Digitalization of the World

Chapter 597: Nangong Wu and Yunxiao

"What kind of world is this?"

Just after Wang Xian was released from the space of the 'Ring of Immortals', Yang Jian didn't even heal his wounds, his eyes were fixed on Wang Xian, and the Three Virgins, Yang Chan, also stared at Wang Xian with her bright eyes.

"Second brother, Yang Chan, go to my place first, and then we'll talk while walking!" Wang Xian said.


Yang Jian and Sanshengmu Yang Chan looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Then let's go."

Wang Xian flew up and flew in the direction of the 'Immortal Palace', Yang Jian and San Shengmu Yang Chan immediately followed.

"Second brother, Yang Chan, don't be too shocked by what I say next!" Wang Xian told the two brothers and sisters in advance.

"Shock? Can this shock me more?"

Suddenly something appeared in Yang Jian's hand.

""Lotus Lantern"? I knew it, someone must be messing with it!"

Looking at a book "The Lotus Lantern" in Yang Jian's hand, Wang Xian was speechless.

From the murderous intent shown by the Three Holy Mothers Yang Chan after meeting Liu Yanchang, he guessed that someone would tell her the story of the 'Lotus Lantern', and now it really proved this guess.

Now that Yang Jian and Sanshengmu Yang Chan already knew something, what they said next would not shock them too much.

"Second brother, Yang Chan, your world, including you, should actually be a product of 'illusion'."

Wang Xianyu was not surprised and died endlessly.


Yang Jian and Sanshengmu Yang Chan were a little confused.

Wang Xian thought for a while, and explained: "In terms of your world, the world you live in is made up of a huge illusion, and you who are in the illusion are also illusory."

"Are we an illusion in the illusion?"

Yang Jian and Sanshengmu Yang Chan were completely dumbfounded.

"It can be said that the world we live in now is called 'Blue Star', and on Blue Star, there are countless illusion worlds like your world, and even in some illusion worlds, there are the same you, but Not at the same time." Wang Xian continued.

"Wang Xian, what do you mean we are the same, but not at different times?" Yang Chan, the Holy Mother of the Three, asked.

"Yang Chan, I don't know much about your situation, but in some illusion worlds, there are second elder brothers, such as the second brother in the 'Conferred God Period', or the second brother in the 'Journey to the West Period', or other periods, And the world of 'Lotus Lantern' you are in should be the latest period, and also the second brother with the highest level of cultivation." Wang Xian explained.

Although the level of the world is different, resulting in different strengths of Yang Jian among the multiple copies, but the realm of practice is absolutely as he said, and the realm of the second brother at the moment is the highest!

"The highest realm?"

Yang Jian grasped the key point.

"The level of each illusion world is different, resulting in the strength of the illusory life formed in each illusion world is also different, just like the 'Journey to the West' I know, the second brother there is not as good as you, but the strength is definitely stronger than yours, this is It is determined by the level of the world, but it does not mean that you are inferior to that second brother." Wang Xian said.

"I see."

Yang Jian nodded.

"Wang Xian, you are talking about the false life in our illusion, but my second brother and I have already left that illusion. It stands to reason that we should disappear. Why do we still exist now?" San Shengmao Yang Chan asked, frowning.

Wang Xian fell silent until Yang Jian and Sanshengmu Yang Chan were a little anxious, then he sighed and said, "Actually, the world we are in now should also be a world of illusion, but it is just a bigger world of illusion. And the world you used to be is just a small illusion world attached to a huge illusion world."

The digital world is composed of countless data, but this is explained by science. If it is explained by fantasy, it is formed by illusion.

"A bigger illusion world?"

Yang Jian and Sanshengmu Yang Chan were stunned again.

"At least for the time being!"

Wang Xian nodded.

"What is at least?"

Yang Jian frowned.

"In the far, far distant era of this huge illusion world, a group of creatures formed by illusion broke the boundary between illusion and reality, from illusion to reality, and they wanted to turn the entire illusion world into reality, It's just that some accidents happened, and finally... alas!"

Wang Xian sighed.

The Third Holy Mother Yang Chan asked: "Failed?"

"Well, it failed!"

Wang Xian nodded.

"Did you say at least, that is to say, that you have reached the boundary between illusion and reality?" Yang Jian asked eagerly.

"That's right, that time shouldn't be too far away!"

Illusions are shattered at any time, and the real is eternal. Any life that knows its illusory existence will want to become real.

Not only Yang Jian, but Wang Xian also thinks the same way. He is afraid that the so-called data world will suddenly collapse due to an error in a 'number' one day.

