Guan Zi.

"If you let Azmodan know that you are arranging her behind you, I am afraid there will be no good ending, double-tailed children's shoes." I threatened with a tentative test, this product is very afraid of the little sister, otherwise there will be no females A magnificent scene of flowers.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, I said that, you don't want to be disappointed." Shuangwei really admitted, his forehead sweating, cat paws swaying.

"Azmodan is so terrible?" Seeing it like this, I was even more curious. Is my lovely cute little sister so scary?

"Admiral Azmodan, it... the most terrifying thing is moody and ruthless, just like a tyrant, it’s better to say when it’s in a good mood, although it is also a cold expression, you don’t know when she is unhappy, just slap it. Shoot you into puree."

"???" Beansha? tyrant? Leng Bingbing's expression is easy to understand. Indeed, I have seen it many times. Biansha doesn't like to deal with strangers, even including the crystal that can tame, so that the little black charcoal can't resist Velas, can't get close to her, once Faced with strangers, she will change from a cute little sister to a cool little sister.

But the tyrant? Are you sure you are talking about characters in this drama? Isn’t it more about Resident Evil?

"In short, this is probably what it looks like." When I was in a black question mark and fell into a daze, both tails used his cane to draw a picture on the ground. It should be said that it looks like a noble cat. Baron? The drawing level is pretty good.

However, the demon with a devil horns, a helmet with a helmet, and a black armor on the whole body is more like a demon than the devil. The final form of the final boss in a **** comic, who is it?

"Your little sister you want." Twin tails are indifferent, this thing really knows everything.

"Nonsense, don't think you're a cat, I wouldn't dare to beat you!" Hey, has this sentence already exposed the attributes of cat slaves that I have hidden for years? Of course, dogs are also good. If you look at the Velas puppy, I should say that I am a lovable pet lover.

"I’m just telling the truth, of course, which one is the real form of Lord Azmodan, I’m not sure, who knows? I only know that this look of Lord Azmodan is its full-strength gesture ."

"Deceptive! Beansha will not look like this, then you talk about yourself, which form is your real form?"

"Me? Why did it come to me again, in fact I also forgot, whether it was the tasteless look just now, my true form, or the present look, anyway, I am used to it now Form, if you want to say your strength, both should be the same. It’s not that the appearance becomes more fierce, the strength will be stronger."

Isn’t that right? If you want to be strong, you should pay attention to being bald first. I agree with the two-tailed sentence and keep nodding. As for the second form of the little sister, I have long forgotten , Two feet moved somehow, wiped the painting on the ground.

Then, the evil dragon Rena and Benzina's poison tongues were fully fired. In this form, I screamed the Saint Moon Sacred Wolf and the cosp1ay bear. I struggled to resist and finally lost.

Who made these two forms really shameful, especially the holy moon sage wolf, the man turned into a female posture, is it really so fun?

As for the double-na combination, it is not that there are no weaknesses. For example, the evil dragon Leina also has a dragon shape and a humanoid posture. According to the logic, the dragon posture should be mighty and terrible, and it also has a slot, but this is the right thing. I don’t know how to grow up. The posture of the silver dragon is petite and exquisite, with beautiful contours, soft body lines, delicate and gorgeous. Judging from the normal human aesthetics, it is also natural, elegant and sexy, like a girl’s fair skin, The curvaceous beauty, it still looks so charming.

I was shocked. Why did I, as a human, think beyond the limits of species, and even think that the dragon form of the evil dragon Reina is also beautiful, but it is really too cracky. Could it be that I want to evolve into a real dragon rider? !

"It's done." Just when I fell into an indescribable horror delusion, Aikale, who seemed to have been listening to us, suddenly folded his hands and smiled sweetly.

By the way, Miss Bailong's dragon form is also beautiful!

"What's done?"

Regaining my mind, two-tasking is the basic operation for Akkalei, I don’t find it strange, just curious about her words.

"Teleport Magic Circle."

"Is it in an unfinished state before?" I was shocked, looking at Akkalei's confidence, I thought she had already conceived the entire magic circle, and waited for the construction, who thought that the drawings had not been drawn, If this fails, how can I tell the twin tails.

Of course, I also know that in case there is no such thing, Icarai has never let me down.

"I just thought about it~lightnovelpub.net~ deduced the feasibility of the magic circle. Many details have not been completely outlined in my mind. Before going home, one of the reasons is to improve the details. "

Uh uh uh... Icarai, I'm curious what other reasons are.

"Can you take me to see the prepared materials? I think it should be possible to start doing it slowly now. Such a large magic circle can take a lot of time."

"Of course, please follow me, the materials are all here." The two tails gracefully removed the hat, and the head under the black top hat turned out to be bald!

I'm just kidding……



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