Digitalization of the World

Chapter 824: Saints everywhere!

A strong man named 'Emperor Realm' from the Ancient League all looked at Patriarch Minghe, and the aura on his body also naturally pressed towards Patriarch Minghe.

The coercion of thousands of "Emperor Realm" powerhouses exerted on Patriarch Minghe's body, causing Patriarch Minghe to lose control of his body at this moment, and froze in the void.

Daozu Hongjun and the Six Sages noticed this situation, and immediately burst out their own power, pressing towards the thousands of 'Emperor Realm' powerhouses in the Ancient League.

As the top powerhouse in the prehistoric world, the strength of the Six Saints is already comparable to the powerhouses of the "Emperor Realm" Third Heaven or the "Fourth Heaven", and Daozu Hongjun is even comparable to the "Emperor Realm Fifth Heaven", and he is also on the right track. Because of this, the seven of them were able to withstand the attacks of thousands of 'Emperor Realm' powerhouses in the Ancient League and the Heavenly Demon Clan.

The coercion of Daozu Hongjun and the Six Sages forced thousands of 'Emperor Realm' powerhouses in the Ancient League to give up their pressure on Patriarch Styx and instead fight against Daozu Hongjun and the Six Sages.

Without the coercion of thousands of "Emperor Realm" powerhouses in the ancient alliance, Patriarch Styx immediately regained control of his body, and Daozu Hongjun said to Patriarch Styx, "Styx, come here."

Hearing the words, Patriarch Minghe was about to fly towards Daozu Hongjun and the Six Sages, but for a moment, the chaotic void behind him shattered.

A silver-white long spear, carrying this terrifying aura, flew from the shattered chaotic void, under the watchful eyes of Daozu Hongjun, the six saints of the prehistoric, thousands of "Emperor Realm" powerhouses in the ancient alliance, and countless demon clans , pierced along the back of the ancestor Minghe's head, and then pierced out from the mouth of the ancestor Minghe, nailing the ancestor Minghe directly into the void of chaos.

"Who are you?"

Daozu Hongjun was furious, his eyes glowed red, and he stared fiercely at the owner of the spear that nailed down Patriarch Styx, that is, Wang Xian.

Someone dared to kill the saint in the prehistoric in front of his face, it was slapping him in the face!

The six sages showed a look of surprise. They recognized Wang Xian. After all, they had seen Wang Xian in Kunlun Mountains before. .

Wang Xian turned his head to look at Daozu Hongjun, his dark eyes made Daozu Hongjun feel chills in his body.

"Where did the jade pendant on your waist come from?"

There was a sound of angry shouting.

Daozu Hongjun, the Six Sages and Wang Xian immediately looked at the angry shout.

The voice came from the direction of the Ancient League. A middle-aged man with a scar on his face fixed his eyes on a piece of jade pendant on Wang Xian's waist. The anger and killing intent on his body almost condensed into substance.

"I picked it up!"

Wang Xian replied lightly.

The jade pendant on his waist was indeed picked up, but it was picked up in the treasure hall of the ancient league, and it was picked up in the hidden space.

The jade pendant is an "Emperor-level" prop, and it is a nine-piece set of "Emperor-level" props. It does not have any attribute bonuses, and it is one-time, but it can allow the owner of the prop to break through any The emperor-level restriction instantly appeared beside other jade pendant owners, and could be used across the world.

At the beginning, Wang Xian didn't notice the nine-piece set of 'Emperor Grade' jade pendants. It was only after he handed over the harvest from the Ancient League to Nangong Wu that Nangong Wu finished sorting it out.

Then, Nangong Wu hung a jade pendant around his waist, and strictly demanded that the jade pendant could not be taken off at any time.

Wang Xian naturally understood what Nangong Wu meant, so he hung the jade pendant around his waist.

He never thought that he would be recognized by someone now, and it was a coincidence that he was a member of the Ancient League.

"Ant, why is the treasure of my Ancient League with you?" The middle-aged man with a scar on his face asked sharply.

Wang Xian curled his lips and said, "Haven't you already guessed it all, why are you asking so many questions?"

"court death!"

The middle-aged man with a scar on his face was furious, and his figure appeared in front of Wang Xian in a flash. His slightly withered right hand fiercely grabbed Wang Xian's neck.

Gu Meng, a middle-aged man with scars on his face, is inferior to the ancestor Ming He, and at this time, Wang Xian is under the blessing of the three major states of [Ni Lin], [Ultimate Rage], and [Killing God].

