Did the Queen’s Vest Fall Out?

Chapter 1357: Haidilao Night


Cold water is colder than winter ice.

In order to attend the banquet in a decent manner, Bai Qi wears more elegant clothes, but this material does not protect the cold, and after entering the water, it is soaked in the coolness more quickly, sticking to the skin, like a snake spitting away red letters.

Every time she swam a little further, she was severely strangling her breath.

The icy water rolled in the wind and waves and slapped her face mercilessly.

In the dark night and the vast sea, Bai Qi could hardly see the direction.

Somewhere in the body, it was more like a convulsion, and the colic was severe.

Another wave came and nearly drowned her in the water.

Bai Qi avoided the wind and waves, tried his best to float on the water, and pressed the bracelet mechanism in his left hand—a ring-shaped airbag immediately popped out!

This is a new invention invested by Ji's. It can quickly inflate an airbag in the water, and the buoyancy is so great that it can successfully help an adult surface from several meters of water.

Considering the various insecurities of Haiyan, Ji Ye specially prepared two for her and herself before departure! I didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

Resisting her physical discomfort, she continued to swim for a few meters, facing the dark sea, how easier said than done to find someone from here?

Ji Ye was shot into the sea, and I wonder if the airbag was opened at the last minute?

If it is directly engulfed by the waves...

Bai Qi didn't dare to think that even though the sea water was freezing cold, her forehead was constantly sweating, and her face was pale.

In the huge sea, she couldn't call out Ji Ye's name, regardless of whether the other party had the strength to respond, in such a helpless environment, she had to save her physical strength first, and don't waste her remaining strength on shouting.

As Bai Qi swam forward, trying not to freeze his muscles, he quickly searched for available information in his mind.

After calming down, my brain became clearer and clearer!

She took out the black mobile phone soaked in seawater from her waist: "Quickly locate Xiaohui and send it to San'er immediately."

It's really getting more and more panic, how can I forget such a big help? !

The black phone lit up, and after a while, a bright red light went out somewhere.

over there? !

Bai Qi shoved the black mobile phone back in the center of the annular airbag, while he tried his best to swim in the direction of the red light.

QHD is quite far from the capital. After San'er received the location alert, it was definitely too late to set off directly from the capital. He has a lot of power, no matter if he sends friends or finds some other way, it will take at least half an hour to find himself on the sea...

Ji Ye was shot, I don't know what happened, but anyway...

Must hold on!

With this belief, Bai Qi continued to swim for a few meters.

Finally, between the rolling waves, she caught a glimpse of a white thing!

Is the season night airbag? !

Bai Qi gritted his teeth and swam to his side.

Under the immersion of the sea water, the Qing Jun man had long lost all his blood, and his face was pale, as if someone had painted a layer of paint on his face. Due to the air bag, his right hand was hanging almost parallel to the water surface, and his head was leaning against his arm with skillful strength, so he managed to form an angle where he could breathe, so as not to be swallowed by the waves.

He covered his chest with his left hand, and although he tried hard to block the flow of blood, the smell of fishy sweetness still rushed forward, making Bai Qi tremble with fear.

Although, she has suffered so many injuries...

I have also seen my sister lying in a pool of blood...


Only this time...

Bai Qi completely lost all sanity!