Diary of the Female Emperor

Chapter 1064: Four emperors join forces to suppress Yu

In the void, the snoring sound continued, and countless flames gushed down, trying to break the light curtain of the sword, the flames burned the sky, burning the void to fluctuate violently, and even the temperature of the entire space increased. Come up.

However, the endless sword intent in the Nine Tribulations Sword flows madly, forming an indestructible light curtain of swords, the cold light is shining in the air, and the infinite sword intent between heaven and earth explodes madly, it is impossible to break.

"Blood sword!" Just when the two sides were anxious, the figure of Emperor Xuezi rose into the sky, and he headed for the battle above the sky.

Behind him was a huge pool of blood surging crazily, and endless swords slowly floated from the pool of blood, traversing between heaven and earth.

In an instant, the sharp blood-colored sword power shook the world, and countless blood-colored swords stood upside down on the void, facing Yuxin, the cold light flashed, as if it could break everything.

"Kill!" Emperor Xuezi stretched out his hand, and thousands of **** sharp swords slashed through the air, and there was a piercing sound. I saw countless blood arrows flowing in the air, forming a river of blood.

The monstrous **** breath enveloped the void, making the **** sword even more terrifying, as if countless swords descended on the sky, wanting to kill Yuxin!

The **** sharp sword is fast to the extreme, and in an instant it descends on the light curtain of the sword, slashing down, and the sound of puffs keeps coming out, trying to penetrate everything.


A crisp cracking sound rang out, and a series of fine cracks appeared on the dazzling light curtain of the sword until it penetrated the entire light curtain of the sword, as if it might break open at any time.

The scarlet sword kept shooting out of the light curtain of the sword, and headed towards Yuxin below. Yuxin's face changed slightly, her palm waved, and the terrifying emperor prestige shook out, directly extinguishing the scarlet sword.

However, the endless **** sword seemed to have found a breakthrough, constantly penetrating through the cracks, until it shattered the entire light curtain of the sword, it was bound to kill Yuxin.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts were sighed, Yuxin's strength was already very strong, even in the face of the four emperors, she still had the power to fight.

It's just that the emperor Kongmingcheng's methods are endless, and the emperor as powerful as Yuxin is also unable to return to the sky, and the scarlet sword penetrates the light curtain of the sword.

"It seems that the people of the Holy Spirit City are still inevitable to die today." Someone sighed and lamented in their hearts. If such an outstanding enchanting genius died, it would be a great loss to the ancient spirit continent.

Even though I thought so, no one dared to step out to help Yuxin. These were the four great emperors of Kongming City. Who would dare to be an enemy with them? Isn't that looking for death?

"Wonder girl, now you have exhausted your means, I see what you can still use to resist, today you will die!" The Emperor Yanyang yelled coldly, his mighty power is overwhelming, his huge body stands between the heavens and the earth, bearing the sun. It's like a real god, and it's awe-inspiring.

"Kill her, and then completely eradicate the people of the Holy Spirit City, dare to fight against my Kongming City, there is only one dead end!" The Great Emperor Xuezi also said, killing intently in his heart.

The emperors sneered in their hearts, no matter how strong they were, they were still not the opponent of the four of them.

"Want to kill me?" Yuxin smiled sarcastically, "You are worthy of killing me without paying the real price?"

When the voice fell, Yu Xin's breath suddenly became extremely violent, and she died every time, so she naturally wanted to pull back.

At this moment, a vague voice rang out, resounding in the nine heavens and ten places, from nowhere, "Girl, what do you do to find death so easily?"

The voice turned into a rolling sound and shook out, brushing over Yuxin's body, directly interrupting her burning blood, and then continued to move towards the other four emperors.

The sound wave surged through the void, and seemed to be able to calm everything down and quiet all things. The original violent scarlet sword and Shenyang were all suspended in the void quietly at this moment.

When Emperor Xuezi and Emperor Yanyang saw this, their hearts trembled violently. They gathered all their strength, but found that they could not control and attack at all.

"Who?" Great Emperor Haoyue said loudly, obviously he also discovered something unusual.

In the void, a figure in white walked forward, strolling in the courtyard, calm eyes slowly sweeping across the crowd, as if not paying attention to them at all, as if they were walking around their back garden, facing the four emperors of Kongming City, If not heard.

The eyes of the three sisters looked towards the people in the void, a glint flashed in their eyes, and the high-hanging heart finally fell. As long as he comes, it means that everything will be settled.

The onlookers also looked at the person coming, and were puzzled, slightly surprised. Who is this person? It is hard to believe that the four emperors were so careful.

"In broad daylight, under the bright universe, the four great emperors actually have their faces at a woman who has no power to bind the chicken. If this matter is said, wouldn't it be laughable and generous?" Zhang Tian looked at the crowd with a faint look. A harmless smile of humans and animals hangs on the upper side.

"I have nothing to do with you in the empty city, right?" Great Emperor Haoyue said indifferently.

"This demon girl has a cruel heart and beheaded my son in public on the ring. Such a vicious demon girl should have died long ago. I'm just waiting for the heavens. What's the crime?" The Emperor Qianjin yelled coldly and looked at him. Zhang Tian, ​​"The world will only praise me for waiting for the sky, instead of slandering me for bullying a demon girl!"

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