Digitalization of the World

Chapter 791: Xianwen

As soon as he entered the inner world, Wang Xian heard the voice of the demon emperor.

Looking in the direction from which the voice came, Wang Xian saw for a short time that the Heavenly Demon Emperor kept rubbing the head of the Holy Ice Wolf with one hand, while the other hand suppressed Sword Twenty-Three, whose face was full of madness.

At this time, Sword Twenty-Three radiated silver-white light all over his body. On the exposed skin, the runes appeared and disappeared from time to time, and the silver light was emitted when the copy appeared.

"Bastard, you are finally here, what's the matter with this guy?" After seeing Wang Xian, the Demon Emperor immediately asked Wang Xian.

He knows Jian Twenty-three, and he also knows that Jian Twenty-three is a high-level executive of "Xiangong", and he has drunk with Jian Twenty-three more than once, and the relationship is actually quite good.

It is precisely because of this that his method of suppressing Jian Twenty-three is relatively mild.

"Uncle Ao, let him go first!"

Wang Xian said.

"Then pay attention, the silver light on his body is very strange. Once it shines on the body, it will turn into runes, madly drill into the body, and will directly merge into the flesh and blood, I am also useless. It took a lot of effort to drive out and refine those runes." The Demon Emperor said in a solemn tone.


Wang Xian nodded.

"Then I let him go."

After the Demon Emperor finished speaking, he let go of the hand that suppressed Jian Twenty-three, and he was like a rabbit who met a fox, holding the flesh on the back of the neck of the Holy Ice Wolf, and slammed out all the way. distance.

"Uncle Ao, what about you?"

Wang Xian glanced at the Heavenly Demon Emperor speechlessly.

"Bastard, be careful!"

At this time, just as the rune on Jian Twenty-three appeared, the silver light also appeared, and the Demon Emperor immediately reminded Wang Xian loudly.


Wang Xian Dandan smiled, and the power of space surged, directly isolating Jian Twenty-three in a small space, and the silver-white light emanating from the runes on his body was also imprisoned in it.

"The law of space!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor's envious voice sounded.

Looking at the entire 'Destiny World', from ancient times to the present, only the Holy Master Yaochi has understood the laws of space, and this **** who has 'negative' his daughter has also realized it, and he is really angry.

"What are these runes?"

Wang Xian extracted a ray of silver-white light from the imprisoned space, and after the silver-white light was extracted, it immediately turned into tiny runes.


At this moment, a voice with a trembling tone suddenly sounded.

"you know?"

The Demon Emperor stared at the Holy Ice Wolf in his hands with a displeased expression on his face.

The holy ice wolf immediately cast a look for help at Wang Xian.

"Uncle Ao, let it go first." Wang Xian said.

"I'll take care of you later!"

The Demon Emperor angrily threw the Holy Ice Wolf to the ground.

"You said these runes are immortal? What is immortal?" Wang Xian looked at the holy ice wolf and asked.

Saint Ice Wolf said solemnly: "Xianwen is a unique word born in the body of an 'immortal-level' powerhouse."

"Wolf cub, what is a 'immortal-level' powerhouse?"

The Demon Emperor planned the words of the Holy Ice Wolf.

The Holy Ice Wolf glanced at the Heavenly Demon Emperor with contempt, and before the Heavenly Demon Emperor was about to be furious, he quickly said, "Above the Emperor Realm is the Immortal Rank."

"Is there a realm above the emperor realm?"

The Demon Emperor was a little dumbfounded.

In his understanding, the Emperor Realm is already the end of cultivation, after all, one Emperor Realm alone is enough to have twelve heavens.

"Leave him alone, keep talking."

Wang Xian glanced at the Demon Emperor with disgust.

"Yeah." The holy ice wolf nodded and continued: "I don't know exactly what the immortal script is, but I only know that once the immortal script is planted in the body, either the immortal script will be refined, or it will become the owner of the immortal script. puppet."

"Is the Lord of Immortal Domain an Immortal-level powerhouse?"

Wang Xian asked.

"Of course not, there is no immortal-level powerhouse in the Thirty-Three Domains, not even the powerhouses of the eleventh level of the Emperor Realm." Holy Ice Wolf said immediately.

"The Lord of Immortal Domain is not an immortal-level powerhouse? How did he use these immortal texts?" Wang Xian asked in confusion.

"Are these immortal texts the means of the Lord of the Immortal Domain?"

The holy ice wolf frowned, and after thinking for a while, said in an uncertain tone: "I remember the ancestor of the clan said that a shocking war broke out in the inner universe, and the entire thirty-three domains were destroyed. Participated in it because it was competing for a broken fairy weapon.

