Digitalization of the World

Chapter 678: Visiting "Soul Refining Island"

The little girl Chen Ran looks very young, but she is actually in her thirties. To please Wang Xian so much, she naturally wants to hug Wang Xian's thick thighs tightly.

But Wang Xian really couldn't bear her expression, which made Wang Xian feel that he was committing a crime, and then he knocked her on the head angrily.

"Continue to talk about you protagonists, you said before that the protagonists are graded.

Zhao Hao is the eighth-level protagonist, but you have thousands of protagonists, and only a few of the eighth-level protagonists.

Then according to Zhao Hao's eighth-level protagonist's level, he can kill most of the protagonists, but why didn't he kill those protagonists whose levels are lower than his? "Wang Xian asked very puzzled.

"If you can kill, you can kill, but it is prone to accidents, and even if you kill a certain protagonist, the system of that protagonist cannot be damaged, but will run away and choose a new protagonist.

It took Zhao Hao a lot of effort to gather us the protagonists together, so he naturally didn't want to go to the trouble of finding new protagonists again. "Chen Ran explained.

"How do I hear what you mean, the thousands of protagonists locked up by you are all the protagonists in the entire Great Thousand World?"

Wang Xian showed surprise on his face.

Chen Ran nodded, and said, "If there are no accidents, except for the few helpers left by Zhao Hao, our thousands of people are the protagonists of all the systems in the entire Great Thousand World."

"There is such a good thing!"

Wang Xian burst out laughing immediately.

He was still thinking about how to find out all the protagonists who have "systems" in the entire Great Thousand World. As a result, before this matter was carried out, Zhao Hao gathered those protagonists and directly helped him a lot. !

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Ran looked at Wang Xian suspiciously, she didn't understand why Wang Xian thought this was a 'good thing'?

"It has nothing to do with you, you continue to talk."

Wang Xian patted Chen Ran's little head lightly.

"say what?"

Chen Ran was taken aback.

Wang Xiandao: "Of course, why did Zhao Hao arrest you?"


Chen Ran responded, and immediately said: "He is waiting, waiting for someone who can kill us and destroy our system."

Wang Xian frowned, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and quickly asked Chen Ran: "When did you know about me?"

He thought of Chen Ran and your thousands of protagonists when they first met themselves.

Panic, fear, dread, despair...

This shows that the thousands of protagonists recognize themselves, and know that they can kill them and destroy the systems in their bodies.

Of course, this is not important to Wang Xian, what is important is when the thousands of protagonists knew about him.

If it is known after killing Lin Feng and Li Fan, then there is no problem.

But if it is before that, then the next thing will be troublesome!

"Let me think about it."

Chen Ran tilted her head to think about it, and after a while, she said, "It seems like two years ago, when I was just caught, Zhao Hao showed us the video about you killing Lin Feng."

two years ago!

Wang Xian's pupils shrank instantly.

That was a special point in time, that is, the point in time when Blue Star was digitized.

Although the "Protagonist Copy" only appeared recently, the time history in the "Protagonist Copy" has been going on for an unknown number of years.

Of course, this is not important, the important thing is that before Wang Xian killed Lin Feng and Li Fan, Zhao Hao actually knew that Wang Xian had killed Lin Feng and Li Fan, and there was a video.

This allowed Wang Xian to be sure of one thing, that is, the owner of the system with the ability to travel through time and space is Zhao Hao!

A protagonist who can foresee what will happen in the future, or a protagonist who has a system, Wang Xian is really suspicious, can he kill Zhao Hao?

Wang Xian rubbed his brows.

What a headache!


After a long time, Wang Xian sighed and said, "So, Zhao Hao deliberately gathered you all together, and then made me want to kill you and destroy your system?"

"Mmm, yes!"

Chen Ran nodded heavily.

"But why would he do that?"

Wang Xian was puzzled.

He couldn't think of a reason for Zhao Hao to do this at all!

Isn't this an act of breeding enemies?

Can't figure it out!

I can't figure it out!

"It should be for luck!"

Chen Ran said.

"How to say?"

"The fate of a world is fixed, 50% is owned by the heaven and earth, 20% is shared by all living beings, and the remaining 30% is owned by the protagonist.

There are many protagonists in a world, which leads to the fact that each protagonist does not enjoy too much luck.

But when there is only one protagonist left in this world, luck will also be concentrated on one person. "

"So, I became Zhao Hao's tool?"

