Digitalization of the World

Chapter 827: black abyss

"Thirty-Three Realms, Heavenly Dao Realm, High Priest!"

Houtu's voice rang in everyone's ears.

Of course, apart from Wang Xian, the rest of the ancestor witches and Empress Nuwa were all at a loss.

What thirty-three domains?

What Heavenly Dao Domain?

What the **** is the high priest?

"Hongjun belongs to the Heavenly Dao family?"

Wang Xian frowned.

The Tiandao family is a very strange family. Although they can easily comprehend the Dao, if they want to reach the peak, they must become the "Heavenly Dao" of a certain world.

Ordinary worlds, even at the level of the Great Thousand Worlds, after the fusion of Heaven and Dao, the strength can reach the "Twelve Heavens of the Emperor's Realm" at most.

But the problem is, even if they don't merge into the world and become the "Day of Heaven" of one world, the Dao of Heaven clan will reach the "Twelve Heavens of the Emperor's Realm" with the passage of time.

On the contrary, after merging into the world and becoming the "Day of Heaven" of one world, the Tiandao family will be restricted instead, because once the merged world is destroyed, the fused Tiandao family will also perish.

Of course, it is not without benefits to become the Heavenly Dao of one world, and their growth rate will be much faster, just like the "Twelve Heavens of the Emperor's Realm", which originally took billions of years to reach, can be reached in only tens of millions of years .

However, the problem came again.

Many worlds have limited background and cannot support the Tiandao family to reach the realm of the "twelve heavens of the emperor's realm".

Otherwise, Tianling, who has an extremely important position in the Tiandao clan, would not immediately give up his morals after seeing Wang Xian's inner world, crying and shouting to become the Heavenly Dao of Wang Xian's inner world.

Of course, it's not that there is no background in the world that can support the Tiandao family to reach a higher level, such as the "Destiny Great World", which is almost about to be promoted to a higher world,

In addition to this, there is also the inner universe, which is the thirty-three domains.

The Thirty-Three Realms are actually thirty-three worlds of a higher level than the Great Thousand World. The Tiandao Clan naturally wants to integrate into these thirty-three worlds, so as to step into a higher realm, that is, the 'immortal level'.

However, apart from the Heavenly Dao Domain, how could the other domains allow the Heavenly Dao Clan to become the Heavenly Dao of each domain.

Because once the Tiandao clan becomes the Heavenly Dao of each domain, it means that they have an extra boss on their heads, not to mention the masters of each domain, even the races of each domain cannot agree.

As for why the Tiandao Clan didn't merge into the Tiandao Domain and become the Heavenly Dao of the Tiandao Clan?

Wang Xian didn't know, because Tian Ling didn't know the reason.

"No, Hongjun is very special!" Houtu said with a solemn expression, "His origin is a mystery, even in the Thirty-Three Regions, no one knows.

As soon as he appeared, he was the most powerful person in the 'Twelve Heavens of the Emperor's Realm', and he also requested to become the high priest of the Heavenly Dao clan. "

"The Heavenly Dao family didn't object?"

Wang Xian was puzzled.

"No, and this is where countless strong people in various domains are puzzled, but many strong people speculate that Hongjun should have come to the 'real world'." Houtu said.

Wang Xian pondered.

He doesn't have any understanding of the 'true world', he only knows that whether it is the outer universe or the universe, it will eventually return to nothingness, and if he wants to survive forever, he must enter the 'true world'.

"Since Hongjun is already the strongest of the 'Twelve Heavens of the Emperor's Realm', why did he come to the false world? He also appeared in the prehistoric world." Wang Xian was puzzled.

If the outer universe is a false world that will disappear after a certain stage, then Honghuanglian can only be regarded as a bubble world at best, and it may be shattered at any time.

Even if Hongjun is the most powerful person who has reached the 'Twelve Heavens of the Emperor's Realm', once the prehistoric world is shattered... no, it should be said that the bubble world is shattered, then Hongjun will also fall completely.

This is the "false" rule of the outer universe, not to mention the "Emperor Realm", even the "immortal level" powerhouses cannot compete.

"I don't know!"

Houtu sighed.

Although she fused the two selves, she didn't actually get much information.

"Hongjun must be killed?"

Wang Xian asked.

"It must be killed!"

Houtu's tone was extremely serious.

"According to Hongjun's current strength, it's actually not difficult to think about him. The question is whether this guy has any hidden means. After all, he was once a terrifying existence of the 'Twelve Heavens of the Emperor's Realm'!" Wang Xian rubbed rubbed his chin.

Hongjun's current strength is around the "Fifth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm", Yaochi is also of this strength, coupled with the twelve capitals of the gods and demons formed by the ancestral witches and the "explosive seed", he wants to kill Hongjun It's really not a problem.

