Digitalization of the World

Chapter 789: Threats from the inner universe

【Global entry into data】【】

Seeing Wang Xian's disbelief, the holy ice wolf said again: "In my situation, there should be a restriction placed in my mind by a strong person. Only when I arrive at Blue Star can I lift the restriction and know what will happen next."

"Is that so..." Wang Xian rubbed his chin, then looked at the demon emperor beside him, and said, "Uncle Ao, look at this little wolf, don't let him go to Blue Star or other worlds for now. ."

His inner world is connected to several worlds, and with the strength of this holy ice wolf, once it enters those worlds, it can definitely turn those worlds upside down, it is better to trap it in the inner world first.

"Okay, I'm fine anyway."

The Demon Emperor nodded.

"Then I'll trouble Uncle Ao. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Well, if you have something to do, just go to work first, I will be optimistic about this little wolf!"

Wang Xian didn't care about the holy ice wolf, and went to the world of 'Fengshen' along a world passage.

The 'Fengshen Quantity Tribulation' has completely ended, and Xiqi has perished. As for the saints of 'Journey to the West', they have disappeared without a trace. It is estimated that they chose to leave the 'Fengshen' world after seeing the end of the 'Fengshen Quantity Tribulation'.

Wang Xian first went to see Di Xin and resigned from the position of national teacher, and then took Nangong Wu, Su Jin, Cheng Yao, and Nezha straight to the Wo Palace.

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"I've seen Empress Nuwa."

Inside the snail palace, Wang Xian bowed slightly to Empress Nuwa.

"I have seen fellow Daoist Wang Xian."

Empress Nuwa returned the gift.

"My lady is broken."

Wang Xian said quickly.

Empress Nuwa smiled softly and said, "This is not a slap in the face. With one person's power to change the conferred gods and calamities, the strength of fellow daoists is astonishing."

"Niangniang is joking, it's not because Niangniang didn't take action." Wang Xian said.

"Can I think you're mocking me when you say this?"

Empress Nuwa glanced at Wang Xian with a half-smile.

"No, no, how could I have that meaning."

Wang Xian quickly denied it.

Empress Nuwa smiled and shook her head, then said, "I heard Chan'er say you've been looking for me?"


Wang Xian nodded.

"Is something wrong?"

Nüwa asked.

"Niangniang, do you know her?"

Wang Xian waved his hand and summoned Xiao Bai who was sleeping.


Looking at Xiao Bai who was sleeping, the Empress Nuwa suddenly let out a startled sound.

She felt her breath and her blessings on this sleeping woman, but she didn't remember blessing this woman!

Empress Nuwa walked around Xiaobai with lotus steps, making sure that the blessing really came from herself.

"Niangniang, Xiaobai's source is damaged, can you help her make up for the missing source?" Wang Xian looked at Niangniang Nuwa expectantly.

"I'll give it a try."

Empress Nuwa didn't make a promise, because she found out that the mana in the sleeping woman's body was abnormal, and it was purer and stronger than the mana in her body, which made her feel very incredible.

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【Global entry into data】【】

You must know that she is a saint, and the strength of the sleeping demon woman in front of her is only the peak of the quasi-sage.

Empress Nuwa put her hands on Xiaobai's shoulders, and a steady stream of the power of good fortune was transported into Xiaobai's body.

Half an hour later, a drop of sweat appeared on Nuwa's forehead.

An hour later, Empress Nuwa's face turned pale.

Two hours later, Empress Nuwa stopped and stopped sending the power of good fortune into Xiaobai's body, because the power of good fortune in her body had bottomed out.

"Teacher, are you alright?"

The three virgins, Yang Chan, hurriedly supported the somewhat crumbling Nuwa Empress.


Empress Nuwa shook her head gently, then looked at Wang Xian and said, "I'm afraid there is nothing I can do, although my strength can make up for her lack of origin, but the effect is minimal.

If it's just me, I'm afraid it will take at least 100,000 years to completely replenish the source in her body. "

"Thank you very much, Niangniang, please accept this little gift."

Wang Xian thanked, and took out a storage bag and handed it to Empress Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa wanted to refuse, but Yang Chan, the third virgin, took the storage bag from Wang Xian's hand and forcibly put it into Empress Nuwa's hand, and said, "Teacher, Wang Xian has a lot of these things in his hands, so you can Take it easy."

"it is good!"

Empress Nuwa smiled and nodded, then said to Wang Xian, "Fellow Daoist, can I ask about her?"

