Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3902: Promised Land

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Seeing that Jeruka didn't want to go any further, I had no choice but to give it up. It seems that I still have to wait for my king to wake up to know the truth of the dream of desire.

Looking at this useless maid, I sighed, even if I had experienced it in a dream, it was still so useless. As a result, there was no way for my king's current situation.

"Will the other knights know more?"

It suddenly occurred to me that, for example, the capable sister of the unused maid is very nice. In all aspects, maybe even my illusion and prejudice, she can be an extra Snickers compared to the normal version of the sister. Version.

"No, because it was my last dream to leave your Majesty. They don't know more than me."

"How come you are the last to leave, is there any mechanism in it?"

I was taken aback, no. At this time, I should think backwards. Generally speaking, the stronger the ability, the more able to persist to the end. But conversely, the maid Huang Duanzi was the weakest, so she was well protected to the end. Instead, she was the last. It is not impossible for one to leave, and this element seems to be quite popular recently.

Thinking of this, I gave up to the maid Huang Duanzi who just wanted to explain: "Forget it, I probably understand, you don't need to explain it anymore."

Geluka: "..."

Fiddled with the bonfire silently, she picked out a piece of charcoal that was not slipping away, then broke the branches into a handful, as many as possible, and finally smashed the charcoal into ashes.

I understand again, the charcoal is me, and the branches are horses.

Now that such a threat is completely painless or itchy, how can my Prince of Beasts be trampled to death by dozens of horses? That has to be increased by at least one trillion times.

Her gaze fell on my king again. She passed out into a coma and escaped from the mental pain. Under the shining orange fire light, she was a little softer than before, revealing a weak girl's temperament.

However, she should be able to make it through, right, Mr. Lu Xun once said that anything that can't beat us will only make us stronger. Although she doesn't know what happened to her, she has survived the first place. Bo, according to the protagonist's halo law, should be able to turn the danger into a breeze.

After all, until now, I can only comfort myself with this statement if I can't help much.

"No." I stood up suddenly.

"Take care of Altria. Call me right away if you have anything to do. I'll go to see King Arthur. I still have to apologize to her."

"I also think that your Highness is wrong. It's better to apologize earlier."

"Although I think you are right, your statement itself is not right." I glared. Is this what the maid said to the master? Be presumptuous, be polite to me!

"If Your Highness can come back alive, I will apologize."

"No, why should I apologize, why can't I come back alive?" I was shocked.

"If it were the former Lord Arthur, probably, I can only speak to the head of His Royal Highness now." The little maid said vaguely.

"No, aren't you talking to my head now? Could it be that I can still speak to you with my butt?"

"Probably, I can only mutter to myself to the head of His Highness's stubbornness now."

"Don't add it, bastard, do you think I don't understand? We can't be more sunny. Is it so difficult to create a dialogue atmosphere that children can accept? Isn't it good for all ages to sell it?!"

"Yeah, I understand, I understand. Children like to listen to the story of the Duke of Beasts. All ages are just around the corner." The little maid nodded her head with joy, and she agreed and agreed, but she said that she was heartbroken. words.

"Farewell." I bowed my hand and decided that I would break off my relationship with this too poisonous fake drug dealer for one night.

It's really shameful. When I was acting as a hidden mysterious businessman in Lu Gaoyin, I was not deceived. Two-cent medicine was sold for one price. With this sincerity, the little fox looked at him differently. How could I follow such a shameful Where's the maid.

I don’t know where little Arthur has gone, maybe I haven’t ran here yet, so I can only follow the direction she left... No, it’s just a touch of water, flying and flying, I don’t know how long it’s been, maybe Is it my sincerity that touched the king? Gradually, another outline appeared in the mist of the lake.

When I got closer, I realized that it turned out to be back to the place where the dream started.

No, it's not right, it can be said that the dream started, but not exactly.

The tree in the middle of the lake and the grassland just blocked by the shade are exactly the same. I even suspect that the number of grasses growing on it is exactly the same.

After all, what can be happier in this world than A plus C plus V? If it is true, then the answer can only be to remove one of them.

This is a green area in the lake without Altria.

Under the tree, there is a circle smaller than Teddy, and looks like a lonely and poor little King Arthur like an abandoned cub.

"Master King Arthur."

I cleared my throat, and I was about to perform a trick of a neon friend. Maybe even the Big Seven could be forgiven. After all, it was the fault of the Big Seven before bowing, and the new life after bowing to me. What do the Big Seven do?

"Needless to say."