In the end, the broken fairy artifact was nowhere to be found, and no one knew which domain owner had it in.

Now, it is certain that the broken fairy weapon should have fallen into the hands of the Lord of the Immortal Domain. "

"Do you know what that broken fairy weapon is?" Wang Xian asked Holy Ice Wolf.

He remembered that the undead dragon knight once said that the fairy weapon in the hands of the lord of the fairyland is the moon god, a fairy weapon that can be transformed, named 'moon spirit'.

As for why I asked the Holy Ice Wolf, I just wanted to make sure.

"do not know."

The holy ice wolf shook his head.

Wang Xian didn't say anything, and his attention returned to the 'Xianwen' that was imprisoned in the air.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Xian brought his finger close to the 'Xianwen' and released the restraint on the 'Xianwen'.

Without the restraint, the 'Xianwen' immediately got into Wang Xian's fingers.

"Are you crazy?!"

The holy ice wolf was completely frightened by Wang Xian's actions.

"What are you panicking about?"

Wang Xian glanced at the holy ice wolf, and then focused on checking the 'Xianwen' that was integrated into his body.

Just as the Demon Emperor said, after the 'Xianwen' entered his body, it directly merged into the flesh and blood, and began to continuously devour the various energies contained in the flesh and blood.

With the devouring of various energies, the 'Xianwen' began to split into two identical 'Xianwen', and then these 'Xianwen' quickly repeated this step.

Five minutes later, the number of 'Xianwen' in Wang Xian's body had reached thousands.

The number of one thousand seems to be a limit. After reaching this number, a completely different 'Xianwen' appeared.

After this 'Xianwen' appeared, it did not devour all kinds of energy in the flesh, but tried to devour Wang Xian's soul.

However, due to the existence of the 'Soul Tower', this 'Xianwen' could not swallow a shred of Wang Xian's soul at all.

The 'Xianwen' seemed to be conscious as well. After realizing that it couldn't swallow Wang Xian's soul, it swooped directly into Wang Xian's sea of ​​consciousness.

Wang Xian was instantly happy.

Only he himself knows how special his sea of ​​consciousness is... No, there is another evil **** who knows it.

"Fuck! Wang Xian, what the **** are you doing?"

As soon as Wang Xian's consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, he heard the terrified screams of the evil god.

At this time, the Evil God saw Wang Xian's conscious body, and while fleeing towards Wang Xian, he asked loudly, "Wang Xian, you unlucky person, how could you provoke a 'immortal-level' powerhouse?"


Wang Xian kicked the evil **** who fled to the front of him with one kick, and his right hand quickly grabbed the 'Xianwen' in his hand.

"You also know 'Xianwen'?"

Wang Xian flew to the evil **** and asked.

"I know a little bit. This thing is condensed by some emperor-level powerhouses when they broke through to the 'immortal level'. Only the 'immortal-level' powerhouses know the specific effect."

The evil **** looked solemnly at the 'Xianwen' that was struggling in Wang Xian's hands.

"Some? Aren't all 'immortal-level' powerhouses able to condense 'immortal text' in their bodies?" Wang Xian raised his brows, noticing the key points in the Heretic God's words.

"It seems so, I don't know the specifics."

The evil **** said he didn't understand either.

"Can you understand its function through 'Xianwen'?" Wang Xian asked the evil spirit.

The Evil God gave Wang Xian a deep look and said solemnly, "I advise you not to have such thoughts. In the inner universe, there are a lot of 'immortal texts' without a master, and everyone who tries to understand their existence will die. , and they all died inexplicably."

"Without exception?"

"Without exception!"

Wang Xian suddenly fell into silence.

In the end, Wang Xian still chose not to explore 'Xianwen'. After all, he hadn't even reached the 'God Realm', so to explore 'immortal-level' things was indeed looking for death.

"Okay, you continue to stay here and reflect!"

After Wang Xian left a sentence, he left the Sea of ​​Consciousness directly.

Outside, Nangong Wu and Tian Yaohuang looked at Wang Xian worriedly, until Wang Xian opened his eyes, he was relieved.

"How is it?" Nangong Wu asked.


Wang Xian smiled lightly, first banned the special 'Xianwen' in his hand into the space of the 'Ring of Immortals', and then used the power of space to drive out the thousands of 'Xianwen' that had melted into flesh and blood. .

"Can you help Jian Twenty-three expel these 'Xianwen'?" Nangong Wu asked again.

Wang Xian rubbed his chin and said: "It's not a big problem to expel those 'Xianwen', it's just that those 'Xianwen' devoured the strength and soul of the old sword, expelling those runes will make the old sword's strength. A big drop."

