Digitalization of the World

Chapter 671: ancient monster

The monsters that can be sealed by the ancient powers, in fact, you can know how terrible those monsters are, otherwise, how could the ancient powers seal those monsters, and how easy it is to kill them directly.

But fortunately, at this time, it has been unknown how many years since ancient times, those monsters have long been dead, crippled, and there is not much strength left.

Otherwise, Ning Wudao, Su Yu, Hong Luan and others would never see Wang Xian at all.

"What are you going to do now?"

Wang Xian asked everyone.

Although they are still alive and there are no missing parts in their bodies, but the strong men they brought to kill the protagonists may not be necessarily.

For them, those strong men gave up their lives to fight against the monsters in the devil's lair, and now they don't know what will happen.

Hearing Wang Xian's words, the faces of Ning Wudao and others became depressed.

"Naturally, we want to save those elders, but we simply can't do it with our strength, and now we are in the period of demon invasion, and the forces behind us can't send strong people."

Hong Luan's eyes were red, and tears began to spread in the eye sockets.

"Don't cry, take me to see it!"

Wang Xian sighed lightly.


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all looked at Wang Xian in shock.

What did they just hear?

Wang Xian is going to the devil's lair to save their elders?

But is it possible?

Although they have seen Wang Xian's strength, Wang Xian is only a "holy rank" after all. Even if he has the combat power of a holy slaughter god, he can only deal with Ye Ling'er, a mortal **** That's all!

But what about those monsters?

All are God King Realm!

The holy rank vs. the **** king, the result is no need to think about it!

"Wang Xian, do you know what you are talking about, those monsters are all in the God King Realm!" Yunyue said solemnly.

"I can guess, but with my strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to kill some **** kings!"

Wang Xian smiled slightly.

During this period of time, his strength has improved a lot, and everything stems from his opening up of the 'small world'.

The sea of ​​blood and the pure white lotus made the "small world" he opened up promoted from the plane to the small world. Leaving aside other functions, the added attributes alone have increased from 100,000 points to 500,000 points .

Secondly, Wang Xian also took a piece of 'Yaochi Sacred Fruit', which increased all attributes by another 500,000, and the damage increase increased by 500%, making Wang Xian's damage increase reach more than 2100%.

If the mythical attributes of some equipment and the characteristics of the 'Heavenly Demon Spear' are included, Wang Xian's damage increase has reached a terrifying 5000%.

This means that even if Wang Xian doesn't use any skills, he can cause 50 times the damage with one basic attack skill.

Finally, there is the talent of 'Devil Lord', which devoured a large number of Heavenly Demons and some of the Seventh Heaven Demon King's body. The skill [Summoning Demon].

[Summoning Demon] The skill allows Wang Xian to summon a demon of the same level as him from the void.

Although Wang Xian's level is not very high due to the talent [Immortal Physique], the summoned Heavenly Demon will be blessed with 1% of Wang Xian's attributes.

Although the 1% ratio is very low, Wang Xian's own attributes are frighteningly high, and the 1% attributes are more than 100,000.

Of course, for monsters who have reached the "God King Realm", one hundred thousand attributes are nothing at all, but the characteristics of the Tianmo clan, coupled with the almost unsolvable number, can make Wang Xian face a small number of "God King Realm" monsters. ', you can be completely fearless.

However, this time it was for saving people, and the Great Thousand World was being attacked by the Heavenly Demon clan, so it was basically impossible to use the skill [Sky Demon Summoning].

But even if he couldn't use the [Heavenly Demon Summoning] skill, Wang Xian was confident enough to kill a small number of monsters in the 'God King Realm'.


Wang Xian had a confident expression on his face, but everyone still had some disbelief.

"Forget it if you don't believe me, you guys are here to heal your wounds, I'll find them myself!"

Wang Xian glared at everyone angrily, turned and left, he was kind enough to help these people, but these people still didn't believe him.


Just as Wang Xian turned to leave, an anxious voice came from behind.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Xian looked indifferently at Hong Luan who was chasing him.

"Wang Xian, I believe in you!"

Hong Luan looked into Wang Xian's eyes and said.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm bragging?"

Wang Xian joked.

"I'm afraid! But I still want to go back. That's my mother's queen. Even if it's a dead end, I will be with my mother's queen!" Hong Luan said in a concentrated voice.

