Digitalization of the World

Chapter 1038: Kunlun mirror

Latest website: Wang Xian's attention returned to those stone statues.

There are a thousand stone statues, which correspond to the name of the island, "Thousand Gods Island".

There are no duplicates among the thousands of stone statues, and each stone statue is similar to the creatures on the island. Although they are all human-shaped, each one is deformed and weird.

Thousands of stone statues stand around Wang Xian. There is no movement or any breath. They are just like ordinary stone statues.

However, the strange appearance of the stone statue made Wang Xian feel like he was getting hairy all over, especially the eyes of those stone statues, which were all looking towards him.

Even if Wang Xian adjusted his position, the eyes of those stone statues were still looking at him.

It doesn't mean that the stone statues will move or their eyes will turn, but that the stone statues have multiple eyes, and they are all in strange positions.

Wang Xian's expression was alert, and his whole body was tense. These stone statues suddenly appeared before and almost killed him.

Now, although there is nothing abnormal about these stone statues, the absence of abnormality is often the biggest abnormality.

Time passed by, Wang Xian stood still, and the stone statues were as motionless as dead objects.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy Wang Xian felt.

Finally, Wang Xian couldn't help it any longer, raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and struck an ugly and weird stone statue in the air.

Unexpectedly, the huge fist mark directly hit the stone statue.


The stone statue really looked like it was carved from the most ordinary stone. It was directly blasted into dust all over the sky by Wang Xian's punch mark.

Wang Xian was momentarily distracted.

This is obviously wrong!

When those stone statues appeared before, some of them rubbed against him, causing scratches on his skin. At that time, he felt the solidity of the stone statues.

Now, the stone statue was shattered by a punch mark. This is very wrong! !

"Are only some of the stone statues strong?"

Wang Xian muttered to himself, and then punched a stone statue again.


Just like the previous stone statue that was blown into dust, this stone statue was also blown into dust by Wang Xian.

Wang Xian still couldn't accept it. He didn't believe that these stone statues that had given him a fatal sense of crisis could be so fragile!

boom! boom! boom!

With each punch, the stone statues followed the footsteps of the two previous stone statues.

Eventually, a thousand stone statues turned into dust and fell on the ground, covering them with a thick layer.

Wang Xian was silent.

Then, he walked towards the depths of the forbidden area.

However, in the depths of the forbidden area, there is nothing, only the bare ground and thousands of pits slightly sunken into the ground.

Wang Xian understood that this was the place where the thousand stone statues that he had smashed had originally been.

"Is this restricted area so fragile?"

Wang Xian flew towards the outside of the restricted area with doubts.

The moment Wang Xian stepped out of the restricted area, thousands of deformed creatures living on the Thousand Gods Island appeared. They swarmed up with red eyes, shouting "blasphemers, kill the gods, avenge the gods" and so on. Discourse.

The strongest of these deformed creatures is only a 'holy level'. For Wang Xian, even just exhaling a breath can make these creatures disappear into ashes.

They didn't offend Wang Xian, and Wang Xian also destroyed their 'god', so naturally they wouldn't do anything crazy to kill people and silence them.

When those deformed creatures rushed in front of Wang Xian, Wang Xian directly tore apart the space and left the Thousand Gods Island.

Then, Wang Xian went to other forbidden places, but what puzzled Wang Xian was that those forbidden places seemed to have received some kind of signal, and they all disappeared without a trace.

"Why does something feel wrong?"

When he walked out of a forbidden area again, Wang Xian noticed something unusual.

But no matter how Wang Xian thought, he still couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, go back to Meng'er to discuss exploring the forbidden area again!"

Wang Xian shook his head, without thinking any more, tore apart the space and returned to the Zhou family.

The Zhou family was just like when he left, nothing happened.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this at all, after all, he has only been gone for less than a day.

A few days later, Di Yao, Dao Meng'er, Chi Huang, and Aoxue finally came back after having enough fun.

"Where's Hela?"

Wang Xian looked at the four girls in confusion. Shouldn't they have brought Hela with them? Why were only the four of them back, but no Hela was seen.

"Xiaoxian, what are you talking about? Isn't Hela being held by Aoxue?"

Di Yao spoke.

