Digitalization of the World

Chapter 593: Battle Yang Jian

Hearing Wang Xian's words, Yang Jian looked suspiciously at Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother who was held hostage by Wang Xian.

"Second brother, I'm fine, this young master saved me."

The Three Holy Mother Yang Chan smiled softly, pushed away the dagger that Wang Xian put on her neck with her right hand, and walked slowly to Yang Jian's side.

"Who the **** are you?"

After Yang Jian took a slight glance at the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan, his eyes locked on Wang Xian again.

"Who the **** am I? Let me think."

Wang Xian frowned.

"Think about it?"

Yang Jian and Sanshengmu Yang Chan were both a little confused, why do they still have to think about such a question?

"Using your words, I should be a visitor from outside the sky." After thinking for a while, Wang Xian said to Yang Jian and the Three Virgins Yang Chan.

"An alien from heaven? Are you a demon?"

Yang Jian's face turned cold instantly.

"Have you ever seen a handsome demon?"

Wang Xian pointed to his handsome face, very speechless.

"Hee are so narcissistic!"

Yang Chan, the Holy Mother of the Third, couldn't help laughing.

"Who the **** are you?"

Yang Jian asked again.

"Didn't I say that? Visitors from outer space, that is, people from another world!" Wang Xian explained helplessly.

Yang Jian gave Wang Xian a deep look, and then said, "Let me just believe your words, so why did you come to Huashan again?"

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, also looked at Wang Xian curiously.

"The place where you enter your world is random." Wang Xian said.

"Randomly? The two coincided to appear in Huashan?"

Yang Jian didn't believe Wang Xian's words.

Wang Xian spread his hands and said, "That's the truth, it's such a coincidence!"

Not to mention that Yang Jian didn't believe it, but he still didn't believe it, and he happened to appear in Huashan twice.

Yang Jian looked at Wang Xian silently, until he almost couldn't bear to run away after watching Wang Xian, then he looked away.

"I believe what you say for now!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Jian walked towards Liu Yanchang who was lying on the ground.

After walking to Liu Yanchang's side, he lifted Liu Yanchang up without saying a word, and walked out of the room.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xian shook his head slightly, he understood that Liu Yanchang was probably going to be completely cold.

"Young Master, can you tell Chan'er what the world you are in is like?"

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, pulled Wang Xian to sit down, with a curious look on her face.

Wang Xian smiled and said, "Miss Yang, don't call me son, just call me Wang Xian!"

"Okay, Wang Xian! Then don't call me Miss Yang, just call me Chan'er!"

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, blushed slightly.

Wang Xian: ...

This is the rhythm of something going wrong!

After calming down a bit, Wang Xian began to talk about some basic things about Blue Star.

From cellphones to computers, cars to airplanes, rockets to satellites, although they are all basic things that everyone in Blue Star knows, Yang Chan, the Holy Mother, listens to them with gusto.

Wang Xian and Sanshengmu Yang Chan, one spoke and the other listened, and more than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Yang Jian didn't show up, and he didn't know why he went there.

"Wang Xian, can you take me to your world?"

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, looked at Wang Xian expectantly.

"Going to Blue Star?"

Wang Xian frowned.

"Can't you?"

Seeing Wang Xian frowning, the face of San Shengmao Yang Chan was instantly filled with disappointment.

"It's not impossible, it's just that Blue Star is besieged on all sides and enemies are everywhere. If you go, you may encounter danger!" Wang Xian explained.

Although the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan is a mythical boss, her overall strength is not that strong.

Even if she has the supreme treasure 'Lotus Lantern', the risk of falling is extremely high in the face of the vast number of powerhouses in the universe!

Sanshengmu Yang Chan heard that Wang Xian didn't want to take her to Blue Star, but was worried about her own crisis, and the disappointment on her face disappeared instantly.

Then, Yang Chan, the Holy Mother of the Third, thought of what Wang Xian said just now, and asked very puzzled: "Wang Xian, your Blue Star is in such a crisis, why did you come to our world? Could it be that your strength is in your hands?" Is Blue Star weak?"


Wang Xian choked, and then said: "If you really count, in fact, in our Blue Star, my strength should be ranked first."

"Then your Blue Star is so weak!"

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, said with some disgust on her face.

Wang Xian: ...

Is Blue Star weak?


Blue Star is terrifyingly strong, okay?

The idea of ​​Xin, the king of fate alone, is enough to suspend the entire universe!

However, Zhang Xin didn't seem to care much about Lan Xing's affairs, so Lan Xing's affairs had to be dealt with by Lan Xing himself.

