Digitalization of the World

Chapter 849: recast

The shattering of the inner world is a very serious matter, especially his inner world is completely integrated with his dantian, and the shattering of the inner world also means the shattering of his dantian.

However, now is the era of dataization, and the true role of the dantian is not there. This also caused his inner world and dantian to be broken, but he lost the 100 million attributes attached to the inner world, as well as the ability to release skills. There will be delays or failures.

Wiping the remaining blood from the corner of his mouth, Wang Xian looked at the huge Qinglian in the chaos.

Without the obstruction of the boundary wall of the inner world, Qinglian devoured the gray gas at a frightening speed.

The gray air flow is the air of chaos, and in the endless chaotic void, the air of chaos can be described as endless.

Under Qinglian's crazy devouring, the air of chaos began to riot, and the chaos and void that had been silent for hundreds of millions of years began to become turbulent.

Moreover, as she continued to devour the energy of chaos, Qinglian became bigger and bigger.

Today's Qinglian's body shape is almost comparable to that of Blue Star before digitization, and her body size is still increasing.

After more than an hour, Qinglian's body had almost grown to the size of the solar system, but its growth rate still did not stop.

What shocked everyone even more was that under Qinglian's devouring, it seemed that dozens of levels of typhoons were suspended in the entire chaotic void.

"what is that?"

Jian Twenty-Three pointed in a certain direction and suddenly let out an exclamation.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, their pupils constricted and their scalps felt numb.

A gigantic beast that was so big that it didn't know when it appeared, it squatted in the chaotic void, and its two eyes, which were comparable to the size of a planet, emitted endless fierce light, staring greedily and terrified at the huge Qinglian.

"Chaos Beast!"

Hou Tu looked dignified.

Legend has it that a group of unimaginable ferocious beasts live in the chaos. They feed on saints and can shatter the world with a single roar. Their bodies are even more indestructible and can resist the bombardment of innate treasures.

She has only heard of this kind of beast, after all, she has never traveled in the void of chaos.

Unexpectedly, she actually saw it with her own eyes now, and from the first sight, she could tell that she was definitely not the opponent of this beast.

"Can it be dealt with?"

Wang Xian turned his head to look at Yao Chi beside him, he didn't want the 'Great Fortune Green Lotus' that he had worked so hard to get to be snatched away by a ferocious beast.

Yaochi didn't say anything, just smiled, and his figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

When her figure appeared from then on, she had already arrived in front of the chaotic beast.

Compared with the huge chaotic beast, Yaochi's body is simply too small.

However, when Yaochi released his aura, everyone felt that the scene they saw completely changed.

Yao Chi, who was only over 1.7 meters tall, seemed to have turned into a divine phoenix above the nine heavens at this moment, while the huge chaotic beast was now like an ant on the ground.

Yaochi didn't say any nonsense, raised his right hand, and gently patted that chaotic beast.

The endless divine light bloomed, and the terrifying energy fluctuations swept through the chaos. The huge chaotic beast trembled, and then disintegrated directly, and then quickly drowned in the chaos, and finally assimilated.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially Houtu and a group of ancestor witches, they can feel how terrifying the chaotic beast is. Any one of them confronting alone will only lead to death.

Even if they formed the 'Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons', I'm afraid they could only compete with this chaotic beast.

But what about Yaochi?

With just a light slap, the terrifying chaotic beast died, and the rhythm of the ancestor witch was almost scared to death!

"Yaochi, your strength is so strong?!"

Houtu looked in shock at Yao Chi who had just returned to Wang Xian's side.

She had also competed with Yaochi before, and knew that Yaochi was stronger than her, but she never thought that Yaochi would be so powerful.

She even suspected that Yaochi alone could kill the false **** Hongjun!

"Recently, I have a little insight."

Yao Chi laughed.

Houtu was speechless.

This is a little comprehension can be strong to this point, if the comprehension is deep, why don't you just take it for a second?

"Something woke me up."

Yaochi said something to the crowd, and then sat cross-legged in the void.

