Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3711: BOOM!!!

The character of Shuangwei, how to say, I don’t know what attitude to the stranger, if it is a friend relationship, it is still quite righteous, the gentleman’s humility is deeply hidden by a heart of death, of course He will not admit it on his mouth, and will always show a face that is forced to be helpless. The world calls this attribute proud.

So in my opinion, it should be no problem to let it do this little favor. You are a superpower beyond the realm, and you will be hit by the cannon of the **** catapult lord. Can you still lose hair?

At most, the tail is bald... right?

As a result, Shuangwei seemed to have suffered a big grievance. He first turned his face black, then rose red, and finally became sour purple. Without saying a word, he ran away!

It ran away!

I looked at the place where it disappeared, and my face was awkward, and the sudden move of the two tails was one of the ten deluded behaviors I have encountered since I crossed.

If you don't give face, the old group behind you will still be watching. My prestige as a devil is gone.

The thoughts were broken in his heart, and he glanced back secretly. The old group seemed to be still shocked by the majestic body of the hell's trebuchet lord. He didn't notice this scene. Very well, the devil's prestige returned.

I'm gone, I'm here again.

Or...can only my boss come in person?

No, no, too much. Since I was promoted to the four-wing realm, I have never bullied the strong men under the four wings. The targets of the battle are all four. Unlike the devil god, Ugel, the abyss demon god, evil Long Leina, Velas, Sarah, Linya, Tiya, my king, little fox, little ghost.

These high-end players, the little fox is so fast that I can't win. Even after losing, I have to bear the DUBUFF which is getting thinner. It is terrible and frightening.

There is no way to play. You will not play in person. You will never be able to play in person. You can only let the **** slingers sing unicorns.

"Cough!" I coughed softly, and made the elderly group who had lost their knees and chin wake up.

"4...that what 6, what do you mean, show your strongest blow."

"Death Six Wings God Cannon, right." Akara was anxious, and it was too hard for me, my elder.

"Cough, yes, yes, that's what happened."

I tilted my head, hey, is that the name? Is it really so called? It seems pretty good, is this the name I took? Worthy of being my duck, the name of the emperor is well known.

With my order, the nine throwing arms of Hell's Catapult Lord slowly lifted up like a heart-shaped pedestal, and even the violent high-frequency beating continued, sending out terror fluctuations like Lei Ming's war drum, under the pedestal, A large amount of blood donation penetrated and rushed down from the top of the mountain like a waterfall. The whole mountain was instantly impregnated, and the blood vessels spread along the paved blood river, connecting thousands of trebuchets.

In just a few seconds, the **** catapult lord turned all the younger brothers, and even the entire mountain, into a whole, a more terrifying Optimus cannon, nine arm throwing together, condensing A projectile with a diameter of several kilometers, fused with frost flames, thunder and poisonous elements, was ready to fire.

The power of ruining the world can be felt within a hundred miles, not to mention us standing at our feet.

I don't know how the elderly group reacted. Anyway, I swallowed hard.

No wonder... No wonder the two tails admit their counsel, this bluffing power, just seeing, even I have to weigh a few points, can you take it safe and sound.

Having said that, how did Twin Tails know?

Looking back, the elderly group behaved more calmly than I was. The shock was shocked, but the expression on his face was firm. "It should be such momentum and power."

It's so fascinating, when do they know **** trebuchet better than me?

"This... wouldn't it be a problem?" Seeing more and more noisy, Akara stepped forward and said to me with a worried whisper, the meaning of the words, or...

Quick battle? End soon?

That's right, it's time to end soon, let's not say my women's clothes... It's a low-key accustomed to the style of pretense that is not suitable for this high-end atmosphere, even the old group, can't make them shocked and shocked, continue to be so Go on, they should go to work in the UC department.

But where should I launch?

I greatly underestimated the lord of the **** trebuchet, and fell into difficult thinking. I originally wanted to make a random one. As long as I don’t blow it up, I can’t see it. Now I don’t see a big line. This bombing is not affected by it. Ten miles away, in case there is a demon king army training nearby, then the fun will be great.

Or... cast into the bones?

I seemed to be aware of the grievances from the skeletal dragon brother. Forget it, as a last resort, and then consider what better place to consider.


When I clap my palms, isn't there another place that is more appropriate?

Hell trebuchet's original hometown, I have moved them over. The empty hometown is a good target.