Turning to look at Aoxue, Wang Xian suddenly fell silent when he saw Aoxue's movements as if she were really holding a child!

There was no presence of Hela in Aoxue's arms.

"What's wrong with you little bastard? Isn't Hela here?"

Dao Meng'er, who was standing next to Aoxue, raised his right hand and stretched out his index finger, teasing it in front of Aoxue.

If there is really Hela in Aoxue's arms, there is nothing wrong with Dao Meng'er's movements. However, Wang Xian cannot see Hela in Aoxue's arms, and Dao Meng'er's actions seem a bit like You're being a hooligan.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

Wang Xian suddenly laughed.

"Xiaoxian, what's wrong with you?"

Di Yao walked to Wang Xian with worry, stretched out her right hand and grabbed Wang Xian's wrist, wanting to check Wang Xian's condition.


Wang Xian's expression instantly turned cold, and after uttering one word, Di Yao immediately flew out, smashed through the door and window of the room, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"You little bastard, you're crazy!"

Dao Meng'er was stunned for a moment, and then roared at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian raised a smile on his lips and said, "I have wanted to hit you for a long time, but I have been reluctant to do so. Now I can finally do it. I have to record this scene properly."

With that said, Wang Xian took out a quasi-emperor quality image stone and placed it on the table.

Then, he opened the inner world, found a planet dominated by technology, and got a portable camera from it.

Ignoring the looks of 'Is this person crazy' from Dao Meng'er, Chihuang, and Aoxue, he leisurely turned on the recording function of the camera.


After Wang Xian ensured that the camera could work normally, he put the camera away, then got up and walked towards Dao Menger.

"Little bastard, what do you want to do?"

Dao Meng'er looked at the excited smile on Wang Xian's face and felt something bad.

"Master, uncle is crazy, let's leave quickly!"

Aoxue spoke quickly.

"Wang Xian, what's wrong with you?"

The Red Emperor stared at Wang Xian with a wary face.

Wang Xian didn't say anything, quickly came to Dao Meng'er, and controlled Dao Meng'er with just one click.

"Uncle Master, what on earth do you want to do? You scared Hela!"

Aoxue said to Wang Xian tremblingly like she was holding a child.

"Be good, go and play!"

Wang Xian waved his hand and sent Aoxue aside.

The video is on now. Even if it's fake, it's hard to take action against Aoxue, otherwise Dao Meng'er or Meng Zu will settle the score with him later.

That's right!


Everything is fake!

The thousands of stone statues he destroyed on the Thousand Gods Island were fake!

It is a lie that other forbidden areas are empty!

Di Yao is fake!

Dao Meng'er is fake!

The Red Emperor is fake!

Aoxue is fake!

Everything is fake!

The reason why Wang Xian is sure that the current world is fake is not because he sees the fakeness of this world, but because Hela is not manifested in this world!

This world is really real, so real that even Wang Xian didn’t notice any abnormalities. However, Hela did not appear in this world, which created the biggest BUG in this world!

Ignoring Aoxue and Chihuang who were shouting at him, Wang Xian put an excited smile on his face again.

Slowly coming to Dao Meng'er's side, Wang Xian hit her eye socket with his fist under Dao Meng'er's angry and frightened eyes.

For a few minutes, Wang Xian and Dao Meng'er came to take an intimate photo, then put away the photo stone and portable camera, and left the Zhou family in a flash.

Wang Xian did not return to the Thousand Gods Island. Since he has determined that this world is false, he can just blast this world to pieces!

The Emperor Dragon Spear appeared in Wang Xian's hand, and accompanied by a thunderous dragon roar, an extremely ferocious dragon with sharp spikes all over its body appeared high in the sky.

"Destroy this world!"

Wang Xian issued the order.

After receiving the order, the body of the World-Destroying Heavenly Dragon began to expand rapidly, and endless destructive power burst out from its body.


The sound of dragon roar sounded again, and the whole world trembled instantly, and terrifying space cracks appeared one after another.




The cracks in space spread, and the entire world was finally shattered into countless fragments like a mirror.

After a few breaths, the scene in front of Wang Xian changed, and thousands of stone statues came into Wang Xian's eyes.

However, unlike before, the thousands of stone statues at this time were already covered with dense cracks, as if they were about to shatter at any time.