The 'she' in Empress Nuwa's mouth is naturally Xiaobai in a deep sleep.

"My lady, just ask directly."

"Does this demon woman have anything to do with me?"

"Well. She is the child of Bai Jin and Teng She."

"Bai Jin and Teng Snake's child?"

Empress Nuwa looked surprised.

Bai Jin and Teng Snake are her two guardian beasts, but why doesn't she remember that the two guardian beasts have children?

With such doubts, Empress Nuwa summoned Bai Jin and Teng Snake.

Bai Jin and Teng She were also very confused when they learned that the sleeping Xiao Bai was their child. Although they longed to have a child, they never succeeded. Why did a child suddenly appear?

Bai Jin and Teng She carefully looked at Xiao Bai who was sleeping, and they also felt the feeling of blood connection, but it was still a little hard to accept.

In the end, Wang Xian told them about the 'parallel world'. Although Bai Jin and Teng She didn't quite understand it, they were still very excited when they knew that they would have children in the future.

After that, Bai Jin and Teng She also tried to supplement Xiaobai's source power. After all, they are also Xiaobai's parents.

However, the two big snakes were exhausted and collapsed, and they only added a tiny bit of original power to Xiaobai.

Although Bai Jin and Teng Snake added little source power to Xiao Bai, Wang Xian thanked them very much, and then took out a storage bag and handed it to the two of them.

Bai Jin and Teng She didn't refuse, and accepted Wang Xian's thank you very calmly.

After chatting for a while with Wang Xian and Mother Nuwa, they bid farewell.

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【Global entry into data】【】

"Yang Chan, Nezha, do you want to go back with me or stay with the empress?" Wang Xian asked the three virgins, Yang Chan and Nezha.

The three virgins, Yang Chan, have now worshipped Nuwa as a teacher, and Nezha has also recovered the memory of the 'Lingzhu'.

"Master, I want to go with you!"

Nezha jumped to Wang Xian's side with a 'swish', hugging Wang Xian's thigh tightly, for fear that Wang Xian would leave him behind.

"Lingzhuzi, do you despise Empress so much?"

Empress Nuwa said with a smile.

"No, I like Empress the most."

Nezha turned her head towards Empress Nuwa with a big smile on her face, but the hands holding Wang Xian's thighs did not loosen, but tightened.

Under Nezha's nervous and worried expression, Empress Nuwa came to Nezha's side, stretched out her right hand and patted Nezha's little head lightly, and said warmly, "Niangniang knows that you are boring in the snail palace, Since you have worshipped Daoist Wang Xian as your teacher, then go with your teacher."


Nezha's eyes instantly turned red, and when he released Wang Xian's thigh, he was about to hug Empress Nuwa's thigh.

As a result, before he could hug him, he was lifted up by the fast-eyed three virgin Yang Chan, and said angrily, "You are a boy!"

"I'm still a kid!"

Nezha pouted unhappily.

The third virgin Yang Chan didn't care, and threw Nezha out of the snail palace, then looked at Wang Xian, and said, "I want to accompany the teacher here."

"Well." Wang Xian nodded and said: "There is a world passage in my mansion in Chaoge. If you want to leave, you can go there directly."

The saints in 'Fengshen' don't know when they will be able to return. He can't wait here all the time. Taking advantage of this time, he can continue to improve his strength in other ways to deal with the 'becoming a god' in the near future. '.

"Fellow Daoist, can I visit your world?" Empress Nuwa said suddenly.

She has already learned about the confidence of other worlds from the mouth of the three virgins, Yang Chan. Wang Xian just said about the "parallel world" because she is more curious about the world where Wang Xian lives.

"Of course there is no problem. If Niangniang wants to go, just let Yang Chan take you there." Wang Xian smiled.

"Then thank you buddy."

After leaving the Wo Palace, Wang Xian first let Nangong Wu and the others return to the inner world, and he went straight to the underworld.

However, as soon as Wang Xian entered the underworld, a groan that pierced through the sky resounded throughout the entire world of 'Fengshen'.

"Underground, come out!"

In an instant, the entire 'Fengshen' world shook, and the Eye of Heaven appeared immediately, and the terrifying World-Destroying Thunder frantically moved towards the underworld.

However, before those world-destroying thunderbolts approached the underworld, they were all absorbed by a black lotus flower that suddenly appeared.

After absorbing a large amount of World Destruction Thunder, the black lotus flower directly disappeared into the underworld.