"Hongjun's strength is definitely not as simple as it seems."

Hou Tu looked dignified.

"so what?"

Wang Xian scratched his head.

"In the long run, it's best for fellow Taoists to survive the 'becoming a god'!"

Houtu said.

"Survive the 'God Tribulation'?"

Wang Xian bared his teeth immediately.

His catastrophe was too terrifying, not to mention the appearance of the mask after the catastrophe, he didn't even have the confidence to survive the thunder ahead of the catastrophe.

"Don't fellow daoists have the confidence to successfully cross the tribulation?" Houtu asked.

Wang Xian sighed: "I am confident, but I haven't collected all the things I need!"

"Of course I know."

Houtu turned his head to look at Dijiang, and said, "Brother, take out that thing that was suppressed by the Pangu Palace!"


Di Jiang has been in a daze since Houtu started talking, and he didn't react for a while when he heard Houtu's words.

"Pure World White Lotus!"

Houtu said.

"oh oh."

Di Jiang nodded again and again, and then his figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"The Pure World White Lotus is in the Pangu Palace?"

Wang Xian was stunned.

Among the four great lotuses, the whereabouts of the White Lotus of the Pure World has always been a mystery. I really didn't expect it to be in the Pangu Palace.

Houtu laughed and said, "It was left by the two heavenly emperors, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun."

Wang Xian was speechless for a moment.

Those two guys obviously knew that he wanted to collect the 'Jing Shi Bai Lian', otherwise they wouldn't have left the 'Jing Shi Bai Lian' in the Pangu Palace.

Houtu continued: "Fellow Taoists need the four great lotuses, and now they have obtained the 'White Lotus of the Pure World'. Among the remaining three great lotuses, the 'Red Lotus of Karma' is easy to say, while the 'Golden Lotus of Karma' and the 'Black Lotus of Mieshi' are better." Trouble."

"I've already got the 'Yehuo Honglian'." Wang Xian said.

Houtu looked at Wang Xian with some surprise, and said again: "Then only the 'Golden Virtue Lotus' and the 'Black Lotus' are left, and the 'Golden Virtue Lotus' is in the hands of the guiding Taoist, but we can't figure out his position , it’s not easy to ask for it directly, so I can only get the ‘World Miserable Black Lotus’ first.”

Immediately, Wang Xian understood the meaning of Hou Tu dialect, and asked, "Fellow Daoist, do you know where the 'Mie Shi Hei Lian' is?"

"Yeah." Houtu nodded, and said, "The 'Black Lotus' is in the hands of Demon Ancestor Luohu!"

"Isn't Demon Ancestor Luohu dead?"

Wang Xian was puzzled.

"Resurrected by Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun!" Houtu said lightly.


Wang Xian was speechless.

Although he knew that Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun were outrageous, was the resurrection of Demon Ancestor Luohu too outrageous?

"Does Fellow Daoist know the location of Demon Ancestor Luohu?" Wang Xian asked.

Houtu said: "Heiyuan!"

Wang Xian fell silent immediately.

The main reason is that he doesn't know where the black abyss is?

He has seen a lot of prehistoric places, but he has never heard of this place.

"What's wrong?"

Houtu looked at Wang Xian suspiciously.

Wang Xian didn't hide anything, and revealed the reason for his silence.

Houtu laughed immediately, and then explained: "The Black Abyss is the place where the Demon Ancestor Luohu was born. It is said that there is an extremely terrifying place connected to it, and even the Demon Ancestor Luohu dare not explore it."


Houtu and Wang Xian were talking there as if no one else was there, and almost all the others present were in a daze state. Finally, Zhu Rong, who was the most fiery, couldn't bear it any longer. He slapped Wang Xian on the shoulder and said angrily, "You Who? Why are you talking so much with my sister?"

Wang Xian turned his head to look at Zhu Rong in a daze, not understanding why Zhu Rong made trouble for him?

"That's right, who are you? How dare you plan on our sister? Do you want to be beaten?"

Gonggong, who was extremely at odds with Zhu Rong, stood on the same front with Zhu Rong at this time, and also caused trouble for Wang Xian, and the reason made Wang Xian even more confused and speechless.

When did he have the idea of ​​Houtu?

Why doesn't he know about this?

At this time, Di Jiang appeared and heard what Zhu Rong and Gong Gong said, so he slapped Zhu Rong and Gong Gong away without saying a word.

"Sister, this is the 'Jing Shi Bai Lian' you want!"

Di Jiang handed the 'Pure World White Lotus' bound by the power of space to Houtu.

"Thank you, brother."

Hou Tu took it with a smile, and then handed over the 'Jing Shi Bai Lian' that he had just obtained to Wang Xian.

"Thank you, fellow daoist."