Before Wang Xian could make any move, the sound of shattering suddenly sounded, and the stone statues began to shatter and collapse.

Wang Xian ignored the broken and collapsed stone statues, but anxiously opened the storage space of the Ring of the Sky. After seeing the photo stone and portable camera inside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After taking out the two things and confirming that the images in them still existed, Wang Xian was satisfied and put the two things back into the storage space of the 'Ring of the Sky'.

"Huh? Part of the source of life has disappeared."

Only then did Wang Xian notice the abnormality in his body.

No need to think too much, this is obviously related to the broken stone statues.

Wang Xian took a few steps and came to a mountain of broken stone statues. He kicked some of the broken stones away with his right foot, revealing a suspended glass fragment... No, it should be a mirror fragment.

There are energy fluctuations extending from the mirror fragments. The energy adheres to the broken stones, as if protecting the broken stones.

Wang Xian didn't bother to explore why the mirror fragments were like that, so he directly reached out and took the mirror fragments into his hands.

The mirror fragments struggled, but to no avail, and eventually the energy emitted by the mirror fragments fell silent.

Wang Xian took the mirror fragment and studied it for a while, but didn't find anything unusual. It seemed that the mirror fragment was really just a broken fragment of an ordinary mirror, the kind of garbage that was thrown on the ground and no one picked it up.

However, how could Wang Xian, who had witnessed the magic of the mirror fragments, really regard the mirror fragments as the fragments of an ordinary broken mirror?

"As expected, there should be mirror fragments among these piles of stones."

Wang Xian turned around and walked towards another pile of stones.

Sure enough, after kicking away the gravel, Wang Xian saw another mirror fragment.

After confirming it, Wang Xian didn't bother to search one by one.

Stomping his right foot on the ground, the pile of stones formed by the shattering of nine hundred and ninety-eight stone statues exploded, revealing fragments of mirrors.

Wang Xian waved his hand, and all the mirror fragments flew in front of him.

Throwing out the two mirror fragments in his hand, the fragments of a thousand yuan suddenly burst out with dazzling light.

After a moment, the light dissipated, and an ancient mirror with the breath of time appeared in front of Wang Xian.

Wang Xian reached out and took the ancient mirror in his hand, looked at his handsome face on the mirror, and nodded with satisfaction.

This mirror is good, and the reflected image does not diminish his appearance.

Then, Wang Xian turned the mirror over, and two fonts came into Wang Xian's eyes.


Wang Xian blurted out.

After saying that, Wang Xian was stunned.

This ancient mirror turned out to be the ‘Kunlun Mirror’!

Wang Xian did not doubt the authenticity of the ancient mirror. This ancient mirror gave him the feeling that it was real. It was really the legendary 'Kunlun Mirror'!

Wang Xian took the 'Kunlun Mirror' and studied it carefully, and found that there was a defect in the 'Kunlun Mirror', and the defect must still be a very important thing, otherwise the 'Kunlun Mirror' would not be so 'weak'!

What's more important is that this 'Kunlun Mirror' doesn't have any attributes!

There are only two possibilities for this situation without any attributes. One is that it exceeds the 'data-based rules', and the other is that this 'Kunlun Mirror' comes from the 'real world'.

Compared to the former, Wang Xian prefers that the 'Kunlun Mirror' comes from the 'real world'!

"I remember Lin Xue once said, UU Reading There is no extraordinary existence in the 'real world'. It was the appearance of 'him' that made the 'real world' extraordinary. But what exactly is this 'Kunlun Mirror'? what happened?"

Wang Xian was filled with doubts.

‘He’ was created from the extraordinary and can show attributes in the digital world. However, this ‘Kunlun Mirror’ does not have any attributes. It can only be said that it does not come from ‘him’.

So, there is a transcendent existence in the 'real world', but even 'he' hasn't discovered it yet?

Wang Xian thought a lot, but the more he thought about it, the more problems he had, and finally he had to give up.

Putting the 'Kunlun Mirror' away, Wang Xian walked towards the depths of this forbidden area. He wanted to see if the missing part of the 'Kunlun Mirror' was hidden in this place.

However, just like the false world built by thousands of stone statues, the depths of this forbidden area are empty and empty, with only a thousand pit marks slightly sunken into the ground.

(End of chapter)