Digitalization of the World

Chapter 696: Dragon of Destruction

The foundation of the Dao is the foundation of a practitioner. The fall of the general realm will cause a certain degree of damage to the foundation of the Dao, but it will not affect the foundation of the Dao.

The ‘Emperor Realm’ is different!

The realm of practitioners is divided into 'mortal realm', 'supernatural realm', 'sacred realm', 'sacred realm', and 'imperial realm', but the 'emperor realm' is completely different from the previous realms, and is a transformation of life form.

And this kind of life form conversion relies on the 'foundation of the avenue'. If the foundation of the avenue is gone, it will be completely impossible to complete the transformation of the life form, and there will be no chance of the 'Emperor Realm'.

Of course, there are also treasures that restore the 'foundation of the avenue', but such treasures have not necessarily appeared since eternity, so since the foundation of the avenue is cut, it is basically impossible to enter the 'Emperor Realm' again.

However, although he had cut the foundation of the Great Dao and fell from the 'Emperor Realm', his strength had also dropped significantly, but compared to the 'God King Realm', it was an absolutely invincible existence.

Daqing rambled about the situation of the 'Emperor Realm', the foundation of the self-cutting avenue, Wang Xian was a little dizzy, and finally interrupted the endless Daqing and asked, "Just tell me one. Can you believe me, can I defeat this old man?"

"Master, what are you kidding? It's absolutely impossible for you to beat him!"

Da Qing shook his head.

"Not always!"

Wang Xian cut off the connection with Daqing, put away the Tianlong gun, and stared at the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master and the 'Xingchen' imperial weapon that he was playing with his right hand.

If this old man hadn't just appeared, then the 'Xingchen' imperial artifact would already be his!

"Yi, I don't like the way you look!"

The pavilion owner of 'Dianxing Pavilion' looked at Wang Xian and said lightly.

"If you don't like it, then you will deduct it!"

Wang Xian responded with a sneer.

"Since you have such an outrageous request, this pavilion master will fulfill you!"

The figure of the pavilion owner of 'Dianxing Pavilion' instantly appeared in Wang Xian's eyes, and his slightly shriveled right hand stretched out two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger, and buckled directly towards Wang Xian's eyes.

Seeing that the **** of the pavilion owner of 'Dianxing Pavilion' were about to buckle Wang Xian's eyes, Wang Xian's eyes suddenly burst out with two divine lights.


With the appearance of these two divine lights, the world trembled, and wherever the divine lights went, even the space began to collapse.

The master of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' was very close to Wang Xian, and he did not expect such a scene at all, and when he reacted, the two divine lights shot out of Wang Xian's eyes had penetrated the palm of his right hand. , and along his arm, all the way to his shoulder.

Not only that, the two divine lights contained completely opposite energies. After piercing through his entire right arm, they intertwined with each other, directly annihilating his entire right arm.

At the same time, the remaining power of the two energies spread toward his body along the broken arm of the shoulder, and where the energy passed, his body began to annihilate continuously.

The 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion's face was pale when he was frightened by this terrifying scene, and then without saying a word, he directly urged the 'Xingchen' imperial weapon to slash towards his right half.


With a large amount of blood spilled, the pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion' cut off his right half from his neck to the ribs.

Those bodies that were cut off by him had no energy to maintain, and were completely annihilated by two opposite extreme forces almost in an instant.

"Who the **** are you?"

The pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion', who lost half of his body, did not take care of his body, and stared at Wang Xian, especially Wang Xian's eyes.

These eyes are too terrifying, if he hadn't reacted in time, he would have died from the two negative and positive forces that these eyes shot out.

"Human race, Wang Xian!"

Wang Xian laughed softly.

The pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion' suddenly choked.

"Compared to my identity, I'm actually more curious about you. You've lost half of your body, and you're just like nobody!"

Wang Xian looked at the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master curiously.

What he said is nothing is really nothing, including the health bar.

Hit by his talents [Sun Tong] and [Moon Tong], the master of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' only lost some health, and the follow-up damage caused by the two forces of yin and yang and the damage he received from his self-cutting body , and only reduced his health by about one tenth.

Counting his talent [God Abandonment], the pavilion owner of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' only lost one-fifth of his health.

