Digitalization of the World

Chapter 759: Wang Xian who does not talk about martia

"Has Your Majesty forgotten my three apprentices?"

Wang Xian signaled to Di Xin not to worry.

Although the three monkeys came from the world of 'Journey to the West', the level of the world is much lower than that of the world of 'Fengshen', but after the three monkeys were accepted as apprentices by him, they turned their practice into ' Asgard's exercise "Xianjue".

For players, "Xianjue" is an all-round special item that increases experience points, attribute points, and various skills, but for NPCs, it is different.

The "Xianjue" that combines thousands of exercises, the power that erupts in the hands of NPCs is simply unimaginable.

The three monkeys, who were originally only three or four hundred levels, only practiced the "Xianjue" for a short period of time, and their levels soared to more than eight hundred.

Of course, the level is not the most important thing, the important attributes of them have soared directly to the level that only a thousand-level mythical-level boss has.

Every time the skills attached to "Xianjue" came into their hands, they also turned into all kinds of tyrannical supernatural powers.

There is also their weapons, whether it is the Ruyi golden hoop stick in the hands of Sun Wukong, the free-spirited iron soldier of the six-eared macaque, or the Bohai Optimus Prime of the gibbon monkey, all of which have been re-refined by Wang Xian. 'Emperor level', but also reached the level of mythical (super) level.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the world of 'Fengshen', as long as the saint does not go out, or the quasi-sage holds a powerful magic weapon, the three monkeys can definitely walk sideways.

"Can the three apprentices of the national teacher defeat the twelve immortals?"

Di Xin was very surprised.

When he came, the Twelve Golden Immortals who explained the teachings were simply invincible in the world.

"Your Majesty, these twelve people are so weak and ruthless that even today's Empress Daji can defeat them." Wang Xian said with a smile.

He wasn't joking. He completely absorbed Daji, who was born in the bloodline of the nine-tailed demon fox, and his level soared to level 1001. He could be said to be a quasi-saint-level expert among the "Fengshen".

Coupled with the characteristics of the nine-tailed demon fox clan, it is simply unbearable to teach something like Twelve Golden Immortals.

"Concubine Ai is so powerful?"

Di Xin was stunned again.

Getting along every day and night, he didn't feel that Daji was so powerful.

"When Empress Daji has a chance to take action in the future, the king will naturally see the difference."

Wang Xian did not continue on this topic, and according to Di Xin's character, it is impossible for Daji to go to the battlefield, so it is estimated that when the 'conferred gods and calamities' are over, it is estimated that Daji will not have a chance to take action.

On the western battlefield, Sanxiao even retreated with Shi Ji, and the twelve golden immortals who explained the teachings also retreated to the camp of the Xiqi army.

Afterwards, the Xiqi Army put out a free-to-fight card.

Seeing that Xiqi had put out a free-to-fight card, Dashang's army also began to repair.

Wang Xian watched this scene speechlessly. People in this era are really 'gentlemen', and others will not play if they hang out the free card.

"National teacher, now that the war has been truce, what will we do next?" Di Xin asked Wang Xian.

"They said a truce would be a truce, so how much of a shame do we have? Your Majesty, let's go to the barracks of Dashang and let people immediately attack the Xiqi army!"

After Wang Xian finished speaking, he did not give Di Xin a chance to speak, and took Di Xin directly into the main tent of the army.


As soon as Wang Xian and Di Xin appeared in the main tent, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

"Meet the king! Meet the national teacher!"

But when the person in the main tent saw clearly that the people who came were Di Xin and Queen Wang Xian, they hurriedly saluted.

"No more politeness."

Di Xin waved to everyone.

"Your Majesty, this place is dangerous, why are you here?" King Wucheng Huang Feihu said worriedly.

The other generals also spoke up, persuading Di Xin to leave quickly, otherwise Xiqi's rebellion would be found out, and his life would be in danger.

Di Xin smiled slightly and said, "With the National Teacher here, you don't have to worry about Gu's safety."

For Wang Xian, the national teacher, everyone knows very little. They only know that this guy is very 'demon', and he can actually turn Di Xin's harem concubines into 'fox spirits'.

Therefore, hearing Di Xin say this, he has to cast doubtful eyes on Wang Xian.

Wang Xian didn't care about their eyes either. He sat on a seat by himself, took out a pot of fruit wine from his backpack, and drank it happily.

