Digitalization of the World

Chapter 695: Emperor Realm Powerhouse Appears

Millions of attributes are still basic attributes. With the blessing of the talent [Human King Soul], the sacred artifact [Jiuzhou Ding] and the talent [Immortal Body], Wang Xian's actual increase in attributes has reached more than three million.

Coupled with the high increase of his face attributes to the basic attributes and the attack increase on the equipment, the panel attributes of his attacks have increased by more than 200 million, making his attack power approaching one billion.

A billion attack power is actually not too high. After all, the threshold for a mythical boss is 100 million attack power, and a billion attack power is what a level 300 boss can have.


You can't just look at the panel attributes. Wang Xian's high damage bonus of more than 2000% is 200% ice attribute damage and 200% light attribute damage.

In other words, Wang Xian's attack power is 24 billion damage.

The other is the "domain" that comes with the "Dragon Spear", which can increase the damage of Wang Xian's attacked enemies by 100%.

Without calculating the damage reduction, the basic attack damage is 50 billion, and if the weak point damage and crit damage are dealt, it directly reaches 100 billion.

If it is a fatal blow, with the blessing of "Dragon Strike", the damage can soar to five trillion.

With five trillion damage, a 200-level mythical boss can't take such a blow.


However, since the 'version update' has been updated twice, the stagger between attack power and health has changed a lot.

For example, the 'seckill' that appears after hitting the target does not calculate its own attack power and the target's health at all.

There are even some changes, which Wang Xian has not yet figured out.

"Why do I feel that you are showing off, Xiaoxian?" Just when Wang Xian was thinking about calculating his strength, Aunt Hong suddenly said with a smile.

"No, how is it possible, I have always been humble!"

Wang Xian immediately complained.

The two chatted very happily, but the members of those ancient forces were all gloomy.

The last time they besieged the 'Yaochi Holy Land', a 'Holy Rank' demon king suddenly appeared to disrupt their actions.

This time the 'Yaochi Holy Land' was besieged, and a 'Holy Rank' human race suddenly appeared to disrupt their actions.

Are they colluding with the 'Holy Rank'?

and many more!

Holy order?

The Demon King is a 'Holy Rank', and the human race in front of him is also a 'Holy Rank', could it be...

There is not only one person from the ancient forces who linked Wang Xian and the Demon King. After all, both of them are "Holy Rank", and they can kill the strong "God King Realm" at will.

The chances of such a monster appearing in the ancient world are extremely low. Now two suddenly appear, and they both appear in the same world. If it is not one, they will not believe it!

But the problem comes again. Although the demons and even the demon kings can freely convert between the virtual and the real, after they are converted into entities, they are also a family of demons, and they are even more demonic. This is a theorem since ancient times.

Even the legendary 'Evil Emperor' will be haunted by demonic energy when it is transformed into an entity.

The human race in front of them is different. They can see that it is a pure human race!

Could it be true not one?

Not only did the peerless evildoers that have never been seen in the past come out, but also two in one breath?

The members of the ancient forces secretly communicated with each other, but in the end they did not discuss the reason, but they also reached a unified opinion, that is, they must break through the 'Yaochi Holy Land' today and obtain the endless resources of the 'Yaochi Holy Land' !

"Using imperial weapons to suppress that 'Holy Rank' human child."

A 'God King Stage' powerhouse holding an imperial weapon was the first to speak.


Several other 'God King Realm' powerhouses holding imperial weapons all nodded.

As for why they didn't suppress rather than kill, it was because they agreed that Wang Xian had the existence of a treasure. Otherwise, how could a 'Holy Rank' suppress the killing of the 'God King Realm', and there was more than one 'God King Realm'.

Such a treasure, they want.

Think about it, a cultivator of the 'Holy Rank' can kill the 'God King Realm' at will with the blessing of that mysterious treasure. These 'God King Realm' obtained the mysterious treasure, and they burst out. What kind of terror power?

"Who shot?"

The slaughtering **** mansion with the imperial weapon halberd asked.

The imperial weapon of their God-Slaughtering Palace is a purely offensive type of imperial weapon. Once activated, it will burst out with the power to tear the sky and the earth, and it cannot be used as an imperial weapon to suppress the enemy at all.

"Let's take it from the pavilion master, your imperial weapons are all focused on attacking!"

The 'God King Stage' powerhouse with a star-like imperial weapon suspended above his head said.

"As it should be."

The other masters who controlled the imperial weapon ‘God King Stage’ nodded in unison.

"Holy child, come out and die!"

The 'God King Stage' powerhouse with the Star Emperor's Artifact stepped forward and shouted coldly at Wang Xian.

