Digitalization of the World

Chapter 710: leave

"As for the origin of these demons...the abyss monsters, Master Zhang of Wudang may know that he was the first person to discover the abyss monsters." Jiang Yuyan said.

"Really Zhang..."

Wang Xian murmured, and said, "Thank you Queen for letting me know, then I'll go to Master Zhang to inquire about it."

Then, Wang Xian disappeared into the palace with a teleportation.

Zhang Zhenren is the main force guarding the imperial city. He guards the south of the imperial city by himself, allowing thousands of monsters from the abyss to continuously attack, but he has never been able to break into the imperial city, and even did not cause any damage to the walls of the imperial city.

Similarly, Zhang Zhenren, a mythical boss, has a 999% bonus to creatures below the mythical level, and with a subsequent strike, he will be able to fly out of the abyss monsters in pieces.

As for why they just flew upside down instead of killing them, it was entirely because the level of these abyssal monsters was too high and their HP was too much.

But no matter what, with Zhang Zhenren sitting on the south wall of the imperial city, people around can feel at ease.

When Wang Xian appeared next to Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Zhenren was still killing the monsters in the abyss.

Wang Xian released his only two ice slaves, allowing them to kill the abyss monsters freely, and he appeared next to Zhang Zhenren in a flash.

After casually killing the abyss monster beside Master Zhang, Wang Xian cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Master Zhang of Wudang."

"I have seen this fellow Taoist."

Daoist Zhang returned the gift.

"Master Zhang, I heard from the queen that you were the first to discover this monster from the abyss?" Wang Xian cut straight to the point.

"These demons were originally called abyss monsters..."

Hearing Wang Xian's words, Zhang Zhenren's reaction was the same as Wu Dynasty Empress Jiang Yuyan's. Then, thinking of what Wang Xian asked just now, he immediately said, "The old Taoist should have discovered it first."

"Dare to ask Master Zhang, where did you find the abyss monster?" Wang Xian asked again.

"It's in a big abyss near Wudang Mountain."

Zhang Zhenren replied.

"Wudang Mountain?"

Wang Xian was taken aback.

To be honest, when he went to Wudang Mountain before, he really didn't search there properly.

"Thank you Zhang Zhenren for letting me know."

Wang Xian left a word, and before Zhang Zhenren could say anything, his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

When Wang Xian appeared again, he was already in Wudang Mountain.

But Wang Xian searched Wudang Mountain for several hours, but found nothing unusual. Just when Wang Xian was about to give up and went back to Wuchao Imperial City to ask Zhenren Zhang again, he finally found something wrong.

The reason why it is wrong is because the fighting of the abyssal monsters is the most fierce in that place, and all the abyssal monsters seem to be killing each other's father and enemy.

In addition, after the abyss monsters in this place killed each other, they were not swallowed by other abyss monsters.

This is also what Wang Xian discovered after careful observation, because there are too many abyssal monsters here, and they are piled up in layers. Whenever an abyssal monster dies, other abyssal monsters will step on those dead abyssal monsters , this is the talent that Wang Xian didn't notice at first.

As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Wang Xian decided to clean up the abyss monster here, and see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd here.

As soon as he thought of it, Wang Xian began to mobilize his power of space, and directly released one of his forbidden curse-level skills [Death Space] towards the group of monsters in the abyss below.

Forbidden-spell-level skills are stronger than super-level skills, but weaker than divine skills. In addition, Wang Xian already has a very deep understanding of the laws of space. The forbidden-spell-level skills [Death Space], which originally required chanting spells, are simply not enough. There is no need to chant that awkward and long mantra.

Moreover, because the control over the laws of space is deep enough, the range covered by the forbidden spell [Death Space] has already surpassed the original limit of the skill.

Therefore, the forbidden spell skill [Death Space] released by Wang Xian this time directly covered an area of ​​millions of square meters below.

The terrifying power of space easily tore the abyss monsters into pieces, coupled with the space cracks that appear from time to time, absorbing the smashed corpses and blood of the monsters one after another, making the take-out places below begin to appear Pieces of vacant land.

"Huh? This is actually a valley!"

Wang Xian was a little surprised to find that under the powerful destruction of [Dead Space], the space area cleared out was a valley.

It was entirely because there were too many abyss monsters that completely filled the valley that Wang Xian did not discover this valley.

