Digitalization of the World

Chapter 790: Lord of Immortals

【Global entry into data】【】

Time flies, half a month has passed in a blink of an eye, Wang Xian's strength has not improved much, but all attributes have increased by about one million, and this is mainly obtained by 'devouring' mythical equipment.

Millions of all attributes have been improved. For other Blue Star 'players', it is simply something they can't even dream of, but Wang Xian's various attributes have reached more than 60 million, and his physique has reached 9,000. million.

It is too little, too little, to increase one million full attributes in half a month.

Of course, apart from Wang Xian, the strength of Nangong Wu, Su Jin, Xuan Ming, Xuan Yue and others has improved a lot, and the main reason is that they have survived the 'God's Tribulation' one after another in this half month. Become a mythical player.

Wang Xian also knew the characteristics of mythical players.

The first is that the ratio between the five basic attributes and the panel attributes has doubled again, and the second is the addition of a passive skill called Mythic Power Level 1.

Mythic Power Tier 1]






Damage increased by +100%

Damage Reduction +50%

Increases damage dealt to players below Mythic level by 999%.

After being attacked by a player below the Mythic level, the damage received is reduced by 99%.

In the end, each of them awakened a natal supernatural ability.

These natal supernatural abilities are much more terrifying than god-level skills, and the only disadvantage is that they consume too much and have a long cooling time.

Regarding the natal supernatural powers, Wang Xian remembered that the "Destroyer of Life Demon" once said that it was only available in a long time ago, and it was only when the cultivators broke through to the 'transcendence realm'.

To tell the truth, recently I have been using reading books to keep up with updates, switching sources, and reading aloud tones. It can be used for both Android and Apple. 】

Although it is said that it is now a 'sacred realm', it is a 'transcendence realm', but for some reason, the natal supernatural power has not appeared again for a long, long time.

Wang Xian didn't know about Nangong Wu, why Su Jin and the others awakened the supernatural powers, but it was always a good thing, so he didn't go deep into what was going on.

The threat from the 'inner universe' has always lingered in Wang Xian's mind, and the Daoist Receiver in the 'Fengshen' world has not returned. star.

After Wang Xian and Long Lao talked about this matter, Long Lao agreed without any hesitation.

As a result, with the cooperation of Wang Xian, Long Lao and Pope Guangming, the only remaining six kingdoms in Blue Star were only one Dragon Kingdom in half a month.

Of course, Wang Xian didn't get so mad that he wiped out all the other people except the dragon. What he wiped out was only the newly-promoted 'nation' after the fifth level of the guild.

After completing the unification of Blue Star, Wang Xian also got a new title - Star Lord

'Star Lord'






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【Global entry into data】【】

Damage increased by +500%

Damage Reduction +90%

Incidental skills: Domain [Blessing]

Domain Passive]: When in the 'Blue Star', the basic attributes attached to the 'Star Master' are increased by 500%, and can be teleported at will on the 'Blue Star'.

Gift Passive]: Blue Star players can get the blessing of 1% of the 'Star Lord' attribute.

Originally, because of the unification of the Blue Star, many 'players' were very full of Wang Xian. Of course, those who were dissatisfied with countries other than the Dragon Kingdom, but with the appearance of the 'gift' in the title of 'star master', there was no One player has another objection.

After all, with hundreds of thousands of extra attributes out of thin air, no one will complain again.

The title of 'Star Master' is extremely terrifying for Wang Xian's strength improvement, and a 10 million increase in all attributes is equivalent to a 29 million increase in all attributes.

If it is in Blue Star, the improvement is even more, that is, the full attribute of 145 million.

It is a pity that even with so many attributes, Wang Xian still felt a sense of trepidation when he initiated the "God Tribulation".

In desperation, Wang Xian could only use the knife against the 'immortal clan' again, after all, the 'source of immortality' left behind after the death of the 'immortal clan' can greatly enhance his innate immortal body].

After deciding to use the knife against the 'Xianzu', Wang Xian directly brought Nangong Wu, Su Jin, Cheng Yao, Xuan Ming, Xuan Yue, Doudou, Qin Zheng, Jian Twenty-three, Long Aotian, You You who became mythical players. Shadow and the 'Fun and Snow Moon' went straight to the 'Xianzu'.

In the next month, it was a nightmare for the 'Xianzu'. Countless branches of the 'Xianzu' were slaughtered by Wang Xian and others, and a portion of the 'Xianzhiyuan' was refined by heaven and earth. It came out and became the nourishment of Wang Xian's innate immortal body.

