Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3587: wall

"How about this..." After all, the problem in front of him did not disturb Tyrrell. After a moment of pondering, he had a decision in his heart.

"I will go in advance to see what happened to Elder Wu Fan."

"It's so good." When the Five Lords started, the angel elders were naturally at ease.

"But..." Turning around and glancing at everyone, Tyrrell's eyes and tone were slightly more serious.

"Elders, you must have been very clear in your heart. What does it mean that Elder Wu Fan has not been sent back by the Honesty Order after so long?"

For a moment of silence, the elder angel named Angel took a step forward, struggling with his white beard and long beard to reveal his discouragement.

"We understand that Elder Wu Fan passed the test of honesty. When he comes down, we will not embarrass him."

"Remember to apologize to the monkey."

Standing at the end, Ben Zina whispered a reminder, looked around quickly, fearing that others would find her talking, pretending to be casual.

"Cough, regarding the restoration of the Fountain of Prayer, please take great care of the leader. Be sure to ask Master Michael clearly, otherwise, I am afraid that it will shake the foundation of our family."

"Please rest assured, elders, this time I went to the holy land just for this matter."

With that said, Tyrrell nodded towards the crowd, the wings of light stretched slightly, and took a step forward. Like his status, he used the same method to step around step by step toward the sky, seemingly solemn and slow , But blinked, the glorious figure has stepped into the sky and turned into a small spot.

"Sir Tyrrell is so gentle and careful." Watching the figure, for a long time, younger brother Carlos said with emotion.

Before leaving, I still don’t forget to remind those elder angels, fearing that Brother Wu will be questioned when he returns. Tyrrell’s care for the alliance, human beings, and his own party sometimes makes people doubt that it is an elder angel. Or the Alliance Elder.

"Because of this, it is the leader we have been following, and only it can make Lord Michael completely trust the heaven and give complete trust."

An Jielier sang the woman's accompaniment, Aiwaer nodded in recognition.

Thousands of words can all converge into one sentence.

Five Lords mighty!


I ran all the way down the road, but my four-winged strongman still lost, and I didn't take a step from start to finish.

The God's Ladder is indeed well-deserved, and perhaps the six wings can fight.

No, this is not the time to win or lose.

After returning to God, I found a strange place, surrounded by pure white world, but it can be seen that it is no longer inside the beam of light, but to another place.

The white scenes around them are more like dense white mist than the brilliance of the Holy Light.

How familiar is this situation, is this not the long-lost white dream world? Could it be that I rushed all the way and fell asleep while rushing? This is too nonsense.

Moreover, the most important thing is that there is no such a mysterious and mysterious feeling. In short, the strong breath here is not enough.

Suspicious in my heart, I turned around, this step was taken, and there was no light level, let me thoroughly confirm the speculation that I had left the ladder of God and came to another place.

Having said that, if you pass the ladder of God, isn't it a holy paradise here?

I suddenly woke up, what happened? Five Lords, did you show up to say something, didn't you say that you can go back through the honesty order? Why is it that somehow to clear the customs?

At this moment, I was confused, first I did not know where I was, and secondly I did not know whether I passed the test of the order of honesty. Again, suppose that I passed the test of the order of honesty. I still remember the five levels of courage, justice, wisdom and hope.

Was it all passed by me in one breath?

I don’t lack courage. The nickname of the pig is not fair. I think I’m fairly fair. My gender is fair. The person’s length is fairly correct. At least it’s not crooked.

hope? The dead house is no shortage of hope, maybe it is more appropriate to call fantasy?

There is... there is... well, no, that's all.

So, even a savior like me, it is possible to pass all the tests of the ladder of God. In other words, I might become a god.

Thinking of this possibility, my whole person was shocked. So I turned out to be a god?


Leaning on my lips, I continue to look around. This place should not be the pure white world in my dream. It should be a holy paradise here, but there is a connection between the two, that is, the thick fog that can't see the five fingers.

So, how to go out, I am an expert.

After a blind run, the thick fog gradually faded as I expected, and the visibility was getting higher and higher. I was happy in my heart, speeding up the pace, running, and suddenly a sudden brake.

The mist had dispersed, and a giant giant was in front of me.

It's a huge wall that can't be seen from side to side, but can't see the top.

