Digitalization of the World

Chapter 851: Heaven-Defying Creation Qinglian

There are very few things that can scare Wang Xian, and the crying of the people around him is one of them. What's more, he didn't deceive Tianling, there is really no world in the inner world.

Good fortune green lotus has now grown and completed, and although the inner world boundary wall broken by it is gone, a special energy emitted by itself has built a completely transparent boundary wall.

Not only that, the level of the inner world has even been raised, directly promoted from the elementary Great Thousand World to the intermediate Great Thousand World.


Tianling was startled, stopped wiping tears, and began to sense quickly.

In the next second, her face was full of smiles and excitement, and she couldn't help cheering, not only because the inner world was fine, but also because the inner world had completed the promotion, and she gained a lot of benefits.

"Don't cry now? Do you still want to find Qinglian's desperately?"

Wang Xian joked.


Tianling twitched.

"Okay, get acquainted with the inner world of the newborn, and I'm going to prepare for the tribulation!" Wang Xian's expression suddenly became serious.

In the promotion of the inner world, he has obtained an incomparably huge improvement. The five basic attributes alone have skyrocketed by a full 400 million.

In other words, the current Inner World provided Wang Xian with a total of 500 million attributes.

Moreover, the newly added 400 million full attributes directly became 1.16 billion with the blessing of the talent [Immortal Physique] [Earth Emperor Blessing], Kyushu Ding and 'Xiangong Token'.

And counting the newly added more than 1.1 billion full attributes, Wang Xian's five basic attributes have reached a terrifying 2.6 billion.

According to what Tianshenzi said, the minimum limit of the emperor level is one billion in all attributes, that is, the first level of the emperor level, and the minimum limit of the second level of the emperor level is three billion in all attributes. In other words, Wang Xian is now considered a The existence of the peak of the emperor-level first-tier heaven.

Of course, because of the lack of mythical and emperor-level bonuses, Wang Xian's strength really can't reach the peak of the emperor-level first layer, at most it is around the middle of the emperor-level first layer.

However, even so, such strength is enough to scare people to death.

You must know that Wang Xian has not even reached the mythical level now, let alone in the eyes of emperor-level existences, even in the eyes of mythical-level powerhouses, Wang Xian is just a "holy rank" ant.

"Do you want to cross the catastrophe now?"

Nangong Wu was startled.

"Of course not. The lotus of Good Fortune Green Lotus is emitting a fragrance all the time. This fragrance should still improve a lot of physical fitness and intelligence, so what I said before can be realized, and I can exchange it for a large number of rare items." Wang Xian said.

"Then let's go back quickly. Luo Li, Rushuang and I will discuss how to maximize our benefits." Nangong Wu said quickly.


Wang Xian nodded, and with a wave of his right hand, he first released more than a dozen living planets stored in the 'Ring of Immortals', and then opened the inner world passage to Blue Star.

"You guys are finally back~"

As soon as he returned to Blue Star, Wang Xian was still able to see the surrounding environment clearly, when an extremely resentful voice rang in Wang Xian's ear.

"Who are you?"

Wang Xian turned his head to look, and was startled by a figure that suddenly appeared beside him.

This is a black body, reminding a burly man.

"It's me, Zhu Rong!"

The big man in pitch black said with some annoyance.

"Zhu Rong?"

Wang Xian was stunned.

In fact, not only Wang Xian was stunned, but Houtu and all the ancestor witches were also stunned.

Because they only realized now that Zhu Rong really didn't seem to be around during the month spent in the chaotic void.

"Where did you go?"

Zhu Rong cast his resentful eyes on the group of ancestral witches.

The ancestral witches looked a little embarrassed, they actually forgot about Zhu Rong.

"Zhu Rong, how did you become like this?"

Gong Gong moved closer to Zhu Rong and asked with a smile on his face.


Seeing the smile on Gong Gong's face, Zhu Rong was furious, and directly raised his fist and threw it at Gong Gong's face.

Without any precautions, Gonggong was hit by Zhu Rong's punch, and he was sent flying with a 'bang'.

"Zhu Rong, I will fight with you!"

Gonggong's figure rushed towards Zhu Rong from a distance, and his casserole-sized fist slammed at Zhu Rong.

"Dare to laugh at me, I can't beat you to death!"

Zhu Rong fought immediately, and the two great ancestor witches fought together in an instant.

However, even though they were fighting, the two ancestor witches were very restrained, knowing that this was Wang Xian's territory, and there were many weak mortals around, so the fluctuations in the battle were extremely small.

"Do you want to lose face? If you want to fight, roll into the chaotic void and fight!"

