Digitalization of the World

Chapter 670: Another big

[ps: Some misremembering earlier, the saint race has appeared long ago, so the race with the rune between the eyebrows was renamed 'Sky Clan', the previous content has been revised]

The Celestial Clan left with dozens of mythical bosses, and Wang Xian immediately hid himself to follow.

However, after following for a certain distance, Wang Xian was dumbfounded.

The Celestial Clan opened a channel in a dimensional space and entered with dozens of mythical bosses.

Dimensional space is actually a small world created by the strong, attached to the main world. Under normal circumstances, the dimensional space is not large.

Moreover, when entering the dimensional space again, it will cause strong spatial fluctuations, and even the channel of the dimensional space has a screening function, which can screen out the lives that enter the dimensional space.

These are what Yao Chi told Wang Xian when he communicated with Yao Chi.

Therefore, Wang Xian could only watch helplessly as the channel of the dimensional space disappeared, unable to take any action.

"I can't believe you didn't come out!"

Wang Xian glanced quietly at the place where the channel of the dimensional space disappeared, and found a secret place to cat up.

Three days have passed since this cat, and the Celestial Clan still hasn't appeared, nor have dozens of mythical bosses following him.

Wang Xian was getting impatient with the wait, he still had a lot of things to do, so he really couldn't spend too much time in this place.

"Two days, two more days!"

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

Just like that, another two days passed, and the Celestial Clan and dozens of mythical bosses still did not appear.

Looking at the place where the dimensional space channel once appeared, Wang Xian sighed lightly and planned to go back to Blue Star.

Just when Wang Xian turned around to leave, a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and he felt the fluctuation in space.

Without hesitation, he immediately turned around and stared at an open space without blinking.

A moment later, a space channel appeared, and the Celestial Clan that Wang Xian had been waiting for for five days also appeared in his eyes.

'You're finally out! '

Wang Xian gritted his teeth and thought to himself.


Why is the dimensional space channel closed?

What about the dozens of mythical bosses?

Looking at the disappearing dimensional space channel, Wang Xian was stunned for a while.

At this time, the Celestial Clan didn't stop, and walked directly towards the station not far away.

Although Wang Xian was curious about what happened to those mythical bosses, he couldn't show up to question the Celestial Clan, so he could only follow the Celestial Clan back to the station secretly with a depressed face.

Not long after, dozens of mythical bosses from various races in the universe were brought in front of that Celestial Clan, but they obviously didn't do it voluntarily, because they were all **** at the moment.

The Celestial Clan indifferently glanced at the dozens of mythical level bosses **** by five flowers, then stood up and respectfully bowed to the void.


The space trembled violently.

Something that Wang Xian could never have imagined jumped out of the void.


An octopus tentacles full of suckers!

It's just that, unlike the big octopus in the ocean, this tentacle is pitch black, the kind that glows from the black!

Of course, there are similarities, that is, this pitch-black tentacle exudes a strange aura just like the big octopus in the ocean.

After the tentacles appeared, they quickly leaned against the bodies of those dozens of mythical bosses. Under the horrified eyes of those mythical bosses, the suction cups on the tentacles showed sharp and dense teeth, and bit them fiercely. body.

After a while, the suction cup loosened, and the entire pitch-black tentacles disappeared, and the Celestial Clan waved his right hand, and the ropes tied to dozens of mythical bosses disappeared instantly.

"Meet the Son of God!"

Dozens of mythical bosses looked at the Celestial Clan with fiery eyes, and knelt on the ground.


The Celestial Clan responded lightly, and then said: "Go and prepare, follow me to attack the Sea Clan in three days!"

"The oracle of the Son of God!"

Dozens of mythical bosses shouted in unison, and then left in an orderly manner.

After those mythical level bosses left, the Celestial Clan, whom they called 'Son of Heavenly God', closed their eyes and practiced.

Wang Xian looked at the 'Son of God' who was practicing, hesitated for a while, but still didn't make a move. The pitch-black tentacles gave him a bad feeling, so he didn't want to take risks.

Taking another look at the 'Son of God', Wang Xian left quietly.

However, what Wang Xian didn't know was that after he left, a mocking smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the mouth of the "Son of God".

After leaving from 'Tian Shen Zi', Wang Xian found a mythical boss who was bitten by the pitch-black tentacles. After observing secretly, he didn't find anything unusual. It seemed that he had never been bitten by the pitch-black tentacles. Same.