Wang Xian was not polite either, he directly reached out to take the 'Jing Shi Bai Lian' from Hou Tu's hand and sent it directly to the **** planet in the inner world.

Although Di Jiang had already guessed that Houtu would give Wang Xian the 'Pure World White Lotus', he still gave Wang Xian a very unhappy look.

Wang Xian is also looking at Di Jiang, the main reason is because of Di Jiang's ability.

He has one of the nine heavenly books "Time and Space", and he knows the power of space very well, but now he finds that Di Jiang's understanding of space is even higher than him.

"Boy, what are you looking at?"

Being stared at by Wang Xian, Di Jiang felt very uncomfortable.

"Fellow Daoist, can we communicate?" Wang Xian asked.

"Communicate? Communicate what?"

Di Jiang was taken aback, this was different from what he thought!

"Of course it's the power of space!"

Wang Xian smiled lightly, and the power of space appeared around him.

"You actually control the power of space?"

Looking at the power of space emerging from Wang Xian's body, Di Jiang's eyes almost popped out.

"Can we communicate?"

Wang Xian asked again.

"Of course!"

Di Jiang nodded.

Regarding the power of space, he has been groping alone all the time. Even if he is born to control this power, he dare not say that he fully understands this power.

"Yao Chi, let's go together!"

Wang Xian turned to look at Yao Chi.


Yaochi nodded.

"Fellow Daoist, the power of space..."

Just as Di Jiang was about to say something, the power of space also emerged from Yaochi's body, so he couldn't speak any more.

"Fellow Daoist, you too!"

Wang Xian said to Zhu Jiuyin at this time.


Zhu Jiuyin was a little puzzled.

Wang Xian didn't say anything, and the power of time appeared beside him.

"you you you…"

Zhu Jiuyin's shock was even more exaggerated than that of Di Jiang, and she couldn't speak fluently.

Then, Zhu Jiuyin and Di Jiang jointly opened up a space where time stagnated, and Wang Xian and Yao Chi discussed issues about space and time with Di Jiang and Yao Chi in this space.

This was Wang Xian's first real discussion with others, and Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin's understanding of the power of space and time also made Wang Xian suddenly understand many things in the heavenly book "Time and Space".

Similarly, Yao Chi's narration of the power of space made Di Jiang feel like a treasure, and Wang Xian's theory extracted from "Time and Space" made Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin almost crazy.

Wang Xian didn't know how long this discussion lasted. When it was over, he was able to use the power of time relatively proficiently, and even learned several powerful supernatural powers of time under the guidance of Zhu Jiuyin!

Since Wang Xian, Yaochi and the two great ancestor witches discussed Dao in a time-stagnant space, when they came out, the outside world was the same as when they rushed in.

After coming out, Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin immediately held a large banquet and treated Wang Xian and Yaochi ruthlessly.

At the banquet, Houtu talked about helping Wang Xian to go to Heiyuan to find the Demon Ancestor Luohu and ask for the "World-Mietering Black Lotus".

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin agreed without even thinking about it, and the remaining ancestral witches also agreed, except for Zhu Rong and Gong Gong.

As for the two Zu Wu who disagreed, after Di Jiang had a friendly exchange with them, they both nodded in agreement with bruised noses and swollen faces.

After the banquet, Wang Xian and his party did not delay, and under the leadership of Houtu, they went straight to Heiyuan.

The Black Abyss is located in the prehistoric west, which is also the territory of the Western religion.

Although the Western Cult had many members at this time, they were not powerful. The arrival of the Twelve Ancestral Witches scared those Western Cult members into hiding.

Therefore, Wang Xian and others and the Twelve Ancestral Witches found the Black Abyss under Mount Sumeru very smoothly.

Just like the name 'Heiyuan', the Heiyuan is really a dark and hopeless abyss, and even the soul can't see anything in it.

"Just jump in?"

Wang Xian asked Houtu.

"Well, just jump!"

After Houtu finished speaking, he was the first to jump in.

Seeing this, Wang Xian didn't hesitate, and jumped in right after.

Yaochi and Nuwa followed immediately.

The remaining eleven ancestral witches, except for Gong Gong and Zhu Rong who muttered a few words, the other ancestral witches jumped into the dark abyss without any hesitation.

After Wangxian, Yaochi, Houtu and the Twelve Ancestral Witches jumped into the pitch-black abyss, their aura immediately disappeared in Mount Sumeru. Members of the Western Cult who sensed all this boldly ran over to check.

After they saw Heiyuan, they were stunned.

Why didn't they know that there was such a terrifying abyss under Mount Sumeru?

So, they hurriedly contacted the leading Taoist and Zhunti Taoist.

It's just that Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti are dealing with the ancient alliance and extraterrestrial demons, even if they know that their lair has been entered, there is no way to come back.

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