Digitalization of the World

Chapter 825: Zu Wu

Sitting on Kong Xuandu's back, Wang Xian had a lot of thoughts.

According to Patriarch Minghe, there are more than a dozen saints in the prehistoric land, or possessing "saint" level combat power, not counting Dao Patriarch Hongjun, Six Saints, and Patriarchs of the Three Clans who have already been revealed.

After all, there are only twelve ancestor witches of the Wu clan.

What's more, the Witch Clan also has the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, which can summon the phantom of Pangu.

The previous Twelve Ancestral Witches could almost fight the saints by relying on the formation of the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons. Today's Twelve Ancestral Witches have the combat power of "Saints". How terrifying is it?

What's more, these "sage"-level combat powers are only known to Styx, and there may be some strong people who have been promoted to the "sage"-level combat power by Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun secretly.

"Maybe the Twelve Ancestral Witches will know something, just ask them!"

Wang Xian ordered Kong Xuan to take him to the ancestral land of the Wu clan.

The ancestral land of the Wu Clan is at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. Kong Xuan's speed is extremely fast, but it will take some time to reach Buzhou.

During this period of time, Wang Xian was not idle either. After leaving a space imprint on Kong Xuan's body, he plunged headlong into the inner world.

At this time, in the inner world, dozens of "Emperor Realm" experts were surrounding the ancient alliance "Emperor Realm" expert who was captured by Wang Xian.

The reason why they are all gathered here is because the "Emperor Realm" strongman of the ancient alliance is a strong man who has reached the "Emperor Realm Second Heaven". What is the difference between "heavy day".

"I have seen the Lord!"

Seeing Wang Xian's figure, a group of "Emperor Realm" powerhouses hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Did you find out what?" Wang Xian asked Geng Rou.

Geng Rou said with a bit of shame on her face: "Reporting to the Holy Master, I didn't ask anything other than his name "He Zhi". "

"Why didn't you ask anything?"

Wang Xian was puzzled.

An elder in charge of the criminal law of the Heavenly Demon Dynasty said with a headache: "Holy Master, he is too powerful, our coercion methods are useless to him, and we cannot search his soul, and..."

After Wang Xian threw He Zhi into the inner world, they immediately interrogated He Zhi after they got the order, but He Zhi didn't say anything, and they tried their best to know He Zhi's name. Wang Xian asked him to inquire about none of the things.

They also used various interrogation methods, but He Zhi was too strong, and among them, the person who was good at searching for souls not only hurt himself because of searching for souls, but He Zhi even read some of his memories.

After listening to the elder of the criminal law of the Heavenly Demon Dynasty, Wang Xian came to He Zhi and said, "Since you already know something, you also understand the situation right now?"


He Zhi nodded calmly.

"You are not afraid?"

Wang Xian was a little surprised.

He Zhi nodded and said, "Scared!"

Wang Xian: ...

Does it look like you're scared?

Before Wang Xian could speak again, He Zhi suddenly said, "I am willing to surrender!"

"Are you willing to surrender?"

Wang Xian was a little surprised.

After hearing what the criminal law elder of the Heavenly Demon Dynasty told him, he thought that He Zhi would rather die than surrender, but he never thought that He Zhi would directly tell him that he would surrender.

"Yes! Your horror is beyond my imagination, and your world is beyond my imagination." He Zhi said.

"Am I scary?"

Wang Xian was stunned.

"Scary!" He Zhi nodded heavily, and said, "I didn't recognize you before, but now I know that you are the emperor who has been looking for millions of existences."

"The Emperor has been looking for me for millions of years?"

Wang Xian pointed to himself.

Who is the emperor?

The leader of the ancient alliance.

That guy has been looking for him for millions of years?


You know, the digitization is less than three years old, and these dungeon worlds should have only been born for three years...

No, Wang Xian suddenly reacted.

It is true that digitization is less than three years old, but this is only three years after Blue Star's digitization was born.

You know, in the universe where Blue Star is located, digitization has already been born for tens of thousands of years.

What's more, the absence of the digital era does not mean that these dungeon worlds have not appeared, it does not mean that the ancient alliance has not appeared, and it does not mean that the emperor has not appeared.

But, what did the emperor want him for?

And according to He Zhi, the emperor has been looking for him for millions of years?

"Do you know why the emperor wanted me?" Wang Xian asked He Zhi.