They found a few mythical bosses who had also been bitten by the black tentacles, and they were exactly the same as the ones they observed at the beginning, with no abnormalities.

Wang Xian sighed inwardly, knowing that he would not get any useful information, he quickly left the residence of the 'Sky Clan', found a place where no one was around, and activated the spatial imprint left in the 'Xiangong', Returned to Blue Star.

After returning to the territory of the 'Xiangong', Wang Xian found that the territory was somewhat deserted, so he stopped a girl wandering in the territory, only to learn that most of the members of the 'Xiangong' were listening to Xuanming and the others in the Hongmeng Mountain Range. Xuan Yue preached.

As for what 'Tao' you are talking about?

Naturally, it is the practice method of [Xian Jue].

"Why didn't you go?"

Wang Xian asked the girl from the 'Xiangong' who was questioned by him.

"My genius is that Elder Xuanming and Elder Xuanyue are still learning the first layer of [Xian Jue], and I have already learned it!" The girl said proudly.

"Then, these people who are idle and have nothing to do are all people who have learned the first level of [Xian Jue]?"

Wang Xian pointed to the members of the 'Xiangong' who were doing nothing in the territory like this girl.


The girl nodded.


Wang Xian shrugged his shoulders, jumped up, and flew towards the Hongmeng Mountain Range.

Under the nourishment of the five innate stones, the Hongmeng Mountain Range has long been incomparably miraculous. If you don't enter the boundary of the mountain range, you can't see the situation in the mountain range clearly, and even your spiritual sense is useless.

After entering the Hongmeng Mountains, Wang Xian went to the 'Peach Garden' first. With the efforts of the 'Wanhua Palace', the peach tree he snatched from the heaven of 'White Snake World' has undergone tremendous changes, but this change There is still a long way to go from the real flat peach, but if it continues to develop like this, his flat peach garden will definitely become the real flat peach garden in myths and legends!

After chatting with Tao Yaoyao, the owner of the 'Wanhua Palace', Wang Xian went to look at the 'Colorful Sky Vine' again, and there was no change in it.

Finally, Wang Xian came to the place where Xuanming and Xuanyue preached.

Tens of thousands of members of the 'Xiangong' sat cross-legged on the ground. In front of them, Xuan Ming and Xuan Yue sat cross-legged in the void, slowly explaining the cultivation method of [Xian Jue] to everyone.

"It has the meaning of a fairy family sect, but it lacks a little vision of heaven and earth."

After Wang Xian looked at it for a while with a smile, he turned and left without disturbing Xuan Ming and Xuan Yue.

"Dance sister, where are you?"

Wang Xian sent a message to Nangong Wu.

He thought that Nangong Wu was also listening to Xuanming and Xuanyue explaining the cultivation method of [Xian Jue] in the Hongmeng Mountain Range, but the fact is that among the tens of thousands of people who listened to the sermon, there was no Nangong Wu.

"Download the instance, collect materials, and fight the boss!"

Nangong Wu replied very quickly.

After reading the news, Wang Xian did not continue to disturb Nangong Wu.

After leaving the Hongmeng Mountain Range, Wang Xian flew towards a huge mountain range not far from the 'Xiangong' territory.

This is a huge mountain range that is not frozen, and the Ice Race brought back from the 'Ice Star' by Wang Xian all live in this huge mountain range.

The arrival of Wang Xian did not cause any commotion in the Ice Clan, what should they do or what should they do.

The patriarch of the Ice Clan, that is, Wang Xian who was warmly received by the Ice Lord, after chatting with the Ice Lord, Wang Xian left and headed for another huge mountain range not far away.

The people living in this mountain range are the Stone Clan, but Wang Xian walked around a lot, but he didn't see any of the Stone Clan, which made Wang Xian a little dumbfounded.

After sending a message to the ancestor of the stone clan and inquiring, I learned that the entire stone clan, with millions of members, were all taken by the ancestor of the stone clan to kill monsters and level up.

Wang Xian felt relieved after confirming that the Shi Clan was fine.


Wang Xian is bored!

He didn't want to farm monsters, he didn't want to farm dungeons, and he had nothing to do, except to be bored.

Just like that, Wang Xian, who had been bored for more than three hours, stood up from the grass with a carp, and then activated the space imprint left at the entrance and exit of the 'Protagonist Copy', and his figure disappeared in the territory of the 'Xiangong' in an instant. middle.