Di Jiang couldn't stand it any longer, and appeared next to Gong Gong and Zhu Rong who were entangled together, and lifted them into the air with one kick.

At the same time, two spatial cracks appeared, swallowing Zhu Rong and Gong Gong directly.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm sorry, I let you see a joke."

Di Jiang apologized to Wang Xian.

"Brother Dijiang was joking, Zhu Rong and Gonggong have true temperaments, not to mention that their battles are also restrained, and they haven't caused any damage to this place. Brother Dijiang doesn't need to apologize at all." Wang Xian said hastily.

Di Jiang didn't continue on this matter, but said: "It's been more than a month since we left 'Honghuang', and we have to go back."

"Are you leaving now?"


"Oh well."

Wang Xian did not persuade him to stay.

"Fellow Daoist, farewell."

"Friend Daoist, if you have nothing to do, come to the Wu Clan as a guest."

All the ancestral witches bid farewell to Wang Xian.

"Wang Xian, I'm also going back to 'Honghuang' for the time being."

Houtu said.

"Fellow Daoist, take care."

All the ancestral witches left, and Wang Xianze, Nangong Wu and the others discussed about exchanging various promotion attributes and rare props.

However, before that, one thing needs to be confirmed, that is, the fragrance of the lotus of Good Fortune Qinglian is still useful.

This matter was very simple, Wang Xian directly 'grabbed' a member of the Dragon Kingdom's official guild and brought him to the inner world.

"How about it?"

Wang Xian asked.

"How about what?"

The member of the Dragon Kingdom official guild was still in a daze. He didn't know why Wang Xian wanted to arrest him. After hearing Wang Xian's question at this time, he was completely at a loss.

"Didn't you hear the system prompt?"

Wang Xian's expression darkened.

If Good Fortune Qinglian's Lotus Fragrance no longer increases its attributes, then he will be in trouble for his ability to greatly increase his strength first.

"system hint?"

The man was taken aback for a moment, then the expression on his face instantly turned into disbelief, and finally into ecstasy.

Well, it doesn't need to be said by this person, Wang Xian has already understood that the lotus fragrance of Good Fortune Qinglian can still provide attributes.

"General, my physique and intelligence attributes are increasing rapidly, a full increase of one hundred thousand points per second." The man said tremblingly.


Wang Xian nodded and said nothing more.

Seeing that Wang Xian didn't speak, the man naturally didn't open his mouth. He was afraid that he might say something wrong, so Wang Xian sent him away directly.

After all, this is a great opportunity to increase one hundred thousand points of physique and intelligence every second!

Although he is a warrior profession, the improvement of intelligence attributes does not have much effect on him, but the improvement of physical attributes greatly strengthens his strength.

Wang Xian had been counting the time silently in his heart, and when he felt that it was almost the same, he asked, "Is it still increasing now?"

"there is none left!"

Hearing Wang Xian's voice, the man also recovered from the surprise, and found that he did not hear the system's prompt tone again, so he quickly answered Wang Xian's words.

"How many attributes have been added in total?" Wang Xian asked again.

"Five million people's physique and intelligence!"

Wang Xian was not talking, and directly took the man out of the inner world, and after leaving the man in the territory, Wang Xian disappeared directly before the man's eyes.


After Wang Xian left, the man suddenly raised his right hand and slapped himself hard.

Feeling the intense pain on his face, the man looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha... It's not a dream! It's not a dream!"

The people around were shocked by this man's behavior, and everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

The man also noticed the eyes of the people around him, but he didn't care. He just wanted to release the excitement in his heart.

"Sir, are you all right?"

Ten seconds later, a disciple of 'Xiangong' couldn't stand it any longer. He walked not far from the man, and asked with concern in vigilance.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just happy, I'm really sorry, I'm going, I'm going!"

The man also knew that he was drawing too much attention now, so after a quick apology, he immediately ran towards the teleportation array.

Not long after, the news of the acquisition of various attribute-enhancing pills and rare props from 'Xiangong' spread throughout the entire Blue Star, and even crazily spread towards the entire universe.

Of course, the simple acquisition information cannot be so exaggerated, the main reason is that the acquisitions provided by 'Xiangong' are too scary.

The players of Blue Star couldn't sit still, and so could all the races in the universe. They frantically gathered towards the territory of 'Asgard', for fear that if they ran too slowly, the things provided by 'Asgard' would be taken by others. .

"There are too many people!"

Wang Xian floated above the territory of the 'Xiangong', looking at the dense crowd gathered outside the territory, he suddenly felt a little speechless.

