Digitalization of the World

Chapter 669: restless saints

That's right, there are tens of thousands of mythical bosses, all of which are above level 500.

In fact, there were not so many mythical bosses in the Kunlun Mountains at the beginning. Even if the ancient palace in the center of Kunlun Mountains was found, all the major forces only sent some strong men to sit in it.

After all, there is a powerful aura in Kunlun Mountain, even a level 1000 mythical boss cannot step out of its central area.

But when the mysterious 'cyan gas' flew out of the ancient palace in Kunlun Mountain, all the major forces couldn't sit still.

The Immortal Clan took the lead, and there were tens of thousands of mythical bosses as soon as they made a move, followed by the forces of all races in the universe.

Those mythical dungeons of all races in the universe who used to spawn monsters in top leveling areas and open up wasteland for blue stars, after hearing about the 'cyan gas', all rushed to the Kunlun Mountains, and the number reached a terrifying There are more than 30,000, and this number is still increasing.

Finally, there are the major sects in the Dragon Kingdom.

This time, all the seven-star sects, eight-star sects, and nine-star sects in Longguo appeared.

Although they only dispatched thousands of mythical bosses, their average level was higher than that of the fairy clan and other clans in the universe. Moreover, each sect also brought a terrifying 'Zongzong Artifact'.

The power erupted by each piece of 'Suppressing Sect Artifact' has made mythical bosses above level 1000 hate it. This also makes the Dragon Kingdom Zongmen faction have the least number of people, but it can still compete with the two major factions.

However, with the passage of time, more and more powerful people were sent by the fairy clan, and some powerful artifacts appeared from the fairy clan, and there were signs of crushing the dragon kingdom's sect and the strength of all the clans in the universe.

As Wang Xian flew towards the depths of the ocean, while thinking about the so-called 'green gas', he felt a strong aura of conspiracy.

In fact, in the news Longyu sent him, there was also speculation that the 'green gas' was a conspiracy, and it was much more complete and perfect than Wang Xian thought.

"Forget it, let them fight. Anyway, it's not a good thing. Dog eats dog. I'm happy to see it succeed."

Wang Xian didn't think much, and continued to check the message from Longyu.

Except for the news about the remaining four major kingdoms on the blue star.

The kingdom of God has not changed at all, and the kingdom of neon has basically not changed due to geographical restrictions. The kingdom of lighthouses and the kingdom of pharaohs are different.

These two countries are frantically expanding their territories, and forcibly accepting Blue Star 'players' within their territories as members.

There are only two options for those who disagree, either hide in the main city, or kill them completely.

Wang Xian didn't feel anything about this. No matter how the Lighthouse Kingdom and the Pharaoh Kingdom expanded, their final outcome was already doomed.

There is only one kingdom that exists on the blue star, and that is the Dragon Kingdom!

However, these two kingdoms also have some concerns for Wang Xian, that is, many cosmic races have joined the two kingdoms, which has greatly improved the strength of the two kingdoms.

The addition of cosmic forces will definitely affect the progress of Dragon Kingdom's unification of Blue Star, and once war starts with these two countries, all races in the universe will definitely end one after another, hindering Blue Star's unification.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a thing, it is necessary to destroy these two countries at an extremely fast speed, without giving the universe any reaction time.

Or use powerful strength to coerce all ethnic groups so that they dare not interfere in Blue Star's affairs.

It's a pity that no matter which of these two methods is used, Wang Xian can't do it for the time being, unless it is...

A beautiful image appeared in Wang Xian's mind.

Shaking his head slightly, Wang Xian didn't think too much about it, Blue Star is destined to unify, the difference is only the time.

In the end, it was a matter in the Dragon Country, because the time when the last expedition to the Kingdom of God was defeated caused a lot of noises in the Dragon Country.

Coupled with the collective disappearance of the members of 'Xiangong' for more than ten days, some people finally couldn't sit still, so their guilds upgraded one after another, and the path they chose was the dynasty.

Wang Xian naturally understands what these people want to do, and he will not blame these people in his heart, but since he chose the path of 'Dynasty', he is doomed to stand on the opposite side of him, and the consequences will naturally need their own bear!

Still the same sentence, Blue Star is destined to be unified, and the symbol of Blue Star's unification is that there is only one country.