Wang Xian was stunned.

He was really surprised by Hong Luan's words.

"Tell me the location of the devil's lair."

Wang Xian was not talking unnecessary nonsense, and asked Hong Luan directly.

"This place is facing south, if you fly at full strength, it will take about half an hour." Hong Luan said immediately.

Wang Xian estimated the distance between this place and the Devil's Cave, and then with a wave of his right hand, a space channel quickly condensed.


After the space channel was completely condensed, Wang Xian immediately stepped into the space channel.

Hong Luan didn't hesitate at all, and followed Wang Xian into the space passage.

In the space channel, Wang Xian and Hong Luan were moving forward rapidly one after the other, and Hong Luan's voice suddenly sounded: "Wang Xian, why did you help me?"

"I am a good person!"

Wang Xian said lightly.

He absolutely did not lie about this, he was indeed a good person, but this time he went to the Demon Cave to be the elders of Hongluan and others, not only because he was a good person, but more because of those monsters who were sealed by the ancient power.

The current strength of those monsters is only at the 'God King Realm', that is, mythical bosses with levels between 800 and 1000.

But they are different from the mythical bosses of level 800~1000. Their level and grade must have far exceeded the mythical bosses of level 800~1000. Although they have fallen to this level and grade now, the items dropped after killing Possibly beyond 'mythical' quality.

He has a 'Heaven and Earth Oven', as long as the materials are the most enough, he can forge mythical-level equipment. Therefore, he is not very cold about 'mythical-level' equipment, but it is different for equipment that exceeds the mythical level. up!

Therefore, when going to the devil's lair this time, saving people is the second priority, killing those monsters and obtaining the items they drop is the main thing!

"Good man..."

After Hongluan murmured, a pair of beautiful eyes stared closely at Wang Xian, and said in a very grateful tone: "Wang Xian, thank you, you are really a good person!"

The corner of Wang Xian's mouth twitched.

A good man himself said there was nothing wrong with it, but if he said it from someone else, especially a super beautiful beauty, the taste would be completely different.

But after thinking of the "good man" in Hong Luan's mouth and the "good man" in his understanding, Wang Xian didn't say back to Hong Luan, "You are a good man, and your whole family is a good man!" '

After a while, Wang Xian and Hong Luan exited the space passage.

After Hongluan checked the surrounding environment, she immediately said to Wang Xian: "This is right here, continue to fly south, and you will arrive at the Devil's Cave."


Wang Xian nodded.

In fact, Hong Luan didn't even need to speak, he could already feel the waves of a great battle in the distance.

Stretching out his right hand, grabbing Hongluan's shoulder, the power of space surged, and Wang Xian and Hongluan disappeared in place in an instant.

When Wang Xian and Hong Luan walked out of the void, they immediately saw a woman pierced through the abdomen by a horned monster with the horn on top of her head.


Hong Luan's eyes instantly turned red, and a roar came out of his mouth.

Without hesitation, Wang Xian left Hong Luan where he was, and appeared in front of the monster's horn, grabbed the woman pierced by the horn with his right hand, pulled her out from the monster's horn, and then Back to Hong Luan's side.

"Luan'er, why... are you back..."

After the woman saw Hongluan, she asked in a very angry tone, but her abdomen was pierced, and she spoke intermittently.

"Queen, I'm here to save you, I'm here to save you!"

Hong Luan hugged the woman and wept bitterly.


The woman tried to push Hong Luan away, but she was seriously injured and couldn't push away Hong Luan who was holding her tightly. Even because of this behavior, her injury became more serious and her breath of life became weaker. possibility of disappearing.

"Don't go, I won't go, I want to kill that demon, kill it!"

Hong Luan felt the woman's faint breath of life, and two tears of blood flowed from her eyes.

She put the woman down, and two ring-mounted weapons instantly appeared in her hands, and she rushed towards the one-horned monster with anger and killing intent on her face.

He has a 'Heaven and Earth Oven', as long as the materials are the most enough, he can forge mythical-level equipment. Therefore, he is not very cold about 'mythical-level' equipment, but it is different for equipment that exceeds the mythical level. up!

Therefore, when going to the devil's lair this time, saving people is the second priority, killing those monsters and obtaining the items they drop is the main thing!

"Good man..."

