Digitalization of the World

Chapter 709: The request of the pure white lotus

Countless abyss monsters rushed towards Wang Xian frantically. Wang Xian calmly looked at those abyss monsters, and their figures instantly disappeared from the eyes of all abyss monsters.

He still has to continue to find the source of the abyss monsters. There is no need to spend some experience with these abyss monsters, although he can kill these abyss monsters in seconds.

The 'Martial Dao World' is a world with Blue Star as its version, and the planet where it is located is naturally the same as Blue Star. Not long after the golden light transformed by Wang Xian swept across the Western Continent, it returned to the Eastern Continent.

Along the way, he didn't just search in a straight line. During the journey, he searched almost all the continents, but he never found the source of the monster in the abyss.

"Is it possible to achieve on the Eastern Continent?"

Wang Xian looked at the monsters in the abyss that were obviously higher in rank and rank than other continents, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Forget it, go to Wudang to see!"

Wang Xian identified the direction and flew towards Wudang quickly.

But when Wang Xian came to Wudang, he found that Wudang was already empty. Except for the monsters in the abyss, he couldn't see anyone at all.

"No, Dongfang Invincible can defend Heimuya alone. There is no reason why Zhenren Zhang can't defend Wudang Mountain!"

Wang Xian frowned.

The abyss monsters entrenched on Wudang Mountain, although many of them have reached the level of epic-level bosses, their attributes are only comparable to ordinary epic-level bosses, and they are still much worse than the special epic-level bosses like Zhang Zhenren. .

After searching carefully on Wudang Mountain, Wang Xian still didn't find anyone, so he had no choice but to leave.

Then, Wang Xian went to Shaolin again.

However, Shaolin and Wudang are the same, except for the monsters in the abyss that fill the mountains and plains, there is absolutely no figure to be seen.

"It's weird, where have these top experts gone?"

Wang Xian was puzzled.

"Forget it, let's go back to Blackwood Cliff first!"

Wang Xian sighed, his body turned into a golden light, and flew quickly towards the direction of Heimuya.

"Huh? There are large-scale energy fluctuations!"

During the flight, Wang Xian felt a huge energy fluctuation, the extent of which had even reached the level of a mythical level BOSS shot.

Without any hesitation, Wang Xian turned around and flew towards the place where the energy fluctuations emanated.

About two minutes later, a huge city suddenly appeared in front of Wang Xian.

"Wu Dynasty?!"

Seeing this city, Wang Xian finally remembered that in the 'Martial World', there is still this top-level force, and that is the official of the 'Martial World'—Wu Dynasty!

Within the Wu Dynasty, there were several top masters, and each of these masters was an epic boss.

If it weren't for the "Top of the Forbidden City" war, everyone would probably not know the powerful background of the Wu Dynasty.

Wang Xian carefully looked towards this huge city belonging to the Wu Dynasty, and was surprised to find the people in Wudang and Shaolin, as well as Zhang Zhenren.

Moreover, the energy boss that reached the level of a mythical boss was shot by Zhang Zhenren.

"My darling, Lao Zhang is amazing, he can break through the limit if he has a chance!"

Wang Xian couldn't help sighing when he saw Zhang Zhenren who had killed the Quartet.

The mortal world cultivates martial arts, and the martial arts world cultivates self-cultivation. Now, in a world that is about to be upgraded, he has already become a 'god'.

Yes, the world has risen.

The 'Martial Dao World' is essentially a small world, but with you as the 'Abyss Monster', the Heavenly Dao of this world feels a crisis, and coupled with the energy escaping after the death of the abyss monster, this world will soon be destroyed. To be raised to the level of 'Middle Thousand World'.

It is precisely because of this that Lao Zhang was able to break through the restrictions, making his quality from the level of an epic boss to the level of a mythical boss.

Wang Xian looked at Lao Zhang, who had killed the Quartet, but he still didn't come forward. He planned to connect Nangong Wu and others first, and bring the people from Heimiya, and then came to ask the people who had a look at the Wu Dynasty. I don't know why the abyss monster appeared?

After leaving a 'space imprint' here, Wang Xian quickly flew towards Heimuya.

As for why he didn't use teleportation, it was entirely Wang Xian who wanted to see if there would be any unexpected gains along the way.

Until Wang Xian came to Heimuya, he didn't find any useful information.

At the top of Heimuya, Nangong Wu, Su Jin, Xuan Ming and others were still killing monsters in the abyss. Even when Wang Xian appeared, they didn't say hello to Wang Xian.