"I don't know, the emperor never said the reason." He Zhi shook his head and said, "My lord, the millions of years I mentioned are just my guesses. After all, these millions of years are from the moment I joined the Ancient League. Counting it, the emperor should have looked for you again earlier.”

"Maybe it will be longer?"

Wang Xian was speechless.

He is only in his twenties this year, but the emperor has been looking for him for at least a few million years.

Where was he millions of years ago?

At that time, Blue Star had no real human beings, and he didn't know where he was reincarnated!

Wang Xian took out something and asked He Zhi, "By the way, do you know what it is?"

The thing in his hand is one of those crushed stones obtained from the hidden space of the Ancient League’s Treasure Hall. This thing can be integrated into the disc, and it can also be separated from the disc at any time. It seems that there is no real harmony. Discs blend together.

"I don't know, but the emperor is very serious about things. For millions of years, apart from looking for you, this thing is also one of the things the emperor is looking for."

He Zhi looked a little dazed.

He is actually somewhat familiar with the things in Wang Xian's hands, after all, the emperor found such a piece in his world.

As for his confusion, it was because he didn't understand what this thing was. After all, in his opinion, this thing was just a piece of broken stone!

"Do you know how the emperor distinguishes these things?" Wang Xian asked again.

The thing in his hand is really no different from ordinary crushed stones, even Yao Chi can't tell the difference between this thing and crushed stones.

However, the emperor has collected a lot of these things. Obviously, the emperor knows how to identify these things.

I don't know how many of these things there are, and what he got was basically delivered to his door by others. He hasn't really found one yet.

If he can get the method of how to identify this thing from the emperor, the speed of his collection of this thing will be greatly accelerated.

He Zhi nodded and said, "I do know this. In the hands of the emperor and some elders, there is a magic weapon. These things were found by relying on those magic weapons."

"Magic weapon? How much?"

Wang Xian's eyes lit up instantly.

"Not many, only the emperor and the five elders of the ancient alliance have it." He Zhi said.

"Six pieces? Although a little less, it's better than nothing."

Wang Xian was a little disappointed.

Six magic weapons for finding broken stones are really too few, if there are thousands of them, that would be amazing!

In that case, the disciples of "Xiangong" will have one piece, and the speed at which they can obtain broken stones will definitely soar!

Unfortunately, this can only be thought about.

Putting away his disappointment, Wang Xian asked He Zhi again: "Do you know why the Ancient League wanted to attack Honghuang?"


He Zhi nodded.


Wang Xian also thought that He Zhi didn't know. After all, He Zhi only had the strength of "Second Heaven of Emperor Realm". Although he was not a marginal figure in the ancient alliance, he was not ranked high.

He Zhi said: "It is for the broken stones that your lord took out just now. According to what Elder Youfeng Taishang said, in that name

In the prehistoric world, there are many broken stones. "

"There are a lot of broken stones?!"

Wang Xian was very surprised. He thought about the possibility of the ancient alliance attacking Honghuang, but he never thought that the reason for the ancient alliance's attacking Honghuang was to break rocks.

At the same time, Wang Xian felt a little pity. Although he could distinguish the broken stones, he couldn't sense where the broken stones were. He could only tell where the broken stones were after seeing them with his own eyes.

Otherwise, he could have gotten all the broken rocks in the flood right now.

After asking He Zhi some other things, Wang Xian said: "Since you choose to surrender, then I will give you a chance to hand over the mark of the true spirit, and I will accept your surrender."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Without any hesitation, He Zhi bowed and knelt down towards Wang Xian, and handed over his true spirit imprint.

Wang Xian didn't expect He Zhi to be so direct, and fortunately he directly ordered He Zhi's true spirit imprint.

After He Zhi surrendered, Wang Xian also let Tian Ling let go of the suppression of He Zhi, and He Zhi's overall strength was completely restored.

Wang Xian pointed to a group of "Emperor Realm" powerhouses and said to He Zhi, "Here you recuperate first, and if you have anything you don't understand, just ask them."

"Yes, my lord!"

He Zhi replied respectfully.

After explaining to Geng Rou again, Wang Xian left the inner world and returned to the territory of "Xiangong".

In the palace of Yaochi, Wang Xian found Empress Houtu and told her that the Twelve Ancestral Witches had stepped into the "Hunyuan Realm".


Houtu Niangniang was shocked when she knew about this caution.

"How is it sanctified?"

Empress Nuwa, who was sitting next to Empress Houtu, asked suspiciously.