In this way, there is no problem at all, and it is also in line with the 'data-based' setting!

But the problem is, after the two 'version updates', this situation should not happen again, losing half of the body, even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured, but the old man of the 'Dianxing Pavilion', the pavilion master, really has nothing to do. In the same way, even his lost half of his body is still slowly being reborn.

Although the speed of rebirth is not fast, Wang Xian estimates that in an hour at most, the half body lost by the pavilion owner of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' will be restored to its original state.

Not scientific!

So unscientific!

"Master, that is one of the abilities of the 'Emperor Realm', let alone a small part of the body, even if there is only a drop of blood left, it can be reborn with this drop of blood."

Before the pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion' could speak, Da Qing's voice rang in Wang Xian's ears.

"The ability of 'Emperor Realm'... It seems that the hope of winning is even lower!"

Wang Xian couldn't help but complained fiercely.

"Master, are you serious?"

Da Qing was extremely shocked. He thought that Wang Xian was just joking when he said that he wanted to defeat the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master, but listening to this, it was obviously a showdown with the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion owner, even according to Wang Xian. Immortal's tone, and these odds.

But is it really possible?

It admits that its master is very defiant and can kill the 'God King Realm' with the 'Holy Rank'. This kind of combat power is not even achieved by it who has obtained the 'Mark of the Heavenly Dao'. Only talking about a few legendary existences did it.


The victory of the 'Holy Rank' over the 'Emperor Realm' is something that has never happened in the legends!

It doesn't believe it!

It doesn't believe that its cheap master can do things that have never been done before!

No matter what Daqing thinks, Wang Xian has already started to prepare.

And this preparation comes from the skill [Dragon of Destruction] that comes with the mythical-level 'Dragon Suit'.

【Dragon of Destruction】

After activating the skill, it transforms into a dragon that destroys the world, increases all attributes by 1000%, and controls all the skills of the dragon that destroys the world.

Duration: 3600 seconds.

Cooldown: 30 days.

This is the first time Wang Xian has used the accompanying skills of the 'Dragon Suit' after upgrading the 'Dragon Suit' to the mythical level.

As Wang Xian activated the [Dragon of Destruction] skill, a terrifying aura began to emanate from Wang Xian.

The surrounding space began to distort and shatter, and there was a sound of mourning throughout the world.

Anyone who came into contact with the ancient forces that Wang Xian exudes began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye, which scared all the members of the ancient forces away, especially those female cultivators who were delicate and beautiful.

In such a scene, even the two demon overlords, the Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Bear Emperor, who were fighting hand to hand, stopped, and looked at Wang Xian with their huge eyes full of uncertainty.

At this time, Wang Xian's body also began to change, his eyes became extremely dark, and black scales appeared on the exposed skin, and each scale was engraved with a talisman that made people feel new and fearful. arts.


A cry resembling the roar of a dragon and the roar of a dead beast suddenly appeared from Wang Xian's mouth, and then Wang Xian's entire body began to stretch.

Five meters...ten meters...100 meters...until it extends to kilometers.

In the process of this extension, Wang Xian's original appearance had completely disappeared, and a dark dragon appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Different from the previous dragons, this dragon is not only dark, but also has dense spikes on its back.

Every thorn shone with a cold, cold light, giving people an extremely sharp feeling at a glance.

The wrist joints of the four sturdy front and rear limbs also protrude a pitch-black sharp thorn. These four thorns are slightly flat, more like ordinary long knives.

Secondly, the tail of this dragon is not a fish tail, but a meat ball full of spikes. Just seeing the spikes covered with meat **** makes everyone think of the tragic consequences of being hit by him. .

The last is Shenlong's head, which is also covered with spikes. It can even be said that Shenlong's head is composed of pitch-black spikes.

What is more striking is the pair of dragon horns of the head of the dragon. This pair of dragon horns seems to be equally dark, even darker than the rest, and even the light is completely absorbed.

At the top of the pair of dragon horns, there are black thunders flickering, and at the intersection of the thunders emitted by the two dragon horns, there is a white rune that is very inconsistent.

If this terrifying, pitch-black dragon is a collection of destruction, then this white rune is a symbol of light.

