Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3901: Dream change

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"In other words, this test is to have a dream, right." I started to understand everything gradually, and the SAN value didn't drop, which is great.

"You can say so." This is obviously a concession that takes care of my IQ.

"What kind of dream did Aalto two months ago have?"

A dream can pass the test. Is there such a good thing? Wait, it doesn't seem to be a good thing. Suddenly, there is a feeling of empathy in my body. It seems that where I have been pitted by such a good thing, whether it is not long ago or it feels that it has been a long time, it was not too long ago.

"I don't know, Ben Ang doesn't know!"

"I think you are too lazy to explain to me!"

"Woo Li, you dare to talk to Ben Ang like this, you're the first one!" Xiaobudian Wang raised his toothpick sword, showing his ill-will.

But before I begged for mercy, she suddenly put down the toothpick sword again, giving people a feeling that today's weight is enough, and it doesn't feel like I've worked hard.

Thank you so much for working hard to stab my Baihui point.

"Actually, what the mount said was right. Ben Ang didn't bother to explain to the mount, so he said that, because the mount is too stupid and it's very troublesome to explain!"

"You are also the first person who dared to be so arrogant to me." My eyes sank, trying to show a dark smile.

"Ben Ang likes to be the first one."

"In fact, it's not the first one. There are so many people who dare to be so presumptuous to me." I meowed a glance at the maid of Huang Duan, and had to expose this cruel fact that undermined the majesty of my savior in order to fight against the king.

"Then Benang will be more presumptuous, and must be the first!"

"Very well, you can be so presumptuous under presumptuous circumstances, you are the first one, let's end this topic, how about Altria’s dream?"

I feel that I am the idiot who put his head in the big lion's mouth and angered the other party and said that you dare to take a bite. Not to mention that the holy moon and the wolf have only one tail, even nine tails are not enough for me to be so bad.

Hey, I actually remembered the setting that Shengyuexian Wolf has a tail?

The King of Little Dot didn't play a dumb puzzle with me this time, and pointed directly behind me: "Go ask Jeruka, she knows better."


"Cough cough, don't dare to be." The little maid folded her hands three points below the front umbilicus, her posture was straight, her mouth was modest, but her expression was "yes, it's underneath" proud expression.

what? Why do I know the position of the belly button of the maid of Huang Duanzi? I said you guys, is it always weird to focus on?

"Then you don't hurry up and tell me." Seeing that the little maid is arrogant, it just happens that the little maid is here, and can suppress her arrogance, so I arrogantly took out the master's posture.

"Sorry, you should wait for your majesty to wake up and tell your majesty personally. I think this would be better."

"You..." I gritted my teeth angrily. This little maid didn't put my master in his eyes at all. She was afraid that she wanted to take three consecutive years of maternity leave, right?

"After all, this is your majesty's dream, and it is related to your majesty's greatest dream. As a servant, how can you tell the privacy of your master to others without authorization, even your majesty."

"Ben Ang thinks that Zeluka is right. The mount is too reckless, so I think it's owing to Zhou Da."

"Okay... okay." Lian Xiaobudian Wang said. I feel that I am really too impulsive. Even if it is a husband and wife relationship, I still have the right to privacy. How can I rashly ask others, it is her loyal maid.

"No, you guy asked me to ask Jeluka!"

I was blaming myself. I suddenly reacted and flung my teeth and claws towards the king. The little thing yelled at the mount and turned upside down, and the mount betrayed it. At the same time, as if it had won a battle, it triumphantly raised its toothpick and sword and fled quickly.

Hey, don't come back, or it will make you look good!

Facing the back of King Arthur who was escaping, I compared my fist and issued a weak threat. I turned my head and my eyes fell on my king again.

Her eyelids trembled and she felt like she was about to wake up, but in the end she just turned her face to the other side, frowning, as if she was having a nightmare.

The maid of Huang Duanzi next to her was sitting next to my king, and she pulled up the cloak that she had slipped a while ago because of turning her head. She kept sitting like this, she couldn't help much, just I just want to be by her side like this.

Upon seeing this, I suppressed everything I wanted to say, and also learned from the maid of Huang Duan. Sitting on the other side of my king, with my back leaning against the tree, shoulders to shoulders, buttocks moved slightly, her profile is very natural. It knocked on my shoulder.

The brief hustle and bustle returns to tranquility, just like the endless lake, with occasional ripples, always like a mirror.

I haven't read this kind of peace for a long time. Before I knew it, I closed my eyes and fell into a sleepy sleep. I was still thinking about it before going to bed. I wonder if I can get a glimpse of Altria's dreamland?