At that time, his friends, his lover, his relatives, including himself, will completely disappear.

He absolutely does not accept that ending!

"What can I do?" Yang Jian asked again.

"Get stronger. In the real world, there are supremely powerful people who don't want us to become real. Only by defeating them can we truly move from illusion to reality." Wang Xian said.

Yang Jian didn't say anything, but his eyes burst out with infinite fighting intent.

"Second Brother, Yang Chan, we're almost there!"

Wang Xian pointed to a towering mountain range in the distance, and this mountain range was the Hongmeng Mountain Range in the territory of the 'Xiangong'.

"Fantastic mountains!"

After Yang Jian saw the 'Hongmeng Mountain Range', his expression immediately became dignified. He even opened the third eye on his forehead to observe the 'Hongmeng Mountain Range' carefully.

"This mountain range is called 'Hongmeng Mountain Range', and there is a special product in it called 'Congenital Stone'. When I give you some, you will be even more shocked!" Wang Xian laughed.

For players, the 'Innate Stone' may simply increase attributes, but for 'NPCs', it seems to have an unusual effect.

This can be seen from Wang Xian's reaction after Tao Yaoyao, the lord of Wanhua Palace, and Land Master obtained the 'Stone of Innate Nature'.

"By the way, this is for you!"

Wang Xian took out two 'Core Disciple Tokens' from his backpack and handed them to Yang Jian and San Shengmao Yang Chan.

"Disciple token? What do you do?"

Three Holy Mother Yang Chan asked curiously.

"I belong to the 'Xiangong', the resident of the sect in this territory, and some formation restrictions are arranged in the resident, including the air restriction. This token allows you to ignore those restrictions." Wang Xian explained .

"Zongmen? Wang Xian, can I join your sect?" Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother, asked immediately.


Wang Xian laughed.

"Then I want to join!" San Shengmao Yang Chan said.

"Okay, I'll ask Miss Wu to agree to your joining later." Wang Xian said.

"Who is the dancing lady?"

Yang Chan, the Holy Mother of the Third, couldn't help asking.

"My wife!"

Wang Xian said.


Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother, was a little unclear.

"It's the Taoist couple!"

Wang Xian explained.

Yang Chan, the Holy Mother of Three, froze immediately.

Wang Xian didn't notice the change of the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan, his attention was already on a figure flying out from the territory of the 'Immortal Palace'.

"Brother-in-law, you are finally back!"

Su Jin was the first to greet her, and she threw herself directly into Wang Xian's arms.

"As for it? I'll just leave for a while!"

Wang Xian rubbed Su Jin's head.

"Monster race?"

Yang Jian looked at Su Jin in Wang Xian's arms, and subconsciously frowned.

"Huh? Your Erlang God!"

Su Jin also found Yang Jian who was flying beside Wang Xian, and immediately exclaimed, then immediately left Wang Xian's embrace, flew around Yang Jian several times, and observed Yang Jian carefully.

"Her name is Su Jin, and she is not a demon clan, but a fox-human clan, one of the branches of the human race." Wang Xian said.

"Fox people?"

Yang Jian still doesn't understand. In his opinion, Su Jin is a monster, and he seems to be a half-monster.

"Second brother will get used to it after seeing him a lot!" Wang Xian said with a smile.

It can be said that there are many races in the 'Xiangong', such as fox people, fish people, dragon people, goblins, stone people, etc. According to Yang Jian's cognition, these can be regarded as monster races.

"Are you the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan?"

At this time, Su Jin flew to the side of the Third Holy Mother Yang Chan, looking at her curiously.

"Well, I'm Yang Chan."

Three Holy Mother Yang Chan nodded.

"What about Chen Xiang?"

Su Jin couldn't help asking.


The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, was taken aback for a moment, then remembered who the "Aloes" Su Jin was talking about, and said, "There is no aloes."

"No agarwood?"

Now it was Su Jin's turn to be stunned.

"Where did you ask so many questions? The second brother is still injured. If you have something to ask, go back to the territory and ask."

Wang Xian will turn into a problem baby, and Su Jin, who still wants to ask questions, slips to his side.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

Su Jin pouted, staring at Wang Xian with an unhappy face.

"Second brother, Yang Chan, let's go!"

Wang Xian didn't bother to talk to Su Jin, he said something to Yang Jian and San Shengmu Yang Chan, and then flew towards the territory.

Yang Jian and Sanshengmu Yang Chan also followed.

"Stinky brother-in-law! Big pig's hoof!"

Su Jin looked at the back of the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan, muttered something, and then chased after her.