"Hi, just go to your previous site." I said.

The next side, including Akala, was dumbfounded. You let the **** trebuchet bomb your own hometown? But it's really a clever ghost.

The key **** trebuchet seems to be quite alive, the elderly group does not know, they are best at blowing their hometown, look at their original site, like the moon's potholes.

The problem is that the original site of the **** trebuchet is separated from here by a bone land and a small piece of **** mountain. The range is not enough.

No problem, I let the **** trebuchet cast safely, boldly, it would be fine if the direction was right.

So the **** trebuchet really dropped. The elemental shells with a diameter of several kilometers raised a parabola and flew out. If nothing happened, they would fall to the bones.

Coincidentally, I was this accident.

The figure disappeared in a flash, and the next second, the bear of thousands of feet appeared in the air, facing the elemental ball larger than himself, a seemingly clumsy and bloated limb with an upside down gold hook, walk you!

The original parabolic element shells turned into a straight line and whistled away under one foot.

Turning back to the main body and returning to the original place, I raised my hand to cover my eyebrows and made a look. I watched the elemental shells fly away and disappeared into the sky, then...

BOOM——————————————————! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The explosive power of language is difficult to express, only a few more dashes and exclamation marks.

However, the position is a bit off, as if accidentally kicking far away, jumping over the **** trebuchet's site.

What is farther away? Remember the Black Stone Territory, the Stone Man Lord’s site, oh, don’t worry, the relationship between the Hell Catcher and Stone Man Lord is not very good for the neighbors, and they usually stand in the range of each other. In addition, I throw you a ball, you throw me a stone, a picture of fun.

It is similar to the two dogs that growl at each other through the iron gate that can drill a cow.

"I don't know if you like this little surprise, the dust of explosion will soon spread here, let's go back as soon as possible." Looking at the already petrified old group, I nodded in satisfaction and felt that it was done. In addition to the task given by the boss of Akara, there is even a bit of exceeding the standard.


Akara smiled at me and asked for credit for a rude gesture.


As we all know, the scoring of competition events is to remove a highest score and a lowest score.

On the way back, there were no more moths. The elderly group walked behind silently, eye contact, eyebrows, swords and shadows, very mysterious, and did not know what to discuss or argue about.

This is not something I have to manage, walking side by side with Akara, casually talking about the latest things. Speaking of this, I used to meet Akara walking from time to time in Camp Rogge, and then just walk for a while, chat for a while, very Relax, since the copy of **** has been opened, there is no such time and opportunity at all. I can’t help but sigh, lamenting the time, not the past.

I'm probably already a mature savior.

"Do you have any thoughts or plans for the next?" Talking to the old man, you can't avoid talking about your future, and Akara is no exception.

I scratched my head in distress: "The improvement in strength now is not as obvious as before."

Lying trough, you all have four wings and want to lift like the previous rocket? I'm afraid it will be God in another 20 years?

I seemed to feel the vomiting behind me~lightnovelpub.net~ I looked back doubtfully and found that the old group was still making eye contact, and it seemed that I didn't hear my dialogue with Akara at all, and I was not afraid of the eyes cramp.

"In terms of skill moves, it has also entered a bottleneck period." I turned around and continued to complain.

"This is also something that can't be done. Compared with the Big Seven, the biggest disadvantage is that the time is too short. If it can be steadily cultivated for 10,000 years, I am afraid there will be no hell."

"Grandma Akara, you can win the prize. I might live 10,000 years." I smiled modestly and shyly.

"Actually, another ten years is enough."

Akara: "???

"It's a pity that it's been less than a year."

"What are you going to do? Or am I thick with this old face, and then ask Lord Tyrrell to see if I can help?"

"I've just been there for the Angels, and Master Tyrrell has no secrets. Lifting the four wings is not an easy task. I'm afraid that the adult can't help."

I shook my head and said, "So, I want to go to the Dragon Park again to see if I can find a new way."

"Just know what you have in mind. I'm old and your strength has reached a level that no one can imagine. I can't help you any more in this regard. The next step is all on your own." Ah Carla sighed, quite pleased to see the fledglings turning into wings.

The old group behind him listened, and it was a different feeling.

EXO? Dragon Paradise? !

When we sold low-priced three-day Southeast Asian tours in the circle of friends and were locked in the store and forced to consume 100 durians before leaving, were you already thinking about returning to the hometown of M78 Nebula? !

. . .


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