"Pharaoh, the remnants of the 'immortal clan' are gathered here!"

In the small space of 'Xianjie', Wang Xian and others gathered together, looking a little tired at a group of palaces not far away.

"Xiaoxian, hasn't your talent been promoted yet?" Nangong Wu asked Wang Xian.

The others also looked at Wang Xian curiously when they heard the words.


Wang Xian sighed softly.

In this month's time, he absorbed tens of millions of 'Origin of Immortals', which means that there are tens of millions of 'immortal clan' who died in their hands.

But it is such a huge number, the Immortal Body] is still stuck in the 'Xiaocheng', there is no sign of promotion at all, and even the full attribute increase of the Immortal Body] has stopped at one million for a long, long time.

"No matter what, let's completely destroy the 'immortal clan' first!"

Qin Zheng said coldly.

"The wildfire can't be burnt out, the spring breeze blows and it is born again, and the immortal clan should destroy the clan!"

Youying agrees with Qin Zheng's point of view very much.

Originally, they were still unable to deal with some 'immortal clan' people, but when they saw those 'immortal clan' cultivating the concept of young clansmen, they no longer showed any mercy.

The 'immortal' has always believed that the human race of Blue Star is an inferior race, even on the same level as livestock.

In the face of such a 'immortal race', how could they not be willing to kill.

What's more, those who are not of our race will have different hearts, and the 'immortal race' should be destroyed!

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【Global entry into data】【】

"Be careful, the powerhouses of the 'immortal race' have never appeared, I always have a bad premonition!" Wang Xian said to the crowd with a serious expression.

In a month's time, the killings of everyone did not stop for a moment. The experience value brought by the tens of millions of 'immortals' was unimaginable, making him a mythical player because he passed through the 'magic calamity', but his rank returned to him. Zero, their level soared directly to more than 300 levels.

Therefore, the mythical power of each of them has also been promoted to the second order. In addition to the doubling of the basic attributes attached, each of them has also awakened the second 'natural power', and the envy Wang Xian almost drooled. stay.

"Pharaoh, what are you panicking about? Watch me level this palace with one sword and one person!"

The 'Black Sword' in Jian Twenty-three's hand danced a sword flower, and then turned into a sword light and went straight to the palace group.

The speed of Jian Twenty-three is so fast that Wang Xian has not had time to speak, and the sword light he transformed into has already arrived in front of the palace group.

As soon as Jianguang approached the palace group, a barrier suddenly appeared, but in the face of the sharp sword light transformed by Jian Twenty-three, the barrier was like a paper lake, without any obstruction, it was blocked by Jian Twenty-three The transformed sword light tore a huge mouth.

When the barrier broke through, the entire palace group disappeared in an instant, and an incomparably huge world appeared in front of everyone.

"No, I've been fooled!"

Everyone immediately realized that something was wrong, especially in that huge world, everyone felt a sense of fatal danger, even Wang Xian was no exception.

At this time, Jian Twenty-Three had recovered to his true body, and his entire body was imprisoned in mid-air. One after another, talismans flashing with bright silver light appeared in the air, and they were continuously printed on him.

With the continuous integration of these runes, the aura emanating from Jian Twenty-three made everyone feel more and more unfamiliar. It seemed that in addition to his body, Jian Twenty-three seemed to be another person.

"court death!"

Wang Xian was instantly furious, and a flash appeared beside Jian Twenty-three, his right hand grabbed Jian Twenty-three's collar, and threw him directly into the inner world.


A roar sounded, and then a big hand that covered the sky and sun suddenly protruded from the huge world.

"You are an asshole!"

Wang Xian didn't hesitate, and the mana all over his body surged out, also condensing into a big hand that covered the sky, and slammed towards the big hand stretched out from the unknown world.


The two big hands collided, causing an earth-shattering explosion, and Wang Xian also flew out of the shock wave of the violent explosion.

"Xiao Xian, are you alright?"

Nangong Wu and Su Jin appeared behind Wang Xian at the same time, supporting Wang Xian's body that was constantly flying upside down.


Wang Xian wiped away the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and stared solemnly at the huge unknown world not far away.

The confrontation just now made him realize the horror of the powerhouses in the unknown world. It was just the aftermath of the explosion. His more than 200 billion health points were directly bottomed out.

"Human race, cut down the barriers, this seat allows you to enter the 'immortal hall' to practice, and worship this seat as a teacher!"

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【Global entry into data】【】

A voice suddenly resounded in everyone's ears.