Di Xin also took it easy, greeted the generals, and talked about what Wang Xian had just asked the Dashang army to move out immediately to attack the Xiqi army.

Huang Feihu and other generals were all stunned.

Can it still be like this?

After being stunned, some generals raised objections, saying that this did not conform to the rules of the battlefield.

Di Xin did not refute the words of those generals, but turned his gaze to Huang Feihu, the general who was crusade against the Xiqi army.

In fact, he also felt that this kind of behavior of suddenly attacking others after they hung out the free card does not obey the rules of the battlefield.

Aware of Di Xin's gaze, Huang Feihu's brows furrowed high, and after a while he said firmly: "The purpose of our trip is to quell the rebellion, the sooner the rebellion is quelled, the less our big business losses will be, so I agree with the king. Suggestions, immediately start the army and attack the rebellion of Xiqi!"

"General, why are you like this?"

A relatively young reward said angrily.

"History books are written by victors. As long as you win, future generations will not say that you do not follow the rules, but will only praise you for daring to push the old and the new."

Before Huang Feihu spoke, Wang Xian, who was beside him, couldn't stand it any longer, so he spoke directly.

"Hahahaha... That's right, history books are written by the victors. We won. We can write about this battle as we want to write about this battle!"

When Di Xin heard Wang Xian's words, he suddenly laughed.

And those generals who were opposed to launching an army to attack the Xiqi army were not raising any objections.

"Guo Shi, now we're launching a large army to attack Xiqi's rebellion, and I hope the apprentices of the national teacher will take action against those immortals." Di Xin said to Wang Xian.

"Although Your Majesty can rest assured, this is not the best time to attack Xiqi's rebellion," Wang Xian said.

Di Xin was puzzled and asked, "Didn't the national teacher say before that he would immediately attack Xiqi's rebellion?"

Wang Xian smiled and said, "It's good to attack immediately, but now those Xiqi rebellions have not completely relaxed.

Therefore, we might as well wait until the evening and attack while Xiqi's rebellion is resting. In this way, we can completely catch Xiqi's rebellion by surprise, and can greatly reduce the casualties of our Dashang army. "

Di Xin and the other generals were once again stunned.

Not only did he not follow the rules of the battlefield, but he even went to war against Xiqi, who had put up a free-for-fight card, and now he even had to sneak attack while others were resting at night.

This is simply not human!

"Master National Teacher, is this really good?"

King Wucheng Huang Feihu hesitated.

Although he had already agreed to start a war against Xiqi's rebellion who had put up a free-to-fight card, he still couldn't do such a thing while sneaking a sneak attack at night when others were resting.

Wang Xian shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "I don't care, anyway, these 100,000 troops are not my soldiers, and it has nothing to do with me if more people die."

Having said this, Wang Xian let out a long sigh, and then continued: "I feel sorry for the parents and families of those soldiers, and send their children to the army to protect their families and the country. Now there is a way to reduce their deaths. …”

"Master National Teacher, needless to say, I agree to attack the Xiqi rebels at night!"

Huang Feihu already knew what Wang Xian was going to say next, and quickly interrupted Wang Xian's words.

Wang Xian smiled lightly, and didn't say anything, and continued to drink the fruit wine in his hand.

I have to say that the fruit wine brewed by the goblins is really delicious, especially the top-level spiritual fruit 'Pan Tao' is the material for brewing fruit wine.

As for Di Xin, Huang Feihu and a group of generals have already begun to discuss the specific action plan for the night attack on the Xiqi Camp.

In fact, there is another very important reason why Wang Xian decided to sneak attack on Xiqi Camp at night, that is, at night, Jiang Ziya and Chan Jiao Twelve Golden Immortals are expected to leave Xiqi Camp to move rescue troops.

After all, Chan Jiao Twelve Golden Immortals not long ago injured Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao sisters with more bullying and less, and also damaged Yun Xiao's natal magic weapon, Hun Yuan Jin Dou.

According to their ideas, Sanxiao will definitely go back to complain, and invite the disciples of Intercept to take revenge.

If nothing else, Sanxiao's elder brother Zhao Gongming will definitely come to them to seek revenge after knowing that Sanxiao was injured by them.

Zhao Gongming is a top-level powerhouse. If they really want to make a move, even if they can defeat it, there must be a few brothers who will be injured.

