Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3980: It's snowing season again

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I don’t know why, when they were in the alliance, Lena and Linya were Akara’s designated successors. Although they often bickered and joked about me, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the relationship between the two was very good, and they were not sisters. Better than a sister.

As a result, they have become real sisters here, and the relationship is no more than an alliance. They reveal each other's weaknesses without holding back. At first glance, they seem to be a bit like plastic sisters. Could this be a variant version of beauty created by distance—beauty produced by differences in blood?

Anyway, I can't agree with it, which one to choose between the godsister and the real sister?

Fortunately, the bickering between the two stopped after I interrupted it. After all, the future is long, the strength is the same, and the IQ is similar. what? We are already members of Veras, and our fate here is over, so we can only be husband and wife (brother and sister) after we go back.

"Huh?" Lena and Linya, who were checking the accounts, Qi Qi glanced over here, and I was sweating coldly, and slowly collapsed on the sofa, trying to block the inexplicable gaze with the tea table and cups .

What a fat thing, it's all an illusion, how can these people still read minds? There is still no way out.

"Brother Ang, why don't you come over and take a look? Be careful that Lena is hurting the public and private, and use your money to buy the murderer." Linya waved at me who was in the shape of a salted fish.

"Take it, just take it." I kept moving my buttocks to the corner, blew bubbles in the teacup with my face bent down, and looked for ants on the ground with my eyes. I responded casually.

Although it is true that Rogge is the third stingy person, but it is also divided into objects. If it is Lena, let alone a small amount of money, even if she sells me, I will be happy to count the money for her.

"You're welcome, you can buy whatever you want, if you can't carry it, you can ask me for help."

It doesn't feel right to wave your big hand so consciously and proudly. Wait, did Linya say something terrible just now?

"Buy evil? What do you want?"

"Kidnapping Brother Ang." Linya Xiaonizi's eyes turned into crescent moons.

"What are you kidnapping me for?"

"Tie Brother Ang to a place where no one can find him, and live in a world of two."

"No, Lena is your sister after all, can you accumulate some virtue, right Lena...it's not Lena, why do you have to show an emotional expression!"

"Brother, if I really kidnap you, will you forgive me?" Lena asked without answering, with a serious expression on her face, which gave me a little something to say.

"Forgive me, as long as it's you, I can forgive you." I squeezed a cold sweat, the first is the issue of principle, and the second is the issue of safety: "But I know, Lena must be joking with my brother, right? "

"Of course, how could I kidnap my brother?"

Lena smiled sweetly, like a bright spring, a hundred flowers blooming, the ice and snow melted, my little heart almost melted from the smile, and I wanted her to kidnap me, and go to a place where no one is around to live a shameless life together .

Suppressing my beating heart, I lay on the sofa with my buttocks pouted and turned my back to the girl. I pretended to be impatient and waved my hand: "Hurry up and check, there are other things to do when it's over, and the accounts are correct. It doesn’t matter if it’s not right, the main thing is to use it in the right place, such as buying bags, buying fierce things, etc.”

Listening to the melodious laughter of the newly promoted sister Hua Pu Chi Pu Chi, I covered my face and sighed, alas, I am good at everything, but I am too honest, sometimes I can't control my mouth.

It was originally a cumbersome job, and ordinary people may not be able to do it well even if they give it a whole day. However, the two girls are very capable and have a good understanding. Hours, before a pot of tea can be finished, it's over there.

"Okay, Brother Wu."

"Have you finished checking? Thank you for your hard work. Come on, let me make you a cup of tea." I didn't ask the result, it was a meaningless question.

"Brother Ang, don't make trouble, we should go."

"Are you in that hurry?"

"Extremely urgent." Linya emphasized her tone.

"Then... Lena, let's go out for a walk together, staying in the office is not good for your health."

Lena's gaze lingered on Linya for a few seconds, revealing a faint smile. Those lively eyes seemed to see through a lot.

"There's still some work to do. Besides, I can't go out with my brother in my state."

She patted the wheelchair under her body and said with a smile, "You should have come here by bicycle, right?"

"Okay." I was a bit reluctant, and turned around every step of the way: "Then go to my house for dinner tonight. It's agreed. I'll ask Vilas to cook a few more dishes."

After receiving Lena's nod and agreement, Linya and I took our leave.

"What's next?" I stretched, feeling that I had completed a job, but I didn't have much sense of accomplishment, so I drank tea and soy sauce the whole time.

So this is the way for Princess Red and White to survive? Love love love.

"Next..." Xiao Nizi drew her tone, as if she was planning some small calculation.

"Next, let's take a break."

"Okay, good rest. I've finished a big project. It's time for a break. After the break, go out for lunch and take a nap. It's time for tea at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Touching fish is like me, saying this doesn't require a brain at all, it's just an instinctive reaction.

Sometimes if you think about it carefully, it’s fine in the Dark Continent. At least with the gimmick of a savior, you can deceive some ignorant girls, but in this fantasy world, if it is not forcibly set, outstanding girls like Linya and Veras , What is it about me that you like?

No morals?

"Then let's rest for a while."

As if she had expected my reaction, Linya was not surprised. Unlike my fake lazy waist, she was indeed a little tired. After all, her body was too burdened, her waist was sore, and her shoulders were even more sore.

The pupils followed her lazy waist, up and down in the eye sockets, up and down, up and down, bling bling, like a spring that has been greatly compressed, I said casually.

"Then we go back?"