This magnificent, ancient, incomparably huge stone wall seemed to cut the sky and earth into two halves, which was shocking and prohibitive, wondering where the other end of the wall was and what secrets were hidden.

If there is a wall, there should be a door, maybe the opposite of the door is the Holy Land?

I have no responsibility to guess. There is a huge wall in front of me. I naturally will not try to test the rigidity of the wall. I look up and immediately extinguish my thoughts over the wall, looking for a normal way.

Looking along the giant wall, the door was not found, and then found other interesting things.

That's what is portrayed on the wall.

Unlike angel buildings that generally depict lifelike angel images or solemn ornate reliefs, the carvings on this giant wall are more concise and ancient, just like the ancient atmosphere exuded by the giant wall, perhaps it should be said that... Right? !

Is this a hieroglyph? !

The patterns of different sizes seem to deliberately create a long and vicissitudes of breath, full of mystery and mystery, people seem to understand, unconscious, some fragmented pictures in his mind, solemn, magnificent, vast, and With a trace of sadness that can't explain the unknown, it's like reading a magnificent poem that can't be understood, and made a long dream that can't be recalled.

Happiness, pain, joy, sorrow, peace, dispute, peace, war, flowers, blood, birth, death, hope, despair, tenderness, madness, dearness, hatred... these rough and obscure patterns are written in the mind Innumerable mottled seven emotions and six desires, a picture of all kinds of world.

Unconsciously, I touched my cheek unconsciously, only to find that my fingertips were soaked.

Hey, I mean...what resonates with these weird things, obviously can't understand it at all, just being infected by the breath emitted above it, can't you help yourself?

"Elder Wu Fan..."

Behind him, there was a soft call, like a familiar voice that had traveled from millions of years, woke me up.

Looking back, Wu Ye appeared behind him, standing quietly for some time.

"Ah, sorry, Master Tyrrell, I... I don't know how to do it... I came here... I don't know why... I suddenly shed tears... sorry, I didn't mean it."

I quickly dried my face and explained incoherently.

Could it be a restricted area here? Should I not escape the tears of the bars even if I cleared the suspicions?

"Don't blame you, it's because of me that you came here."

"Is it... is that true? Anyway, as long as you don't blame me, you can do anything. It's an eye-opener. I still saw such a big wall for the first time. It's quite spectacular. , Master Tyrrell, where are we?"

The wet marks on his face were wiped away, and the confused brain finally calmed down a little bit, sobered up a bit, and restored his ability to think.

Hey, is it my illusion? The five lords in front of me... look right, but I always feel that the five lords in peace are a little bit different.

It seems...a little less majestic, mysterious, and more tender than usual.

"Elder Wu Fan, this is the last holy place of our angelic family, the holy paradise." The five masters responded calmly, really it was my illusion. Isn't this the usual five masters?

"Sure enough, it's a holy paradise. It's a little different from what you think, or is it to arrive through this wall?" Seeing Wu Ye didn't blame me for rushing to a place where I shouldn't have come, my curiosity began to rise.

"No need, this is already a paradise, as for this wall..." After a pause, the five masters said word by word.

"Here is the origin of the angelic family."

"Huh, what an important place? I shouldn't have come." I was taken aback, and the bgm, the iron window tears that I just waved away just now, seemed to be looming again.

Even if the Five Lords are not to blame, if Michael Boss knows ~lightnovelpub.net~ I am afraid it will not escape.

"Relax." It seems that through my mind, the five masters can't calmly elaborate a quite surprising fact.

"Perhaps even Lord Michael didn't know about the existence here."

Huh, Huh?

Michael, the ruler of the Holy Land, did not know? Wuye, are you teasing me, right? Take a ten thousand steps back, assuming she doesn't know here, such a place that even the ruler does not know, how do you know the five lords? How did I break in?

This is like a thief entering your house and working with a servant to find an important safe that you don't even know about.

Then again, is it an illusion? It seems that when the five masters mentioned Michael Boss, he didn't pay much respect. It wasn't the fan of Michael Boss...what's the fan? Is it to hide the shameful side of the fan and deliberately put on a cold tone?

Question after question came to my mind one after another, but I dared not ask any of them, and the sixth sense of the man told me that I knew too much about the accident...