Digitalization of the World

Chapter 712: new bait

Regarding the formation, Wang Xian has not studied it in depth, but he has also learned some from the "Tudigong", and the formation and the restriction have many similarities.

The "Yutian Grand Formation" that the Qingyan Immortals said, Wang Xian studied it and found that this formation did not match its name.

This is a formation similar to a 'forbidden weapon' that allows players to be revived in situ, and even trapped people cannot do it.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it makes sense for the fairy clan to set up this formation. After all, they have so many strong people. Not too ideal either.

After understanding the function of the 'Yu Tian Great Formation', Wang Xian no longer had any worries in his heart.

Quietly, he came to Li Wen who was crushed into a meat paste, and Wang Xian sent Li Wen a message.

After receiving the news from Wang Xian, Li Wen was resurrected immediately, and Wang Xian showed up without any hesitation, and took Li Wen into the space of the 'Ring of Immortals', and left Li Wen in the wooden box outside. Got it in hand.

Seeing Wang Xian who suddenly appeared and held the wooden box in his hands, several top experts who were fighting stopped instantly, and then quickly surrounded Wang Xian.

"Who are you?"

Before Wang Xian showed up, he had already activated the [Camouflage] skill. He didn't want the fish to be exposed before he took the bait.

"Say? Who are you?"

Gu Tian's terrifying aura pressed towards Wang Xian.

Wang Xian glanced at Gu Tian indifferently, then lowered his head, looked at the wooden box in his hand and remained silent.

Gu Tian's expression was a bit dignified, but he seemed to feel nothing when bearing his aura, which was something only a strong person of the same level could do.

Is this person in front of him a strong man of the same level as him?

But this person's aura is so weak that he doesn't even have a 'divine state'!

This confuses him.

The top powerhouses of the other fairy races also looked at Wang Xian with sizing eyes, but their main attention was still on the wooden box in Wang Xian's hand.

At this time, Wang Xian put one hand on the wooden box.

In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene became tense.


A slight sound sounded, and the wooden box was opened by Wang Xian, revealing the aura of the 'Brightness of the Stars' immediately.

"Hand it over!"

After Gu Tian felt the aura of the 'Brightness of the Stars', he acted instantly.

The rest of the top experts of the fairy clan did not hesitate, and while attacking Gu Tian, ​​they went to **** the wooden box from Wang Xian's hand.

At this moment, Wang Xian was like a frightened rabbit, with a shake of his hand, he directly threw the 'Brightness of the Stars' out of the wooden box.

Moreover, the direction of the throw is still the Titans, the top race in the universe watching the battle from a distance.

Compared with the strength of the Immortal Clan, the Titan Clan, the top race in the universe, is somewhat weaker. This is why the Titan Clan just watched from a distance and did not directly participate in the battle.

As for being able to confront the Immortal Clan in front of the ancient temple in Kunlun Mountain, it was entirely because of the star sects of Blue Star that they could compete with the Immortal Clan.

Now, those star sects of Blue Star are not around, they are not the opponents of the fairy clan at all.

However, it was a coincidence that the powerful artifact that the immortals coveted so much flew towards them.

What frightened him even more was that the powerful artifact appeared in front of the Titans in an instant, as if cutting through the space.

The strongest member of the Titan race here is named Tai Ming, a level 987 Mythical Boss, and the 'Glory of the Stars' just appeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at the 'Glory of the Stars' in front of him, and feeling the powerful aura emanating from the 'Glory of the Stars', Tai Ming felt ruthless, and directly reached out to grab the 'Glory of the Stars', and fled towards the sky without saying a word .

"The people of the Titan clan obey orders and stop those immortal clan members at all costs!"

Tai Ming, who was running away, gave an order to the dazed Tai Tan people.

Tai Ming's voice awakened the Titans who were present one after another, and then these Titans looked at each other, activating the unique talent of the Titans - [Titan True Body].

A titan with an individual size of several thousand meters appeared instantly, and every titan exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

What's even more frightening is that the auras of these thousands of titans, which are thousands of meters in size, are connected to each other, as if they were a whole.

This also made the terrifying aura of thousands of titans fused together, raging crazily in this world.

The tyrannical aura made tens of thousands of immortals retreat one after another. Even Gu Tian and other top experts who surpassed the 'God Realm' but did not reach the 'Emperor Realm' retreated a few steps.

Wang Xian looked at the thousands of huge titans, and he was shocked. He never thought that the titan clan would have such a big move.

Looking up at the sky, feeling the 'brightness of the stars' that was getting farther and farther away from him, Wang Xian had to communicate with the power of time and space above it.

If Tai Ming were to escape with the 'Brightness of the Star', his fishing plan would be completely wasted.

The power of time and space remaining in the 'Starlight' erupted, directly teleporting Tai Ming hundreds of meters into the sky.

Taiming was dumbfounded!

Thousands of Titans are stunned!

Gu Tian, ​​those strong men of the same level as him, and tens of thousands of people from the immortal clan were also dumbfounded.

They didn't understand why Taiming, who had already won the treasure, would reappear.

In fact, Tai Ming didn't understand this point either.

Originally, he was about to take out the atmosphere of Blue Star, but suddenly, with a flash in front of his eyes, he returned here again.

"Bastard, hand over the treasure!"

Gu Tian was the first to react, and a terrifying aura erupted, tearing apart the fusion aura of thousands of titans in an instant, and went straight to Taiming.

Tai Ming's face changed drastically, and then he didn't care about why he reappeared here, and fled frantically towards outer space.

"Stop them!"

When running away, Tai Ming still did not forget to roar.

Thousands of gigantic titans made a move, and they raised their straight hands at the same time.

In an instant, the sky darkened, and a huge palm that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the sky.

This huge palm was like the hand of the sky, and it carried the aura of destroying heaven and earth, and slapped it directly towards Gu Tian.

"Suppressing Heaven Sword, come out!"

Gu Tian looked cold and shouted angrily.

The sound of the sword's cry sounded, and a ray of light suddenly appeared in the dim sky, and then this ray of light suddenly bloomed, illuminating the entire sky.

A long sword with a simple shape and unknown runes engraved all over its body appeared in the eyes of everyone. After the long sword appeared, it instantly slashed towards the palm that covered the sky and fell down from the sky.

Without any obstruction, the palm that seemed to destroy the world was directly cut off by the long sword.

Then, the long sword flew back to Gu Tian's hand, and Gu Tian immediately waved it towards thousands of Titans.

A huge sword light appeared and went straight to thousands of Titans.


Thousands of huge Titans didn't even react, and were cut in half by Gu Tian's sword light, turning into corpses.


Gu Tian glanced indifferently at the corpses of those Titan tribes, his body turned into a stream of light, and chased after Tai Ming crazily.

"Emperor weapon!"

Wang Xian stared fixedly at Gu Tian's leaving back, and another thing happened that he didn't expect.

The fairy clan actually has an 'Emperor Artifact'!

There is an 'Emperor's Artifact', which means that the fairy clan has a strong 'Emperor Realm', or someone who has been out of the 'Emperor Realm'.

More importantly, Gu Tian is only one of the 'Ancient Immortal Clan', one of the branches of the Immortal Clan, and there are thousands of branches of the Immortal Clan.

Even if not all branches of the Immortal Clan possessed the 'Emperor Artifact' like the 'Ancient Immortal Clan', at least there must be a few or a dozen or even dozens of branches of the Immortal Clan with the 'Emperor Artifact'.

This kind of speculation made Wang Xian's head hurt a little. It would be a bit embarrassing for him to exterminate the immortal clan with such a powerful background!

"No, break through! I want to break through! As long as I reach the 'Divine Realm', even if the fairy race has a real 'Emperor Realm', I should be able to contend!"

Wang Xian kept planning in his mind.

The reason why he thinks that he can fight against the "Emperor Realm" with the "God Realm" is not only his confidence in his own strength, but also partly from Zhao Hao.

For Zhao Hao's words, Wang Xian still believed. This was from the bottom of his heart, and he believed that Zhao Hao would not lie to himself.

"Ants, it's all you, let me die!"

There was an angry shouting sound.

Wang Xian felt that his body was hit by a huge force, and he was thrown backward heavily.


An eight-figure injury emerged from the sky above Wang Xian's head.

"It's so weak!"

Wang Xian looked at the person who attacked him with disdain.

Qingyan fairy clan!

"Ant, what are you talking about?"

The strong man of the Qingyan Immortal Clan roared angrily.

"I said you are so weak!"

Wang Xian repeated again.

"Ants, die!"

The Qingyan Immortal Clan was furious, turning into a black shadow and attacking Wang Xian.

Wang Xian was only attacked by surprise before, but now that he was prepared, he escaped the Qingyan fairy clan's attack very easily.

"You are so weak, but so arrogant. If you go out, you will definitely be beaten to death. Let this thing strengthen your strength!"

Wang Xian took out a piece of "Innate Stone" from the space of the "Immortal Ring" and threw it to the Qingyan fairy clan.

"Innate thing!"

After the strong man of the Qingyan fairy clan caught the 'innate stone' thrown to him by Wang Xian, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

At the same time, the appearance of the 'Congenital Stone' made the eyes of the most powerful immortal clan experts all focus on the Qingyan immortal clan expert.

"Qinghan, ask the innate things to hand over!"

Several top powerhouses surrounded the Qingyan Immortal Clan's powerhouse, that is, Qinghan.

Qing Han's expression changed, and he quickly put away the 'Congenital Stone'.

For their immortal clan, 'innate objects' are even more important than 'emperor weapons'.

Moreover, he could feel that this 'innate thing' he had just obtained could strengthen the 'primordial essence' in his body.

For the immortal clan, this matter is simply a matter of piercing the sky!

That's why he quickly put away the 'innate thing' to prevent others from feeling the particularity of this 'innate thing'.

"Everyone, you are just an ordinary 'innate thing', why are you so nervous?"

Qing Han said to several people with a smile.

"Qinghan, we all know who you are, hand over that 'innate thing', or you can stay here today!"

The most powerful of the flame fairy clan after opening.

He understood Qing Han's character very well, and knew that the 'innate object' that Qing Han put away must be an extraordinary treasure, otherwise Qing Han would never have spoken to them so calmly.

"Qinghan, is it ordinary or not, just take it out and let me have a look!"

Said by a fairy to the strong.

"If you ask me to take it out, I will take it out. Do you think I have a good temper?"

Qing Han's face darkened instantly, and a terrifying aura slowly rose from him.

"It seems that that thing is definitely not ordinary, Qinghan, hand it over, otherwise you will definitely not be able to return to the fairyland alive today!"

The strongest of the flame fairy clan said coldly.

Although the strongest members of the other fairy races did not speak again, they all began to exude domineering truth, and they all pressed towards Qinghan in unison.

fanqianxs/book/xianmuqiyuan/"The Immortal Wood"

"Are you really going to tear your skin apart with me?"

Qing Han asked in a gloomy tone.

"It's not that we are tearing our skins apart with you, but you are tearing our skins apart with us!" said one of the most powerful immortals.

Qinghan silently looked at the few strongest men, then flipped his right hand, and a palm-sized mountain peak suddenly appeared in his hand.

Several of the most powerful men, seeing Qing Han raised his right hand, thought he was going to hand over that 'innate object', but when they saw the tiny mountain peak in Qing Han's right hand, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Qing Han, you are crazy!"

The most powerful members of the Flame Immortal Clan retreated crazily, and roared at Qinghan.

The other strongest members of the fairy clan retreated frantically, staring at Qinghan with gloomy expressions.

That tiny mountain peak is the treasure of the Qingyan Immortal Clan. Once it is hit, it has the terrifying power to collapse the world. It is the third most terrifying existence among all the treasures of the Immortal Clan.

"Now, do you still want that 'innate thing'?"

Qing Han smiled and looked at several immortals.

"Qinghan, although the treasure of your clan town is terrifying, you still can't do it if you want to destroy us!"

The strongest of the flame fairy clan looked at Qinghan fiercely.

He also has the treasure of the flame fairy clan, and he also carries it with him. Although the treasure of the flame fairy clan is not as good as the treasure of the Qingyan fairy but if you really want to fight, anyone will have to No benefit!

"Qinghan, you don't dare to take out the treasure of your clan!"

A fairy to the strongest spoke.

Even though he said so, his body was tense, as if he was about to run for his life at any time.

Qinghan's face changed for a while.

Just like what the strongest man said, he really didn't dare to play out the treasure, because this world is too 'weird', after playing out, no one knows what will happen.

As for why Gu Tian can use the Zhentian Sword, the supreme treasure of the clan controlled by Gu Tian, ​​it is because of the special nature of the Tiantian Sword, which can lock its own power inside the sword body, preventing its power from being perceived by the world.

"Whether you dare to play is not my decision, but your own decision!"

After Qinghan finished saying this, he looked at the strongest men without saying a word.

In an instant, the atmosphere became quiet.