Digitalization of the World

Chapter 697: Battle against the Palace Master of 'Sla

There are many ways to imprison space, among which the most time-saving and labor-saving way is naturally the 'power of space'. It is just Wang Xian who has transformed into a dragon that destroys the world. In addition to the power of destruction in the body, it is the power of destruction, so it can only be Choose to use the power of destruction to imprison the space around the master of the 'Dianxing Pavilion'.

Feeling that the space around him was imprisoned, the face of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion's face changed greatly. Looking at the terrifying black dragon flames coming towards him, he could only frantically mobilize the power of the stars, and lay down one after another around him. defense.


The black dragon flames arrived in an instant, directly drowning the pavilion owner of the 'Dianxing Pavilion'.


An uncontrollable voice of pain resounded in the black dragon flames.

Outsiders can't see the situation of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master at this time, but listening to the painful cry of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion owner, they all understand that the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion owner at this time is absolutely miserable. .

After a while, the black dragon flames dissipated, and the figure of the pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion' also appeared in front of everyone.

But when everyone saw the appearance of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master, they all gasped.

Because the pavilion master of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' appeared in front of them at this time, it was clearly a wriggling meat ball.

But soon, the squirming meat ball turned into a human shape. Although the face was still a bit ugly, it was already recognizable.

"How can this be alive?"

The world-destroying dragon incarnated by Wang Xian was waiting for the huge dragon's eye, and looked at the pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion' suspiciously.

He could feel that under his mouthful of dragon flames just now, the entire body of the pavilion master of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' had been completely destroyed, including the organs in the body, and even the brain was completely turned into a paste.

But with such a terrifying injury, the pavilion owner of 'Dianxing Pavilion' is just like nothing.

"Master, didn't I tell you? Even if there is only a drop of blood left, the existence of the 'Emperor Realm' can still live!"

Da Qing's voice sounded in Wang Xian's ears.

"Did you say...I forgot!"

Wang Xian pouted.

In fact, he didn't forget, but he didn't pay attention at all. After all, Da Qing was nagging and talking too much nonsense at that time.

"Then how can we completely kill this old thing?"

Wang Xian asked Daqing.

"The ability of the 'Emperor Realm' is almost incomprehensible. If you want to kill him, you must exhaust the energy in his body, and then smash his bones into ashes, so that he can truly kill an 'Emperor Realm' existence." Da Qing replied.

"Isn't it okay to empty his health bar?"

Wang Xian looked at the health bar of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master, and found that he still has more than half of the remaining health bar, but as long as he works hard, clearing his health bar is not a big problem.

"Blood bar? What are you talking about, master?"

Da Qing had a question mark on his face.

"Uh... This will not be clear for a while, but you will find out later!"

Wang Xian responded casually.

Although Daqing was his pet, he captured it with the 'True Spirit Mark', and this method was not recognized by the system, so Daqing did not have a data panel yet.

As for why Daqing was not captured by pets, so that Daqing had a data panel, it was entirely because he couldn't do it.

Under normal circumstances, a person can accept pets indefinitely, but when it comes to him, it is completely impossible.

It seems that apart from 'Xiao Bai', he can no longer have other pets!

"Star Burial!"

Suddenly, a burst of drinking sounded.

The endless power of the stars gathered together, surrounding Wang Xian's thousand-thousand-meter dragon's body.

Without waiting for Wang Xian to react, the power of the stars condensed directly solidified, completely banning Wang Xian.


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and the solidified power of the stars exploded directly, and the world-destroying dragon incarnated by Wang Xian also flew out heavily under this terrifying explosion.

Not only that, the energy of the explosion also lifted the black scales on Wang Xian's body, and a large amount of dragon blood was continuously spilled.

"What a burial of a star, I like it, I want this skill!"

The world-destroying dragon incarnated by Wang Xian adjusted his figure and stared fiercely at the pavilion master of the 'Dianxing Pavilion'.

The power of the 'star burial' just now was so terrifying, it directly blew away his hundreds of billions of health.

Hundreds of billions of damage, removing his high damage mask, the actual damage should have reached a terrifying one trillion or more.

Such damage made Wang Xian slap his tongue.


The roar resembling a dragon and a beast roared from the mouth of the world-destroying dragon, the incarnation of Wang Xian, and the huge body rushed to the front of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master at an unbelievable speed.