There is no way, there are too many monsters in the abyss, and I don't know if it is because of the slaughter, more and more abyss monsters are coming towards the black wood cliff, and even flying abyss monsters have begun to appear.

Wang Xian appeared next to Dongfang Invincible in a flash, swept the Heavenly Dragon Spear in his hand, killed the abyss monsters in seconds, and then said to Dongfang Invincible: "Hurry up all the disciples of Heimuya, let's go to the emperor of Wu Dynasty. city."

"it is good!"

Dongfang Invincible responded, and immediately headed towards a cave to kill.

Wang Xian immediately followed.

At the entrance of the cave, the elders of Heimuya were struggling to resist the monsters in the abyss. When they saw that the East was unbeaten, their tired expressions suddenly loosened.

"Call all the disciples out."

Dongfang Invincible killed the monsters in the abyss while giving instructions to the elders.


An elder didn't ask the reason, and ran quickly into the cave.

Wang Xian opened the entrance to the small world in his body on the edge of the cave, and said to Dongfang Invincible: "After your disciples come out, go directly to my small world."

"small world?!"

Dongfang Invincible looked at Wang Xian in shock.

The 'small world' is completely beyond the comprehension of a 'mortal' like her.

However, she quickly reacted from the shock, and quickly directed the Heimuya disciples who had just come out of the cave into Wang Xian's small world.

Wang Xian's inner small world is a sea of ​​blood, but fortunately not long ago, he took an ancient city directly from the western continent.

Although there are many people from the Western world in that ancient city, compared to the entire huge city, those people are nothing at all.

As for the unpleasant smell of scarlet blood in the small world, it is nothing compared to survival.

"You all go in too!"

Soon, most of the disciples of Heimuya entered the small world, while the elders of Heimuya were still outside.

Hearing Wang Xian's words, the elders of Heimuya didn't set out, but turned their eyes to the east, Invincible.

"All go in!"

Dongfang Invincible's beautiful eyes stared, and the elders of Heimuya shivered, and then quickly ran towards the small world.

"It's quite majestic!"

Wang Xian couldn't help but teased that the East was undefeated.


Dongfang Invincible replied in a gentle tone.

Wang Xian: …

His previous bad guess seemed to be true!

"How about you go in too?"

After a moment of silence, Wang Xian said to Dongfang Invincible.

"No, I can kill these monsters!"

Dongfang Invincible shook his head and rejected Wang Xian's proposal.

"Let's go with you!"

Wang Xian shrugged his shoulders, and then planned to close the entrance to the small world, but just as it was about to close, a white light suddenly flew out of the small world.

After the white light flew out, it quickly appeared in front of Wang Xian and turned into a green lotus.

"Why did you come out?"

Wang Xian looked at Qinglian in doubt.

This green lotus is the pure white lotus that continuously purifies this 'heavenly tainted blood' in his body.

"Master, I need the corpses of these abyss monsters."

Jingshi Bailian replied.

"What do you want that thing for?"

Wang Xian asked again.

"Abyss monsters are special existences created by the filth of heaven and earth. Purifying them can not only gain merit, but also accelerate my rapid growth." Jingshi Bailian replied.

"Are you sure you can? Then you haven't purified the 'Blood of Heavenly Dao' yet." Wang Xian asked worriedly.

The polluted 'Blood of Heaven's Path' doesn't know if it's the blood of chickens. The speed of collecting filthy aura is getting faster and faster, making the sea of ​​blood in the small world in Wang Xian's body thicker and thicker. It is simply a concentrated version of blood. Even the blood showed signs of turning from red to black.

"Master, don't worry, although the speed at which I purify the power of filth is not as fast as that of the 'Blood of Heaven's Path' to absorb the power of filth, it may definitely contaminate me, at most it will take me longer to purify the power of filth That's it."

Jingshi Bailian said quickly, her tone extremely confident.

"Is there really no problem?"

Wang Xian was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, master, with the abyss monster, my growth will speed up, and I will definitely surpass the speed at which the 'Blood of Heaven's Dao' absorbs the power of filth."

"Okay, then, I will help you collect the corpses of monsters in the abyss."

"Thank you, master."

After Jingshi Bailian finished speaking, she turned into a white light again and flew back to the small world.

"What is that? A monster?"

Seeing Wang Xian closing the entrance to the small world, Dongfang Invincible asked in shock.

"It can be considered!"

Wang Xian replied with a smile, and then began to collect the corpses of monsters in the abyss.