Moreover, there are not a few disciples who have an excellent relationship with Sanxiao. In addition, Sanxiao is an extremely rare female cultivator, and her appearance is extremely high. Those who avenge Sanxiao must have a lot of people in the Jedi. .

Therefore, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao must look for strong men to sit in the Xiqi Camp together.

In addition, the Xiqi camp was unable to send a decent general during the day before the battle, so the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Teaching would definitely bring their own disciples.

Therefore, tonight, Xiqi Camp is destined to have no masters!

Time passed, and night soon came.

The 100,000-strong merchant army that received the order had already rested in the daytime. After quickly eating, the 100,000-strong army, led by a group of generals, all set out, quickly left the camp, and headed towards the Xiqi camp. attack.

In the Xiqi camp, although there were quite a few bonfires and soldiers standing guard and patrolling, they, who had not experienced the teaching of the "grandson", would not believe that someone would start a war with a free-of-fight card, and it was still a late night sneak attack.

Therefore, the soldiers standing guard and patrolling are very slack.

It was not until the vanguard of the Dashang army touched the front of the Xiqi camp that the soldiers on guard and patrol found it.

"Enemy attack!"

The soldiers who found Dashang's army immediately issued a warning, and the other soldiers on guard patrol also found Dashang's army in the warning sound of the soldier, and began to shout loudly.

However, most of the soldiers in the Xiqi Camp had already fallen asleep, and no matter how loud they shouted, they did not wake up many of the sleeping soldiers.


When Dashang's vanguard army saw that they had been discovered, they decided not to hide it.

One side is full of energy, the other side is sleepy.

One side is full of fighting spirit, and the other side is full of confusion.

And because it was a late-night sneak attack, there were very few bonfires in the Xiqi camp, which directly led to the bombing of the camp!

You know, on the ancient battlefield, bombing a camp is an extremely terrifying thing.

The Xiqi soldiers, who had just woken up from their coma, heard the sound of slaughter and the roar of their mounts not far away. They hurriedly put on their armor, picked up their weapons, and rushed out of the camp.

But outside the camp, there were panicked crowds everywhere, and the environment was dim, so I couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly, and I could only hear screams and screams.

As a result, the soldiers of Xiqi began to panic, and the consequence of this was that they began to frantically attack all living creatures around them regardless of whether they were enemy or foe.

The Xiqi camp was in complete chaos.

"National teacher, what about those immortals? What about Jiang Ziya, the leader of Xiqi?"

Above the sky, Di Xin saw the chaotic Xiqi camp and asked Wang Xian his doubts.

Once there is a situation of bombing the camp, the best way is to have the immortals take action to appease it. The worst will be the appearance of the main general to appease the chaotic soldiers, and then organize the resistance in an orderly manner.

But now?

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Xiqi camp were mixed together, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is killing each other everywhere. Under such a situation, it would be fine if those immortals didn't take action, and the chief general of the Xiqi army didn't even appear.

Of course, some generals from Xiqi also appeared. They were shouting as much as possible, trying to appease the chaotic soldiers, but the effect was minimal, and some generals were even hacked to death by the chaotic soldiers.

"The immortal? The general? They are not in this camp now."

Wang Xian shook his head.

"The national teacher already knew that they were not there?"

Di Xin was surprised.

"Well, during the day..."

Wang Xian nodded with a smile, and explained to Di Xin the reasons for the twelve golden immortals who explained the teachings and the reason for the Xiqi camp where Jiang Ziya, the general of Xiqi, was not there.

"National teacher, those immortals have gone to ask for help, what should we do?"

Di Xin asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Sanxiao who appeared during the day will also bring in a lot of rescuers. They will deal with the masters of the teaching, and we only need to deal with those mortals."

"That's good, that's good!"

The night passed quickly. Under the sneak attack of the Dashang army, the hundreds of thousands of Xiqi army were completely defeated. After nearly 200,000 corpses were left, the remaining Xiqi army went crazy. Escape to the land of Xiqi.

The Dashang army who slaughtered all night is also exhausted at this time, but they still have a look of excitement on their faces.

Under the command of the generals, the soldiers gathered up the bodies of their teammates, and after leaving the bodies of Xiqi soldiers all over the ground, they all rushed back to the big business camp.

At this time, in the big business camp, steaming meals had been prepared for a long time, and after the soldiers returned, they ate the hot meals for the first time.


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