The blood basin opened its mouth and bit directly towards the pavilion master of the 'Dianxing Pavilion'.


The pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion' shouted loudly, and the 'stars' imperial artifact above his head shone brightly, forming a star ball of light, which made Wang Xian's open **** mouth no longer able to bite.

Although the dragon's mouth could no longer bite, Wang Xian did not only have the dragon's mouth. The thick dragon claws stretched out and grabbed the star ball of light in the clan.

The pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion' was trying his best to urge the 'Xingchen' imperial weapon to resist the pressure exerted on Wang Xian's mouth, but he was helpless when he looked at the dragon claw that was grabbed towards him.

When the dragon claw caught the star light ball, Wang Xian loosened his mouth and let the dragon claw grab the star light ball.

"Give you a chance, give me the imperial weapon, and I will let you live!"

Wang Xian's dragon claws grabbed the star ball of light, and after shaking it vigorously, he handed it to his eyes and said to the pavilion owner of the 'Dianxing Pavilion' who was trembling in the star light ball.

"Coveting my 'Dianxing Pavilion' imperial weapon, wishful thinking!"

The pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion' snorted coldly.

"No, it's fine, I just wanted to see if a boss of the 'Emperor Realm' died, what good things would be revealed to me!"

Wang Xian's other dragon claw also protruded and pressed on the star light ball, and the two dragon claws exerted frantically, constantly squeezing the star light ball.

With Wang Xian's efforts, cracks began to appear on the star ball of light.

The 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master looked at the crack that appeared and his face changed again and again, but it was absolutely impossible for him to hand over the imperial weapon.

Because they are different from ordinary imperial tools, their 'Dianxing Pavilion' relies on the existence of the imperial tools, and the imperial tools have given them the ability to use the "power of stars".

If they lost the imperial weapon, their 'Dianxing Pavilion' would cease to exist.



There are more and more cracks on the star light ball.

Seeing that the star ball of light was about to be crushed by Wang Xian's two huge dragon claws, a huge golden halberd suddenly appeared on top of Wang Xian's head and slammed on Wang Xian's huge dragon head.

The strength of the golden halberd was so terrifying that it directly knocked Wang Xian's head into blood.


Wang Xian couldn't help but let out a dragon roar from the huge pain, and the star ball of light held by the two dragon claws also let go.

"Why did you just take action, at a later date, the pavilion master will die!"

The 'Dianxing Pavilion' pavilion master drove this star light ball to appear beside a strong man, his face was extremely blue.

"Haha, this palace master never thought that the pavilion master of the dignified 'Dianxing Pavilion' would be so weak!"

The strong man looked at the pavilion master of 'Dianxing Pavilion' with a mocking expression on his face.

As a former 'Emperor Realm' powerhouse, even if he fell back to the 'God Realm' from the foundation of the Great Dao, he would still be an absolute powerhouse.

But it is such a strong man, who almost fell into the hands of a 'holy rank' ant.


That's ridiculous!

The pavilion owner of 'Dianxing Pavilion' was trembling with anger at the strong man's words. If he hadn't been able to beat this strong man, he would have torn apart with this strong man long ago!

"Hahahaha... Stay behind and watch the palace master slaughter the dragon!"

The size of the strong man began to expand sharply, and the golden halberd in his hand also became larger. When his size reached about a kilometer, he stopped, but the halberd in his right hand was even more exaggerated. At least one. 1,500 meters long.

"Dog thing, attack me, die!"

Wang Xian swayed the huge and hideous dragon head. After a little sober, he opened his mouth and spit out a black dragon flame towards the strong man.

"Good come!"

The strong man didn't dodge, he waved the golden halberd in his hand, and slashed towards the black dragon flame that Wang Xian spat out.

The golden halberd radiated dazzling light, directly cutting the dragon flame that Wang Xian spit out in half.

The halberd continued to slash towards Wang Xian.

Wang Xian felt a chill in his heart, the huge body quickly retreated, and the golden halberd slashed dangerously and dangerously.

"Xiaolong, what are you hiding from?"

The strong man held the golden halberd on his shoulders and made a mocking sound at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian snorted coldly and swung his tail, the meat ball full of sharp thorns smashed towards the strong man fiercely.

The big man didn't dodge, he directly waved the golden halberd in his hand, and greeted Wang Xian's tail full of spiked meat balls.


The two collided, causing a huge explosion, causing Wang Xian and the strong man to retreat several kilometers involuntarily.