After Hongluan murmured, a pair of beautiful eyes stared closely at Wang Xian, and said in a very grateful tone: "Wang Xian, thank you, you are really a good person!"

The corner of Wang Xian's mouth twitched.

A good man himself said there was nothing wrong with it, but if he said it from someone else, especially a super beautiful beauty, the taste would be completely different.

But after thinking of the "good man" in Hong Luan's mouth and the "good man" in his understanding, Wang Xian didn't say back to Hong Luan, "You are a good man, and your whole family is a good man!" '

After a while, Wang Xian and Hong Luan exited the space passage.

After Hongluan checked the surrounding environment, she immediately said to Wang Xian: "This is right here, continue to fly south, and you will arrive at the Devil's Cave."


Wang Xian nodded.

In fact, Hong Luan didn't even need to speak, he could already feel the waves of a great battle in the distance.

Stretching out his right hand, grabbing Hongluan's shoulder, the power of space surged, and Wang Xian and Hongluan disappeared in place in an instant.

When Wang Xian and Hong Luan walked out of the void, they immediately saw a woman pierced through the abdomen by a horned monster with the horn on top of her head.


Hong Luan's eyes instantly turned red, and a roar came out of his mouth.

"Luan... son..."

The woman tried to call Hong Luan to stop, but Hong Luan, who had been dominated by anger and hatred, could not hear the woman's voice at all. All she had to do was to kill the one-horned demon and avenge the woman.

"Save... Luan'er... take... take her... go..."

Seeing that she couldn't call Hong Luan, the woman looked at Wang Xian eagerly.

Since the man in front of him could save himself from the horn of the one-horned demon, he could also save Hong Luan and take Hong Luan away.

Wang Xian shook his head and rejected the woman's request.

"No way..."

Seeing Wang Xian shaking her head, the woman's face instantly became full of despair, and the few remaining lives also passed away like running water.

The woman's breath of life became weaker and weaker, and the blood bar representing her life value was about to bottom out.

Just when the woman's blood was about to bottom out, a willow branch appeared in Wang Xian's hands, and he gently placed the willow branch over the woman's lips.

With a slight shake, a drop of turquoise water dripped down, just falling into the woman's mouth.

At the same time, the woman's blood bar was finally cleared to zero, and her breath of life disappeared instantly.


As if feeling the woman's passing, Hong Luan, who was fighting with the one-horned monster not far away, roared again, and rushed towards the woman quickly regardless of the one-horned monster that was attacking.

Just when Hong Luan came to the woman and wanted to hug her, green light suddenly burst out from the woman's body, and the life breath that had disappeared from the woman also suddenly appeared, and the life force that killed her suddenly appeared on the woman's body. The wound also disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hongluan was stunned, with an expression of disbelief all over her face.

Until the woman slowly opened her dazed eyes, Hong Luan was awake like a dream, and threw herself on the woman.

"Mother's queen... woo woo... Mother's queen!"

Hong Luan hugged the woman tightly and wept bitterly.

The woman's eyes were still full of confusion. She didn't know why she was resurrected after she was clearly dead.

But feeling the body temperature of her daughter who was hugging her tightly, and hearing her crying bitterly, the woman stopped thinking about why she was resurrected, and hugged her daughter with her backhand, and comforted her in a gentle voice.


At this time, Wang Xian turned around suddenly, and kicked his one-horned monster flying away, which was about to attack.

Then, Wang Xian leaned forward, fisted with both hands, and thumped the unicorn monster frantically.

"Your uncle, I'm so emotional, you dare to come out to disturb me, I'll kill you!"

Punch after punch hit the head of the unicorn monster, and the unicorn monster was stunned. It even forgot to resist, or it was really dizzy and became unable to resist~www.mtlnovel .com~ Terrifying damages floated from the head of the unicorn monster, occasionally mixed with some yellow crit damage and red weakness damage.

Wang Xian continued to pound, punch after punch.

Finally, the one-horned monster couldn't hold on any longer, and its half-damaged blood finally bottomed out, and its body collapsed.

"Ding! Kill the 980-level ancient monster and gain experience points..."

The system's notification sounded in Wang Xian's ears, announcing the death of the one-horned monster, but Wang Xian didn't bother to answer, he had already started to pack up the loot dropped by the one-horned monster.

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