The sect is not within the boundaries of the 'country', because the sect and the kingdom complement each other.

"Are you challenging my bottom line and patience?"

Wang Xian continued to check the messages sent to him by Longyu, and found that the reason why those guys were so impatient to upgrade the guild to a 'Dynasty' was that all races in the universe were working behind the scenes.

Those various races in the universe assured the lords of the 'dynasties' that if Wang Xian or the Dragon Kingdom went to war against them, the various races in the universe would stand up and help them.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Wang Xian scorned those masters of the 'Dynasty' fiercely.

Since ancient times, saying such things and doing such things will not end well, no matter the force that makes the guarantee or the force that is guaranteed.

After closing the message bar, Wang Xian accelerated his flight speed. It's not that he didn't think about opening a "space channel" directly to the depths of the ocean, but the size of the blue star has expanded again, and the depths of the ocean have become a battlefield. If the "space channel" passes, it will directly appear in the middle of the battlefield and become a living target for the two major forces.

Therefore, it is better to fly over honestly, although the speed is a bit slow.

A few hours later, Wang Xian came to the depths of the ocean, and also saw the battle between various races in the universe and the sea race.

The various races in the universe are headed by the 'Holy Race', while the Sea Race is the Church of the Evil God.

"I'll go, did that big octopus eat the little blue pill? Its strength soared so scary?"

Wang Xian stared dumbfounded at the giant octopus monopolizing dozens of mythical bosses.

What surprised Wang Xian even more was that none of the dozens of mythical bosses was below level 900, and the big octopus clearly had the upper hand.

After a while, Wang Xian came back to his senses, and his eyes fell on a figure.

It was a figure in a long robe with a scepter in his right hand, and his specific appearance was completely unclear.

However, Wang Xian has already recognized the identity of 'him'.

High Priest of the Sea Clan!

The reason why I recognized the High Priest of the Sea Clan was entirely from Yue Rushuang, but Yue Rushuang didn't know much, and she didn't even know what the High Priest of the Sea Clan looked like. The only thing she knew was that the High Priest of the Sea Clan was very Strong, even stronger than the Void Whale.

In fact, this is exactly the case. The moment Wang Xian saw the High Priest of the Sea Clan, Wang Xian felt startled, and this feeling was only felt when the level of Yao Chi broke through to 1800 or above.

"md! A pope, a high priest of the sea clan, they are not serious things!"

Wang Xian complained fiercely in his heart.

The appearance of the High Priest of the Sea Clan reminded him of the Pope of the Illuminati Church, that old man, he couldn't look at it with normal eyes, even with his full firepower, there was nothing he could do about that old man.

"I'm going, did you find me?"

Wang Xian suddenly felt two eyes falling on him, and looked in the direction of the eyes, and immediately saw the high priest of the Hai Clan 'looking' at him.

Although he still couldn't see the appearance of the High Priest of the Sea Clan, or even his eyes, Wang Xian could be sure that the High Priest of the Sea Clan was looking at him.

This put Wang Xian in a very state of mind, because he is currently in the interlayer of space, and has arranged a layer of space barrier around his body.

With such preparations, even a level 1000 Mythical Boss couldn't find him, but the High Priest of the Sea Clan did. How could Wang Xian not be shocked.

Suddenly, the high priest of the Hai clan turned his head back, as if he didn't notice Wang Xian.

"Have you found me? Or am I scaring myself?"

Wang Xian was suddenly a little uncertain.

The previous "gaze" cannot be said that the high priest of the sea clan was looking at him. It is very likely that when he looked at the high priest of the sea clan, he happened to meet the high priest of the sea clan looking elsewhere, which made someone A feeling of being 'watched' by the High Priest of the Sea Clan.

Wang Xian wanted to get close to the High Priest of the Hai Clan to make sure he really saw him, but when he thought of the evil Pope, his impulse to overcome with reason finally suppressed the idea of ​​dying.

Turning his gaze elsewhere, Wang Xian also saw the sea snake in the 'Dragon Palace'.

It is said to be a sea snake, but it is actually a scorpion snake, but compared to the last time I saw it, the current scorpion snake has a pair of dragon horns on its head, and its level has reached more than 900 levels.

"This rambunctious snake has also taken medicine!"