"Who are you? Let me go out and I'll go out?"

Wang Xian replied disdainfully.

Being surrounded by Wang Xian, the 'God King Realm' strong man suddenly turned cold, and scolded Wang Xian: "This pavilion master is the deputy pavilion lord of 'Dianxing Pavilion', Xingnan, who can die in this king's place. It is your honor to hold in your hands and in the hands of the treasure of my 'Dianxing Pavilion'!"

"Xing Nan, why aren't you called Xing Nv?"

Wang Xian couldn't help but complain.

"It's the South, the South of the South!"

Deputy Pavilion Master Xingnan roared.

"Oh, Xingnan, then why aren't you called Xingbei?"

Wang Xian looked curious.

"Why not call it Xing... bastard, die!"

The deputy pavilion master Xingnan was almost surrounded by Wang Xian, and after reacting, he attacked Wang Xian directly.

Wang Xian's pupils shrank suddenly, he pushed his left hand lightly, and after sending Auntie Hong beside him, he also activated the [Flashing] skill and escaped from the spot.

"If you want to escape, have you asked the pavilion master?"

As soon as Wang Xian's figure appeared, the deputy pavilion master Xing Nan immediately appeared in front of Wang Xian.

Before Wang Xian could react, the right hand of the deputy pavilion master Xingnan swiped towards Wang Xian's face dreamily.

"court death!"

Wang Xian's expression changed on the spot.

As the saying goes, hitting people doesn't hit people in the face, but this dog thing came directly towards his face.

If he really wants to be fanned by such a big guy, his face will be completely lost!

Therefore, Wang Xian was so wicked that he did not hide, but raised his right foot and kicked towards Xingnan, the vice-pavilion master.


As Wang Xian's right foot kicked up, a sound of dragon roar also sounded.

The accompanying skill of Tianlong Leggings - [Dragon Swinging Tail]

【Dragon Swinging Tail】(Active)

Activate the skill, and the legs will receive the power of the dragon, causing physical damage equal to 10000% of the attack power to the hit target.

Cooldown: 3600 seconds.

[Dragon Swinging Tail] (Passive)

If the hit target's power is lower than yours, the damage will be increased by 500%, and the target will be knocked into the air.

If the hit target is killed by the skill, the target will randomly appear in one of four states: dismembered, broken bone, blood fog, and powdered.

With the blessing of the 'Dragon Spear', Wang Xian's 'Dragon series' equipment has all been upgraded to the 'Mythical Rank'. Although the accompanying skills have become magical skills, the damage bonus has been greatly improved.

10000% damage bonus, that is, 100 times the damage. If it really hits the key parts of the lower body, not to mention the fatal blow, it must also be weak point damage.

Such a blow can definitely make the deputy pavilion master Xingnan understand what is called nonsense!

The only thing that makes Wang Xianjue a little unfortunate is the passiveness of [Dragon Swinging Tail]. As a 1000 exciting mythical level boss, the strength attribute must be higher than his, otherwise the power of this kick will be increased by five times!

Of course, the premise is that the deputy pavilion master Xingnan does not give up the big push of Fan Wangxian.

From Wang Xian's point of view, as long as he is a man, he must choose the latter between facing a big push and protecting his younger brother.


Some people just don't do that!

Although the deputy pavilion master Xingnan saw Wang Xian's kick, he did not choose to avoid it at all, and even had a mocking look on his face.

This made Wang Xian feel bad all of a sudden.

In the next moment, the 'star'-like imperial weapon suspended above the head of the deputy pavilion master Xingnan suddenly sprinkled a star, covering the deputy pavilion master Xingnan.

Wang Xian's face changed completely.

He was destined to be unable to break the protection of the imperial weapon.


With a sigh in his heart, Wang Xian had no choice but to choose to activate the [Breakthrough] skill to escape, to prevent the big coward from the deputy master Xingnan from being thrown in his face.

Just when Wang Xian was about to activate the [Breakthrough] skill, the right foot that kicked towards the crotch of the deputy master Xingnan easily passed through the scattered brilliance of the 'stars' imperial weapon, and kicked the deputy master Xingnan ruthlessly. crotch.

At the same time, the big push towards Wang Xian by the deputy pavilion master Xing Nan Fan also stopped about five centimeters away from Wang Xian's face.


The whole world fell silent.

Everyone stared at Wang Xian and the Deputy Pavilion Master Xingnan, especially where Wang Xian's right foot was in contact with the Deputy Pavilion Master Xingnan.

Even the two overlords of the demon clan, the Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Bear Emperor, who were fighting in the flesh-to-head battle, stopped fighting and focused their attention on Wang Xian and Xingnan, the deputy master of the pavilion.