"Hey—this imperial weapon is too hard!"

Wang Xian couldn't help but gasped when he saw most of the broken spikes on the tail meat ball.

"Master, do you have any misunderstandings about the imperial tool? That thing is even the 'Emperor Realm' powerhouse at the peak of the first layer of the sky, even if it does not dare to resist.

But yours, not only resisted, but only suffered a little injury, you are too embarrassed to say that the imperial weapon is hard? "

Da Qing, who was in the 'Ring of Immortals', heard Wang Xian's words and complained wildly.

It had seen Wang Xian use his tail to collide with the imperial weapon, and it almost scared his guts to pieces.

That's an imperial weapon!

When seeing the result of the collision between the two, although its courage was not broken, it almost jumped out.

The strength of Wang Xian's body incarnated into a dragon is so terrifying that he can actually face the emperor's weapon head-on!

"What the **** are you?"

The strong man looked at Wang Xian with a look of surprise.

"You are the thing!"

Wang Xian said angrily.

"You bastard, dare to speak to this palace master like this, die!"

The strong man was furious and attacked Wang Xian with a golden halberd.

He couldn't remember how many thousands of years no one had ever spoken to him like that.

"You are going to die!"

Through the fight just now, Wang Xian already had an understanding of his physical strength, and he understood that the golden halberd imperial weapon in the hands of the strong man could not cut off his body, so he let go of it completely.

The kilometer-long body bent slightly, then ejected and started, rushing directly to the front of the strong man in an instant.

The relatively slender body directly entangled the strong man of about a thousand meters, and then the body exerted force and began to continuously squeeze the strong man.

In particular, the sharp thorns on the back directly penetrated the strong man's body, creating huge wounds that were almost bone-deep, and the power of destruction continued to penetrate the strong man's body along those wounds, restraining him. injury recovery.


The big man roared in pain.

It also seems that this kind of pain has activated his fierceness. His eyes instantly turned blood red, and the golden halberd in his hand, which was not entangled by other Wang Xian's body, was madly beating towards Wang Xian's body.

The golden halberd landed on the body of the world-destroying dragon incarnated by Wang Xian, and instantly shattered large scales.

The blood mixed with scales spilled from the air, making the surrounding world stained with a tinge of blood.


The golden halberd slapped his body, causing Wang Xian to let out a painful roar.

This kind of pain also stimulated Wang Xian's fierceness, causing Wang Xian to directly open his **** mouth and bite directly on the neck of the strong man.


The strong man shouted again, and then swung the golden halberd even more frantically to beat Wang Xian's body.

Not only that, the strong man also opened his mouth and bit Wang Xian's body fiercely.


Wang Xian let out a painful dull roar again, and then tightened his body even more.

The strong man's body began to squeak, and the sound of his bones being squeezed, especially a few crisp sounds from his chest, indicated that the strong man's ribs had been squeezed and broken. UU reading www.

Of course, such a huge injury to mortals is nothing to a strong man, including the neck that has been bitten off by Wang Xian, is nothing to a strong man.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

The strong man opened his mouth and gave up biting Wang Xian.

"Whether or not you're dead, you know at the end!"

Wang Xian also opened his mouth and looked at the strong man fiercely.

Afterwards, Wang Xian opened his **** mouth and bit directly at the strong man's head.

Just when Wang Xian's **** mouth was about to bite the strong man's head, black rain suddenly fell from the sky.


The black raindrops fell on Wang Xian's body, causing Wang Xian to let out bursts of mourning, and he couldn't help stretching his body to release the entangled strong man.

"Weak water!"

Wang Xian turned the head of the faucet, his eyes like two black holes looking fiercely in the direction of the 'Holy Land of No Return'.

Before, he had collected some weak water, and the weak water was spit out by the young master of the Holy Land of No Return.

Now, there is another weak water, and you don't need to think about it to know that it must be the "Holy Land of No Return".

"Master, be careful, it should be the old turtle!"

Wang Xian mobilized the power of destruction to protect the body of thousands of meters, and was constantly invaded by weak water, which would cause serious damage to him.

"get out!"

Wang Xian shouted loudly.

As a result, no one responded to Wang Xian, but the strong man who had just been let go by him attacked him again.

Wang Xian's face turned cold, his tail slammed towards the strong man, his mouth opened, and a mouthful of black dragon flames spewed out, targeting the people in the Holy Land of No Return.


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