Diablo Destruction

v2 Chapter 3981: really mind blowing

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Originally, originally.

In this wonderful atmosphere, I shouldn't think about it, let alone say it.

If you want to be a complete scumbag, and make some substantial progress with Linya, you should say something sweet, you are all my wings, I can't guarantee that you will be sure, but the success rate is still quite high, after all, under Linya's In the solidified cognition, we were also married.

If you want to develop steadily and make a great contribution to the morality, law, and public order and good customs of the society, you should take the opportunity to change the topic, pick up my beloved elite handle, and invite Linya to play a passionate beach volleyball game.

But ah, everyone should know who I am and my bohemian character, so don't waste too much saliva on introducing me, right?

So, when I heard that Linya doubted the sincere and pure love between me and Veras, I couldn't bear it anymore, and I pinched her soft, smooth and pretty face from behind.

Tsk, is that how it feels? Can't compare to my sister-in-law.

"Comrade Linya, speaking of this, a small question suddenly popped up in my mind."

Staring at those sapphire eyes, I questioned.

"Why do you always like to arrange for me to elope with Alice? Do you have some kind of motivation, for example... I really hope, or even encourage me to do so, so that Alice can take the lead in charging and break Vilas' defense line, so that I can confidently intervene? And come in—my sister-in-law can do it, why can't my childhood sweetheart do it?"

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is the case. I broke out in a cold sweat on my forehead, and the woman was scheming. It was really terrible. Our gentle and kind puppy is the best, and will never get involved in those intrigues.

Lin Ya's breath was slightly suffocated, and then she showed a sly smile: "You can even see this kind of thing, Brother Ang is not stupid occasionally."

How dare you shamelessly admit it?

And also put on a fearless posture that I am wrong and I am right, do you really think I will not be angry?

Eh, that's right, I won't.

Linya's overly honest response made me lose interest in the conversation for a moment...or courage is fine. She leaned her upper body and collapsed on the sofa, wishing to become a slime and completely blend into every velvet hole .

This world...is too real, the real one is incompatible with the one over there, which makes me at a loss what to do.

Over there, most people’s resentment towards me, the savior, is that they robbed the goddess of their dreams, but they have never expressed their dissatisfaction with the number. After all, it is such a world. Although there are many strong women, they even occupy the highest position. position, the strongest position, such as Akara, Raphael, and Artoria.

But the objective fact is that, looking at the entire alliance, men still account for the majority in dangerous industries, the death rate is high, and the ratio of men to women is imbalanced. Monogamy naturally does not meet the pace of development.

There is no such thing as Nanquan Nvquan. In such a cruel world, all systems are born for the purpose of survival and reproduction.

If you put it here, it won't work at all. Others don't care if you married his goddess or not. He only cares about how many you married, and then backhandedly, report bigamy, and give you a two-year free food and housing package.

To put it bluntly, it's not my fault, nor anyone else's fault, let alone the girls' fault, it's the world that is wrong!

"Brother Ang, you are escaping from reality again."

Linya was talking, and she also lay down on her side. There was no room for the two of them to lie down on a sofa. Half of her body was squeezed, and her body and mind were completely wrapped by the softness and fragrance of the girl, which made my head dizzy.

I gave her a blank look: "What else can I do if I don't run away? Could it be that my clever childhood sweetheart can give me advice?"

"Well, it's not impossible." Xiao Nizi was half lying on her chest, looking down at me, with her head tilted, cute and lustful.

"Please enlighten me."

"What about immigration?"

"Wow, wow."

"You see, as soon as I tried it, Brother Ang revealed his true nature."

"Otherwise what do you ask me to do, who made you all so good."

"Well, I finally said a nice word, and there is a reward." When I said it was a reward, I thought there was some huge benefit, but it turned out that my nose lightly twitched.

I don't even know the setting, how far this little girl and I have been sneaking without telling Willas, whether our bodies have cheated, and I dare not think about it in zero-distance contact. In just one morning, there have been hundreds of violent collisions. Down, the negative distance contact is very hanging.

What, did your heart cheat?

Laughed, it is impossible for a cheating man to have a heart.

Seeing that both the atmosphere and the body position are a bit ambiguous, it seems that I can go a little bit deeper, I dare not try my best, the most important thing is, I can't let go of the idea of ​​live broadcasting in my mind, as if there is always a camera facing me, and I am restrained.

Otherwise, do you think that a worthless guy like me can resist the drill press of the little ghost sister-in-law? I'm afraid I have even thought of the name of the third child.

Thinking of this, I shivered, dodging Linya who was getting closer and closer, rolling like a lazy donkey on the sofa, and escaped the terrifying threat of dribbling into someone.

"Ahem, have you rested enough?"

I pretended to look at my wrist, I don’t have a watch, it doesn’t matter, I still have a dog tag, check the time, my God, it’s almost ten o’clock, it’s time for lunch!

Xiao Nizi's eyes were a bit resentful, but she didn't seem surprised that I would act like this. It seems that in terms of setting, I'm still pretty... Ah bah, I'm quite an upright gentleman. In the face of temptation, he can still persist in his loyalty to Vilas.

