Diary of the Female Emperor

Chapter 1260: Sea Dragon King Gall, right behind the d

Although the octopus squid reacted, it was too late!

The ruthless man carried a long knife to rub the bright top of the head of the king squid, cut it off with a single knife, and cut the king squid directly into two halves, even the spiritual core was cut out!

The jade-like spiritual core spun out of the billowing blood, and finally fell into the hands of Ruthless Man.

Ruthless Man held up this spiritual core and looked in front of him, and found that this spiritual core was beating like a human heart.

But the difference is that when it is beating, it emits aura, a rich aura.

"What a powerful spiritual core, at this moment, the spiritual core is estimated to be able to be tempered by spiritual practitioners in my holy city for a hundred years!" Zhang Tian came over and admired this spiritual core.

"Hehe, he can also make Daddy a powerful emperor!" Ruthless man smiled, his eyes bent into the moon, and sent the spiritual core to Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian was a little embarrassed and stretched out his hand.

"This spiritual core, you hunted it!" Zhang Tian said embarrassedly.

"It's Daddy's good guidance, Daddy has done the most, and the spirit core should have been given to you." Ruthless said very boldly.

In the end Zhang Tian accepted the spiritual core, and two emperors appeared in the Saint Yuan Continent at the same time, which was much better than a strong one with only one emperor.

At this time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea called the Dragon King of the South China Sea and organized Long Dajun and the Dragon King of the South China Sea. The five people once again embarked on the journey to find the Dragon King's bile.

I have to say that as the five of them go inside, the more they understand the importance of this map.

This place is almost a whole new world, with culverts criss-crossed and of different sizes. If you come alone to find the dragon king's guts, you may not be able to get out in a lifetime!

It's like a maze, always going around.

If you are lucky, you may not encounter a sea king creature for ten or eight years. If you are unlucky, you may be able to meet two in one day.

Thanks to the help of this map, Zhang Tian and others have perfectly avoided most of the sea king creatures, and in the shortest time, step by step towards the legendary dragon king.

With a "swipe", Ruthless Man cut down another fathead fish in the realm of Emperor Zun.

This is already the seventh sea king-like creature they have encountered along the way. This is still looking at the map. If there is no map, the three of them would be able to plunge into the sea king's den.

Ruthless used a knife to pick up the fleshy flesh of the fat-headed fish, took out the spiritual core from the fat-headed fish, and handed it over to Zhang Tian for processing.

These spiritual cores are of great use. If they were to take the Holy City back, Yuxin Ziyan and the others would soon be able to use their ability to be promoted to the Immortal Emperor.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea, look at the map again, why haven't you reached the destination yet?" Zhang Tian asked at this moment.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea took out the map, checked it over and over again and again, and suddenly shouted: "Here it is! It is here! It's up ahead!"


Zhang Tian looked up and saw that there was no road ahead. A few miles away, there was a huge boulder blocking it. There may be a boulder behind the boulder, or it may be just a gate made of stone. After pushing it open , You can see the legendary Longwangdan inside.

Zhang Tian took the four people over and took a closer look along the corners of the boulder, and found that there was water flowing out from the corner of the boulder, and he had guessed that the boulder was actually a gate.

Turning his head to see that the Dragon King of the East China Sea was holding a big sword about to chop off the huge boulder, Zhang Tian immediately stopped drinking.

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Tian asked.

"Open the door and get the Dragon King's guts, sir?" Donghai Dragon King said.

Zhang Tianyi elbow the Donghai Dragon King to one side and said, "You can't even read a map. Are you 100% sure that the dragon king's gall is hidden behind this?"

Ignoring the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Zhang Tian flew to the bottom along this kilometer-diameter boulder alone, shouting from a distance: "I will push the door open for a while. If the situation is not right, you guys will quickly close the stone door with force."

The stone door opened from bottom to top. Zhang Tian had to hold up a thousand-meter-high boulder before he could open the door. If he finds that there is no dragon king's gall behind the door, let the boulder close the door at a free fall speed. It was too late.

It is necessary for the four of them to exert their strength at the same time to press down on the boulder and close it quickly.

The four Ruthless people responded, and they stuck to the boulder one after another, using their strength secretly, they could only say a word from Zhang Tian, ​​and they went all out to close the stone gate.

At this time, Zhang Tianyou reached the bottom of the boulder, and when he swept away, he saw a light running out from behind the stone gate. Zhang Tian knew that the place was not tightly closed, and it was a good place to focus.

He dug his index finger into the ground of the huge boulder, applied his strength with both hands, snorted, and slowly raised his arm, and the huge boulder followed his arm, "chuckling" upwards.

As Zhang Tian opened the door, the more the light ran out.

The soft light shining on Zhang Tian made Zhang Tian feel extremely warm. He seemed to believe that behind this door was the legendary Dragon King.

However, what Zhang Tian never thought was that when he lifted the boulder up to a height, when he could really see the situation behind the boulder with his own eyes, Zhang Tian suddenly burst into cold sweat!

It was ten thousand sea king-like creatures, staring at countless pairs of eyes, opening their mouths wide, and staring at themselves! The creatures inside are diverse and weird, there are thousands of years of large pythons, ten thousand years of tortoises, and countless species gather here!

"Close the door! Close the door!"

With Zhang Tian's cry, all the thousands of fishes rushed over. At that moment, Zhang Tian felt that his soul had flown away!

But it’s okay!

The ruthless people above quickly got news from Zhang Tian. There was almost no delay of one second. The four of them used their strength at the same time to close the boulder fiercely!

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