In fact, it was precisely because of these three powerful state blessings that Wang Xian was able to kill Patriarch Styx in one blow.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Wang Xian can instantly kill Patriarch Minghe, but that he chased and killed Patriarch Minghe all the way before, coupled with the secret method of Patriarch Minghe, which made his life value not much, so Wang Xian was able to kill Patriarch Minghe. One hit kill.

Gu Meng, a middle-aged man with scars on his face, was already dazzled by anger and killing intent. He didn't think about Wang Xian's strength at all, and directly attacked Wang Xian in close quarters. The consequences can be imagined.

Wang Xian let go of his right hand holding the Emperor Dragon Spear, and suddenly slammed at the right hand of the middle-aged man with a scar on his face that was grabbing his neck.

A punch and a palm collided, and the terrifying energy fluctuations erupted in an instant, directly emptying the surrounding chaotic air.


The next second, the middle-aged man with a scar on his face let out a painful cry.

His entire right arm cracked inch by inch from the palm of his hand.

At this time, Wang Xian raised his right leg and kicked the middle-aged man with a scar on his lower body viciously.

Accompanied by a resounding "Dragon Cry", Wang Xian's right foot directly hit the deadly part of the middle-aged man with a scar on his face.


Another miserable cry sounded from the mouth of the middle-aged man with a scar on his face, and this cry was even more miserable than the previous one.

However, his cry didn't last too long, because the severe pain made him faint immediately after making the miserable cry.

This scene seems to have passed for a long time, but in fact it only took less than three seconds, and the many powerhouses present, whether it is Daozu Hongjun, the Six Saints, or thousands of "Emperor Realms" from the Ancient League ' and countless heavenly demons were stunned by Wang Xian's behavior.

At their level, when they are fighting, which one is not supernatural?

Even if there is a fierce fight, it will definitely not make such a dirty attack method.

Wang Xian didn't care what the many powerhouses were thinking. Although his three state skills, [Ultimate Berserk] and [God Killing] still have a long duration, but [Ni Lin] has less than five left. Seconds are up.

Therefore, Wang Xian quickly kicked up the comatose middle-aged man with scars on his face, communicated with the spatial imprint left in the 'prehistoric', and his figure disappeared into the chaotic void in an instant.

After Wang Xian disappeared, Daozu Hongjun, the Six Sages, the "Emperor Realm" of the Ancient League and countless heavenly demons realized it, but when they tried to find Wang Xian, they couldn't find it.

In the end, the Ancient League directly cast its anger on Daozu Hongjun and the Six Sages, since they were going to attack Honghuang anyway.

On the other side, Wang Xian's figure appeared in the Nether Blood Sea, his eyes stuck in the boundless blood sea, and he shouted loudly: "Styx, come out!"

As soon as the words fell, the sea of ​​blood churned, and a huge body composed of a large amount of blood appeared.

"Fellow Daoist, are you really going to do everything right?"

The blood shadow who was ten feet tall said angrily.

"Styx, are you so afraid? Don't you claim that the sea of ​​blood is immortal and Styx is immortal? Why don't you appear in your real body?" Wang Xian said lightly.

He did kill Patriarch Styx, but he was not prompted by the system to kill him. This made Wang Xian understand that Patriarch Styx really had the ability of 'the sea of ​​blood is immortal, and the river of Styx is immortal'.

"Friend Daoist, what exactly do you want to do?"

The tall blood shadow figure held back his anger and asked.

"Minghe, hand over the 'Twelve Grade Fire Red Lotus', and I will leave immediately!" Wang Xian said.


The tall blood shadow roared angrily.

"you sure?"

With a wave of Wang Xian's right hand, a huge furnace emerged and smashed heavily into the sea of ​​blood.

"Friend Daoist, what do you want to do?"

The tall blood shadow suddenly felt a little bad.

Wang Xian smiled lightly and said, "You Minghe are said to be 'the sea of ​​blood is immortal, and the river of blood is immortal', then I will try to see if you, Minghe, will die after the sea of ​​blood is evaporated!"

"Evaporate the sea of ​​blood? Hahahahaha..."

The tall blood shadow seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Wang Xian was also laughing, but at the same time he opened the lid of the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

The 'Heaven and Earth Oven' did not swallow the sea water of the Nether Blood Sea, but flew out a fiery flame from the furnace.

After the flame appeared, it immediately evaporated the blood-colored sea water nearby, and as Wang Xian sent mana towards the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', more and more flames spewed out from the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

The fiery flames were not only evaporating the sea water of the Nether Blood Sea, but directly ignited the sea water of the Nether Blood Sea.

After a dozen or so breaths, the entire Nether Blood Sea was like ignited gasoline, igniting a shocking flame.

The blood shadow that was ten thousand feet tall was also ignited at this time, and it continued to let out miserable wailing sounds.