The ugly-looking corpses of abyss monsters were sent to the small world by Wang Xian, and under the instructions of Jingshi Bailian, the corpses of those abyss monsters were directly thrown into the sea of ​​blood near it.

The corpse of the abyss monster touched the sea of ​​blood and melted quickly. Even the hard bones were melted directly and merged into the sea of ​​blood.

After these abyss monster corpses were integrated into the blood sea, the blood of the blood sea suddenly became thicker and more unpleasant.

Wang Xian carefully observed the state of the two pure white lotuses, and found that not only did they have nothing to do, but they were in better condition, and he was relieved.

So, Wang Xian also worked harder to collect the corpses of monsters in the abyss.

"Brother-in-law, why are you collecting the corpses of these disgusting things?"

Wang Xian's actions caught Su Jin's attention, and she asked Wang Xian with a puzzled face.

"I'll tell you later, you all come to my side, let's go to the Imperial City of the Wu Dynasty."

Wang Xian shouted to the crowd.

When Nangong Wu and the others heard the words, they immediately gathered towards Wang Xian.

"You come here too!"

Wang Xian looked at Dongfang Invincible not far away and said angrily.

Dongfang Invincible immediately came to Wang Xian's side without saying a word.

Wang Xian wrapped the crowd with the power of space, communicated with the space imprint left in the vicinity of the Wu Dynasty dynasty, and disappeared on the black wood cliff with everyone in an instant.

In the sky of the Wu Dynasty, Wang Xian and others appeared.

"Wow! There are too many abyss monsters here, even a lot of them are epic-level BOSS abyss monsters."

Su Jin looked at the abyss monster that was charging towards the imperial city of the Wu Dynasty in surprise.

"You are here to kill these abyss monsters to level up. I'll go find someone to find out what's going on?"

After Wang Xian said something to the crowd, he flew towards the Forbidden City in the center of the imperial city.

Along the way, no one stopped Wang Xian, until Wang Xian came to the sky above the Forbidden City, only a female official stopped Wang Xian.

"My lord, my emperor has an invitation."

The female official said respectfully to Wang Xian.

"Please lead the way."

Wang Xian also replied very politely.

Under the leadership of the female official, Wang Xian finally met the emperor of the Wu Dynasty.

But what Wang Xian never imagined was that the emperor of the Wu Dynasty turned out to be an empress.

Subconsciously, Wang Xian released the [Heavenly Eye] skill towards the surrounding queens of the Wu Dynasty.

Empress of Wu Dynasty - Jiang Yuyan

Level: Level 305

Quality: Mythical

life value:…

Wang Xian was extremely surprised by the information sent back by [Sky Eye]. This martial arts queen turned out to be the legendary ruthless man in the martial arts world.

Of course, what surprised Wang Xian even more was that Jiang Yuyan's level was not only as high as level 305, but his quality even reached the mythical level.

How did this ruthless man do it?

Wang Xian was looking at Jiang Yuyan, and Jiang Yuyan was also looking at Wang Xian. She was extremely curious about the person who killed her inner chief.

At first, she often sent dark guards to search for Wang Xian, but Wang Xian seemed to have disappeared, and in the end she had to let it go.

Never thought that after a few years, Wang Xian actually appeared again, and she also felt a fatal crisis on Wang Xian.

You know, a few years ago, she could almost shoot Wang Xian to death!

As for why she didn't make a move in the first place, it was entirely because her strength was in a critical period of breakthrough.

Wang Xian and Jiang Yuyan, you look at me, I look at you, no one said a word.

In the end, it was the female official who brought Wang Xian, feeling that the atmosphere was not right, so she said respectfully to Jiang Yuyan, "My emperor, Lord Wang Xian has already brought it here."

Jiang Yuyan heard the words, looked away from Wang Xian, and said lightly, "Give me a seat."

Immediately, a female official brought a stool.

Wang Xian didn't care either, and sat down on the stool casually.

"What are you doing in our court?"

Jiang Yuyan asked.

"Do you know where the source of the monster in the abyss is?"

Wang Xian went straight to the point.

"Abyss monsters? What are the real names of those monsters?"

A trace of fear flashed in Jiang Yuyan's eyes.

Rao is very fierce, but in the face of endless monsters, she still feels incomparable fear.

Those monsters are not only endless, but they also seem to be unaware of fear. What makes her even more desperate is that the whole world seems to be occupied by such monsters.

Otherwise, Wudang, Shaolin, Cihang Jingzhai and other martial arts holy places will not gather in her imperial city of the Wu Dynasty!

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