"I don't know either, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun did it." Wang Xian replied.

"Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun? Impossible!"

Empress Hou Tu retorted immediately.

She is most aware of the hatred between the witch clan and the demon clan, and it is absolutely impossible for those two demon emperors to help the ancestor witch become holy.

Besides, if Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun can help the ancestor witches become holy, then in the "Lich Calamity", the ancestor witches will not die together with the two demon emperors.

"Uh... Fellow Taoist Houtu, you may have misunderstood, the Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun I mentioned are not the two you remember."

Wang Xian quickly explained.

After listening to Wang Xian's explanation, although Empress Houtu still didn't understand why Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun wanted to help the ancestral witches become holy, she already believed it.

After all, during this period of time, she learned a lot about Lan Xing, and even knew that she, the Wu Clan and even the "prehistoric" were all "imagined".

"Fellow Daoist, can you take me to the ancestral land of the Wu Clan?" Houtu Niangniang asked.

"Of course there is no problem. My purpose of looking for fellow daoists this time is to invite fellow daoists to go to the ancestral land of the witch clan to meet the twelve ancestor witches." Wang Xian said.

"When are we leaving?"

Empress Houtu couldn't wait.

Wang Xian said, "It can be done now."

"Then I will trouble my fellow Daoist."

Empress Houtu thanked her.

"Fellow Daoist, can I come together?"

At this moment, Empress Nuwa suddenly spoke.


Wang Xian nodded.

Yao Chi said, "Let's join me too!"

"You want to go to Yaochi too?"

Wang Xian looked at Yao Chi in surprise.

In his cognition, Yao Chi's character is extremely quiet. Under normal circumstances, she even makes noise in Yao Chi Hall. Even when she first came to Blue Star, she didn't go out. star only.

"Recently, I've come to realize that it's better to go out for a walk more often." Yao Chi said.

"Okay, then let's go together."

Wang Xian opened the passage to the inner world with a smile, and after taking the three girls into the inner world, he communicated with the empty space left on Kong Xuan's body.

Between imprints.

When Kong Xuan and the three daughters appeared on Kong Xuan's back, Kong Xuan felt it immediately, and found that besides Wang Xian, there were other people falling on him, Kong Xuan was furious.

Just as he was about to get angry, he suddenly "saw" who was on his back, and he died immediately.

Can't afford it!

Can't afford to mess with

Kong Xuan continued on his way.

After more than an hour, Kong Xuan brought Wang Xian, Yaochi, Empress Houtu and Empress Nuwa to the ancestral land of the Wu clan at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

As soon as it landed, a large group of burly and strong Wu clan men surrounded Wang Xian and his party.

However, when they saw Empress Houtu, their furious expressions disappeared immediately, and they quickly knelt down and said, "I have seen the ancestor witch."

"Get up!"

Empress Houtu said.

"Thank you Zuwu!"

The big men of the Wu tribe stood up and thanked them.


Empress Hou Tu was about to let all the big men of the witch tribe leave when several figures suddenly appeared.

Seeing the sudden appearance of these figures, all the big men of the Wu clan were stunned.

Because, among the several figures that suddenly appeared, there was still this one who was thought to be the Empress of the Ancestral Witch!

A group of shamans from the Wu clan looked at me and I looked at you, and finally surrounded Wang Xian and his party again with a "crash".

Although they are not very smart, they also know that the later ancestor witch Houtu appeared with several other ancestor witches, which means that it is not a fake.

Since the Ancestral Witch Empress that appeared later was not, then the Ancestral Witch Empress that appeared at the beginning must be fake!

Therefore, all the burly men of the witch tribe were very angry, and stared at Wang Xian's Empress Houtu fiercely, as if they wished to swallow Empress Houtu alive immediately.

On the other side, the ancestral witch Houtu and several other ancestral witches stared at Empress Houtu with serious expressions on their faces. They could naturally see that the empress Houtu next to Wang Xian was an ancestral witch, but the problem was, they There is already a Zuwu Houtu beside him, and it is the Zuwu they have been with for many years, what is going on with the Houtu on the opposite side?

"Everyone back off."

At this time, Zuwu Houtu spoke to a group of big men of the Wu clan.


The ancestral witch gave the order, and all the big men of the witch clan should obey it.

"Who are you?"

Zuwu Houtu stepped up to Empress Houtu and asked in a serious tone. 13183/11264779