Did the Queen’s Vest Fall Out?

Chapter 1346: Didn't you arrange it?

Having known Mr. Yun for such a long time, Bai Qi seems to be the only one who can attract his attention?

Thinking of this, Han Qingyu hated it even more!

Why? Why can't you ask for something, or even risk your life to get something that others can just ignore?

She must have worked so hard!

After supporting for so many years under the aura of EVA, I finally got to this day, but I was beaten to death by the other party's words! As if all those years of hard work were worthless?

How could Han Qingyu bear this breath?

Unexpectedly, Yun Huai, who had always been indifferent and quiet, seemed to have regained his senses after listening to Bai Qi Han Qingyu's conversation. His high eyebrows sank two points, and his eyes looked straight at the woman who was holding back tears.

This scene fell into Han Qingyu's eyes, as if seeing light.

Heart pounding!

Is it...

Her long-term efforts have finally been seen by Mr. Yun?

At this moment, he wants to speak for himself? !

Han Qingyu was surprised and happy, her legs unconsciously took a step forward, wanting to get closer to Mr. Yun.

Unexpectedly, he changed to a more leisurely posture. Although his eyes were locked on himself, his tone was extremely cold: "She just said that she didn't expect your calculations... Han Qingyu, what have you done?"

! ! !

Han Qingyu gasped in fright.

Bai Qi looked at Yun Huai unexpectedly: "Didn't you arrange it?"

Yun Huai sneered: "Even if the current research institute is an abandoned child in my eyes, how could I possibly use her?"

The tone of disgust, like the dense needles, made Han Qingyu breathless.

Being stared at by Mr. Yun's silent eyes, she didn't have time to think about what to say, only to hear the words "all abandoned sons", and all her beliefs suddenly collapsed! Han Qingyu's eyes suddenly darkened, her heels softened first, and she knelt on the ground with a plop. She was like a defeated rooster, with her cockscomb cocked, and she looked lost.

Bai Qi glanced at the two of them, and quickly retracted the look of watching the show in his eyes, but turned into an unexpected tone: "It turns out that you, who hate betrayal...you will be deceived by your subordinates one day. What she did without you...you Don't you know at all?"

Ji Ye heard it in his ears, and almost immediately understood that his own great **** was planning to kill with a knife!

Also, for someone like Han Qingyu, external hardships may not be able to knock her down! She could even use these difficulties to rack her brains to achieve her goals. As long as you can climb up, climb high enough, and sacrifice your own interests, what's wrong?

Now Xiaobai's remarks directly put her years of hard work in vain, and even the second-in-command position that Han Qingyu cares about the most has been recognized by Yunhuai as an abandoned child.

The psychological blow was overwhelming, and she couldn't handle it!

In front of the people he cares about most, being devalued by the people he has been following is worthless. Such torture is thousands of times more severe than other punishments.

Sure enough, Han Qingyu couldn't hold back.

Her big tears fell sadly from her eyes, her eyes were blurred, and she wanted to search for Mr. Zhun Yun's position: "Mr. Yun, I am loyal to you, how can you..."

"How could it be possible? Hmph..." Yun Huai was the most annoying to see the useless person crying, "I didn't know that I gave an order to let you secretly shoot at her?"

Han Qingyu bit her lips: "You can't listen to her one-sided words! Besides, what happened back then—"