Invincible's spellcasting was interrupted unexpectedly. It's not good. Is the crow's mouth of the maid Huang Duanzi going to be fulfilled?

"Ben Ang knows that you only care about it and you are messy."

Oh oh oh!

"Ben Ang is also at fault. You shouldn't vent the grievances in your heart to you."

Oh oh oh oh oh!

If it weren't for the little King Arthur who was pulling my hair while stabbing my Baihui while saying this, I would really believe that she was an enlightened and benevolent monarch.

Very good, it is the legendary king of the tyrant who kills people at every turn. That's right, she can't be underestimated because she is a miniature.

I wiped a handful of gurgling blood from my forehead, and lifted the almost vented Xiaobudian Wang from the top of my head.

"Okay, we should talk about business."

"Ben Ang doesn't know what you're talking about, Ben Ang doesn't know what business I want to talk to you." Xiaobudian Wang denied Erlian.

"Lying, you made me come here, right."

That's right, I didn't find King Arthur, but King Arthur asked me to find it. If she doesn't want to see me, I've been around here for a hundred years, and I may not be able to find it here.

"It's not right, it's not right!"


It's really meowing, and it's completely impossible to deal with this kind of unreasonable guy who killed him.

Squeezing a little smile, I tried to make myself look more sincere.

"Master King Arthur, I know you have secrets in your heart. Can't even such a loyal mount as me tell these secrets?"

I know that most of the strong have similar problems. I have seen too many human natures of all shapes and colors. They are full of vigilance and distrust of the same kind, and the loneliness and emotions that have nowhere to vent, and finally gave them to the mounts or Pets, trusting unreservedly, like to tell them everything about themselves.

Unfortunately, I also have this problem. I also like to talk to the horse freely when riding, and tell some secrets that I can't usually tell, such as the secret plan of Akara. It has a long span of time and great strength. , The impact is far-reaching, a conspiracy that ordinary people simply can't imagine.

Even many times, I can't help but roar.

Can you imagine what kind of expression the horse showed after hearing these conspiracies and after hearing my real roar?

Of course, it also depends on the specific situation and specific analysis. Sometimes this horse will be replaced by a dog. It is a trick of changing the soup without changing the medicine. It is not worth mentioning. In the end, it will end up with a deep and classic [knowledge] The more horses, the more I like Jeluka] as the ending.

Finally, it should be marked at the end—from the quotations of the Duke of Beasts. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

The topic is far off. In short, I think I can find sympathy with King Arthur. Her current state is not quite right. The sixth sense told me that maybe she needs a person to talk to to vent some kind of melancholy or unwillingness in her heart. , Resentment, regret, everything is good, just vent it.

I always apologize, but my true identity is Rogge’s number one warm man...

Carlos: That's right, it's under.

Cough cough cough, in fact, my true identity is Rogge's second warmest man, uh, uh, or good, the first to die early, bah.

"The mount is exuding suspicious aura!" Little Arthur was obviously not willing to accept my uninvited male girlfriend, even spitting blood.

"Hey~lightnovelpub.net~ Since you don't want to say, then I'm leaving, don't bother, and go back to see Altria." Warm man can't do it, so let's be my Roger Cunning man.

"sit down."

I subconsciously sat down cross-legged, and suddenly realized that my sitting position happened to coincide with Altria. I subconsciously moved my butt, and then patted the position I had just moved to signal King Arthur to come over. Mr. Lu Xun said yes. The dead fellow is not dead and poor. I have been imprisoned for a thousand years. If I want to play, it's time for Mud Meng to play.

Perhaps he was aware of my sinister intentions, little King Arthur did not take my actions at all, and jumped directly on top of his head.

Well, no problem, I am a mount.

There was a good silence. I thought she was brewing, but I didn't expect to wait, when there was a subtle, familiar snoring bubbling over my head.

No need to look, I can also clearly outline in my mind what Little Arthur looks like now—cross-legged, chest-crowded, and sleepy.

"You said it!" I angrily lifted my soul coffee table.

"I don't know where to start at all. It's too much trouble, so I don't want to talk about it at all, I won't talk about it!"

What a self-defeating king, it seems that I can only give a little guidance.

"So, how about starting from the name of this place? I can see that it shouldn't be called the Lake of Wish, right."

There was another long silence. When I began to wonder if she pinched her nose and started to fall asleep, a sound came from the top of her head.

"For other people, there is nothing special here, and there is no need to name them specially, but in the king's heart, it is, here is..."

After a pause, the immature and deep contradictory voice became dreamy, as if it had spanned thousands of years.

"Initially, the Promised Land."

. . .


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