It turns out that I was thinking about Taozi. Xiaobudian Wang has already said that Altria's test has ended, which means that her dream is also over. At this time, it is probably just adjustment and rest after the test.

A little nap from dreams is about midnight. If the time here is normal with the outside world, it should be about the same.

Altria has undergone some bad changes, perhaps her condition has been declining while I was asleep, and when I noticed it, her condition has changed from quantitative to qualitative.

She couldn't see the slightest clue on the outer skin of the body, but she began to twitch, the pain on her face even made her normally majestic face twisted, and her hands were weakly grasping something.

At this moment, Altria looks like a helpless drowning person. The deep soul link allows me to vaguely feel her spirit, her soul, under the complex and desperate explosive emotions. , Is gradually sinking into the bottomless, dark deep sea.

Her hands seemed to have caught something suddenly, and she was holding on tightly, but in my opinion, she was so scared that she almost lost her soul. What she grabbed was her neck, and she was choking herself tightly.

"Altria!" I yelled, firmly grasping her wrist, and prying her fingers apart one by one, the frightened Jeruka also came over to help, somehow stopped Altriya's self-harm. behavior.

It shouldn't be long before, but it seemed to me that I had gone through a battle of life and death. Altria finally calmed down, or it should be said, because of the excessive emotional fluctuations, the body and mind could not bear it, and he fell into a coma again.

As people said, the pain passed out, but what she experienced was obviously deeper spiritual and soul pain and torment.

Squeezed a bit, King Arthur suddenly appeared in front of us.

"What exactly is going on?!"

For a short time, I held Alto, who was wet and sweaty as if he had just been fished out of a lake, and stared at the little thing in front of me.

"This king has said before that she has not completely passed the test."

In anxious panic, I didn't notice that King Arthur's tone changed a little.

"You have to explain more clearly, what exactly is this? What does it mean that the test has been completed, but it is not completed and passed, what does it mean?!"

"She has completed the test this king gave her, but the test she set for herself has not yet been completed."

Little King Arthur lifted up the immature cartoon face with the words Majesty as Prison, which made me open my mouth, but there was no way to say a word.

"You can't help her, and no one can help her. Whether she can pass her own heart barrier, she can only rely on herself. In the final analysis, she shouldn't have to accept the third test at this time. She has insufficient strength and insufficient realm. Choosing to forcefully challenge the test, she should be prepared to endure ten times the suffering. The current suffering is the inevitable result of her own choice, and she can't blame anyone."

Hearing what King Arthur said, my heart suddenly became angry: "Even if you don’t treat Altria as a friend, at least she is your heir, and you know that the reason why Alto made this choice is really compelling. Even if you can't change anything and can't do anything, I beg you, can you be tactful? What is the indifference of the bystander?"



Silently staring at each other for a few seconds, the little King Arthur turned around and jumped a few times, his figure has disappeared, leaving only a cold word.

"This king has always been like this, and there is no need to explain it to anyone."

"His Royal Highness!" Jeluka firmly grasped my cloak, for fear that I would catch up with King Arthur.

"You have misunderstood Lord Arthur. She has been by your Majesty's side these days, and this time, Lord Arthur is very kind to us and guides us so that we can find this place. That lord is just... just not good at it. Communicate, and...and..."

"And what?"

"And ~lightnovelpub.net~ may be my illusion that the adult's emotions have not been stable recently. Perhaps it is because of this that he said those words. It is definitely not that he doesn't care about your Majesty."

"Emotionally unstable?" I thought about coming here, King Arthur did look something wrong, hesitating and hiding, as if there was something terrible here that she couldn't let go of.

What's up, isn't it like I am the bad guy? Obviously that little fault.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and try to sort out the clues.

"What do you know? What have I experienced here? Has Altria ever experienced this situation before?"

"No, no, before this, Your Majesty has been in a coma. This is the first time I have encountered it." The little maid hadn't fully recovered yet, her heart was lingering, she looked terrified and fearful.

"As for the remaining questions... I can only tell your Majesty that we have also entered your Majesty’s dream and experienced some things with your Majesty. However, I don’t know why your Majesty has become like this, perhaps because we are not completely Experience your majesty’s dream."

"you guys?"

"Yes, we inheritors have all entered your majesty's dream, and...together, we have experienced many things together."

As he said this, Jeruka's face showed a bit of vicissitudes, just like the strangeness I felt when I saw her before.

Being able to come out, she has indeed experienced a lot in Altria's dream, it may even be a long time.

Suddenly, I realized, I said, why there are strange and unspeakable empathy. Isn't this very similar to the test dream I experienced?

. . .


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