Digitalization of the World

Chapter 595: The Power of the Lotus Lantern

Although Avalokitesvara and Yang Jian are both mythical bosses, Yang Jian may be the reason for the "sanctification of the flesh", and his life value is almost half that of Avalokitesvara.

Yang Jian has a life value of nearly ten trillion, while Guanyin has only about five trillion, hundreds of billions of life, plus one-tenth of the reduction of [God Abandoned], within a very short period of time, Wang Xian has already beaten One-fifth of Guanyin's health was lost.

"Evil! You are courting death!"

Guanyin finally got rid of all kinds of negative states, and her solemn but beautiful face was full of anger.

She quickly pinched a Buddha seal with her right hand, and a '卍' symbol suddenly appeared above Wang Xian, and the space around Wang Xian was imprisoned, making Wang Xian unable to move.

This kind of control does not directly act on Wang Xian's body, so that Wang Xian's mythical talent [Fearless] has no effect.

However, Wang Xian owns the "Time and Space" heavenly tome, one of the nine great heavenly tomes, and the confinement of space is nothing to him at all.

The power of space erupted from his body, and the confined space around him disintegrated instantly, and then Wang Xian escaped from the range suppressed by the 'Swastika' symbol with a [flicker].

As soon as he left, the '卍' symbol was suppressed where Wang Xian was originally.


There was a huge roar, accompanied by smoke and dust all over the sky, and a deep pit of tens of meters was formed in an instant.

Don't think that the pit tens of meters deep is very shallow. You should know that this place is before the Lingshan Mountain. Although you have not officially entered the Lingshan Mountain, it has been illuminated by the Buddha's light all year round and has become extremely solid.

Avalokitesvara's seal of Buddha made a deep pit tens of meters deep here, which shows how terrifying the attack of Guanyin's seal of Buddha is, and how angry she is at the moment.

This attack did not achieve the desired effect, Guanyin became even more angry, and there was no more pity on her face. She threw up the jade bottle with willow branches, and her pair of bare hands continued to form Buddha seals.

The 'Swastika' symbols appeared out of thin air, exuding dazzling Buddha light, and the terrifying aura oppressed Wang Xian's body, causing Wang Xian to be imprisoned again.

Then, those '卍' characters cut through the space in an instant, appeared in front of Wang Xian, and were printed on Wang Xian's body without Wang Xian making any reaction.




After a short delay, the **** symbols printed on Wang Xian's body burst open one after another.

The huge roar continued to sound, and the golden Buddha light filled the sky, and Wang Xian's figure was even more invisible.

After a while, the golden light dissipated, and Wang Xian reappeared in a mess.

"You have nothing to do!"

Avalokitesvara looked at Wang Xian, who was in a bit of a panic and slightly bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and was dumbfounded for a while.

The guardians of the Lingshan who were watching from a distance were stunned in place, and even some arhats who appeared, the expressions of the Buddha were also full of shock.

"Ahem... stinky bitch, you are really ruthless!"

Wang Xian coughed lightly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his right hand, and then looked at the blood on his fingers, feeling a little dazed.

Although he was beaten by a mythical boss before, and was even forced to use the 'Blood Lock' skill, this was the first time that he was not only forced to use the 'Blood Lock' skill, but was also knocked down and vomited blood.

I have to say that this world is more 'real'!

It seems that after several "Blue Star Version Updates", many things have quietly changed.

"evil creature!"

The sound of "stinky bitch" made Guanyin's anger burn even more intensely.

"Smelly bitch, what else can you do besides 'sinister'? Do you want me to teach you a few words, my lord!"

Wang Xian was contemptuous for a while.


Avalokitesvara was furious, and a series of terrifying attacks blasted at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian quickly dodged Guanyin's attack, and he didn't forget to fight back during the period, and he fought back and forth.

It's just that Guanyin's life value is too thick, and the willow branches floating in the jade bottle in mid-air sprinkle some green light from time to time to help Guanyin recover from his injuries, so that Wang Xian didn't hit Guanyin's health at all .

Wang Xian and Guanyin fought fiercely on one side, but Yang Jian on the other side had already beaten Jin Chanzi thoroughly, with more air out and less air in.

At this moment, Yang Jian, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife dripping with blood in his right hand, walked towards Lingshan step by step. The guardians of Lingshan who appeared on the way were blown away by the aura emanating from him before they got close to Yang Jian.

"God of justice! You passed!"

"God of justice, please stay!"

Two groans sounded, one in front and one in the back, and two bodhisattvas appeared in front of Yang Jian, blocking Yang Jian's way.

"Step aside!"