Wang Xian's face was very ugly.

Although Zhao Hao helped him a lot, but the feeling of being used as a tool is depressing no matter what he thinks.

Chen Ran glanced at Wang Xian cautiously, and replied in a low voice: "In theory, yes!"

"No, didn't I not kill you?"

Chen Randao: "Although you didn't kill us, you destroyed all systems except He Dukang, and the system is the carrier of luck. If the carrier is destroyed, it is natural to find a new carrier that can carry luck."

Wang Xian's face became even uglier.

Thousands of protagonists share 30% of the luck in one world, and it is difficult enough to kill a protagonist, but now 30% of the luck in a world is in the body of a few protagonists, just thinking about it is scary!

Next, Wang Xian didn't ask anything, and directly threw Chen Ran into the space of the 'Ring of Immortals'.

Then, You quickly sent the hundreds of protagonists back to their respective worlds, and Wang Xian immediately contacted Yao Chi.

After knowing the location of Yaochi, Wang Xian immediately activated the jade talisman and brought Hong Luan to the location of Yaochi.

"Fellow Daoist, it's so urgent, what happened?"

Before Wang Xian could speak, Yaochi immediately asked.

Wang Xian nodded, and told Yaochi everything Chen Ran told him about the protagonist.

After hearing this, Yaochi was silent for a long time, and said: "If it's really like what fellow Taoist said, we shouldn't be able to chase and kill the protagonist named Zhao Hao, otherwise it will only force him to arouse his luck and cause his strength to explode. increase."

"Then we can't just wait, can we? Once that guy's strength rises, he will definitely trouble you!" Wang Xian frowned.

"Fellow Daoist, are you worried about my safety?"

Yao Chi looked at Wang Xian with a smile on his face.

Wang Xian: ...

Did the Holy Master understand something wrong?

Or is he misunderstanding something?

As for Hong Luan at the side, as if he heard something unbelievable, his face was full of unbelievable expressions.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

"Well, I have one more thing I want to ask fellow daoist for help."

Wang Xian couldn't stand the atmosphere, so he could only bite the bullet and speak.

"Fellow daoist, please tell me, as long as I can help, I will help fellow daoist complete it." Yaochi said.

"Do fellow daoists know about 'Soul Refining Island'?"

Wang Xian asked.

"Naturally, it is the only one of its kind in the Holy Land."

Yaochi nodded.

"I want to go to 'Soul Refining Island'."

"What do fellow Taoists go to 'Soul Refining Island', those lunatics are not easy to get along with."

Yao Chi looked at Wang Xian suspiciously.

'Spiritual Soul Island' is famous in the whole world for its research on the soul. Although its owner is only in the God King Realm, with the uniqueness of the soul, even ten God King Realm of the same level may not be able to defeat Soul Refining Island. The island owner even has a half chance of being killed by the island owner of Soul Refining Island.

What's more, the shadows of 'Soul Refining Island' are spread all over the major forces, even in her 'Holy Land of Yaochi', there are shadows planted by 'Soul Refining Island'.

If it weren't for the fact that killing those Anzi would startle the 'Soul Refining Island', making it possible for 'Spiriting Soul Island' to send out more powerful Anzi, she would have already killed those Anzi who had placed the 'Spiriting Soul Island' in the 'Yaochi Holy Land' killed.

"'Soul Refining Island' has what I need."

"Very important?"

Yaochi frowned slightly.

"Very important!"

Wang Xian nodded.

After pondering for a while, Yao Chi said: "'Soul Refining Island' has placed Anzi beside me, and I happen to be going to 'Soul Refining Island' too, so let's go together!"

"Thank you, fellow daoist."

Wang Xian didn't think too much, and thanked Yaochi.

Although he is not afraid of the soul attack of 'Soul Refining Island', but with the ceiling of the strength of the Great Thousand World following him, he is more at ease!

"Fellow Daoist, wait a moment here, I'll go and see."

After Yao Chi dropped such a sentence, his figure disappeared in front of Wang Xian in an instant.

About two or three minutes later, Yao Chi's figure appeared, but she did not appear alone, there were five people around her.

These five people are all women, two of them have white hair and handsome face, they look very old, and the remaining three are young women who look like twenty-three or twenty-four years old.

Of course, Wang Xian also understands that those who cultivate immortals cannot judge their age according to outsiders.

"Fellow Daoist, let's go!"

Yao Chi spoke to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian said: "Then I will trouble fellow Taoist to take me for a ride."

Yaochi smiled slightly, but didn't say anything, the power of space emerged, wrapped everyone in it, and disappeared in place in an instant.

In a place of void, Yao Chi, figures of Wang Xian and others appeared out of thin air.

"Is this the 'Soul Refining Island'?"

Wang Xian looked curiously at the huge island fixed in the void not far away.

"Holy Lord!"

Wu Dao panicked, and voices full of fear sounded at the same time.

Wang Xian turned his head to look, and found that the five people brought by Yaochi all knelt down in front of Yaochi trembling.

what's the situation?

Why did you kneel all of a sudden?

Wang Xian was confused.

"You should know how to do it!" Yao Chi said to the five people who were kneeling on the ground in a flat tone.

The bodies of the five people froze instantly, and their faces were full of desolate expressions.

"Holy Master, I know that I am sorry for the Holy Land, and I am even more sorry for the Holy Master, but I can assure you that I have never betrayed the Holy Master, and I have never betrayed the Holy Land!"

An old woman with white hair and heavy face kowtowed to Yao Chi continuously.

"Lord Holy Master, I have never betrayed the Holy Land, nor have I betrayed the Holy Lord!"

"Master Holy Master, I was forced, Soul Refining Island forced me, they took my soul, I was forced!"

"Holy Lord, I..."

The remaining four also kowtowed and begged for mercy, and all said various reasons.

"Are you going to let me do it?"

Yaochi's expression didn't change at all, and he looked indifferently at the five people who kowtowed and begged for mercy.

The bodies of the five people froze again.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to!"

An old woman roared, her body suddenly turned into a stream of light, and she hurried towards the 'Soul Refining Island' not far away.

Seeing this, the remaining four people also imitated the old woman, using various escape skills, and frantically fled towards the 'Soul Refining Island'.

Until all five of them entered the 'Soul Refining Island', Yao Chi did not make a move.

Wang Xian asked in confusion: "Aren't you going to keep them?"

"Why do you want to stay? If they don't flee, how can I have any reason to attack 'Soul Refining Island'?"

A cruel smile appeared on Yao Chi's face.

Seeing that cruel smile, Wang Xian was stunned for a moment.

Ever since he knew Yao Chi, Yao Chi has given him a gentle and graceful feeling, and this is the first time he has seen such a cold smile.

But it was such a cold smile that directly 'punctured' Wang Xian's heart.

It's too sassy!

This is what a Holy Land Lord should look like!


Wang Xian suddenly screamed.

"What are you pinching me for?"

Wang Xian looked suspiciously at Hongluan beside him.


Hongluan gave Wang Xian a hard look, then turned her head away from looking at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian's head was filled with question marks.

what happened?

"let's go."

Yaochi glanced at Hongluan, smiled slightly, and said to Wang Xian.


The three of them immediately flew towards the 'Soul Refining Island'.

Just when the three of them were about to set foot on the 'Soul Refining Island', a barrier suddenly appeared and blocked the three of them.


Wang Xian was about to speak, but he saw Yao Chi suddenly raised his right hand and slapped towards 'Soul Refining Island'.

The power of space surged, and a big handprint completely condensed by the power of space condensed and formed above the 'Soul Refining Island', and slapped fiercely towards the 'Soul Refining Island'.


"Who dares to insult my Holy Land!"

"court death!"

Shouts of astonishment resounded in 'Soul Refining Island'.

Afterwards, one after another figures appeared in the midair. They exuded powerful auras, and they shot out powerful supernatural powers one after another, blasting towards the big handprint condensed by the 'power of space' in the midair.

However, those supernatural powers were torn apart by the terrifying power of space on the Mahamudra of Space as soon as they approached it~ and turned into unowned energy between heaven and earth.

Such a scene caused the complexions of those experts on the 'Soul Refining Island' in mid-air to change drastically.

At the same time, the speed of the big handprint of space suddenly accelerated, or more accurately, it should be that the big handprint of space directly cut through the space and slapped **** the island of 'Soul Refining Island'.


As if the sky was falling apart, the huge Soul Refining Island began to shake violently.

Countless buildings were destroyed, peaks jumped one after another, and countless gravels fell off from Soul Refining Island and fell towards the void below. The entire Soul Refining Island was on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, an invisible wave swept across the entire Soul Refining Island, and the Soul Refining Island that was about to collapse instantly stabilized.


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