Digitalization of the World

Chapter 594: hit Lingshan

"I don't care, I won anyway, you must take me to Blue Star!"

The Three Holy Mothers, Yang Chan, held the lotus lantern and stared closely at Wang Xian with her beautiful eyes, as if she would use the lotus lantern to teach Wang Xian as long as Wang Xian refused to agree.

"I have no objection, but you have to ask your second brother."

Wang Xian gestured to Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother, with his eyes.

At this time, Yang Jian's face was so dark, and Wang Xian looked frightened, for fear that Yang Jian would kill him, the person who 'abducted' the Three Virgin Mary Yang Chan.

"Second brother, I'm going to Blue Star!"

The Three Holy Mother Yang Chan held Yang Jian's hand and kept shaking it.


Yang Jian said very coldly.

"Second brother~ just promise me~"

The Three Holy Mothers, Yang Chan, acted coquettishly.


Yang Jian was unmoved at all.

The Three Holy Mothers, Yang Chan, shook Yang Jian's hand away, snorted coldly, and said, "Humph! Brother Smelly, if you don't agree to me, I'll go to the Moon Palace to find Sister Chang'e, and I will make you happy..."

"I promise you!"

Yang Jian's face panicked, and he quickly covered the mouth of the Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan.

"Hee hee, thank you second brother!"

Sanshengmu Yang Chan broke Yang Jian's hand and said with a smile.

"Give me the Lotus Lantern. I need to go to the Western Spirit Mountain. They are plotting about you. I want to settle it with them!"

Yang Jian stretched out his hand in front of the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan.

"Well, second brother, you have to teach them a lesson!" San Shengmao Yang Chan handed the Lotus Lantern to Yang Jian, and said with a bitter face.

If it wasn't for Wang Xian's help, those big bald men in the West would have succeeded in plotting against her.

Especially thinking of the consequences of falling in love with mortals, Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother, felt chills in her heart.

At the beginning, her mother fell in love with mortals, and in the end she died, and her soul flew away.

Those big bald heads want her to follow her mother's footsteps, it's simply unforgivable!

"They will pay for it!"

Yang Jian's face became even colder, and the killing intent gushed out from his body uncontrollably.

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, can be regarded as his only family member, and those big bald heads in the West still want to kill her. The West will definitely not finish this matter without paying a huge price.


Yang Jian glanced at Wang Xian, flew up and turned into a golden light towards the west.

"Aren't you going?"

Wang Xian looked at Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother.

"My strength is too low, I'm afraid of dragging my second brother down."

The face of the Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, was full of disappointment. She was plotted against, and of course she wanted to take revenge with her own hands.

However, revenge requires strength, if you don't have the strength to go to the enemy, you can only get hurt in the end.

"Want to go?" Wang Xian asked.

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, was startled for a moment, then instantly understood the meaning of Wang Xian's words, looked at Wang Xian expectantly and said, "Wang Xian, can you take me there?"


Wang Xian nodded, and then said: "Don't resist, I'll send you to a place where you can see your second brother avenge you!"


Three Holy Mother Yang Chan nodded again and again.

Wang Xian flicked the Third Holy Mother Yang Chan with his right hand, and the Third Holy Mother Yang Chan disappeared instantly, and she was sent to the special space of the 'Ring of Immortals'.

Then, Wang Xian turned into a golden light and flew towards the west quickly.

After a long time, Wang Xian caught up with Yang Jian.

"You can actually [Zongdi Jinguang]!"

Yang Jian showed his figure and looked at Wang Xian in surprise.

"What's so strange about this, I still have a full set of [Eighty-Nine Mysterious Arts]!" Wang Xian was stunned.

Yang Jian frowned slightly when he heard this, but he didn't say anything.

[Bajiuxuan Gong] Although it is a top-level skill and supernatural power, it is not unique to him. Although Wang Xianhui surprised him, it also made him speechless.

"Your strength is weird!"

After flying for a while, Yang Jian said suddenly.

"What's the meaning?"

Wang Xian looked at Yang Jian suspiciously.

"A person's strength is reflected in two aspects, physical body and spiritual power.

Needless to say, the physical body is the strength exerted by the pure physical body, such as strength, speed and so on.

The second is spiritual power, which has a great effect on the increase of strength.

Although you can use spiritual power to stimulate some powerful attacks, but this is only the superficial application of spiritual power.

In the previous battle with you, I thought you just didn't want to use your spiritual power.

But now it seems that you can't use spiritual power at all, as if you don't have exercises. "

Yang Jian's expression was also quite strange, just now Wang Xian clearly said that he knew the [Eight Nine Mysterious Art], but how could he not know how to use spiritual power?