Suddenly, there was a sound that was enough to make the man cry, and the woman listened to the mournful mourning sound of silence resounded through the world.

Amid the miserable wailing, all the men present could not help but clamp their legs.

Even Wang Xian squeezed his legs involuntarily.

Seeing Xingnan, the deputy master of the pavilion, who was holding his crotch tightly and his body fell in a free fall, Wang Xian couldn't help but mourned for him.

You know, although he kicked out that kick, he really didn't expect such a scene.

He didn't expect that the deputy pavilion master Xing Nan would not avoid it, and he didn't expect that the protection under the 'Xingchen' imperial artifact would have no effect on him.

and many more!


No protection!

Wang Xian seemed to have expected something, and his eyes stared at the 'star' imperial weapon that followed the deputy pavilion master Xingnan towards the bottom.

If his guess is true, then maybe he can directly seize the 'stars' imperial artifact of 'Dianxing Pavilion'.

Thinking of doing it, Wang Xian did not hesitate at all, and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

When Wang Xian reappeared, he was already in the sky above Xingnan, the deputy master of the pavilion, and his right hand was very decisive and quickly grabbed towards the 'Xingchen' imperial weapon.

Although the deputy pavilion master Xingnan was in extreme pain, he was also distracting a trace of attention on Wang Xian.

When he saw Wang Xian appear above his head and grabbed his right hand towards their 'Dianxing Pavilion' imperial weapon, he could no longer care about the pain in the span and hit Wang Xian with an attacking supernatural power.

"Pointing Star Hand!"

Countless stars came together in an instant, forming a big hand. The four fingers of the big hand were fisted together, and only the index finger was stretched out.

The index finger lightly tapped, and the terrifying power burst out instantly. Wang Xian's whole body trembled as if he had been hit hard, and there was blood flowing out of the seven orifices.

But even so, Wang Xian still did not give up on grabbing the 'Xingchen' imperial weapon.

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, the deputy pavilion master Xingchen shouted out.

At this moment, Wang Xian's right hand grabbed the 'star' imperial weapon, but before Wang Xian could show an excited smile on his face, his body was attacked again, and he flew out heavily. And the 'Xingchen' imperial weapon that he had just caught, also let go again.


Wang Xian was furious, his eyes turned red, staring at the figure holding the 'Xingchen' imperial weapon in his hand, and he just flew out because of the figure's attack.

"Pavilion Lord!"

When Xingnan, the deputy pavilion master, saw the figure, he hurriedly bowed and saluted.


That figure, the pavilion owner of the 'Dianxing Pavilion', glanced coldly at the deputy pavilion owner Xingnan.

The deputy pavilion master Xing Nan stood there with his head bowed and did not dare to make a sound.

"Who gave you the courage to covet my 'Dianxing Pavilion' treasure?!"

The pavilion owner of 'Dianxing Pavilion' ignores the deputy pavilion owner Xingnan, UU reading www.'s icy gaze fell on Wang Xian.

"Master, run away, 'Emperor Realm'! This old man is a strong 'Emperor Realm'!"

Da Qing's roar sounded in Wang Xian's ears.

"Emperor Realm? You are sure that you are not mistaken, I remember Yaochi said that this world does not allow 'Emperor Realm' powerhouses to appear!"

Wang Xian responded suspiciously.

Compared with Daqing, he still believes more in Yaochi's words. It's not that Wang Xian doesn't trust Daqing, but that Daqing has been sealed for thousands of years, and has long been out of touch with this era. The times and the world know more.

"Uh... This old man really doesn't seem to be in the 'Emperor Realm'!"

Da Qing was stunned for a moment, then felt it carefully, and found that he really felt wrong just now.

"Master, I know, this is the 'Emperor Realm' of self-destruction."

Da Qing suddenly exclaimed.

"Self-cutting? Is it the same as 'God Realm' self-cutting and falling to the 'Holy Rank'?"

Wang Xian rang out what Tao Yaoyao had said about the evildoers of the sect on the Blue Star.

Those sect demons, in order to become stronger, will cut off their 'sacred realm' and fall back to the 'sacred realm', and then restore them to the 'sacred realm' again.

Although he doesn't know how much strength he will improve by doing so, he is sure to improve his strength!

"It's not the same. It is very easy to restore the 'Sacred Realm' to the 'Sacred Realm', but the strong 'Emperor Realm' falls back to the 'Sacred Realm', if there is no shocking Chances are, it is destined to never return to the 'Emperor Realm' again, because the self-cutting of the 'Emperor Realm' powerhouse is the foundation of his own avenue!"

Da Qing said with a solemn expression.


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