Everyone didn't understand why this happened, and Wang Xian, who transformed into the 'Dragon of Destruction' for the first time, was also extremely puzzled.

However, Wang Xian is more confident in himself at the moment.

The 1000% increase in all attributes has directly increased his five basic attributes to about 100 million.

The surge in basic attributes has made the panel attributes even more terrifying. The attack power alone has reached an astounding five billion.

Looking at such a terrifying attack power, Wang Xian's first feeling was regret!

Yes, sorry!

Not long ago, he released skills such as [Reverse Scale], [Ultimate Berserk], [God Killing]. When those skills were released, he didn't look at the attribute panel, but the added attributes were definitely more than now.

But the problem came again. The feeling of activating the [Dragon of Destruction] was far more powerful than the feeling that those skills were released at the same time.

It stands to reason that the increase of those skills together means that the attributes are more than that of [Dragon of Destruction], which makes Wang Xian feel more powerful, but the fact is exactly the opposite.

Wang Xian even has a kind of self that can release multiple status skills at the same time before pressing to death.

Wang Xian didn't know what was going on, he only knew that he was so powerful that he couldn't imagine it.

He lowered his gigantic head, and two huge, pitch-black eyes like black holes looked at the pavilion master of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' who had fled to the distance.


The world-destroying dragon transformed by Wang Xian let out a roar of fear that made people unable to help themselves.

The pavilion master's face changed wildly, but he did not retreat. The dignity of the "Emperor Realm" prevented him from retreating again.

The 'Xingchen' imperial tool flew up, suspended above the head of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master, his hands quickly formed a seal, and the light of the stars emitted from the 'Xingchen' imperial tool suddenly brightened.

The sky and the earth darkened in an instant, and a starry sky appeared above the sky, and the stars were constantly twinkling.

With the seal on the hands of the pavilion owner of the 'Dianxing Pavilion', the stars that originally exuded the light of gentle stars suddenly became dazzling.

The light of countless stars scattered from the starry sky, traveled an unknown distance, and instantly appeared in front of the world-destroying dragon incarnated by Wang Xian, and then turned into chains emitting starlight. Wang Xian was locked in the void.

"Chained Starry Sky?"

The world-destroying dragon incarnated by Wang Xian did not struggle after being locked in the void by the starlight chains, but studied the starlight chains that locked him with a shocked expression.

Wang Xian is very familiar with these starlight chains. This is clearly his aunt... Su Jin's famous skills!

Even after Wang Xian and Su Jin practiced the "Secret Art" given by Zhao Ya many times, UU Reading also mastered the skill of [Chain Starry Sky]!

"How do you know the supreme secret technique of my 'Dianxing Pavilion'?"

The 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master heard Wang Xian's voice, and his eyes instantly widened.

The name 'Chain Starry Sky', even in the 'Dianxing Pavilion', is a secret within the secret. What others know is only the effect of this supreme secret technique. The name of the secret technique has always been a mystery to them!

"Why should I tell you?"

Wang Xian shook the kilometer-long dragon's body, breaking the starlight chains with ease, and then disdainfully said to the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master.

"How could you break free from the supreme secret technique of my 'Dianxing Pavilion'?"

The 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master looked terrified.

The supreme secret technique of 'Chain Starry Sky', even if the 'Emperor Realm' powerhouse is defeated, will fall into a predicament, but this black and ugly dragon, incarnated by Wang Xian, broke free with ease. Let him be in disbelief.

Could it be that Wang Xian at this time has surpassed the 'Emperor Realm'?

"This question, I will tell you after I die again!"

Wang Xian snorted coldly, opened his **** mouth, and spit out a black dragon flame, rolling towards the chairman of the 'Dianxing Pavilion'.

Although the pavilion owner of 'Dianxing Pavilion' was shocked and terrified, he had been guarding Wang Xian.

As for the dignity of the 'Emperor Realm', you have to live to have it!

A mouthful of dragon flames missed, Wang Xian decisively spit out a mouthful of dragon flames towards the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master, and in order to prevent this mouthful of dragon flames from being missed, Wang Xian also mobilized the power of destruction to put the 'Dianxing Pavilion' 'The space around the pavilion master was imprisoned.


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