Digitalization of the World

Chapter 711: Arrogant to Li Wen

【Arrogant Li Wen】

"Xiao Jin, give me the 'Brightness of the Stars'."

After resting in the city for more than a day, Wang Xian said to Su Jin when he was about to return to Blue Star.


Su Jin didn't ask any questions, and directly called out the 'Brightness of the Stars' that had been refined by her into the magic weapon of her life.

Wang Xian reached out to take it, and after checking the attributes, he found that after being refined by Su Jin, the overall basic attributes of the 'Star of the Star' dropped by about 30%.

However, this is a very normal thing. After Su Jin's level increases and he becomes a "God Realm", the attributes of the "Starlight" will exceed the original attributes, and this is the benefit of the natal magic weapon.

If Su Jin breaks through to the 'Emperor Realm', the attribute of 'Starlight' will usher in a big explosion.

Let the 'Brightness of the Stars' float in front of him, Wang Xian's left hand has the power of space, his right hand has the power of time, and then fuses the two into the 'Space-Time Power'.

The appearance of the power of time and space made the distance of the 'Brightness of the Stars' vibrate.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing? Little Xingxing is so scared now!"

Su Jin said with some concern.

'Little Xingxing' is the tool spirit of 'Glory of the Stars', feeling the power of time and space, especially those powers of time and space are still in front of him, so he conveyed his emotions to Su Jin in fear.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will destroy your 'Starlight'?"

Wang Xian rolled his eyes.

Although the power of time and space is terrifying, the 'Brightness of the Stars' is an imperial weapon. Even if he is assisted by the power of time and space, he still cannot destroy the 'Brightness of the Stars'.

As Wang Xian condensed more and more power of time and space, the surrounding space and time began to be affected, which forced Nangong Wu and others to stay away from Wang Xian.

"Okay, Xiao Jin, take back your 'Brightness of the Stars'!"

Wang Xian said to Su Jin who was still worried.


Su Jin nodded again and again, but before she took the initiative to take it back, the 'Brightness of the Stars', like a frightened little rabbit, got into Su Jin's arms with a 'swish'.

Obviously, the spirit of this imperial weapon was really frightened by Wang Xian.

Wang Xian shook his head with a smile, and then enveloped the condensed power of time and space in the place where the 'Brightness of the Stars' was suspended just now.

In the next second, a 'Brightness of the Stars' suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

Su Jin looked at the newly appeared 'Star of the Star', and then looked at the 'Star of the Star' in his arms, his small mouth grew big, his eyes were round, and even the ears of the two foxes on his head were straightened.

Even Zhihui, who had hid in Su Jin's arms just now because of fear, quietly appeared, suspended on Su Jin's shoulder, and curiously 'looked' at the 'Star' in front of Wang Xian.

"Brother-in-law, what's going on?"

Su Jin ran to Wang Xian's side at a trot, and looked at the 'Brightness of the Stars' floating in front of Wang Xian with a look of shock.


Wang Xian smiled, took out the wooden box that contained the 'Brightness of the Stars' before, and put the 'Brightness of the Stars' in front of him into the wooden box.

"Fake? But I think it's real!"

As the owner of the 'Brightness of the Stars', she could clearly feel that the 'Brightness of the Stars' that Wang Xian had just put away was real, and it was even the 'Brightness of the Stars' that she had refined into the magic weapon of her life.

But when he looked at the 'Brightness of the Stars' floating on his shoulder, Su Jin was confused.

"The reason why I say it's fake is because the 'Brightness of the Stars' I just put away can't exist for too long, but you feel it's true because it is indeed your 'Brightness of the Stars', as long as It is not the 'stars' of the past time and space, but I have brought them from the past to the present for a short time by the power of time and space." Wang Xian explained.

It is too strict to say that it is the "Brightness of the Stars" in the past. The "Brightness of the Stars" that he put into the wooden box, more precisely, should be the projection of the "Brightness of the Stars".

However, because of the power of time and space, this projection possesses all the auras of the 'Brightness of the Stars', except that it does not possess the various abilities of the 'Brightness of the Stars'.

Therefore, the 'Brightness of the Stars' created by Wang Xian is of no use except to bluff people.

However, being able to bluff is enough.

He estimated that there must be a large number of immortals, the top races in the universe, and the strongmen of the Blue Star sect waiting at the entrance of the Blue Star 'Martial Dao World' dungeon.

And this 'Starlight' created by him will be the trigger for the battle of these top forces and powerhouses

As for whether it will be discovered by those strong people, Wang Xian is still very confident.

Moreover, in order to prevent accidents, Wang Xian also placed a layer of time and space restrictions on the fake 'Starlight'.

This time and space will simply not isolate the breath of the 'Brightness of the Stars', but it will prevent other people from wanting to check the authenticity of the 'Brightness of the Stars'.

The duration of the space-time restriction is not long, only seven days, but these seven days are enough for those immortal races, cosmic races and Blue Star Sect to fight to the death.

As for seven days later, discovering the fake of the 'Brightness of the Stars'?

That is not important anymore!

Moreover, when it really comes to that time, if the 'Glory of the Stars' is found to be fake, other races and powerhouses who have not captured the 'Glory of the Stars' will not believe the fake 'Glory of the Stars', they will only think it is The race or the strong who seized the 'star's brilliance' was a lie told in order to occupy the 'star's brilliance'.

"Brother-in-law, why did you go to such lengths to create a fake 'Brightness of the Stars'?" Su Jin asked.

Hearing this, Wang Xian stared at Su Jin for four or five seconds, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Xian's operation left Su Jin at a loss again.

Looking at Nangong Wu for knowledge, Nangong Wu shook her head helplessly just like Wang Xian.

Su Jin was even more at a loss!

"Xiao Jin, you are too stupid. Of course Wang Xian did this to make those immortal clans kill each other!"

Xuan Yue, who really couldn't stand it anymore, opened her mouth to solve Su Jin's doubts.

"Brother-in-law, since you despise my IQ!"

After Su Jin reacted, he became a little annoyed immediately, opened his small mouth and bit Wang Xian.

Wang Xian put one hand on Su Jin's forehead and let her flutter there.

Called Li Wen, handed him the wooden box containing the fake 'Glory of the Stars', and after instructing him, Wang Xian took Li Wen out of the space of the 'Ring of Immortals'.

After leaving another spatial imprint on Li Wen, Wang Xiancai watched Li Wen leave the 'Martial Dao World' copy.

Afterwards, Wang Xian also quickly left the 'Martial Dao World' instance.

After returning to Blue Star, Wang Xian immediately activated the spatial imprint left on Li Wen's body, and his figure instantly appeared near Li Wen.

At this time, Li Wen was already surrounded, and the people surrounding Li Wen were all mythical bosses whose levels were above 1000.

And in the periphery of these mythical bosses, there are at least tens of thousands of mythical bosses densely packed, and the level of each mythical boss is not lower than 800.

Although he had already guessed that there would be a large number of strong men, Wang Xian never thought that an imperial weapon could attract so many strong men.

Wang Xian focused on those mythical bosses above level 1000.

Among these mythical bosses, the highest-level "Ancient Immortal Clan", a mythical-level boss named Gu Tian, ​​has reached level 1355.

Moreover, Wang Xian also felt the aura of 'Emperor Realm' from this guy, although it was faint, it was indeed the aura of 'Emperor Realm'.

In such a situation, there are only two possibilities.

One is the power masters of the ancient forces in the dungeon of "The Great World of Destiny", who cut off the foundation of the avenue and fell from the "Emperor Realm" to the "God Realm".

The other is like Yaochi, who is about to break through to the 'Emperor Realm'.

But no matter what kind, Wang Xian is not worried, because among the strong people present, many people are similar to Gu Tian.

"Give the things to this seat, and this seat will leave your whole body!"

Gu Tian stepped forward and said to Li Wen indifferently.

"Leave you as an asshole, an old gangster, and come to order me? Who gave you face?"

Surrounded by thousands of mythical bosses, although Li Wen panicked to death, his tone was not cowardly at all.

Gu Tian's face turned cold in an instant, and a pair of slightly cloudy eyes stared at Li Wen.

He can't remember how many years no one dared to say such a thing to him.

He decided not to kill the ant in front of him immediately.

He wanted to grab the ant in front of him and torture him slowly. When he was in a better mood one day, he might end the life of this ant.

"You old bastard, what are you looking at? Have you never seen a handsome guy?"

Li Wen already knew that he would not survive, but he was not afraid at all, because he had the hole card Wang Xian left him, and being killed would only lose one resurrection.

But the number of resurrections at a time is nothing compared to the benefits Wang Xian gave!

Therefore, Li Wen completely let himself go.

"You old..."

All kinds of obscenities were constantly sprayed out of Li Wen's mouth, making Gu Tian's face more and more gloomy, and almost dripping water.

"Old man, do you have no balls? You have been scolded like this by me, but you can still hold back?"

After scolding for half an hour, Li Wen, who was at a loss for words, finally stopped. Seeing that Gu Tian just looked at him viciously, but never made a move, he was extremely puzzled.

Gu Tian didn't pay attention to Li Wen. After scanning the mythical bosses for a few times, he said in a sinister tone: "This seat has already recorded your aura, you'd better not be discovered by this seat. Otherwise, what awaits you is the disaster of extermination."

"Oh~ so that's the case. I said why didn't you do it? It turns out that you can't do it!"

When Li Wen heard Gu Tian's words, he suddenly realized.

"Since you can't do it, what about this?"

Li Wen's throat surged, and then his mouth pouted.


A mouthful of saliva flew directly towards Gu Tian's face.

In the space mezzanine, Wang Xian, who saw this scene, was stunned by Li Wen's death.

You know, because of Gu Tian's threatening words just now, those strong men who secretly suppressed Gu Tian have withdrawn their strength.

Seeing the saliva flying towards him, Gu Tian couldn't suppress his anger and killing intent, and his breath exploded in an instant with terror.

But what happened next left everyone dumbfounded.

The mouthful of saliva that Li Wen spit out directly ignored the aura emanating from Gu Tian's body, and hit Gu Tian's face directly.


The tens of thousands of mythical bosses all fell silent looking at the puddle of saliva on Gu Tian's face.

There are even many mythical bosses who are seriously suspecting that they are dazzled, rubbing their eyes frantically.

Especially those strong men who had secretly suppressed Gu Tian before, their spiritual senses were frantically communicating, asking if the other party made a move.

But after some communication, they discovered that they were not the ones making the move.

Now, they were all puzzled, since they didn't make the move, then who made the move to suppress Gu Tian?

"Oh, what a pity, after digitization, I can't even spit out a mouthful of phlegm, otherwise I will definitely become more handsome after washing my face with thick phlegm!"

Li Wen's angry voice suddenly sounded.

The eyes of tens of thousands of mythical bosses all focused on Li Wen. They eagerly wanted to know how miserable the human race in front of them would become in the future?


Gu Tian let out a furious roar, and the terrifying aura emanating from his body became even more violent, and what made him even more mad was that the pool of saliva attached to his face actually had a special power, no matter what he did, he couldn't make it go away. The puddle of saliva attached to his face was removed.

Li Wen is dead!

He was directly crushed to death by the terrifying aura emanating from Gu Tian's body, and even the corpse was crushed into meat paste.

With an extremely gloomy face, Gu Tian walked towards Li Wen who had been crushed into a meat sauce. He wanted to extract Li Wen's soul!

But before he got close to Li Wen who had turned into meat sauce, he was stopped by several figures.

"This seat is in a bad mood, get out!"

Gu Tian looked at the few people standing in front of him with cold eyes.

He knew these people, although they were from different branches of the fairy clan, but as a powerhouse of the same level, he still knew some information about these people.

"It was possible in the past, but we have to take one thing first."

A strong man from the Qingyan Immortal Clan said calmly.

Gu Tian's eyes froze immediately. Although he wanted to extract Li Wen's soul, his real purpose was for the wooden box next to Li Wen.

"Go away, the soul of that human ant is about to leave!"

Gu Tian shouted angrily.

"Senior Gu was joking, with the Yutian Great Formation, how could the souls of the ants of the human race leave?" Another strong man said.

Gu Tian's expression became even colder.

He understood that his plan was completely in vain. UU Reading

Since it cannot be outsmarted, it can only be robbed.

"Gu Tian, ​​don't even think about it!"

There was a sound of shouting, and all the strong men standing in front of Gu Tian shot, and the terrifying energy fluctuations erupted instantly.

The tens of thousands of Mythical Bosses watching around saw these powerhouses fighting, and without saying a word, backed away again and again.

As for Wang Xian, who was hiding in the space interlayer, he studied the 'Yu Tian Great Formation' that the Qingyan fairy said.

Because he just received a message from Li Wen, saying that if he chooses to be resurrected, he can only be resurrected in situ.

Li Wen's tone was full of panic. He saw the battle between Gu Tian and those strong men. Once he was resurrected, he would definitely die again in an instant.

Wang Xian comforted Li Wen and told him that he was at the scene, and when he came back to life, he would be put away immediately, which made Li Wen stop panicking.