Yang Jian looked at the two bodhisattvas in front of him expressionlessly.

"Judicial god, this is Lingshan, not your heavenly court!" Manjushri shouted coldly.

"I said get out of the way!"

Yang Jian suddenly swung the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and the **** sharp blade hit Manjusri's throat.

Manjushri was taken aback by Yang Jian's sudden attack, and quickly backed away to avoid it, but Yang Jian seemed to have expected this a long time ago. His feet moved quickly, and the sharp edge of the three-pointed two-edged knife was always locked at Manjusri's throat, which made Manjusri The face of the Bodhisattva changed wildly.

Seeing this, the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva at the side waved his sleeves, shot out the Buddha's light, and headed towards Yang Jian's face.

This attack made Yang Jian have to give up attacking Manjusri Bodhisattva and choose to dodge.

Manjusri Bodhisattva finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second she became angry. As a Bodhisattva who is respected and admired by thousands of people, she has not been so embarrassed for a long time.

"Yang Jian!"

Manjushri shouted angrily, and various Buddhist teachings continued to be played, and the light of Buddha appeared in the sky, and Putian Gaiti attacked Yang Jian.

Puxian Bodhisattva didn't have any extra nonsense, and also attacked Yang Jian one after another. Yang Jian had already hit the door. If she still spoke well, then Lingshan's face would be completely lost in the Three Realms.

However, after only dozens of rounds, Manjushri and Samantabhadra were swept by Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged knife, and flew out backwards vomiting blood.

This made Wang Xian, who was fighting with Guanyin, amazed.

According to the world view of "Feng Shen", Yang Jian can be regarded as the descendant of Manjusri and Puxian, and he has not practiced Taoism for as long as them, so his strength should be far from their opponent.

But this is the world of the 'Lotus Lantern', and Yang Jian, as one of the 'protagonists', has been strengthened a lot, and it is reasonable to say that he can beat Manjusri and Samantabhadra.

"Yang Jian, don't be presumptuous!"

There was another loud shout, and an arhat appeared around Yang Jian and surrounded Yang Jian.

"Arhat formation!"

Dozens of arhats roared in unison, and a formation instantly condensed.

A large amount of Buddha's light emerged, suppressing Yang Jian in a overwhelming force.

When the Buddha's light came, Yang Jian staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Yang Jian, you trespassed on Lingshan and injured many guardians and two Bodhisattvas on Lingshan. I will suppress you at the foot of Lingshan for five hundred years to redeem your sins!" Yang Jian shouted loudly.

"Suppress me for five hundred years, are you worthy?"

Yang Jian sneered.

"Yang Jian, don't think that you can act recklessly just because you are the **** of justice in the heaven. This is the Lingshan Mountain, not the heaven!" Luohan said.

Immediately afterwards, another Arhat said: "Yang Jian, even if you are a judicial **** in the heaven, we will suppress you, and the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother will not say anything!"

"Is it…"

A flat voice suddenly sounded.

The figures of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother appeared out of nowhere in the sky not far from the Lingshan Mountain, and beside them was a fairy named Celestial Realm.

Originally, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother didn't intend to get involved with Yang Jian and Lingshan's affairs, but there was an Arhat who despised them, so they had to show up to ask for an explanation.

The sentence 'really?' just now came from the Jade Emperor's mouth. Although the tone was flat, the anger contained in it could be seen from the Jade Emperor's expression by anyone present.

Because of the appearance of the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, and all the gods in the heavens, the battle between Wang Xian and Guanyin also stopped, and the Arhat formation where all the Arhats left the city also stopped operating.


At this time, Lingshan trembled for a while, and accompanied by the Buddha's light all over the sky, the figure of a big Buddha appeared in the midair.


Seeing this big Buddha, Yang Jian immediately yelled, raised the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand high, and pointed the sharp blade at the big Buddha.

"Judicial God, you trespassed on my Lingshan, can you be convicted?"

The Buddha first nodded slightly to the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, and then looked at Yang Jian.

"Hehe! Can I be convicted of a crime? Can you be convicted of a crime when you Buddhists plot against my sister?"

Yang Jian asked loudly.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the camp of the immortals and gods in the heavens, and discussions began.

They were still wondering why Yang Jian went to Lingshan for no reason. It turned out that the Buddhists plotted against Yang Jian's younger sister, the Three Holy Mothers, Yang Chan!

"Judicial God, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense!"

The Great Buddha said lightly.

"I'm talking nonsense, tell me, what can this mortal have to do to make my sister addicted to him!"

Yang Jian waved his hand, and a figure fell in front of Lingshan.

