Digitalization of the World

Chapter 596: Wang Xian picks up the leak and kills 3

In higher-level worlds, such as the "Fengshen World" and "The Desolate World", the Lotus Lantern is definitely not the top treasure, but in the "World of Lotus Lantern", the Lotus Lantern can be compared with the God Axe A treasure of hard steel, such a lotus lamp can really be said to be the number one treasure in the Three Realms.

Those Buddhas, facing Yang Jian who was about the same strength as their own, were seriously injured and flew out without any resistance, which just proved the power of the 'Lotus Lantern'.

Yang Jian, who relied on the lotus lantern to drive those Buddhas back, flew towards the big Buddha in the sky with the lotus lantern in his hand without any hesitation.

The Buddha's face changed drastically in an instant. Although he was stronger than Yang Jian, facing Yang Jian who had the Lotus Lantern, the outcome was unknown.

What made him even more embarrassed was that he was the master of the Lingshan Mountain. He should have won against Yang Jian. If he lost to Yang Jian, he would lose all face in the three worlds.

Don't say that Yang Jian has a lotus lantern, the other gods don't care about it, they can only say three words: You lost!

Yang Jian's speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of the Buddha in an instant. The lotus lantern in his hand shone towards the Buddha with a gentle light.

The Buddha's face changed for a while.




No way!

In the words of ordinary people, it is really difficult to ride a tiger at this moment!

Yang Jian doesn't care what the Great Buddha thinks, he is very angry and murderous at the moment.

Originally, he just wanted to get an explanation for his younger sister, but he suddenly thought about his mother, which made him suspect that his mother Sifan was also a conspiracy of Western Buddhism.

What's more, now that we have completely torn face from Buddhism, there is nothing to say.

"Four Dharma Gods, you have really passed!"

The big Buddha's right hand was raised, shining a dazzling Buddha light, and shot towards Yang Jian.

Although only a short moment has passed, he has already made a choice. Those who avoid the war cannot avoid the war. Once that happens, the entire Lingshan and the entire Buddhist face will be completely lost. How can we spread the Dharma in that case? ?


The palm of the big Buddha met the Buddha light of the lotus lamp, and there was a violent explosion in an instant.

Although Yang Jian was protected by a lotus lamp, he still retreated hundreds of meters in the aftermath of the explosion, and a lot of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

As for the Buddha, his body trembled slightly, and he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries.

"Wang Xian, you let me out, the second brother can't exert the full power of the Lotus Lantern,"

Wang Xian, who was watching the battle, suddenly heard the voice of the Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan.

"Can you unleash the full power of the Lotus Lantern?"

Wang Xian asked.

In his impression, even Yang Chan, the Holy Mother of the Three Holy Mothers, as the owner of the Lotus Lantern, did not seem to have fully exerted the power of the Lotus Lantern.


The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, fell silent for a moment.


She also can't exert the full power of the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan, even if she is the owner of the Lotus Lantern, because her strength is too low.

At this moment, Yang Chan, the Three Holy Mothers, really regretted it very much. If she had worked hard to practice, she would not have watched the battle between Yang Jian and the Buddha at this moment.

"Okay, don't worry, the second brother will be fine, the big deal is that I will run away with the second brother!" Wang Xian comforted Yang Chan, the third virgin.

"Wang Xian, is it really possible? Can you really save my second brother?" Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother, asked excitedly.

"Of course it's fine!"

Wang Xian is full of confidence.

Not to mention running away with Yang Jian, once he fully fires, he might be able to kill the Buddha directly when he joins forces with Yang Jian.

But this chance is too low, here is Lingshan, there are countless Bodhisattvas, Luoshan, King Ming, Buddha, they will not let Wangxian kill the Buddha.

Once there is a crisis in the Great Buddha, the remaining Buddhists in Lingshan will definitely take action, and even the heavenly gods who are watching the show may take action to stop Wang Xian.

In addition, Wang Xian had to deal with the crisis that Blue Star might have at any time, so he didn't have all the firepower, otherwise Guanyin would not have been able to fight him for so long!

"Thank you, Wang Xian!"

Three Holy Mother Yang Chan said gratefully.

"Don't worry about it now? Keep reading. When the second brother is in danger, I will take action immediately!" Wang Xian said with a smile.


Three Holy Mother Yang Chan nodded again and again.

The battle between Yang Jian and the Great Buddha continued. Although Yang Jian was repelled at first and blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he was basically not injured.

Relying on the power of the lotus lantern, Yang Jian fought back and forth with the Buddha, the Buddha's light and lights all over the sky, almost blowing Lingshan away.