The Eye of Heavenly Dao was instantly furious, and continued to summon the World Extinguishing Thunder towards the Underworld.

This time, the black lotus flower did not appear again, but a palm as white as jade appeared, and when it was gently stroked, the world-destroying thunder in the sky was annihilated.

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【Global entry into data】【】

Then, a beautiful figure walked from the depths of the underworld, directly to the eye of heaven.

The war broke out instantly.

Heaven and earth were plunged into darkness, and the entire 'Fengshen' world seemed to be plunged into doomsday.

This situation continued for three days.

As for the outcome of the last battle, almost no one knows except for a very small number of powerful beings.


The land of six reincarnations.

"Fellow Daoist Houtu, did you choose to merge?"

Wang Xian met the Queen Mother Houtu.

"We are originally one, so it's not so much a fusion, it's actually a reunification." Queen Houtu said.

After being silent for a while, Wang Xian said, "Fellow Daoist Houtu, have you got any useful information?"

After the three virgins Yang Chan merged with another self, he got some very 'shattering' information. He wanted to confirm whether Houtu Niangniang would also get those 'shattering' information after merging with another self. .

"The world is far less terrifying than we know or even imagine."

Empress Houtu's expression suddenly became serious.

"Can you tell me more about it, fellow Daoist?"

"The illusory world is destined to perish, and the false world cannot last forever. Only the real world can last forever."

"Is it destined to die..."

Wang Xian's expression also became serious.

The illusory world should refer to the 'outer universe', which is the universe where Blue Star is located, and if there is no accident in the false world, it should be the 'inner universe', which is the thirty-three domains.

"Fellow Daoist, I need your help!" Empress Houtu said solemnly.

"Just say it, fellow Daoist."

"Go to the 'Honghuang' and find my true ancestor of the witch."

Wang Xian frowned slightly and said, "Fellow Daoist, the saints of the 'Honghuang' have been born, and your ancestral witch's real body may have turned into a place of reincarnation."

Empress Houtu shook her head and said, "No, I can feel that my true ancestor is still there."


Now it's Wang Xian's turn to be puzzled. Could it be that there has been a change in the "prehistoric", where the ancestors of the ancestors did not incarnate in the Six Paths of Reincarnation?


The Queen Mother nodded.

"Can you be in a hurry, fellow Daoist?"

"Not yet."

"Since this is the case, fellow Daoist will wait for some time. When I pass the 'becoming a god's calamity', I will go to the 'Honghuang' to find the true body of the ancestral witch of the fellow Daoist."

"Thank you buddy."

After that, Wang Xian talked a lot with Empress Houtu, and also knew that because of the fusion, she could not leave the world of 'Fengshen' for the time being.

So, Wang Xian asked Empress Houtu to send someone to inform him when the Daoist Receiver appeared, and Empress Houtu naturally did not refuse.

After leaving the 'Innate Stone' to the Queen Mother, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Wang Xian left the world of 'Fengshen'.

In the next few days, Wang Xian chose to take a good rest and 'train' the Holy Ice Wolf.

From the holy ice wolf, Wang Xian learned a lot about the confidence in the 'inner universe', and also knew a major thing about himself.

That is, the 'Xianyu' in the Thirty-Three Domains, under the leadership of the Lord of the Immortal Domain, is trying to break the barrier between the inner universe and the outer universe, preparing to descend on the outer universe on a large scale.

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【Global entry into data】【】

Wang Xian is no stranger to the Lord of Immortal Domain. After all, the apprentice of the Lord of Immortal Domain died in his hands "indirectly".

As for the Lord of Immortal Domain, who is going to come to the outer universe, Wang Xian feels that he should not come here specifically to avenge his apprentice. It is very likely that the Lord of Immortal Domain knows some information, and that information makes him want to break the inner and outer universe. The barrier, forcibly descended into the outer universe.

The specific time of the arrival of the Lord of the Immortal Domain, the Holy Ice Wolf is not clear, but what he knows is that once the barriers of the inner and outer universes are broken, not only the Lord of the Immortal Domain will come, but other Domain Lords will also appear. .

Because, there is a rumor in the Thirty-Three Regions, and the only nine Heavenly Books in the legend are in the outer universe.

Although it is said that there is not only one outer universe, but for the legendary Nine Heavenly Books, they will definitely appear in the outer universe, and may even directly destroy this outer universe.

With such a lot of pressure, Wang Xian will naturally not be idle, and frantically improve his strength in various ways.