While talking, Linya stopped at the door of the manager's office. She didn't seem to hear what I was saying. She opened the door on her own, entered the room and turned right, and collapsed on the sofa, as if she had returned to her own home. very.

Is there such a possibility that Linya is actually the owner here?

"Brother Wu, what are you doing standing there at the door?"

After recovering, Linya called me in, took out the mug skillfully, and made coffee.

Eh? I obviously didn't see anything before, where is it hidden?

Sure enough, this little girl knows better than me.

"Have a cup?" She shook the coffee can.

"No." I was full from tea just now, and I don't like coffee, especially instant ones.

"Did you have breakfast, drinking coffee on an empty stomach is not good."

"I ate it, but I can have some more."

"And some biscuits, sweet or salty?"


Sitting on the side, watching Linya eat a few cookies, drink a cup of coffee, and make a second cup.

"Didn't sleep well last night?" I was a little worried.

"Well, I had a nightmare."

"What kind of nightmare?"

"I dreamed that Brother Angkor got married, and the bride was not me. I sat on the chairman of the wedding ceremony and drank a box of Tiandiyihao in one breath."


This nightmare seemed a little too real, and the picture popped up in my mind instantly.

"Is Brother Wu tired?"

"Ah? Oh, it's okay." I was a little confused by Lin Ya's shaking. This topic is too jumpy.

"click it once?"

"That feeling is good."

So, Linya and I handed over our backs to each other at the same time.

After a few seconds of silence, I obediently turned around and rubbed Linya's shoulders.

"Hmm, obviously I lost my memory, but my technology is better than before." A soft moan came out of her nasal cavity, Linya squinted her eyes, and sipped her coffee lightly with her lips, acting like a queen.

"Probably because I forgot some things, so I can focus more on other more important things."

"Massage is very important to Angkor? Uh-huh, that's it, I understand."


I always feel that if I talk to you at this time, I will definitely be molested by Linya, so I chose to remain silent.

Linya also seemed to be tired, her eyelashes fluttered and closed, as if she was not asleep, and the coffee in the cup stayed at the same level for a long time, like a cocoon.

After a long time, she let out a long breath, her lips parted slightly, as if she was talking in her sleep.

"Obviously... It's obviously me first. When I was very young, I had already held a wedding with Brother Ang. Do you still remember Brother Ang?"


"So, in the dream, I felt very confused and sad. I was obviously married, why... is Brother Ang married again?"


This damned illusion!

I cursed secretly in my heart, to be reasonable, since it is an illusion, it doesn't matter if you mess around at all, just find an excuse, playful reasons, just fool around, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, it doesn't matter if you close your eyes and pretend to be a fool, who can not meeting?

However, even if it is an illusion, because it is Linya, even if she is a fake Linya, I don't want to be fooled. It's not that I can't pass her level, but I can't pass my own level.

"Actually... I'm also confused. Why do outstanding girls like Linya and Vilas fall in love with a worthless guy like me here?"

"Really, Brother Wu used this kind of question to change the subject again." Linya put down her cup and turned around, her sky blue eyes were close at hand, like a pair of natural and flawless sapphires, clear and mysterious, exuding With a deep and charming light.

"However, for the sake of Brother Ang's amnesia, I will repeat the answer again."

Looking at each other, Linya seemed to be reciting a declaration of love at the wedding: "I have been Angkor's bride since the wedding when I was a child. Perhaps for Angkor, it was a play. home, but for me, it was the only wedding in my life."

"Ah, I always feel that your words are a bit hurtful. You like me because of the wedding, not because my people like me."

"I want to change the subject again, Brother Ang is really, it hasn't changed at all." With a flick on the forehead, Lin Ya easily saw through me.

"Don't get the order wrong arbitrarily. Marry because you like it, not because you like it because you get married."

"But at that time, after all, I was a child who didn't know much about the world, and liking someone's feelings should be similar to liking candy, right?"

I weakly argued.

"Maybe it's like this, Brother Ang's thoughts are closer to normal people."

Lin Ya looked sad, and silently took out a piece of candy from her pocket: "Does Brother Ang still remember this kind of candy?"

"I remember, I used to eat it when I was young, but it should be hard to see now." I recognized at a glance that when I was young, for us, even this kind of candy that can only provide the cheapest sweetness is a rare delicacy.

Now, if it is not through online shopping, this kind of sugar can probably only be seen in remote rural canteens.

Linya peeled off the cheap wrapping paper, and gently put the candy into her mouth: "However, this kind of candy is my favorite."

She smiled sweetly and looked at me with an unshakable firmness and stubbornness in her eyes.

I don’t like it easily, and I don’t know how to give up~lightnovelpub.net~Sometimes, I think so. "Containing sugar, Lin Ya's words were a little vague: "If I didn't know that Brother Ang was stupid, I really doubted Brother Ang's motive for choosing Vilas. "


"Could it be because of Vilas's gentle heart that can accommodate everything, even though I know that I like Brother Ang, I know that we may... like this!"

Unexpectedly, the girl's beautiful face suddenly approached, and the lips first tasted the bitter taste of coffee, then cheap saccharin, and finally, they were all replaced by the girl's refreshing sweetness.

After a long time, the smell of the girl quietly left, leaving only shy panting in the air.

Pursing her lips, the tip of her tongue quickly passed over her lips, trying to forcefully conceal her shyness, Linya showed suspicion.

"Brother Ang, could it be that he chose Vilas because he wanted everything?"

. . .