"Uh...Second brother, I really don't have any skills!"

Wang Xian scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Didn't you just say that you have [Eight Nine Profound Arts]?"

Yang Jian was a little taken aback.

"Yes, but I didn't learn it." Wang Xian said as a matter of course.

[Bajiu Xuan Gong] has been fused into [Xian Jue] by him, but [Xian Jue] is still in the process of fusion.

He thought, anyway, [Bajiuxuan Gong] was integrated into [Xian Jue], so there is no need to learn it anymore. After the integration of [Xian Jue] is completed, just learn some [Xian Jue] directly.


Yang Jian was directly beaten by Wang Xian.

【Bajiuxuangong】is a top-level exercise, and it also contains a lot of supernatural powers, but Wang Xian actually didn't learn it when he had it, which made him really not know how to say it.

After a moment of silence, Yang Jian said, "Do you want me to teach you?"


Wang Xian was instantly surprised. How could Yang Jian treat him so well all of a sudden?

Yang Jian didn't say a word, and continued to fly.

After Wang Xian thought for a while, he said, "Second Brother, can you teach me something else? [Eighty Nine Mysterious Skills], in fact, someone can teach me."

"What do you want to learn?"

Yang Jian asked.

"Split the God's Palm!"

Wang Xian said very decisively.

In the 'Lotus Lantern' copy, there are many powerful treasures and exercises, among which [Split Heaven God's Palm] is definitely one of the top exercises.

"You actually want to learn [Splitting God's Palm]?"

Yang Jian stopped and looked at Wang Xian in surprise.


Wang Xian nodded.

"I won't!"

After Yang Jian dropped these three words, he set off again and flew towards the west.

Wang Xian: ...

You won't be surprised with a hammer!

Wang Xian chased towards Yang Jian depressed. When he got to Yang Jian's side, Yang Jian's voice sounded slowly.

"[Splitting God's Palm] is one of the great innate spells. You cannot build any other spells after practicing this spell, and it will take a lot of time to practice [Splitting God's Palm]. Do you still want to learn it?"

"Uh... so many restrictions?"

Wang Xian was stunned.

He only knew that [Split Heaven God's Palm] was incredibly powerful. It was said that it would be as powerful as Pan Gu's blow to open the sky. He really didn't expect that there would be so many restrictions!

"Do you still want to learn now?" Gu Hou asked

Yang Jian asked again.


Wang Xian nodded heavily.

For others, the limit of [Splitting God's Palm] is a limit, but for him, it's not necessarily so!

Yang Jian was stunned immediately.

"Second brother, can you teach me?"

Wang Xian looked at Yang Jian expectantly.

"I said, I won't!"

Yang Jian gave Wang Xian a cold look, his body turned into a golden light again, and flew towards the west rapidly.

Wang Xian curled his lips and turned into a golden light, chasing after Yang Jian.

Two golden lights, one in front and one behind, finally arrived at the Western Lingshan after several hours.

"Tathagata, get out!"

Standing in front of Lingshan, Yang Jian held a three-pointed two-edged knife and roared angrily.

Wang Xian stood on the right side of Yang Jian, looked at Yang Jian with admiration, and asked the Tathagata to get out in front of the Lingshan Mountain. This is really brave!

You know, in the "Baolian Lantern" dungeon, if the strength is divided into levels, the first level is definitely Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress, who have never made a move.

The second level is Tathagata, Laojun, etc.

It was Yang Jian's turn at the third level.

The gap between each level is almost insurmountable, Yang Jian dared to call out Tathagata, one can imagine how brave he is now!


There was a loud shout, and countless Buddha lights emerged, and a monk holding a long stick appeared, and surrounded Yang Jian and Wang Xian.


Yang Jian snorted coldly, but didn't see any movement. The surrounded monks felt as if they had been hit by a heavy hammer, and blood that glowed with golden light flew out of their mouths.

"Amitabha, the God of Judiciary is here. The little monk and Lingshan are naturally very welcome, but why does the God of Justice want to speak wild words and hurt my Dharma Guardian of Lingshan?" A handsome monk appeared and looked at Yang Jian indifferently.

"Should I call you Tang Sanzang or Jin Chanzi?"

Yang Jian looked coldly at the handsome monk who suddenly appeared.

"Whether it's Tang Sanzang or Jin Chanzi, they are all junior monks, and the Judiciary God can call them anything." The handsome monk said calmly.


Yang Jian sneered, and then said: "Jin Chanzi, don't think that after going west, you can be arrogant in front of me with your greatly increased strength. Get out of the way immediately, and let Tathagata get out of here!"