I think it should be tempered by my sister-in-law. In terms of setting... ahem!

"I don't care. I'm tired. If you want to go, go first." She was lying on the sofa playing tricks, such a rare side, I couldn't help but smile, and sat down again, not daring to get too close.

Said: "Then I will wait for you."

As he said, he took out his mobile phone and was about to gallop in the blue sea and blue sky again. All the girls here are like Lin Ya, with a big heart, and the fragrance of milk tea filling the screen, I like it very much.

Oh, why did a file fall on the ground, it looks so pitiful alone.

"Come here." Seeing that I ignored the beautiful woman and wanted to play a game, Linya raised her brows in dissatisfaction, sat up and pointed in front of her.

"I won't." I weakly moved my **** back: "Grandma said that when a man and a woman live in the same room, the man must suffer losses."

Xiao Nizi was amused, she took out the account book from her chest and patted her palm, and let out a cute hum from her nostrils.

In the next second, I seemed to see myself and Vilas in a snowy day wearing thin, patched clothes, wrapped in a worn-out blanket, embracing each other in a discarded cardboard box to keep warm.

The sister-in-law is responsible for the light.

Shocked all over, I threw the phone aside, what is there to gallop in the blue sea and blue sky, my Linya is the most majestic brilliance.

Twisting his buttocks violently, he moved to Linya and looked at her eagerly.

Showing off her prestige, Xiao Nizi stuffed the ledger back contentedly, stretched her waist lazily, and when my eyeballs were about to bulge and fall, she lay down and pillowed on my lap.

Rubbing the sore eye sockets, who said that beautiful women are seductive? Being with Linya is a lot of trouble. Which one will split first, my cornea or her bandage, is a problem.

"I'm going to rest, don't move." Linya gave me a fierce look, and it was obvious that she was a little bit reluctant, and her pretty face was almost familiar.

"Okay, okay." I looked and touched the phone, as we all know, there is more than one light, I want them all.

"Don't play with your phone!"

"Okay, okay, just tell me what I can do." I was extremely wronged.

"Just look at me." Linya's face was full of flavor.

I looked at Linya obediently.

"I told you not to move." After a while, Linya opened her eyes.

"I didn't move...no, I did, but I really didn't."

According to Linya's instructions, I kept staring at her, from top to bottom, and from bottom to top, my eyes were ups and downs, like riding a roller coaster.

All I can say is, it's frustrating.

Lin Ya seemed to understand, and sat up like a spring, her pretty face was about to marinate.

Hey, I've been an old couple for many years, why are you still with an innocent little... No, that's the way it is set up, this wave, it's the first time I saw a kill in the second week, I'm in love, I'm in love, it's not all about breaking the illusion Doing something unscrupulous.

"Okay, enough rest, let's go on." Linya's eyes were evasive, like a frightened deer, and she didn't dare to look at me until she left the factory.

"How to arrange next?" I consciously helped the bicycle, and continued to chase the dream of the young boy.

Linya looked at me and then at the bicycle, her eyes were a little strange.

"Didn't you say it's almost lunch time?"

Fishing like me, I was also said to be a little shy: "Just kidding, it's only a little past ten o'clock, it's still early."

"It's getting late." Xiao Nizi showed a malicious smile: "Now this time is just right."

"where are we going?"

"Go and meet your domineering lady lover."

Hearing what Linya said half-jokingly, I felt dizzy at the time!

This time it is really big head, big head, big skull.

miss? Or domineering attributes? Who, I don't know such a guy, I only like gentle and virtuous girls, who are also lovers, and the road to enemies is narrow, I'm afraid it's almost the same as enemies.

However, before worrying about this problem, there is obviously a bigger and more recent problem that lies ahead.

After ten o'clock, Linya said that it was just right for lunch.

So the question is, how far is our destination?

I'm afraid it's across a city.

Xiao Nizi thought that there was a problem for me, don't you know, let alone riding a bicycle, even if I am asked to walk all the way on my head~lightnovelpub.net~ or even a Thomas maneuver all the way, I will still walk for you to see.

Our natives who came back from another world are so coquettish.

Sure enough, after riding for more than an hour, I estimated that we had passed through most of the urban area, including asphalt roads, cement roads, renovation roads, and gravel roads. Our hands were almost numb before we stopped at a food street.

Shake your hands, I'm nothing, it's similar to smashing out the gems in the inventory and wiping them one by one. Linya Xiaonizi will be miserable, let's not talk about the **** suffering, the main thing is the shoulders, carrying the weight forward, I'm about to cramp.

Overwhelmed by the weight, she drooped her shoulders slightly soaked in sweat, her waist was bent, her arms rested on her slender and round thighs, her body leaned forward, she seemed to lose her center of gravity at any time, and she let out small and rapid panting. Drooling...ah no, the eyes are about to flow out.

Along the way, riding the wind and waves, crossing mountains and ridges, riding clouds and fog, I wish they were all rural dirt roads.

Earn blood!

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