Did the Queen’s Vest Fall Out?

Chapter 693: How much does Tang Yuanqing know?

Nostalgia is inherently remote. People here rely on mountains to eat mountains and water to drink water.

Later, the Tang family came here to establish a base, and the residues of the chemical dipped into the farmland from the mountain spring along the river, and the damage was not harvested for several years. Under starvation and hardship, some people left, some stayed, and some guarded their ancestral houses, trying to find a way to survive.

At this time, the Tang family showed up, and with the grace of a meal, many experimental subjects voluntarily came to join them.

The grandson of the one-eyed old man was tortured to death!

Under the banner of fairness and justice, they are doing things that are devoid of conscience.

And how much does Tang Yuanqing know and how much does he participate in?

His heart is warm, and he has been fond of research for several years; his heart is extremely cold, whether he treats himself or those research products, he is an existence that can kill with a smile!

However, thinking about Tang Yuanqing's attitude after knowing his true identity... He should still be extremely disgusted with the existence of "perfect genes"?

In this case, the Tang family's research should be secretly hidden from Tang Yuanqing.

However, it seems a bit unreasonable?

After all, there is Tang Yuanqing's independent encryption office in that institute, which is exactly the same as that of the M Continent Institute of Biology! It must have been decorated by his own hands; before he died, he deliberately left his last words here, clearly knowing that he would come to find out.

Where is it like ignorant?

What's more, since Bai Qi found out that another investment in the M Continent Institute of Biology was Yun Huai, he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Yunhuai, Research Institute, Tang Family, Tang Yuanqing...

In her mind, these clues ran chaotically, and she always felt that she had overlooked some details, there should be a line that could be connected... but she couldn't remember it anyway.

She took a deep breath.

Because of Tang Yuanqing, Bai Qi somewhat wanted to help nostalgia.

There was a sudden disaster here, and the mountain people recognized the thief as their father. If Tang Yuanqing hadn't died suddenly, leaving the Tang family without the energy to continue, I'm afraid that nostalgia would fall once no one would know.

However, how many "nostalgic" are there in the world?

Even if there is a will, it is impossible to help each and every one.

Sending money and things is really the last resort, not to mention hurting people's self-esteem, if it takes a long time, but instead develop the other party's temperament to wait for funding, doesn't it harm the simple mountain people here in vain?

What's more, it is hard to decide whether to help the emergency or not to help the poor.

Therefore, after Bai Qi came here, he did not act rashly. Even if it is to give the one-eyed old man a better life, it is all about exchanging things for things, living in a firewood house, and making a big pot of rice to share with the old man, which is fair and acceptable.

Otherwise, where would she be willing to cook? Not idle.

In the past few days, Bai Qi has been walking around this neighborhood for several times, and there is a vague plan in his heart.

After packing up the things in the yard, she walked over and brought two bowls of water: "Grandpa Fang, Grandpa Shen, drink some water."

The one-eyed old man put down his tasteless hookah and took it with trembling hands.

Recently, he has eaten with the big guys, and his health has improved a lot, but his hands and feet are still weak from time to time, and the joints are even more painful when it rains.

It only rained last night, and his arms were sore, so his hands were still shaking when he took the bowl.

Bai Qi handed another bowl of water to Shen Ci.

Shen Ci was flattered: "Is it really for me?"

Bai Qi raised his eyebrows: "Don't want to drink?"

Shen Ci hurriedly grabbed it, took a big mouthful, and hurriedly wiped the water stains on the corners of his lips with his cuff, ignoring his image.