The death of the chaotic beast did not reveal anything. After all, Yaochi is not a "player". Even with the support of digital rules, it only adds a lot of "cultivation" to Yaochi.

However, Yaochi is a little worried about this increased 'cultivation', so she almost never increases her own cultivation in this way.

Of course, part of the reason is that the level of Yaochi itself is too high, and there are no wild monsters that she can kill.

Now, Yao Chi killed this chaotic beast of unknown level and provided her with a lot of cultivation, but she also forcibly forced these cultivations out of her body.

A large amount of brilliance emanated from Yaochi's body, but it did not dissipate, but was absorbed by Wang Xian and others.

In the next second, golden rays of light burst out from the bodies of Wang Xian, Su Jin, Nangong Wu, Jian Ershisan, Xuan Ming and others.

Everyone was shocked.

They are too familiar with this golden light, which is the light when the level is promoted.

buzz buzz~

The golden rays of light continued to rise from everyone, and in just a few seconds, they appeared more than ten times, which meant that everyone's level had increased by more than ten levels in these few seconds.

"Can you still improve your level like this?"

Jian Twenty-san looked at Yaochi sitting cross-legged in the void with bright eyes.


Then he was tragically kicked out by Wang Xian who had just recovered.

"Old Wang, what the **** are you kicking me for?"

Jian Twenty-Three rushed back angrily.

"What do you say?"

Wang Xian squinted at Jian Ershisan.

"What am I..."

Jian Ershisan immediately retorted, but just after saying two words, he reacted, and said to Wang Xian angrily: "Your sister, am I that kind of person?!"


Wang Xian said as a matter of course.

Jian Ersan was stunned, he didn't expect Wang Xian to answer like this, and then asked a little speechless: "Since you don't think I am that kind of person, then why are you kicking me?"

"Because I'm unhappy!"

Wang Xian laughed.

Jian Ershisan choked with anger, he lost his temper at Wang Xian's words, and even more angry, he had absolutely no reason to refute such a shameless reason.

After all, Wang Xian is already shameless, what else can he say?

"I really want to beat you hard!"

Jian Twenty-Three gritted his teeth and stared at Wang Xian.

"Then you come!"

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows.

Jian Ersan had a hesitant look on his face. He was often kicked out by Wang Xian, and now is definitely his best chance to 'revenge'.

However, when he saw Su Jin and Cheng Yao beside Wang Xian looking at him, he immediately gave up.

"You are injured now, let me let you go this time!"

Jian Ersan groaned and sauntered over to Qin Zheng and the others.

At this moment, Yaochi is still constantly forcing out the 'experience' she just gained from her body, and these experiences have also been absorbed by everyone, but compared to the beginning, she is now forcing out a little less experience, and even takes a dozen breaths Only then will everyone be promoted to one level.

Half an hour later, Yaochi opened his eyes, and the least level of everyone had been raised by 30 levels, and the most had been raised by nearly 50 levels.

However, according to the strength of everyone, even if they have increased so many levels, the improvement of everyone's strength is very small.

Su Jin trotted to Yaochi's side, hugged Yaochi's arm tightly, pouted and said, "Sister Yaochi, forcing you out with such experience will make us feel that killing monsters and leveling up is a very dangerous thing. "

Yaochi rubbed Su Jin's head with a smile, and said with a smile: "My situation is different from yours, you can completely absorb those cultivation...experiences, but I can't.

When I absorbed those experiences, it seemed to be perfectly integrated, but the real situation has diluted the mana in my body, or these experiences will make my mana appear 'impurity'.

Although I can refine these 'impurities', the time wasted refining these 'impurities' is not as strong as the cultivation base I have gained during this period of cultivation. "

"That's right, those of you who call yourself 'players' have a strange physique. You can completely absorb the energy released by other lives when they die, but we can't." Houtu also said.

"Sister Yaochi, will there be sequelae in this way of absorption?" Su Jin asked.

Yaochi frowned slightly, and said after a moment of silence: "I don't know, I checked your bodies, and found that you have indeed completely absorbed the energy released by other creatures after death, and completely integrated them into your own.