"Judicial God, this is Lingshan!"

Jin Chanzi's face also turned cold, and the Buddha's light emanating from his body also began to fluctuate.


Yang Jian was too lazy to talk nonsense with Jin Chanzi, so he gave a cold drink, and the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand directly attacked Jin Chanzi's deadly part.

Jin Chanzi's face changed drastically, and he quickly dodged. Yang Jian took advantage of the situation and chased him, attacking directly at Jin Chanzi's deadly part.

At this time, the stick-wielding monk who was sent away by Yang Jian's cold drink just now reappeared and surrounded Wang Xian.

"You don't think I'm easy to bully, do you?"

Wang Xian clasped his hands in front of his chest, looking at these so-called Spirit Mountain Guardians with disdain.

It's just a group of epic-level bosses. Although the level is high, epic-level is epic-level. He can kill them casually!

"If you dare to come to Lingshan to be presumptuous, you must be a demon, and you will be arrested and suppressed for thousands of years!"

A monk with a stick glared at Wang Xian.

"I am presumptuous? Where do you think I am presumptuous?"

Wang Xian asked with a smile.


The monk suddenly choked. He thought about it, and it seemed that Wang Xian was not presumptuous, and he didn't even say a word before.

"A demon is a demon, just arrest and suppress it!"

Another monk with a stick spoke.

"Hey! Don't ask indiscriminately, and directly identify me as a demon, you are really a good Buddha!"

Wang Xian sneered.

"Catch it!"

With a loud shout, dozens of Lingshan guardians rushed towards Wang Xian.


The Heavenly Dragon Spear appeared in Wang Xian's hands, and swept away all the Spirit Mountain Guardians attacking in front of him.





Nine-figure injuries floated up from the heads of those Lingshan guardians.

Although the damage is quite a lot, it is still insignificant for an epic boss.

"Think I'm easy to bully, so give me all to die!"

Wang Xian was like a fierce tiger rushing into the flock of sheep, rushing into the group of Spirit Mountain Guardians, the Tianlong Spear kept stabbing, sweeping, and chopping, and beat the group of Spirit Mountain Guardians without any resistance, and their HP dropped like crazy.

"Evil! Don't be presumptuous!"

A cold voice suddenly rang in Wang Xian's ear, and then Wang Xian felt something twitch his waist, and then flew sideways.

"Guanyin, what the **** is you!"

Wang Xian stabilized his body, saw the person who attacked him clearly, and immediately flew into a rage.

Yes, it was Avalokitesvara who attacked Wang Xian, and it was the willow branch in her jade bottle that twitched Wang Xian's waist.

At this moment, Guanyin was standing on a lotus platform, frowning tightly, looking at Wang Xian with an uncertain expression.

After attacking Wang Xian, she was actually backlashed by the 'Day of Heaven', which directly weakened one tenth of her strength.

This shocked Guanyin, and kept guessing Wang Xian's identity.

Wang Xian didn't care what Avalokitesvara was doing, and directly attacked Avalokitesvara with the Heavenly Dragon Spear.

Seeing Wang Xian's attack, Guanyin moved the lotus under her feet lightly to avoid Wang Xian's attack. After a little hesitation, she squeezed the lotus seal with her right hand and patted Wang Xian's shoulder.


Wang Xian was photographed again.


An eight-figure damage floated from Wang Xian's head.

Wang Xian's face became even more ugly, but he didn't care about Guanyin's attack, after all, these injuries were nothing to him.

The reason why his face was ugly was because he was angry, he was sent flying by Guanyin again and again, it was so embarrassing!


Wang Xian shouted loudly, and the dragon's chant resounded loudly from the Tianlong Spear.

The phantom of the dragon roared out, roaring and attacking Guanyin.


Wang Xian didn't stay idle either, he opened his mouth, and the sound of dragon chant resounded impressively again.

Skill - [Dragon Chant]

Avalokitesvara, who was facing Wang Xian directly, was instantly shaken by the sound of the dragon chant, and let the shadow of the dragon hit her.



Two consecutive injuries floated from the top of Guanyin's head, and UU Reading instantly took away nearly 7 billion life points of Guanyin.

It's just that Guanyin's life value is too much, and the seven billion life value only makes her blood bar drop slightly.

While Avalokitesvara was still trembling in [Dragon Sing], Wang Xian rushed forward, stabbing her deadly parts with the Heavenly Dragon Spear in his hand.





Nine-figure red damages kept floating up one by one, and many yellow damages representing critical strikes appeared during the period.

In less than two seconds, Wang Xian made hundreds of attacks, directly taking away tens of billions of life points from Guanyin.

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