Liu Yanchang!

"An ordinary person with a weak body and full of impurities. Tathagata, tell me, would you like such a person?" Before the Buddha could speak, Yang Jian asked again.

Immortals are different, not just talk.

In the eyes of immortals, human beings are weak creatures, creatures full of impurities in their bodies, while "immortals" are innocent, so how could they look at creatures like "humans".

Wang Xian on the side, although he felt offended, agreed with Yang Jian's words.

Immortal Love sounds extremely beautiful.

But this is only for people.

For 'Xian', that's not the case!

To put it in plain terms, "The Love of Immortals" is like a gorilla falling in love with a human being, and the human being is still powerful and powerful.

This is so unreasonable no matter how you look at it!

"It's true that it's impossible for a fairy to fall in love with a mortal, but what does the Judicial God mean by arresting a mortal and coming to my Lingshan?" the Great Buddha asked calmly.

"What do I mean you Tathagata will not know?"

Yang Jian was furious, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand trembled for a while.

From this, it can be seen how angry Yang Jian is at the moment.

"I don't understand!"

Tathagata shook his head!

"Hahahaha... Good! One of them doesn't understand! Very good!"

Yang Jian was immediately laughed out of anger, he could tell that Tathagata had no intention of admitting Liu Yanchang's matter at all.

What made him even more angry was that he still couldn't prove that Liu Yanchang had anything to do with Buddhism.

Because the Buddhist man only cast a spell on his sister Yang Chan, but the spell was purified by Wang Xian, and there was no trace of it at all.

Tathagata must have expected this situation, so he directly refused to admit it.

As for getting Wang Xian to testify?

Not to mention whether Tathagata will admit it, Wang Xian's identity alone is a problem.

Now many powerful people are paying attention to him, so they didn't find Wang Xian as an outlier. Once Wang Xian is pulled out, then Wang Xian will be in danger!

Wang Xian saved his sister, he can't repay his kindness with revenge.

"Tathagata, let me ask you, is my mother's obsession with Buddhism also related to your Buddhism?" Yang Jian asked suddenly after being silent for a while.


The fairy **** camp in the heavens exploded again, especially the Jade Emperor, who stood up directly, staring at Tathagata with a pair of eyes.

Yaoji can be said to be the eternal pain in the heart of the Jade Emperor. How can a brother not love his sister, but as the lord of the heaven, he must lead by example and maintain the rules of the heaven.

Now, Yang Jian brought up the matter of his mother Yao Ji again, which also made Jade Emperor react.


How could Yao Ji fall in love with a mortal?

Immortals and mortals, that is a natural barrier, it is absolutely impossible for an immortal to fall in love with a lowly creature like a mortal!

"God of justice, I don't understand what you mean?"

The Buddha shook his head again.

"You don't understand? Hehe! I don't need you to understand. Let's do the calculations about my sister!"

Yang Jian didn't intend to talk nonsense with the Buddha anymore. He rose into the air, raised his three-pointed two-edged knife, and slashed at the Buddha.


The Buddha didn't move or speak, but a statue of Buddha appeared. They stood in front of the Buddha, waved their palms, made Buddha seals, and moved towards Yang Jian to suppress him.

"Those who stand in my way die!"

Yang Jian swung the three-pointed and two-edged knife repeatedly, cutting through the void and slashing at the Buddhas.

The Buddhas formed an array quickly, annihilating the sword light that Yang Jian had cut out, and relying on the power of the formation, they continued to suppress Yang Jian.


Yang Jian vomited blood and flew out backwards.

In terms of single-round individual strength, Yang Jian is similar to those Buddhas, or even stronger, but those Buddhas are not only numerous, but also form a large formation, and Yang Jian can't resist it immediately.

"Yang Jian, are you guilty?"

A Buddha asked Yang Jian.

"Convicted? I know your uncle!"

Yang Jian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and cursed all the immortals and Buddhas in the sky.

Wang Xian: ...

This is definitely not the second brother in my impression!

"Give me death!"

A lamp appeared in Yang Jian's left hand in an gentle light shone down, and quickly moved towards the Buddhas.

"not good!"

When the Buddhas saw the lamp in Yang Jian's left hand, their complexions changed instantly.

Lotus Lantern!

However, it was too late for them to react at this moment, the light of the lotus lantern had already shone on them.

It is possible that the chain can be used to make the chain work, and the chain can be used to make the chain work. /

puff! puff! puff! puff!

The sky was covered with golden radiant blood, and a famous Buddha flew upside down and smashed heavily on the Lingshan Mountain.

Chapter 595 The Prestige of the Lotus Lantern

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