"Second brother is going to lose!"

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, said suddenly.

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and then carefully watched the two sides in the battle.

Sure enough, although Yang Jian showed signs of pressing down on the Buddha at the moment, his face was pale at the moment, and his body also gave off a feeling of being extremely weak.

On the contrary, although Dafo was embarrassed and beaten, he showed no signs of losing.

"Second brother is not the owner of the lotus lamp. It takes a lot of mana to activate the lotus lamp. At this moment, second brother's mana is running out." Yang Chan, the third saint, said.

Wang Xian nodded, and his body tensed up suddenly, ready to rescue Yang Jian at any time.

"God of justice, do you want to continue fighting?"

Smashing the oncoming light with one palm, the Buddha looked at Yang Jian indifferently.

Yang Jian's eyes were filled with anger, and he stared at the Buddha.

The gap in strength cannot be made up by relying on a treasure. At this moment, he has reached his limit, and if he continues, the only way left is to lose.

But I'm really unwilling!

Yang Jian's heart was roaring.

"Lord Buddha, the judiciary gods injured and culled all the guardians. The Buddha offended the Lord Buddha even more. He should be suppressed under the Lingshan Mountain to atone for his sins!"

At this time, Avalokitesvara appeared beside the Buddha, and said respectfully to the Buddha.

"As it is!"

The Buddha nodded and agreed with Guanyin's idea.

The conversation between the two of them was not covered up, not only made Yang Jian's face extremely ugly, but even the faces of the gods in the heavens became gloomy.

In any case, Yang Jian is the **** of justice in the heavens. Even if he made a big mistake, he should be judged by the heavens.

But what do you mean by Buddhism?

Not only did he not ask them about the meaning of the heaven, he even said in front of the gods in the heaven that he would suppress Yang Jian under the Lingshan Mountain!

This is not only to suppress Yang Jian, but also to slap the gods and gods in the heavens!

All the immortals and gods looked at the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, wanting to see how the two masters of the heavens would make a decision?

The Jade Emperor's face was so gloomy at this moment that he could drip water. Since Jin Chanzi's journey to the west, they have lost face in the heavens.

Now, Tathagata is even more blatantly trying to suppress the Four Laws gods in the heavens, how can this not make him angry!

However, he is no match for Tathagata!

The Jade Emperor was silent, and so were the immortals.

"Tathagata, I will fight with you!"

Yang Jian spat out a mouthful of blood onto the Lotus Lantern, and the originally gentle light turned blood red in an instant.


Blood-red lights swept across the sky, heading straight for the Buddha.

The first one among them was the Great Buddha. His huge body exuding Buddha's light began to show signs of melting when illuminated by the blood-colored light.

The face of the Buddha changed wildly, he pinched the Buddha seal with his hands, and kept chanting unknown Buddhist scriptures in his mouth, resisting the **** light with all his strength.

Secondly, it was Guanyin who was beside the Buddha. Without any resistance, she was directly sent flying by the blood-red light, and fell heavily on the Lingshan Mountain, unconscious.

Finally, there are those Buddhas who were injured by the lotus lamp for the first time. They all started to heal their injuries on the Lingshan Mountain, but when the blood-red lights came out, their injuries became more serious.

This made the eyes of Wang Xian, who was hiding in the distance watching the battle, instantly light up. After two serious injuries, the health of those Buddhas was already less than one-tenth.

Mimi glanced around quietly, and found that no matter whether it was a fairy **** or a Bodhisattva Buddha, its attention was on Yang Jian and the Buddha.

Therefore, Wang Xian decisively activated the [Void] skill, concealed his figure, and touched the Buddhas on the Lingshan Mountain.

"Wang Xian, what are you going to do?"

Yang Chan, the Three Holy Mother, who was in Wang Xian's "Spiritual Ring" space, was frightened by Wang Xian's actions. She originally thought that Wang Xian was hiding to save Yang Jian, but Wang Xian went towards Lingshan.

Wang Xian didn't answer the San Shengma Yang Chan, he might have to save Yang Jian later, so he didn't have much time left for her, and if he said a word at this time, it might waste precious time.

Finally, Wang Xian came to the Lingshan Mountain, before a wounded Buddha.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xian released the [Void] skill, allowing himself to appear brightly in front of the Buddha.

Wang Xian, who appeared suddenly, slapped the Buddha, and he subconsciously waved his palm towards Wang Xian.

Wang Xian didn't dodge anything, and let the Buddha hit him.


Wang Xian was sent flying by the palm of the Buddha, losing millions of life points.