As for his claim that he is the number one person in Blue Star, Zhang Xin and those sect experts are naturally excluded.

"Wang Xian, take me to Blue Star, and I'll help you beat the bad guys!" The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, said excitedly as if she had thought of something.

"You hit the bad guy? Let's forget it!"

Wang Xian shook his head.

"You look down on me?"

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chantun, suddenly became unhappy.


Wang Xian shook his head quickly.

Although he somewhat despises the strength of the Third Holy Mother Yang Chan in his heart, he is determined not to say it out loud.

"You are just despising me, no, let's compete! If I beat you, you will take me to Blue Star!"

The Three Holy Mother Yang Chan got up, took Wang Xian's arm and walked out of the room.

"Pull, pull, pull, how decent!"

A cold and jealous voice suddenly sounded, and Yang Jian's figure also appeared out of nowhere in front of Wang Xian and San Shengmao Yang Chan.

"Second brother, you are back."

The Three Holy Mother Yang Chan, like a little girl who did something wrong, immediately let go of Wang Xian's arm and hid behind Wang Xian.

"Why are you still here?"

Yang Jian looked at Wang Xian coldly.

"When did I say I was leaving?"

Wang Xian asked back.

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment.

"What are you going to do?"

Yang Jian looked at Yang Chan, the Three Virgins behind Wang Xian.

"I'm going to compete with Wang Xian. If I win, Wang Xian will take me to Blue Star." San Shengmao Yang Chan said immediately.

"Blue Star? In the world you are in?"

Yang Jian looked at Wang Xian even more unfriendly.


Wang Xian nodded.

"I disagree!"

Yang Jian said to Yang Chan, the Three Holy Mothers.

"Second brother, you can't do this!"

The Third Holy Mother Yang Chan pursed her lips.

"It's beyond your control, go back to the house immediately!"

Yang Jian said with a sullen face.

The Third Holy Mother Yang Chan wanted to say something, but seeing Yang Jian's increasingly ugly face, she went back to the room with an unhappy face.

Yang Jian kept his eyes on Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother, and didn't take it back until she entered the room, then said coldly to Wang Xian, "Now, you can go!"

But Wang Xian didn't seem to have heard Yang Jian's words, leaned closer to Yang Jian, and asked with a smile: "Second brother, are you going to Lingshan to find trouble with those big bald heads?"

"none of your business!"

Yang Jian gave Wang Xian a disgusted look, and moved slightly sideways a few steps, away from Wang Xian.

But Wang Xian didn't seem to notice this scene, and shamelessly stuck to Yang Jian's side again, and said, "Second brother, you see that I am not weak, and I also have enmity with those big bald men in Lingshan, so you can take me with you." Shall I go?"

"Is your strength not weak?"

Yang Jian couldn't help but sneered.

Wang Xian's face darkened immediately, and he said angrily, "Second brother, don't look down on people, it was because you used the 'Lotus Lantern' last time!"

"Okay, then I'll give you a chance, hold on for ten rounds in my hands, and I'll take you to Lingshan!"

"Second brother, do you keep your word?"

Wang Xian suddenly became excited.

Although he can kill some mythical bosses himself, the efficiency is too slow, and in the dungeon, the phenomenon of mythical bosses shaking people is more serious than on the blue star, which also leads to his "Lotus Lantern" The copy may have been for nothing.

But it’s different from going to Lingshan with Yang Jian. It’s a place full of mythical bosses. If there is a battle, you can pick up one or two mythical bosses. It's a waste of time.

"Hmph! This **** will naturally do what he says!"

Yang Jian snorted coldly, and flew directly into the mid-air.

Wang Xian smiled and immediately chased after him.


As soon as Wang Xian stopped, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and a three-pointed and two-edged blade pierced his shoulder.


A seven-figure injury also floated up from Wang Xian's head.


At the same time, a twelve-digit injury floated up from Yang Jian's head.

The passive skill [God Abandoned] is triggered.

Wang Xian calculated silently.

twelve digits.

hundreds of billions.

In other words, Yang Jian's life value is more than 999 billion.

This is so close to ten trillion!

Fortunately, the life recovery of a boss like Yang Jian is not like him, with a percentage recovery, otherwise there is no game at all!

"What's the matter with this strange curse power?"

Yang Jian felt his hurt and weakened strength, and frowned.

"Second brother, it's a big taboo to be stupefied in battle!"

The Heavenly Dragon Spear suddenly appeared in Wang Xian's hands, and the sharp blade gleaming with cold light pierced Yang Jian's shoulder mercilessly.


A damage of nearly 100 million floated from Yang Jian's head again.

Looking at this number, Wang Xian made another silent calculation in his heart.