In the past three hours, although he was very bored, he also confirmed one thing, that is to help Yaochi kill the seven demon kings in heaven!

"General, have you forgotten us!"

Just when Wang Xian entered the 'Protagonist Copy' again, an extremely anxious voice suddenly rang in Wang Xian's ear.

Wang Xian was stunned on the spot.

With a flash of his figure, Wang Xian disappeared in place.

"Are you still there?"

Wang Xian looked at the staff members in front of him in bewilderment.

"General, where else can we go?"

All the members of the staff group looked at Wang Xian resentfully.

Five days ago, they suddenly couldn't see the outside world, and Wang Xian didn't contact them. Under such circumstances, they couldn't be sure whether Wang Xian was in a "critical" moment, so they didn't dare to disturb Wang Xian at all.

Five days had passed, and they still hadn't heard from Wang Xian, and they finally couldn't bear it anymore, and tried to contact Wang Xian.

The good news is that they finally contacted Wang Xian, and Wang Xian appeared before their eyes.

As for why they looked at Wang Xian with resentful eyes, it was because Wang Xian said, "You are still there"!

Obviously, it was Wang Xian who forgot about them!

"I'm sorry, everyone is really sorry, something urgent happened suddenly, I will send you away immediately!"

Wang Xian was terrified by dozens of members of the staff group, and immediately escaped from the 'Ring of Immortals' after leaving a word.

Afterwards, Wang Xian went to the imperial capital, and returned dozens of staff members whose 'resentment' was about to turn into reality to Elder Long, and fled away under Elder Long's puzzled and strange eyes.

It wasn't until Wang Xian entered the 'Protagonist Copy' that he was completely relieved.

The resentful eyes of those dozens of old men are too scary.

"What are you going to do?"

Wang Xian looked at the empty Villain Alliance resident and found himself in trouble again.

He just contacted Yao Chi.

Yao Chi is very grateful for his decision, but at the moment the Demon King has not appeared, so there is no need for Wang Xian's help now.

Then, Yaochi asked a question about Fuyao.

Wang Xian was a little dumbfounded by this, and he also forgot about Fuyao.

But fortunately, Fuyao is in the small world he created. After entering the small world and taking a look, Wang Xian replied to Yaochi after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Fuyao.

Yao Chi thanked Wang Xian again.

"It's decided, go find trouble with the protagonists, especially the protagonist who seems to have the ability to 'travel through time and space'!"

After deciding what to do, Wang Xian immediately contacted Ning Wudao and other villains.

However, compared to contacting Yaochi, contacting Ning Wudao and others was a bit troublesome. Wang Xian prepared a lot of materials and built a small altar before contacting Ning Wudao and others.

Ning Wudao and others are still looking for troubles for the 'protagonists', and they are still top experts with their own strengths.

As for the result...

As if they were doomed, they didn't kill any of the protagonists. Instead, they greatly increased the strength of the protagonists, and they also suffered huge losses. Even an elder of the Holy Land fell because of this.

"Why does it feel like those guys have all been hit by the 'wisdom-reducing buff'..."

Wang Xian was speechless after hearing Ning Wudao's news.

The 'wisdom-reducing buff' is a standard ability possessed by the protagonists. As long as they are against the protagonists, they will suffer from this almost unsolvable negative state.

Originally, Ning Wudao and others gave Wang Xian the impression that he was wise, rational, and acted before he planned, but now a series of things are completely done by typical villains, and they are the experienced babies of the protagonists!

After strongly instructing Ning Wudao and others not to trouble the 'protagonists' again, but without any reply, Wang Xian had no choice but to leave immediately for the world that Ning Wudao and others had just told him about.

This is a small world, Wang Xian found Ning Wudao and others easily.

"Why are you in such a mess?"

Wang Xian looked at Ning Wudao in front of him Yu, Hong Luan and others.


Su Yu sighed and began to speak slowly.

Not long ago, after contacting Wang Xian, they found the hiding place of the 'protagonists', so they ignored the communication with Wang Xian and immediately set off for that place.

There, I saw a large number of protagonists, so they did it, and the top experts led by them did it directly.

But it turned out that those protagonists were all fake, and the place bombarded by top powerhouses was a sealed magic cave.

The Devil's Nest is a place where the great powers of ancient times sealed demons. Even after countless years have passed, there are still demons alive in the Devil's Nest. Even if their strength is greatly reduced, they are still not something they can contend with.

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