"Who asked us to offer something too exaggerated."

The figure of Nangong Wu appeared beside Wang Xian.

"It seems that it should be a pity to exchange some rare props!"

Wang Xian also became a little excited.

He didn't care too much about the elixirs that increased attributes. He first wanted the rare props like 'ink beads' and 'blood lotus root'.

"Probably not too many, but there should be."

Nangong Wu said.

"Then I will trouble you, Miss Wu!"

Nangong Wu reached out and pinched Wang Xian's waist, and said angrily, "Did we need to say trouble?"

"Isn't it easy to say!"

Wang Xian hugged Nangong Wu and kissed her on the face.

"I'm off to work."

Nangong Wu kissed back and flew out of the territory.

Wang Xian then returned to his 'Immortal King's Hall' and studied the Good Fortune Qinglian.

Creation Qinglian has already recognized him as the master, and has directly become his talisman, without even needing the refining process.

It's just that the attributes of Good Fortune Qinglian are a bit strange.

'Creative Qinglian'

Quality: epic


Power +10000000

Intelligence +10000000

Dexterity +10000000

Stamina +10000000

Constitution +10000000

Wang Xian couldn't understand the attributes of the 'Great Fortune Qinglian' at all.

The fragrance from the lotus flower of Good Fortune Qinglian alone can provide players with five million physical and intellectual properties, but the attributes it provides are very rare, only a mere ten million.

Moreover, this attribute is exactly the same as the attribute when the Good Fortune Qinglian was restored by the Eight Great God Lotus Shuoben.

Wang Xian didn't understand.

You must know that at that time, the Qinglian Good Fortune was just a seed, but now the Qinglian Good Fortune has absorbed the endless energy of chaos and grown completely.

"Caohua Qinglian's consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep, and I don't understand it at all!"

Wang Xian gritted his teeth.

He didn't understand Good Fortune Qinglian at all, and he couldn't rely on it to survive the catastrophe.

"Forget it, go to Yaochi and ask."

After Wang Xian murmured, his figure disappeared instantly.

"What's wrong?"

In the Yaochi Palace, Yaochi looked at the frowning Wang Xian and asked.

"It's not Good Fortune Qinglian."

Wang Xian came to Yao Chi's side in a bit of boredom.

"Is something wrong with Creation Qinglian?"

Yao Chi's expression suddenly became serious.

"That's not true, it's just that I don't understand the problem of Good Fortune Qinglian at all, and the grade of Good Fortune Qinglian is too low." Wang Xian said.

The epic fortune Qinglian is simply making a big joke. You must know that this thing not only gave birth to the great **** Pangu, but also gave birth to the innate treasure such as the 'God Killing Spear'.

"You call out Good Fortune Qinglian, let me take a closer look."


Wang Xian summoned Good Fortune Qinglian and handed it to Yao Chi.

Yao Chi checked it immediately.

After a long time, Yao Chi returned the Good Fortune Qinglian to Wang Xian, shook his head and said, "I don't know either, maybe you should go to Houtu or Nuwa to find out."

Although she has been discussing the "Cultivation of Immortals" system with Nuwa and Houtu, she still doesn't have a thorough understanding of things like magic weapons, let alone the most top-level existence in the "Cultivation of Immortals" system.

"That's the only way to go!"

Wang Xian sighed.

He was really depressed, after Good Fortune Qinglian grew up, his consciousness fell into a deep sleep, otherwise he wouldn't have to be like this.

"Xiaoxian, I received something good!"

A red light flashed, and Nangong Wu's figure appeared.

"What's moving..."

Wang Xian was about to ask Nangong Wu what good things she had received, when a crisp scream suddenly sounded.

"Ah—my Chaos Clock!"

A small white is hugging an ancient dark yellow clock with its four limbs, and it is constantly flying towards Wang Xian, or more precisely, it should be towards the "Creative Blue Lotus" floating in front of Wang Xian fly away.

"Let go first!"

Wang Xian stretched out his hand and lifted up the little white beast that was clinging to the Chaos Clock.

"My clock!"

The little white beast's eyes were fixed on the Chaos Clock.

At this time, the Chaos Clock had already flown in front of Good Fortune Qinglian, and a lotus leaf protruded out, covering the Chaos Clock.


The bell of the Chaos Clock rang, but it did not cause any damage, because the bell wave was directly blocked by the leaves of the Green Lotus.

winter! winter! winter!

The bells of the Chaos Clock kept ringing, and terrifying bell waves kept appearing, but in the end, it was completely blocked by the blue lotus leaves just like before. 13183/11273853