After a while, the blood shadow that was ten thousand feet high was directly burned up.

"Fellow Daoist, stop!"

Patriarch Styx's real body appeared, with a horrified expression on his face, and his face was even a little pale.

"Stop?" Wang Xian nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, but fellow daoists should understand what I should do to stop, right?"


Patriarch Minghe's eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, but he didn't dare to resist. He was frightened by Wang Xian's beating, and even more shocked by Wang Xian's current method of igniting the entire Nether Blood Sea.

You know, the Nether Blood Sea has already been refined into a magic weapon by him, but after that furnace entered the Nether Blood Sea, he found that the connection between himself and the Nether Blood Sea was broken.

You can't run with the Nether Blood Sea, and you can't watch the Nether Blood Sea be burned by that strange flame. What can you do if you don't give in?

Old Ancestor Minghe took out the 'Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus', erased the imprint he had left in it, and handed the 'Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus' to Wang Xian.

"That's right, compared to mine, the attribute alone is five times higher."

After Wang Xian took over the 'twelfth-grade fire red lotus' from Minghe Patriarch, he checked the attributes and was slightly surprised.

The 'Twelve-Rank Fire Red Lotus' he obtained from the world of 'Fengshen' had only one million five basic attributes, while the 'Twelve-Rank Fire Red Lotus' he got from the ancestor Minghe had five basic attributes as high as five million.

This also made Wang Xian more determined to obtain the four great lotuses in the wild.

However, thinking of the missing 'Jing Shi Bai Lian' and 'Mie Shi Hei Lian', Wang Xian felt another headache.

The 'Mieshi Black Lotus' once belonged to the demon ancestor Luohu. After Daozu Hongjun killed him, the 'Mieshiheilian' might fall into the hands of Daozu Hongjun, but there was no clue about the 'Jingshi Bailian'.

"Fellow Daoist, the 'Kamma Fire Red Lotus' has been sent to you, do you see this flame?"

Patriarch Minghe's voice came to mind, waking Wang Xian up from his contemplation.

Looking at the somewhat humble Patriarch Styx, Wang Xian did nothing. With a wave of his right hand, the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' rushed from the Nether Blood Sea, and the flame that ignited the entire Nether Blood Sea also quickly submerged into it like a torrent. Inside the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

After a while, the flames of the Nether Blood Sea disappeared, but the color of the entire Nether Blood Sea became slightly lighter.

"Thank you fellow daoist!"

Patriarch Styx bowed to Wang Xian.

"Stop being so hypocritical, I know you hate me."

Wang Xian pouted.

"Don't dare!"

The ancestors of Styx said hurriedly.

Wang Xian was too lazy to argue with Patriarch Minghe, but asked, "Is it because of Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun that you became a saint?"

Patriarch Minghe's body trembled, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Wang Xian.

"Well, it's really because of those two guys."

Wang Xian was speechless, and then asked: "Besides the patriarchs of the three clans, do you know of those existences because Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun were sanctified?"

After the Patriarch Minghe hesitated for a while, he said the information that almost stunned Wang Xian.

"You said that the twelve ancestor witches have all been sanctified? No, they have all stepped into the 'Hunyuan Realm'?"

Wang Xian looked at Patriarch Styx dumbfounded.


Patriarch Minghe nodded and said, "Actually, I was sanctified after the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and I was able to become a Holy One because the essence and blood of the Twelve Ancestral Witches merged into the sea of ​​blood."

"What the **** are those two guys trying to do?"

Wang Xian couldn't help rubbing his temples with his hands.

They helped the ancestors of the three clans to become saints, and they helped the ancestors of Minghe to become saints, but they helped the twelve ancestors step into the "Hunyuan Realm" and have saint-level combat power. What the **** is going on? !

"Other than the Twelve Ancestral Witches, are there other saints?" Wang Xian asked again.

Patriarch Minghe thought for a while, and said, "It seems that Kunpeng, Zhenyuanzi has also become a saint."

Wang Xian wants to vomit Kunpeng refers to the demon master Kunpeng, that guy can be regarded as a traitor to the demon clan's Heavenly Court, why did Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun help him become a saint?

"Is there anything else?" Wang Xian asked again.

Patriarch Minghe shook his head and said, "Maybe there is, but I don't know anymore.

"Then do you know why Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun did this?" Wang Xian asked.

Old Ancestor Minghe replied: "The two demon emperors didn't explain it, they just told me that when the time comes, I will naturally understand."

Wang Xian gritted his teeth.

What annoys him the most is that other people play tricks.

After asking some things about the ancestor Minghe, Wang Xian summoned Kong Xuan, rode on its back, and quickly left the Nether Blood Sea.

(End of this chapter) 13183/11264153