"It doesn't matter what your strength is, let's save it first and talk about it." The Demon Emperor said immediately.

"No hurry, I have a bold idea."

Wang Xian said.

"what idea?"

The Demon Emperor, Nangong Wu, and the Holy Ice Wolf immediately cast curious glances at Wang Xian.

"Go out and talk."

After Wang Xian finished speaking, he left the inner world directly.

Nangong Wu and the Demon Emperor immediately followed.

As for the holy ice wolf, he could only look at the backs of the three leaving with a face full of resentment.

"Xiaoxian, you don't plan to train the sword twenty-three, right?"

Looking at the heaven and earth oven that Wang Xian summoned above the open space, Nangong Wu's face was a little weird.

"Sister Dance is so smart!"

Wang Xian praised Nangong Wu, then opened the lid of the heaven and earth oven, and threw the imprisoned Sword Twenty-three directly into the furnace.

"It won't be a problem, will it?"

Nangong Wu asked worriedly.

She knows the power of the heaven and earth oven, melting mythical equipment is a matter of minutes, can Jian Twenty-three withstand the power of the fire?

What's more, Jian Twenty-three has broken through to the mythical level, and no longer has the ability to resurrect. If there is an accident, it will be a big problem.

"Wang Xian, will it be okay?"

At this time, Xuan Ming, Su Jin, Cheng Yao, Xuan Yue and others who came to hear the news also asked.

Especially Mo Lan, who knew that Wang Xian was going to use the heaven and earth oven to refine the sword twenty-three, was shocked and fainted on the spot.

"What to worry about, I know it."

Wang Xian gave everyone a reassuring look, and then sent mana into the heaven and earth oven.

With the injection of mana, a fiery flame ignited in the oven of heaven and earth.

The moment the flames rose, the clothes on Jian Twenty-three turned to ashes, the hair on the whole body disappeared, and even the surface of the body immediately showed signs of scorching.


In such a situation, the kind of people immediately exclaimed in fright, and Mo Lan, who had just woken up, fainted again.

"What are you panicking about?!"

Wang Xian glared at the exclaimed crowd, and then concentrated on controlling the flames in the oven.

He admitted that there were some accidents just now, but that's not important. What's important is that the 'Xianwen' in Jian Twenty-Three's body showed signs of melting under the calcination of the furnace.

Under Wang Xian's precise control, the flame in the furnace turned into almost invisible flame threads, and entered into his flesh and blood along the pores of Jian Twenty-three.

At this time, Jian Twenty-three's flesh and blood were almost filled with 'Xianwen', but in front of the fire of the oven, those 'Xianwen' were like mice meeting cats, madly escaping.

Gradually, under the siege and interception of the fire, the countless 'Xianwen' actually all got into the bones of Jian Twenty-three.

Wang Xian was a little dumbfounded.

However, in order to completely understand the 'Xianwen', he could only urge the fire to intrude into Jian Twenty-three's bones.


Even with Wang Xian's precise control, after the fire entered Jian Twenty-three's bones, it still caused extremely terrifying pain to Jian Twenty-three.

Jian Twenty-three, who was in a coma, let out a painful cry, which Wang Xian heard was heart-wrenching, but the matter had reached this point, and he could only bite the bullet and continue.

Even, in order to prevent being disturbed by Jian Twenty-three's miserable screams, Wang Xian also sealed Jian Twenty-three's mouth very 'considerately'.

The 'Xianwen' who entered the skeleton still did not escape the pursuit of the fire. They also seemed to realize their impending demise, and finally they completely merged with the bones of Jian Twenty-three.

"what is this?"

Wang Xian was dumbfounded again.

However, in order to prevent accidents, Wang Xian carefully checked the bones of Jian Twenty-three's body and found that those 'Xianwen' were indeed integrated with Jian Twenty-three's bones, or became Jian Er. Part of Thirteen Skeletons.

Then, Wang Xian released Jian Twenty-three from the oven of Heaven and Earth.

"How's it going?"

Everyone immediately asked anxiously. UU reading www.

"It's okay, he's fine!"

After Wang Xian checked the attributes of Jian Twenty-three with the [Sky Eye] skill, he found that the attributes of Jian Twenty-three had soared to an extremely terrifying level.

"Why haven't you woken up yet?" Xuan Ming asked.

"The physical problem is solved, and the spiritual problem is not solved."

Wang Xian said indifferently.

If it is other problems, it may be difficult to deal with, but with the "Soul" book, it is not too easy for him to solve problems in the soul.

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