"So, this is the source of the monsters from the abyss?"

Wang Xian sneered, and threw out a few curse-level skills [Death Space] again, and the violent space power cleared the entire valley of the abyss monsters in a moment.

However, even so, the abyss monsters in the distance continued to rush towards this valley as if they had no fear.

Then, those abyssal monsters were torn apart and smashed into pieces by the continuing [dead space], turning into blood rain all over the sky.

[Dead Space] still lasted for a while, Wang Xian ignored the abyss monsters rushing towards here frantically, his body turned into a golden light, and flew towards the bottom of the valley.

Within a short breath, Wang Xian came to the valley.

Because of the large number of abyssal monsters entrenched, the bottom of this valley has been flattened, and no life can be seen.

However, this also has an advantage, Wang Xian can see the whole valley at a glance.

"Did all these endless abyssal monsters emerge from here?"

In an area of ​​the valley, Wang Xian discovered a huge burrow, and in this huge burrow, monsters from the abyss were constantly gushing out.

But because of this, the entire valley was shrouded in [dead space]. Those abyssal monsters that had just emerged from the cave were torn to pieces by the violent space force as soon as they emerged.

Looking at the burrow curiously, Wang Xian thought for a while, his body merged into the void, and then plunged into the burrow.

In the cave, there are densely packed abyssal monsters. Fortunately, Wang Xian's body merged into the void, and the place where these abyssal monsters are located is not the same space, otherwise he would definitely be pushed out of the cave by the densely packed abyssal monsters.

Wang Xian dived quickly, but the cave seemed to have no end.

After finally diving for nearly an hour, Wang Xian completely gave up searching for the source of the cave, and his figure flashed, reappearing above Wudang Mountain.

"Where does this burrow lead to, it can actually make me feel palpitations?"

Wang Xian looked in amazement at the valley that had been once again occupied by monsters from the abyss, feeling very puzzled.

The reason why he gave up continuing to dive in that cave was not only because the cave seemed to have no bottom, but also because he felt a crisis in the cave, and it was a fatal crisis.

That kind of crisis is even more terrifying than facing the strong in the 'Emperor Realm'.

Therefore, Wang Xian had no choice but to quickly stay away from that cave.


Looking at the abyssal monsters all over the mountains and plains, Wang Xian sighed softly.

He knew that with the sense of crisis in the cave, he would not be able to solve this 'abyss crisis' for a while!

Shaking his head, Wang Xian disappeared in the sky above Wudang Mountain in an instant.

When he reappeared, Wang Xian had already returned to the imperial city of the Wu Dynasty.

"Fellow Daoist, do you have any clues?"

Zhang Zhenren's voice rang in Wang Xian's ears.

Wang Xian turned his head and looked towards the southern city wall of the Dynasty, and suddenly saw Zhenren Zhang looking at him expectantly.

Although it was weird to be looked at by an old man with expectant eyes, Wang Xian still quickly appeared in front of Zhang Zhenren.

"The source of the monsters in the abyss is indeed in the valley that Zhang Zhenren said, but I don't have the strength to solve it." Wang Xian sighed.

"Then what about adding the old Taoist and the empress of the Wu Dynasty?"

Zhang Zhenren immediately asked.

"No, there is an extremely terrifying existence there. Even if the three of us attack together, we can't resist that terrifying existence for a while."

Wang Xian shook his head and said.

It can be said that he can feel the existence of palpitations, and his strength is at least in the 'Emperor Realm', not even the 'Emperor Realm First Layer'.

"Are we destined to be devoured by this endless monster?"

Zhang Zhenren didn't doubt Wang Xian's words, and despair appeared on his face.

How many years?

He couldn't remember how many years he hadn't been so dazed and powerless.

"Really Zhang, don't worry too much. That terrible existence should not be able to appear in this world in a short time." Wang Xian comforted.

"Fellow Daoist also said, it's because it won't appear for a short time, it's not that it won't appear."

Zhang Zhenren lamented.

Wang Xian didn't say anything, he didn't know what was behind the abyss monster at all, and he didn't have the strength to explore it now.

Perhaps it will be possible to resolve this crisis when he breaks through to the 'God Realm'.

Wang Xian left, he didn't chat with Zhang Zhenren much, he still had to collect the corpses of the abyssal monsters.

With the addition of Wang Xian, the deaths of the abyssal monsters intensified rapidly, but because Wang Xian wanted to collect the corpses of the abyssal monsters, he couldn't use the powerful skill of [Death Space], which had a large range of coverage, otherwise Wang Xian alone would be enough to defend the Wu Dynasty This imperial city.

In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

During these five days, Wang Xian kept killing the abyssal monsters day and night, obtained countless corpses of the abyssal monsters, and increased the height of the blood sea in the small world by hundreds of meters.

Now, the sea of ​​blood in the small world is no longer black and red, but has turned black and green, and its smell is extremely unpleasant.

In the city that Wang Xian received from the Small World, many people were fainted by the unpleasant smell, which also forced Wang Xian to transfer that city from the Small World to the 'Spiritual Ring' in the space.

"Brother-in-law, I can't do it. If this continues, if the monster can't be killed, I will be disgusted to death!" On the city wall, Su Jin said to Wang Xian.

"Xiaoxian, why don't we leave for a while first."

Nangong Wu also said that she couldn't take it anymore.

The others also looked at Wang Xian expectantly.

"Okay, then let's leave first."

Wang Xian nodded.

To be honest, he couldn't bear it himself.

For five whole days, facing all the ugly abyss monsters, he felt that his aesthetics were about to change.

"Okay, we can finally go!"

Su Jin cheered, and then called Xiao Huang, Qilin, who was still madly killing among the monsters in the abyss, back.

Cheng Yao also called her pet Xiaoqing back, and Wang Xian also called Daqing back.

"Master, let's leave quickly. If we don't drive again, I will die here, Lao Niu!"

Daqing, who had been replaced, threw herself in front of Wang Xian, hugged Wang Xian's leg with both front hooves, and begged with 'tears of tears'.

"Stop playing tricks, we're leaving now!"

Wang Xian angrily kicked Da Qing far away.

"Five days have passed, and I guess the people from the fairy clan should have arrived. Once we leave the 'Martial Dao World', we will face people from the fairy clan!" Wang Xian said to the crowd. .

"Isn't it just the fairy race, see if I don't smash their heads!"

Su Jin waved the staff in his hand and said angrily.

She didn't have a good impression of the Immortal Clan, especially when the Immortal Clan was still in Wang Xian's absence, they frantically attacked the disciples of the 'Xiangong', and even killed some of the 'Xiangong' disciples completely.

"Master, no matter what kind of fairy or demon race, as long as you don't face these ugly abyssal monsters, you can tell me to do anything!"

Da Qing ran back to Wang Xian's side again, looking at Wang Xian flatteringly.

"Since there is no objection, let's rest for a day first, and then leave the 'Martial Dao World'!" Wang Xian said to the crowd.

The place to rest is naturally in the city in the space of the 'Spiritual Ring'. In this western ancient city, there are a large number of well-preserved buildings, as well as many restaurants and restaurants.

However, when he left, Wang Xian still talked to Zhenren Zhang and Empress Jiang Yuyan of the Wu Dynasty.

Knowing that Wang Xian and the others were leaving, Zhang Zhenren and Wu Dynasty Empress Jiang Yuyan's faces changed instantly.

Fortunately, Wang Xian told the two that he was leaving temporarily, and also sent a large number of people to support them, which made the faces of the two slightly relieved.

After chatting with the two of them, Wang Xian left the imperial city directly, and quickly returned to the place where he entered the "Martial Arts World" Wang Xian also entered the space of the "Ring of Immortals" .

"Xiaoxian, you said you wanted to support Jiang Yuyan and the others?"

In a gorgeous building, Nangong Wu asked Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded and said: "The monsters of the abyss are endless. Although they don't explode anything after being killed, the experience given by the monsters of the abyss is extremely rich. I plan to bring all the disciples of 'Xiangong' to practice leveling." .And, I also need a lot of corpses of abyssal monsters."

"Brother-in-law, why do you want the corpses of these abyssal monsters?"

Su Jin asked.

In the past few days, she had seen Wang Xian collect a large number of corpses of abyssal monsters. She really couldn't understand, what was the use of Wang Xian collecting the corpses of these abyssal monsters?

The role of the corpse of the abyss monster is not a secret, Wang Xian naturally will not hide it, and after explaining the reason, he finally solved the doubts that had puzzled everyone for five days. 13183/10974374