According to this situation, you can absorb the energy dissipated after the death of other creatures without limit, and there will be no sequelae.


"But what?"

Everyone was a little worried.

"However, your method of obtaining cultivation goes against the Dao. Once you fail to improve your cultivation in this way, your strength may remain at a certain stage forever." Houtu added.

"So, you'd better not rely too much on this way of absorbing the energy released by other creatures after death to improve your strength, it's best to rely on cultivation to improve your strength." Yao Chi continued.

Everyone was silent.

Relying on cultivation methods to improve their strength, they also have it, that is, the "Xian Jue" of the "Xian Gong" that suppresses the ancestors of the "Xian Gong".

In addition to improving a large number of attributes and some skills, "Xian Jue" can also increase experience points when it is running. This method is actually what Yao Chi said is to practice and improve strength.

However, compared to killing monsters and leveling up, the experience points gained when running the "Xian Jue" is simply too little.

If they kill a mythical boss of the same level, if they use the "Xian Jue" to obtain the increased experience points, it will take at least a month.

And they, a mythical boss of the same level as the cassock, only need a few hours.

With such a large gap, basically no one would choose to follow the latter.

"Don't worry, what I said to Houtu just now is just a guess." Seeing that everyone's expressions were wrong, Yao Chi said quickly.

"Don't you always say that existence is reasonable? Why are you worried now?" Hou Tu also said.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but the worry on their faces still hadn't completely dissipated in the end.

"Don't talk to them, they just think too much."

Wang Xian pouted.

He knows a lot, such as the truth in the digital age.

If there is a situation where Yaochi said that he cannot spawn monsters and level up, it will not be far from the collapse of dataization, and at that time, what is considered is not this problem, but the problem of how to separate himself from the digital world up.

Because of the conversation just now, everyone seemed a little silent, silently watching Qinglian, who was constantly devouring the energy of chaos and growing wildly.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, except for Wang Xian, Yaochi and Houtu, the others and the ancestor witches all returned to the 'Honghuang' or Blue Star.

Although Qinglian is still swallowing the air of chaos and growing at this time, her speed has dropped, and at this time Qinglian's body size is no longer much smaller than that of the 'prehistoric' world.

"How long is this going to be?"

Wang Xian looked at the incomparably huge Qinglian boredly.

He also wanted to leave to do something else, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier around Qinglian, restricting him from leaving.

What made Wang Xian speechless was that this invisible barrier was only aimed at him, and it was of no use to others.

Only Yaochi and Houtu, the two of them were sitting and discussing, Wang Xian also leaned over to listen curiously, but what the two of them talked about was too profound, he fell asleep after listening to it, and finally he had to give up, after all he and The realms of Yaochi and Houtu are too different.

More than half a month passed, and Qinglian finally stopped absorbing the energy of chaos, which made Wang Xian excited when he discovered such a scene.

In a month, he was going to be bored and fell ill. Although Yaochi and Houtu were by his side, they kept discussing and ignored him at all.

"Are you mature?"

Yaochi and Houtu stopped talking, stood up and looked at the incomparably huge Qinglian.


The cyan lotus leaves danced, and the entire chaotic void began to vibrate.

Endless gray gas rushed, and in the distance, the chaotic void near Qinglian was instantly emptied, and no trace of chaotic gas could be seen.

"Is it going to bloom?"

Wang Xian looked at Qinglian's only lotus flower, UU reading www. This lotus has not bloomed since its birth, and now it is finally about to bloom.

The cyan light emanates from the closed lotus, quickly illuminating the chaotic void, and the quiet floral fragrance appears, immediately making people feel refreshed.

Wang Xian fell into a state of astonishment.

Because he just received a reminder from the system that his physique and spirit had increased by 100,000 points respectively.

One hundred thousand points of physique and spirit are not many, but the problem is that this kind of improvement is continuous, and it increases almost every second.

"Yao Chi, help me bring Miss Wu, Xiao Jin and the others over!"

Wang Xian came back to his senses, and said quickly to Yao Chi.


Yaochi nodded, and his figure disappeared instantly.