After entering the territory, Wang Xian first contacted Cheng Yao, wanting him to treat Yang Jian's injury, but unfortunately, Cheng Yao went to download the dungeon.

As for the other priests, the healing techniques are not 100% healing of the injuries. For a mythical boss like Yang Jian with trillions of health points, it is simply a drop in the bucket, so they were not called over.

"Huh? Erlang God?"

Nangong Wu who came over after hearing the news also showed a surprised expression when she saw Yang Jian.

"Let me introduce, this is Miss Wu, my wife!"

Wang Xian put his arms around Nangong Wu's shoulders, and introduced Yang Jian and San Shengmao Yang Chan.


Nangong Wu gave Wang Xian a blank look, and then stretched out her right hand to Yang Jian and the Third Holy Mother Yang Chan.

The two brothers and sisters looked at Nangong Wu's outstretched right hand in a daze, and had no idea what Nangong Wu meant.

"Oh, I forgot, this is our etiquette."

Nangong Wu performed an ancient etiquette to Yang Jian and San Shengma Yang Chan with an apologetic face.

The Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, immediately returned a salute.

Yang Jian frowned, looking hesitant to speak.

"Second brother, what's the matter?"

Seeing this, Wang Xian couldn't help asking.

Nangong Wu also looked at Yang Jian suspiciously.

After hesitating for a while, Yang Jian shook his head slightly and said, "It's okay."

'Are you all right? '

Wang Xian complained crazily in his heart.

"Sister Wu, go and prepare two rooms for Second Brother and Yang Chan to stay in." Wang Xian turned to Nangong Wu and said.


Nangong Wu turned and left.

"Second brother, can we talk now?"

Wang Xian looked at Yang Jian.

Obviously, it was because of Nangong Wu's presence that Yang Jian didn't say it just now. Now that Nangong Wu was dismissed by him, Yang Jian should be able to say it.

"Wang Xian, do you know Sanxiao?" Yang Jian asked.

Wang Xian nodded and said: "I know, the three disciples of Master Tongtian are Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao. Second brother, what exactly do you want to say, just say it directly."

"Just now, I felt Uncle Yunxiao's breath on your Taoist companion. It seems to be a kind of contract, but now it seems that it is time to fulfill the promise." Yang Jian said.

"Contract? What contract?"

Wang Xian immediately stood up.

After Yang Jian was silent for a while, he said, "It seems to be...a master-servant contract!"

"Master-servant contract!"

Wang Xian's face changed drastically in an instant, and he disappeared in front of Yang Jian and the Three Virgins Yang Chan in a flash.


He finally understood!

No wonder when Nangong Wu and the others came out of the 'Fengshen Dungeon', he felt that everyone was hiding something from him. When he asked Nangong Wu and others, they didn't say anything. The truth turned out to be like this!

"Why are you hiding it from me?"

Wang Xian's figure appeared in front of Nangong Wu, his eyes fixed on Nangong Wu 'seriously'.

Nangong Wu's expression froze, and she said with a smile, "You know everything?"

"You can still laugh?"

Wang Xian gritted his teeth and stared at Nangong Wu.

When is this? The woman in front of her still dares to laugh. Does she not know the seriousness of the matter?

"Why don't you laugh?"

Nangong Wu asked back.

"Laugh? I'll make you laugh!"

Wang Xian rushed to Nangong Wu, hugged Nangong Wu by the waist, then appeared beside the bed, and put Nangong Wu on his legs.


He slapped him down with a slap.


Nangong Wu suddenly cried out in pain.

"Xiaoxian, let me go!"

Nangong Wu shouted angrily.

"Do you know what's wrong?"

Wang Xian said angrily.

"Hmph! I was right!"

Nangong Wu snorted coldly.


"Is it wrong?"


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Wang Xian slapped him three times in a row.

"Do you know what was wrong now?"


Nangong Wu still didn't answer like that, but there was a cry in her voice.

Wang Xian's heart trembled, he hugged Nangong Wu into his arms, looked at you Nangong Wu with tears in his eyes, and asked, "Sister Wu, is UU Reading worth it?"

"not worth!"

Nangong Wu said.

Wang Xian: ...

This is so wrong with the plot!

Shouldn't it be 'value', and then the two of them hug each other and cry? This sentence 'not worth it', Wang Xian will not be able to fix it directly!


Looking at Wang Xian who was stunned, Nangong Wu couldn't help laughing.

"Xiaoxian, I know what you're thinking? But have you ever thought that if your strength surpasses the Sanxiao sisters, will you still let you fulfill the so-called contract?"

As soon as Nangong Wu said this, Wang Xian froze there again.

Chapter 597 Nangong Wu and Yunxiao

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