One attack can destroy 100 million damage, so killing Yang Jian only needs 100,000 attacks, and counting skills and critical strikes, in fact, it takes about 20,000 to 30,000 attacks.

In this way, it seems that it is not too difficult!

"It's okay to hurt!"

The three-pointed two-edged knife in Yang Jian's hand swept across, forcing Wang Xian back, and gently touched the wound on his shoulder, with a burst of fighting intent in his eyes.

"Second brother, I told you not to underestimate me, let's fight! Hahaha..."

Wang Xian laughed loudly, brandished the Heavenly Dragon Spear, and attacked Yang Jian's vital parts.

"Then let's fight!"

Yang Jian also laughed and greeted Wang Xian.

The Tianlong spear and the three-pointed two-edged knife kept colliding, and the sound of the golden spear clashing was also constantly resounding.

Whether it was Yang Jian or Wang Xian, the two sides tacitly did not use any skills and relied on basic attacks to fight.

Although it is said that Wang Xian's marksmanship has the training of "Ice and Snow Master" and Zhao Jun, but it is still much worse than Yang Jian, a fairy **** who has lived for an unknown number of years, and is still the main battle fairy god.

After fighting for two or three minutes, Wang Xian began to be suppressed and beaten by Yang Jian, and the disadvantage became more and more serious, and even a lot of wounds appeared on his body.

Fortunately, the frequency of these wounds is not high, relying on the terrifying speed of life recovery, Wang Xian's life has been kept at full value.

"Second brother, I'm not as good as you in marksmanship, I'm going to start using my skills!"

Wang Xian stepped back, the Heavenly Dragon Spear shook, and the loud and clear dragon chant sounded, and the illusory dragon shadow roared out from the Heavenly Dragon Spear.

Skill - [Tianlong Breaks the City]

"Well done!"

Yang Jian yelled, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand flashed coldly, and directly cut off the phantom of the dragon.

"Second brother, it's not over yet!"

The Heavenly Dragon Spear in Wang Xian's hand trembled again and again, the magical skill [Tianlong Breaks the City], except for the ultimate skill 'Tianlong Destroyer World', all other moves were released by Wang Xian in one go.




The sound of dragon chant kept ringing out, and phantom dragons of different colors attacked Yang Jian fiercely.

Yang Jian looked indifferent, and stood the three-pointed two-edged knife on his side, the vertical eyes between his brows suddenly opened, and a divine light swept out.

In an instant, the phantoms of several divine dragons were all annihilated in midair.

Moreover, that ray of divine light continued to castrate, and directly swept on Wang Xian's body.


A damage of nearly one billion floated from the top of Wang Xian's head, causing Wang Xian's health to drop to the warning line in an instant, but it did not force Wang Xian's 'blood lock' skill.

Wang Xian's blood volume is more than 700 million, but because of his characteristic "unyielding", he added hundreds of millions of temporary health points during the battle, which prevented him from falling under Yang Jian's sky eye attack.

"Second brother, you are really ruthless in your strikes, aren't you afraid of directly killing me?"

Wang Xian gritted his teeth.

"The lotus lantern didn't kill you, I don't believe you will die under my eyes." Yang Jian said lightly.

Wang Xian: ...

What this guy said makes sense!

Wang Xian, who really didn't know how to refute, brandished the Tianlong spear angrily and attacked Yang Jian again.

Suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared in front of his eyes.

After seeing the figure clearly, Wang Xian was so frightened that he quickly put away the dragon gun.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Wang Xian looked at Yang Chan, the Three Virgins who suddenly appeared, speechless.

The Three Holy Mothers, Yang Chan, glared at Wang Xian, then turned to look at Yang Jian, and said, "Second brother, you said at the beginning that Wang Xian only needs to survive ten rounds in your hands, but now you have all fought hundreds of rounds." gone."

Yang Jian froze there immediately.

"Okay, you and the second brother are done fighting, now it's my turn!"

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, looked at Wang Xian again.

"Are you sure you want to fight again?"

Wang Xian looked at Yang Chan, the Three Holy with doubts. She should see her own strength, so how could she still have the confidence to fight against herself?

"Manly man, don't words count?"

The Third Holy Mother Yang Chanjiao shouted.

"Okay, if you want to fight, then I will accompany you..."

Wang Xian fell silent as he spoke.

Because, a lamp appeared in the hands of the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan.

Lotus Lantern!

"You actually want to use the Lotus Lantern? How can I fight this?"

Wang Xian couldn't laugh or cry.

He has experienced the power of this treasure before, and it is impossible for him to win against the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan who has the lotus lamp!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :