Digitalization of the World

Chapter 757: Master and apprentice

In the palace hall, Wang Xian looked strangely at the talented person invited by Shen Gongbao. This is a character Wang Xian never thought of.

Lady Shiji!

That's right, it was the Niangniang Shiji who practiced well at home and was then burned alive by Master Taiyi with the Nine Fire Dragon Mask.

"Master National Teacher recognizes me?"

Seeing Wang Xian looking at her strangely, Empress Shiji asked involuntarily.

"I heard about the deeds of the empress."

Wang Xian replied with a smile.

Lady Shiji nodded, but did not speak.

Before, Shen Gongbao had also introduced Shiji Niangniang to everyone, and Di Xin was also very generous in hosting a banquet for Shiji Niangniang.

After the banquet, Empress Shiji and Huang Feihu, the King of Wucheng, set off for Jinjiling.

When Di Xin saw Empress Shiji leaving, Wang Xian shook his head and couldn't help but said, "Master, are you not optimistic about Empress Shiji?"

"No, it's just a sigh of fate!"

Wang Xian sighed lightly.

In the original book "Fengshen", Empress Shiji died unexpectedly. This time, she was invited by Shen Gongbao to help Dashang, and in all likelihood, she will die.

"When does the national teacher plan to take action?"

Di Xin asked again.


Wang Xian laughed.


Di Xin was stunned for a moment.

Wang Xian immediately said: "It's not the time to play, let my apprentice lead me to take action!"


Di Xin was stunned again.

Wang Xian's apprentice, the first thing he thought of was Nezha, who looked three or four years old, but was actually just born.

How could such a little brat go into battle to kill the enemy?

Seeing Di Xin's expression, Wang Xian understood that he had misunderstood, and explained with a smile: "Your Majesty has misunderstood. The apprentice I said was not Nezha, but several other apprentices."

"When will the apprentice of the National Teacher arrive?"

"I'll call them out now, but don't be too surprised when the king sees them."

"The national teacher said so, Gu is very curious, what kind of apprentice the national teacher is, will surprise Gu!"

Di Xin couldn't help laughing.

Wang Xian didn't say anything, he woke up the three monkeys who were in retreat in his inner world and pulled them out.


When the three monkeys saw Wang Xian, they immediately saluted respectfully.

"National teacher, these three... three are your apprentices?"

Although Di Xin had made preparations in his heart, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression when he saw three monkeys appearing in front of him.

"I've been to see the king."

Wang Xian said to the three monkeys.

"I have seen the king!"

The three monkeys bowed to Di Xin.

"No gift, no gift!"

Di Xin said quickly.

"Introduce yourself too!"

Wang Xian said.

"Your Majesty, I am Master's eldest apprentice, the Lingming Stone Monkey Sun Wukong." Sun Wukong spoke first.

"Your Majesty, I am Master's second apprentice, the six-eared macaque Xiaoliu."

Next is the six-eared macaque.

"Your Majesty, I'm Master's third apprentice, Tong Gibbon Monkey Xiaotong."

The last open gibbon monkey.

After hearing this, Di Xin paused for a moment on the six-eared macaque and the gibbon monkey, then looked at Wang Xian and said, "Guo Shi, did you choose their names?"

"Is it that obvious?"

Wang Xian was stunned.

"It's just what Daji said, the national teacher's talent for naming names is really not very good."

Di Xin laughed.

"How did the mother of Daji know about it?"

Wang Xian was puzzled.

Di Xin didn't say anything, but glanced at the Taiyin Jade Rabbit on Wang Xian's shoulder.

Wang Xian immediately understood the reason, and directly grabbed the Taiyin Jade Rabbit sleeping on his shoulder in the palm of his hand, and kneaded it 'ruthlessly'.

"Wang Xian, what are you doing?"

The Taiyin Jade Rabbit looked at Wang Xian in confusion.

"What are you talking about? Are you talking bad about me outside again?"

Wang Xian glared at the Taiyin Jade Rabbit.

"I do not have…"

The Taiyin Jade Rabbit was stunned for a moment, and then replied weakly.

Naturally, Wang Xian would not know a little rabbit. After kneading a few times, he put the Taiyin Jade Rabbit back on his shoulders, and said to Di Xin, "Your Majesty, I have a proposal."

"The national teacher just said it directly."

"Your Majesty and I will go to Jinji Ridge together to see how the battle between Dashang and Xiqi's army is going, and by the way, let's take a look at the strength of my apprentices." Wang Xian said.

The main reason he went to Jinjiling was because of a person... No, because of a bird.

Kong Xuan!

This Phoenix's parent and son, who was supposed to be free in the world, was forcibly taken as a mount by the shameless Zhunti.

Therefore, Wang Xian planned to rob Kong Xuan.

What's more, for interfering with the matter of the sage Zhun mention, the reward of the mythical task 'Choice' will definitely be extremely rich.

"Go to Jinjiling?"

Di Xin did not respond immediately, but lowered his head and pondered.

After about half a cup of tea, Di Xin raised his head and looked at Wang Xian, and said, "The safety of the loneliness is entrusted to the national teacher."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if a saint comes in person, I have the strength to protect Your Majesty. What's more, Your Majesty is a human emperor. The stronger the cultivator, the less he dares to take action against His Majesty, so Your Majesty doesn't have to worry about his own safety." Wang Xian said.

"Then when are we going? Are we going to tell the world?" Di Xin asked.

"Your Majesty, let's just watch it secretly. The battle between Dashang and Xiqi is about conferring gods and calamities, and it can't be ended with just one battle."

"Conferred God and Measured Tribulation?"

Di Xin caught the key words in Wang Xian's words.

"The matter of conferring gods and measuring robbery will not be clear for a while, and the king will understand it in the future."

Di Xin nodded, not asking a question about conferred gods and measuring robbery, but asked, "When are we going?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, when my three apprentices arrive at Jinji Ridge, we will arrive in an instant."

Wang Xian explained to Di Xin, took out a jade token and threw it to Sun Wukong, and then said to the three monkeys: "You three go to Jinjiling immediately, and notify me with the jade token later."

"Yes, Master!"

The three monkeys said in unison.

"Do you know where Jinjiling is?"

"Master, don't worry, we have our own way to know."

"Okay, let's go now!"


After the three monkeys bowed to Wang Xian, they turned into three golden lights and flew rapidly into the distance.

"National teacher, why haven't you seen your fourth apprentice?"

After the three monkeys left, Di Xin thought that Nezha was Wang Xian's fifth apprentice, so he couldn't help but ask.

"I haven't found it yet."

Wang Xian replied.

"did not find?"

Di Xin didn't quite understand the meaning of Wang Xian's words.

Wang Xian explained with a smile: "There are four great monkeys in the heaven and earth, namely the Lingming stone monkey, the six-eared macaque, the gibbon monkey, and the red horse monkey. The three great kings have already known, and the red horse monkey I am. But it has never been found, so the position of the fourth apprentice is vacant."

"I see."

In fact, it wasn't that Wang Xian didn't find the red horse monkey, but the red horse monkey he found was wrong.

Not only that, but there are still two red horse monkeys found, and they were found in Huaguo Mountain during the 'Journey to the West'.

The two red horned horse monkeys are only slightly stronger monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, and they do not have the abilities that red horned horse monkeys should have.

Wang Xian didn't know the reason for this either, so he first taught two red-haired horse monkeys "Xian Jue", and waited until the two red-haired horse monkeys became stronger to see if they could transform into real red-haired horse monkeys.

If the transformation is successful, they will be accepted as the four apprentices. If the transformation is not successful, then we can only continue to find the real red horse monkey!

Not long after Wang Xian and Di Xin chatted, they received news from Sun Wukong. After talking to Di Xin, Di Xin got up and went to the harem.

It didn't take long for Di Xin to reappear and change into casual clothes.

"National teacher, you can go."

Wang Xian nodded, then communicated with the jade card in Sun Wukong's hand, and a space gate appeared in the hall instantly.

"This is?"

Di Xin looked at the space door curiously.

"A spell that can achieve ultra-long-distance teleportation. As long as we step into this space gate, we can reach Jinjiling." Wang Xian explained.

"It's so amazing!"

After Di Xin circled the portal a few times, he stepped into the portal, and Wang Xian quickly followed.

Jinji Ridge.

Dashang's army of 100,000 is facing off against the Xiqi army.

The battles of this era still have the conventions of the previous battles.

In the original book of "Fengshen", the two armies in Jinjiling were fighting in front of the battle, and Xiqi won three games in a row. Huang Tianhua killed Chen Geng, Wu Ji killed Sun He, and Nezha defeated Gao Jineng.

But after Wang Xian's intervention, Huang Tianhua is still a big businessman, and so is Nezha, only Bukit belongs to the Xiqi camp.

At this time, the battle of the front-line generals has not yet started, the main reason is that there is no suitable general on Xiqi's side.

It's not that there are no talented people in Xiqi, but the talented people in Xiqi are too powerful and have a very high status.

"Xiqi is rebellious, can't you find a person who will fight against the young master?"

In front of Dashang's army of 100,000 people, a young general with a height of nine feet, a face like suet, and his eyes exposed, walking in the shape of a tiger and a leopard, with his head in a bun, a hemp sash around his waist, his feet on straw shoes, and a jade unicorn on his face, his face is full of pride. looking at the Xiqi army.

"This is Huang Tianhua, the eldest son of King Wu Cheng. It is said that he worshipped a very powerful immortal as his teacher." In the space mezzanine, Di Xin looked at the teenager riding a jade unicorn and introduced Wang Xian.

Wang Xian glanced at Huang Tianhua, then at the Xiqi army, and said with a smile, "There's a good show to watch next."

"What does the national teacher mean by this?"

Di Xin asked suspiciously.

"Your Majesty, just watch it."

Wang Xian had sold out.

Huang Tianhua's master explained that one of the twelve golden immortals, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun, and now Qingxu Daoxue Zhenjun is in the Xiqi army.

Wang Xian was very curious about what choice Huang Tianhua would make after seeing Master.

"Rebel, you can't fight anymore, if you don't dare, then surrender!"

Huang Tianhua shouted again when he saw that no one in the Xiqi army had fought for a long time.


A loud shout suddenly sounded, and a group of people flew out of the Xiqi army, looking at Huang Tianhua with anger.

"Master... Master!"

After Huang Tianhua saw the identity of the Taoist, he was stunned in place.

The Taoist who flew out of the Xiqi army was Huang Tianhua's master Qingxu Daodezheng.

"Evil disciple, Di Xin has no way, how can you help the business to abuse?"

The True Monarch of Qingxu Morality angrily denounced Huang Tianhua.

Facing his master, Huang Tianhua didn't know what to say for a while.

On the one hand, he was a big businessman who gave birth to himself and raised himself, and on the other hand, he was his own mentor. He was really at a loss.

"National teacher, this is the good show you said?"

In the space mezzanine, Di Xin was also a little dumbfounded. Huang Tianhua's master turned out to be a member of the Xiqi army!

"Evil, it's not too late to wake up now, Xiqi is destined to return, you should help Xiqi to crusade the big merchants together!"

Seeing that Huang Tianhua was speechless, the True Monarch Qingxu sternly shouted again.

Huang Tianhua's face was full of entanglement, and he didn't know what to do.

"Tianhua, step back!"

A loud shout sounded in the big business camp.


Hearing the loud shout, Huang Tianhua immediately responded loudly, and then said respectfully to the True Monarch Qingxu Morality: "Master, the father's order must not be violated!"

When he spoke, he did not give the Qingxu Moral True Monarch a chance to speak, and directly urged the sitting jade unicorn to run in the direction of the Dashang army.

"Evil disciple, you can think about it. If you return to Dashang, you will no longer be my apprentice!" The True Monarch Qingxu said coldly.

Huang Tianhua's body froze, and he ordered the jade unicorn to stop, and then turned to look at the True Monarch Qingxu Morality.

With a happy face on the face of the Qingxu Moral True Monarch, UU read www. He thought that Huang Tianhua was about to change his mind.

Huang Tianhua jumped down from the jade unicorn, facing the True Monarch Qingxu Morality, knelt on his knees, and said in a sad voice: "My disciple is not filial, and I can't serve in front of my master in the future!"

After that, Huang Tianhua kowtowed three times with a 'bang bang bang', then got on the jade unicorn again, and ran towards the Dashang army without looking back.

"Evil! Evil!"

Qingxu Daode's face was ashen, and after shouting loudly, he raised his right hand and attacked Huang Tianhua.

"Tianhua, be careful!"

The King of Wucheng, Huang Feihu, shouted anxiously when he saw that the True Monarch Qingxu Daode attacked his son.

Huang Tianhua also felt the tyrannical attack behind him, but he had never expected that his former master Qingxu Daode Zhenjun would shoot himself, and it was a sneak attack, and the attack of the sneak attack would be so fierce.

He wanted to resist, but it was too late. Seeing that the attack from the True Monarch Qingxu Morality was about to bombard Huang Tianhua's back, a coquettish sound of laughter suddenly sounded.

At the same time, a figure appeared behind Huang Tianhua, directly blocking the attack of the True Monarch Qingxu Morality.


The True Monarch Qingxu glared at those who blocked his attack.

"Hehe, the masters of the teachings will actually make a sneak attack, and they are still attacking a junior."

Empress Shiji looked at the True Monarch Qingxu with a mocking expression on her face.

"What does it have to do with you to clean up the door? I advise you to think about it carefully, don't meddle in your own business, lest you die in the end!" True Monarch Qingxu Moral looked at Empress Shiji coldly.

For such eccentric practitioners, they despise them the most, and even get rid of them quickly.


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