There was a sudden roar in the sky, like the roar of thunder, and then blood rained down, and the sound of wailing resounded through the world.

All the fairies were stunned!

The sky rained blood, and Da Neng fell.

what happened?

How can there be a powerless fall?

Even Yang Jian and the big Buddha who was resisting the blood-colored lights froze, especially the big Buddha, he already knew who had fallen!

Wang Xian was also a little dazed, he didn't expect that a vision of heaven and earth would appear after the death of a Buddha.

However, Wang Xian was only slightly dazed for a moment, and there were still dozens of Buddhas with residual blood waiting for him to harvest.

During the process of flying backwards, Wang Xian adjusted his direction so that his body hit another injured Buddha.

The Buddha was still in shock. When Wang Xian hit him, he was reacting and slapped Wang Xian away without saying a word.


The sound of thunder rang again, the rain of blood became more majestic, and the sound of wailing became more mournful.

A group of gods and Buddhist disciples were no longer shocked, but terrified.

Wang Xian didn't care about it, and with the power of the Buddha's clapping, he flew towards a wounded Buddha.

"Don't touch him!"

The Buddha still ignored the healing, and yelled directly at the Buddha on Lingshan.

But it was too late, the Buddha that Wang Xian flew towards had already raised his palm and patted Wang Xian's body.


The thunder sounded again, and the blood rained all over the sky, as if someone directly fell from the sky with a basin.


The Buddha got up quickly, no longer resisting the melting of his body by the blood-colored light, and appeared in front of Wang Xian in a flash, covered with Buddha's light, and densely packed with Buddhist scripts and '卍' symbols appeared on his right hand.


The palm of the big Buddha slammed down on Wang Xian, and the whole Lingshan shook violently.


A ten-digit damage floated from the top of Wang Xian's head, causing Wang Xian's health to bottom out, and at the same time activated Wang Xian's other 'blood-locking' skill [Change Fate against Heaven].

[Change Fate Against the Heavens] Activated, Wang Xian's attribute surged by 1000%, but this was still not enough to compare with the Great Buddha.


The sound of the dragon's chant sounded from Wang Xian's mouth, and Wang Xian's body that was photographed into the spirit mountain also instantly changed from a human body to that of a dragon.

Skill - [Dragon Body]

The attributes skyrocketed by 500% again.


There was another dragon chant.

The golden one is busy covering the body of the dragon.

Skill - [Reverse Scale]

The attributes skyrocketed by 100% again.

With the addition of three status skills, Wang Xian's attributes soared to an extremely terrifying level.

The power of the dragon twitched suddenly, and the palm of the Buddha was directly thrown out.

This shocked the Buddha directly.

"Dragon Clan?!"

The Buddha glared at Wang Xian who was transformed into a dragon.

Wang Xian didn't pay attention to the Buddha, and the body of the dragon flickered, appearing beside Yang Jian who was still in a state of confusion. The huge claw of the dragon directly grabbed Yang Jian, and then fled towards the east quickly.

The duration of [Change Fate against Heaven] is too short, he has no extra time to waste.

"Evil barrier, where to escape!"

Seeing that Wang Xian's divine dragon body was about to escape and took Yang Jian away, the Buddha immediately chased after him in a rage.

The speed of the Buddha was extremely fast, as if teleporting, it appeared directly above Wang Xian's dragon body.

But when the Buddha waved his palms to attack Wang Xian's dragon body, a strange force descended on him, making him unable to move.

Not only That strange power also made him return to the front of Lingshan in an instant.

All the immortals were dumbfounded when they saw the Buddha suddenly disappearing and appearing again.

The Great Buddha looked at Wang Xian's escape direction with a solemn expression. If he guessed correctly, the force that forced him to return to the Lingshan Mountain was the 'power of time'!

Wang Xian didn't know what the Buddha was thinking. He urged the law of time with all his strength, and after sending the Buddha back to Lingshan, he fled towards Huashan with all his strength.

The attribute boost of [Defying the Heavens and Changing Fate] has disappeared, but fortunately, the [Shenlong Body] is still there, and Wang Xian constantly exerts the power of space on himself, making the speed still very fast.

After coming to Mount Hua, Wang Xian turned back into a human body, and threw the still a little dazed Yang Jian into the space of the 'Ring of Immortals', and then chose to leave the instance of 'Baolian Lantern'.

After returning to Blue Star, Wang Xian breathed a sigh of relief. Although he also wondered why the Buddha didn't continue to chase after him, but now that he has returned to Blue Star, it is necessary to think so much.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :