Digitalization of the World

Chapter 680: 10 days

Regarding the soul source, Wang Xian is not afraid at all. After all, he is only a soul body, and the only attack methods are various soul attacks.

But 'Soul Refining Island' is not just a source of souls, there are also countless disciples, even those disciples mainly attack with souls, but they have bodies and can attack in other ways.

In the beginning, they might keep attacking Wang Xian with soul attacks, but after a long time, someone must have noticed something abnormal.

At that time, if you want to escape, you have to waste some time.

What's more, now that Yaochi is seriously injured and unconscious, it's better to bear it for a while.

After Wang Xian left the 'Soul Refining Island', he didn't take Yaochi to the 'Yaochi Holy Land' to ask for help. After all, three masters of the 'Yaochi Holy Land' joined the 'Soul Refining Island'. Who can guarantee that they will be in the 'Yaochi Holy Land'? There is no deeper secret hidden in 'Soul Refining Island'.

Therefore, after Wang Xian appeared in an unknown world, he activated the jade talisman again, came to the residence of the villain alliance, and then chose to leave the 'protagonist copy'.

"Yaoyao, where are you?"

As soon as the 'Protagonist Dungeon' came out, Wang Xian immediately contacted Cheng Yao.

Yao Chi was seriously injured and unconscious, so he could only place his hopes on Cheng Yao.

However, Wang Xian was still very worried, because Yaochi's blood bar was still full, and Cheng Yao's healing skills might not be effective for Yaochi.

"Uncle, Sister Chan and I are killing monsters and leveling up."

Cheng Yao replied immediately after the message.

"Where is it, I will go there immediately."

Wang Xian asked.

"Uncle, is there something urgent? How about I go back? This is the new leveling area after the expansion of Blue Star. I don't know exactly where it is." Cheng Yao replied.

"Okay, then go back immediately, I'll wait for you in the territory!"


After Wang Xian closed the communication interface, he immediately returned to the territory.

After waiting in the territory for about five minutes, Cheng Yao's figure appeared in front of Wang Xian, accompanied by the Three Holy Mothers Yang Chan, Su Jin, Nangong Wu, Xuan Ming, Xuan Yue and others.

Each of them looked anxious, but when they saw that Wang Xian was fine, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoxian, what's the matter, you're in such a hurry to find Yaoyao?"

Nangong Wu stepped forward quickly and asked Wang Xian.

"It's not me, it's Yao Chi, she was seriously injured and passed out."

Wang Xian said.

"Yao Chi?"

Everyone was surprised.

They also have some understanding of Yao Chi's strength, that is a mythical boss with a level of 1800+, and a super boss who is about to reach the mythical level.

Such a super boss is seriously injured and unconscious, so how powerful should the enemy be?

"Yaoyao, follow me into the space of the 'Ring of Immortals'."

As Wang Xian spoke, he opened the space entrance of the 'Ring of Immortals'.

In the 'Protagonist Dungeon', due to the limitation of heaven and earth, Yaochi cannot break through to the 'Emperor Realm', but it is different in Blue Star.

There is no limit to Blue Star's world, once the Yaochi appears, it will automatically break through to the 'Emperor Realm', and it cannot be suppressed.

What's more, if Yao Chi was seriously injured and unconscious, if he broke through to the 'Emperor Realm' automatically, he would definitely be struck to death by thunder calamity, and even dragged the entire Blue Star to be buried with him.

Therefore, to heal Yaochi, it must be in the space of the 'Ring of Immortals'.

"Okay, uncle."

Cheng Yao immediately got into the space of the 'Ring of Immortals', and other people also entered one after another, and Wang Xian was the last to enter.

"Hongluan, how is Yaochi?"

Wang Xian asked Hongluan who was taking care of Yaochi.

Hong Luan's face was full of anxiety and worry. After seeing Wang Xian, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly said: "Holy Master is still unconscious. I will give Holy Master a plant that can heal the soul. I took it, but it didn’t work at all.”

Wang Xian nodded, looked at Cheng Yao, and said, "Yao Yao, try it."


Cheng Yao stepped forward and came to Yao Chi, releasing healing skills one by one.

After a while, Cheng Yao stopped, shook her head at Wang Xian, and said, "Uncle, no, my skills have no effect on her."


Wang Xian sighed lightly.

Although he had already guessed this result, he still couldn't help being disappointed when he heard what Cheng Yao said.

"Holy Master's soul has been severely injured, and ordinary treatment methods will not be useful." Hongluan said.

Is the soul wounded...

Wang Xian frowned, turned his right hand, and a gray jar appeared in his hand.

"come out!"

Wang Xian's other one tapped on the gray pot.

"What? I'm busy!"

An impatient voice came from the gray jar.

"Hurry up, or I'll drop your jar." Wang Xian threatened.

"Tch, do you dare?"

A disdainful voice came out of the gray jar.

Wang Xian's face darkened immediately.

At the same time, he was also extremely curious. The former Nie Xiaoqian was extremely gentle, why did she suddenly change so much?

"hurry up!"

Wang Xian knocked on the gray jar again.

"Hurry up, don't you know I'm busy?"

A translucent figure floated on the gray jar, with a beautiful face staring fiercely at Wang Xian.

"See what's going on with her?"

Wang Xian didn't care about Nie Xiaoqian's unhappy face at all, pointed to Yaochi, and said to her.

Although Nie Xiaoqian was very unhappy, she still looked in the direction Wang Xian pointed.

"The soul is injured, it's a small problem, with her strength, she can lie down for hundreds of years and it will be fine." Nie Xiaoqian just glanced at Yaochi, then said to Wang Xian indifferently.

"Hundreds of years? Are you kidding me? Heal her immediately!"

Wang Xian said angrily.

Hundreds of years?

At that time, the day lily was cold!

Besides, Nie Xiaoqian can see the problem of Yaochi at a glance, and can determine how many years it will take to recover, then it will definitely cure Yaochi.

With such a choice, why did he have to wait hundreds of years?


Nie Xiaoqian suddenly became a little furious.

"You eat mine, live in mine, I have something to do, can you do me a favor?"

Wang Xian glanced at Nie Xiaoqian.

"When will I eat yours and live in yours?"

Nie Xiaoqian immediately refuted.

"You still don't admit it? Tell yourself, did you stay in my backpack after I brought you out of the 'Liao Zhai' world?" Wang Xian asked.

"That's right!"

Nie Xiaoqian nodded.

"Is my backpack my personal property, and if you stay in it, is it equivalent to living in mine?" Wang Xianzai asked.

Nie Xiaoqian pouted, but still nodded.

"You admitted it too, then I have something to do, why don't you help me?"

"But it's just for living, what about food?"

"Li Fan's soul!"

Nie Xiaoqian was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately retorted: "That's not what I ate, it's what the six reincarnations ate!"

"It doesn't matter if it's you who ate it or the six reincarnations, at least the six reincarnations are in your hands, then Li Fan's soul is equivalent to being eaten by you, so you're eating mine!" Wang Xian said with a smile.

"Your words are simply unreasonable. It's not the same as what Sister Bai said."

Nie Xiaoqian's body trembled with anger.

"Sister Bai? You met that sister Bai, when did you meet?" Wang Xian asked quickly with a change in expression.

Nie Xiaoqian stayed behind his backpack all the time. If he had seen that 'Sister Bai', it would have confused him a bit.

"I didn't, I don't know, you got it wrong!"

Nie Xiaoqian immediately denied it three times.

Just when Wang Xian was about to speak, she flew directly from the gray jar and slammed into Yao Chi's body.

"Ten days, I can cure her in ten days!"

Nie Xiaoqian's voice resounded in Yao Chi's body.

After Wang Xian heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait for ten days, Yao Chi should be able to wake up."

Putting Nie Xiaoqian's urn aside, Wang Xian said to Hongluan.


Hongluan nodded slightly.

At this time, Su Jin rushed out suddenly, and said quietly: "Brother-in-law, where did you abduct another beautiful woman?"

"The protagonist is one of the heroines in the dungeon world, you don't have to guess, she and I are not the kind of relationship you think."

Wang Xian tapped Su Jin's little head.

"What kind of relationship, brother-in-law, what are you talking about? I'm just curious about this sister's background." Su Jin looked at Wang Xian with a puzzled face.

Wang Xian glared at Su Jin who had turned into a "player", and said to Hong Luan, "Since you have come to this world, do you want to take a good look?"

"of course yes!"

Hong Luan nodded.

"Sister Wu, arrange for someone to take Hong Luan around." Wang Xian looked at Nangong Wu.

"no problem."

Ten days passed in a flash, but Lan Xing was still as calm as ever.

Of course, this calm means that nothing special is happening, and nothing much has changed from what was going on before.

For example, the palace in Kunlun Mountains.

The three major forces are still confronting each other, but they are no longer fighting, and the three parties have reached an agreement to share the blue gas flying out of the palace in Kunlun Mountain.

Then there are the Celestial Clan and Sea Clan.

The 'Heavenly Son' of the Celestial Clan still uses the strange power of the mythical powerhouses of various clans to trap big octopuses, and they trap more and more.

Wang Xian knew that this was definitely not a good thing, but he couldn't stop it.

For some reason, when he saw the 'Tian Shen Zi' again, he felt a sense of crisis, which also made him give up the idea of ​​secretly checking the big octopus behind the 'Tian Shen Zi' again.

In the end, it is the matter of the Dragon Kingdom.

Suddenly, five extremely powerful people emerged from the Dragon Kingdom, and each of them was comparable in strength to Jian Twenty-Three.

There is even a person who can temporarily suppress Jian Twenty-Three when Jian Twenty-Three does not unseal the 'Ink Sword'.

This surprised Wang Xian after knowing about it.

But when he asked about those five people, he was told that those five people had disappeared suddenly, just as they appeared inexplicably, so also disappeared inexplicably.

The only certainty is that those five people are all from Longguo, and they are all 'players'!

"Hey! That woman is awake!"

Suddenly, Nie Xiaoqian's voice rang in Wang Xian's ears.

Wang Xian was startled, and immediately disappeared in place.

"How do you feel, Fellow Daoist?"

Wang Xian appeared in front of Yao Chi and asked.

"It has been completely recovered, and the power of the soul has been greatly improved, thank you fellow daoist." Yao Chi thanked.

"It's fine!"

Wang Xian nodded, and then said: "You need to return to your world as soon as possible. Without your seat, the demons have begun to invade in an all-round way, and the people of 'Soul Refining Island' are also doing things."

He went to the 'Protagonist Dungeon' three days ago and found many demons.

Obviously, without Yao Chi's presence, the Heavenly Demon entered the Great Thousand World wantonly.

What made him feel even more speechless was that the people of 'Soul Refining Island' not only failed to resist the Heavenly Demon, but also surrounded the 'Yaochi Holy Land'.

"Then ask Fellow Daoist to send me back."

Yao Chi said immediately.

"No problem, let's go right away!"

After Wang Xian finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Yao Chi.

While rushing towards the entrance of the 'Protagonist Copy', he sent a message to Nangong Wu and the others, telling them that he was going to the 'Protagonist Copy'.

Nangong Wu and the others didn't ask any questions, they just asked Wang Xian to pay attention to safety.

"Fellow Daoist, where's Hong Luan?"

When he was about to enter the 'Protagonist Dungeon', Yaochi suddenly asked.

"Don't worry about her, she's gone crazy!"

Wang Xian had a weird expression on his face.

Although Blue Star has digitized, there are still things that should be there, such as comics, games, etc., and they have even become more developed.

Hong Luan, who was exposed to these things for the first time, was directly addicted to them and couldn't extricate himself, even forgetting Wang Xian.

Although he has no idea about Hong Luan, but being compared by some comics and games still makes him a little bit upset!


Yao Chi was taken aback by Wang Xian's words.

Hong Luan is the eldest princess of the 'Tian Yao Dynasty', and the 'Tian Yao Dynasty' also belongs to one of the Holy Lands. Now that Hong Luan has gone crazy, why doesn't the emperor of the 'Tian Yao Dynasty' destroy the entire Great Thousand World?

"Not crazy, I mean she's crazy."

Wang Xian noticed the strangeness in Yao Chi, and quickly explained.

"That's good!"

Yaochi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she is not afraid of the emperor of the 'Tian Yao Dynasty', the big snake under the imperial city of the 'Tian Yao Dynasty' is a problem. If the emperor of the 'Tian Yao Dynasty' wakes up the big snake, it will be a big problem for the whole world. a disaster.

After entering the 'Protagonist Copy', Wang Xian immediately released Yaochi from the space of the 'Ring of Immortals'.

After Yao Chi appeared, he immediately brought Wang Xian to appear in a magnificent palace.

"I have seen the Holy Lord!"

As soon as he appeared in the palace, someone immediately saluted Yao Chi.

"How about the Holy Land?"

Yao Chi asked Holy Master, the Holy Land is guarded by a large array, so there is no serious problem, but some people in the Holy Land are not right! "A woman replied immediately.

"I understand. Don't spread the news about my return."

Yao Chi said lightly.

"Yes, Holy Master!"

The woman's face changed slightly, she understood what the Lord wanted to do.

"Fellow Daoist, this is your first time visiting my 'Holy Land of Yaochi', why don't I take fellow Daoist for a stroll?" Yaochi turned to look at Wang Xian beside him.

"I can't ask for more."

Wang Xian nodded with a smile.

At this time, the woman noticed Wang Xian, and seeing Yaochi talking to Wang Xian in such a gentle voice, her eyes and mouth immediately opened wide. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site