Wang Xian was speechless.

First it was the big octopus from the Church of the Cthulhu, and now it is the Lassy Snake from the Dragon Palace. The levels of the two sea monsters have soared, and their quality has reached the level of mythical bosses. They simply do not follow the normal script!

Turning his gaze again, this time he landed on a huge platform.

The overall color of the platform is dark blue, but it has a metallic texture, which is obviously made by artificial forging.

On the platform, there were dozens of figures. Wang Xian checked and found that the levels of these figures were not high, only more than 300 levels.


However, Wang Xian felt a fatal crisis from these figures, and even these feelings were more intense than those given to him by the big octopus and the snake.

And everything stems from the strange unknown instruments under them.


At the same time, the last dominant force at the bottom of the ocean also appeared in Wang Xian's mind.

Originally, the ocean still had the overlord force of 'Whale Paradise', but this force followed the Void Whale to the Chaos Sea, which made the ocean only have four overlord forces.

The battle is still going on. The big octopus of the Evil God Church is really like the reincarnation of the Evil God, fighting against dozens of mythical bosses from various races in the universe. The strange rays that are occasionally fired, once hitting those mythical bosses, they will instantly lose their strength. Combat power, and extremely strange changes have taken place.

The first is that the body starts to become sticky, then it becomes red, and finally, octopus-like tentacles grow out.

It's just that once such a strange change occurs in a cosmic race, the saint with runes between his eyebrows will take action.

He activates the rune between the eyebrows and shines on those treacherous cosmic races, and instantly those treacherous cosmic races will stop their treachery and return to their normal appearance.

"Why do you feel that this guy from the Saint Race has no good intentions?"

Wang Xian frowned and looked at the saint.

The reason why I think so is entirely because of the various races in the universe that have undergone strange changes after being hit by the weird rays of the big octopus.

Although under the illumination of the brow runes of the holy race, those mythical bosses of all races in the universe stopped their treachery and returned to normal, but Wang Xian saw through the [Eye of the Demon] that those treacherous bosses of all races in the universe Mythical level bosses only temporarily stopped the treachery.

The runes between the brows of the holy race only temporarily suppressed the strange power of the big octopus, but the strange power is still dormant in the bodies of the mythical bosses of various races in the universe.

Not only that, but under the illumination of the brow runes of the holy clan, the strange powers in the bodies of the mythical bosses of all races in the dormant and universe seemed to have been tempered and become even more weird.

In particular, some mythical bosses of various races in the universe, after being hit by the strange rays of the big octopus many times, and then illuminated by the brow runes of the saints, the strange power dormant in their bodies is even more weird than the weird rays shot by the big octopus .

"If things go on like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before the two major forces should cease fighting!"

Wang Xian discovered that the strange power in the bodies of some mythical bosses from various races in the universe had almost reached an upper limit.

If the saint was really for the strange power of the big octopus, then he should take action to stop the war between the two forces.

Because, once the strange power in the mythical bosses of various races in the universe reaches the upper limit, they will definitely become more weird, which is definitely not what the saint wants to see.


Just as Wang Xian thought, the saint suddenly issued an order to retreat!

That holy clan should have the highest status among all the clans in the universe. After he gave the order, all the clans who were fighting pushed back the sea clan who was fighting with him, and then quickly left the battlefield.

Seeing that dozens of opponents were about to retreat, the giant octopus of the Evil God Church naturally launched a fierce attack. Following the attack of the saint, the giant octopus could only watch helplessly as dozens of opponents left the battlefield.

When all the races in the universe left the battlefield, the holy race directly tore apart the space with a wave of his right hand, and disappeared above the sea with countless races in the universe.

"I want to see what you want to do!"

At the moment when the space crack, Wang Xian went straight into the space crack and chased after all the races in the universe.

During this period, Wang Xian laid down his hands and silently slaughtered an epic-level cosmic race, changed into the appearance of that cosmic race, and evacuated with the large army in a grand manner.

Not long after, Wang Xian followed the large army out of the space crack.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment around him, Wang Xian also knew where he was at the moment.


The return of the large army did not cause commotion among the various races in the universe stationed here, as if they were used to such things.

Following the order of the holy clan, the large army disbanded directly, and he left with dozens of mythical bosses.

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