Wang Xian's brows suddenly jumped, and he said quickly: "The Immortal Palace? Are you the 'Lord of Immortal Domain'?"

"Huh? You actually know this seat? You killed all the disciples in this seat?" The voice sounded again.

"It wasn't mine!"

Wang Xian said.

He didn't lie about this. The disciples of the 'Lord of the Immortal Realm' were all killed by the skeleton knight, and they had nothing to do with him.

"It doesn't matter anymore, with the help of breaking the barriers of the inner and outer universes, you can get everything you want."

"Let me cooperate? Can I understand that you can't break the barrier between the inner and outer universes?" Wang Xian raised his brows.

"This seat is only temporarily unable to temporarily open the barrier alone." The voice said in a dull tone.


Wang Xian turned around and left, not paying any attention to the 'Lord of Immortal Domain'.

"Human, stop!"

The voices shouted loudly.

"Why don't you stand still, when you come to the outer universe, give me orders!" After Wang Xian sneered, he left the 'immortal world' with everyone.

Returning to the territory, Nangong Wu asked worriedly, "Xiaoxian, what if the 'Lord of the Immortal Domain' really came over?"

"Sister Wu, what are you worried about, we have super thighs here, and we are afraid of a little 'Lord of the Immortal Domain'?" Wang Xian said with a face full of indifference.

"Super thighs? Sister Yaochi?" Nangong Wu said.

Wang Xian smiled and said: "Yao Chi is barely a thigh, but she has just broken through to the 'Emperor Realm', and is not the opponent of the 'Lord of the Immortal Realm' at all."

"Then Xiaoxian, are you talking about super thighs?"

Nangong Wu was immediately puzzled.

If Yaochi is not a super thigh? So who can be a super thigh?

"Well, our super thigh is not here!"

Wang Xian opened his arms and took a small figure into his arms.


Looking at the villain in Wang Xian's arms, Nangong Wu was taken aback for a moment.

Then, she rang out what Wang Xian once said about Hela.

"Sister Wu, how is it, does Hela count as our super thighs?" Wang Xian asked Nangong Wu with a smile.


Nangong Wu nodded heavily.

Hela's true identity is the 'Goddess of Death' who controls one of the Nine Books of Heaven, the Book of Death, an existence beyond the 'Emperor Realm'.

With Hela here, let alone a 'Lord of the Immortal Domain', even if all the domain lords of the thirty-three domains came, it would not be enough for Hela to fight alone.

"Dad, Aunt Wu, what are you talking about?"

Hela in Wang Xian's arms was puzzled but looked at Wang Xian and Nangong Wu.

"We're saying that there is a bad guy coming to beat us, and Hela must help us beat that bad guy."

Nangong Wu took Hela away from Wang Xian's arms, and kissed Hela's little face 'ruthlessly'.

"Where are the bad guys? Hela is going to beat the bad guys!"

Hela waved her little fist vigorously. UU reading www.

"The bad guy hasn't come yet. When the bad guy comes, let's beat him together." Wang Xian said.

"Well. Hela helps Dad to be a big bad guy!"

Hela nodded heavily.

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【Global entry into data】【】

After Wang Xian and Nangong Wu had just played with Hela for a while, Hela was called away by Xiao Nami, Lei Ling, Xiao Bai Ze, Xiao Yu and other little guys.

"Xiaoxian, although Hela has the strength of the 'immortal level', we can't completely rely on Hela. After all, in the outer universe, the upper limit of the strength that can be exerted is only the 'Emperor Realm 1st Layer.'" Nangong Wu said solemnly.

The outer universe has an upper limit of strength. This is what the 'Goddess of Heaven' said, and this is a law that no one can break!

"I know, so I want to get through the 'God's Tribulation' as soon as possible. In that case, even if the 'Lord of the Immortal Realm' comes, I have the confidence to slaughter him!"

"Xiao Xian, are you sure?"

Nangong Wu looked at Wang Xian in surprise.


Wang Xian shook his head.


"Sister Wu, don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure about. I have to first obtain the 'Golden Lotus of Merit', and after refining my own life magic weapon, will I choose to cross the 'God's Tribulation'!"

Wang Xian gave Nangong Wu a reassuring look.

Seeing what Nangong Wu was still trying to say, Wang Xian hurriedly said, "Let's go and see the old sword guy. I don't know if there will be any accident after being penetrated by so many runes."


Nangong Wu nodded and followed Wang Xian into the inner world.