Digitalization of the World

Chapter 852: Say Goodbye to Spirit Fruits and Potions

when! when! when!

Being imprisoned by himself, the Chaos Clock became extremely violent, the terrifying bell continued to ring, and the escaping bell waves tore the space into pieces all over the sky.

However, such a terrifying power was confined in a very small space and could not explode at all.

It's all because of the good fortune Qinglian, one of its green lotus leaves suppressed the Chaos Clock!

Wang Xian, Yaochi, Nangong Wu, and the little white beast, that is, Bai Ze, all stared at this scene with serious expressions.

Especially in Yao Chi, she placed hundreds of restrictions in succession to isolate Good Fortune Qinglian and Chaos Clock from everyone.

"Little thing, did you already know the power of the Chaos Clock?"

Wang Xian raised Bai Ze and asked angrily.

At the beginning, when he got the Chaos Clock, the attribute panel introduction of the Chaos Clock was extremely weird, and it was said to be one of the top ten supreme artifacts.

The grade of the chaotic clock is also extremely weird, both immortal and emperor-level, and this chaotic clock seems to be just a projection.

He also tried to use the Chaos Clock, but he was still unable to activate the mighty power of the Chaos Clock. In the end, he completely regarded the Chaos Clock as a decorative bell and hung it on Bai Ze's neck.

Just now, when Bai Ze saw the Chaos Clock flying away, he looked nervous and 'desperate', obviously he knew the power of the Chaos Clock, otherwise he wouldn't be like that.

"I don't know~"

Xiaobaize shook his head decisively.

"look at me!"

Angrily, Wang Xian knocked Xiao Baize on the head with his other hand.

The little thing directly denied it without even thinking about it, and more importantly, he avoided his eyes.

"Ah—I'm dizzy!"

Little Baize tilted his head, closed his eyes, and 'passed out' directly.

Wang Xian: ...

Yaochi: ...

Nangong Wu: ...

The three of them were all speechless, they were all speechless by Bai Ze's behavior.

Who even yelled 'I'm dizzy' before fainting?

"Stop playing tricks, I'm not trying to steal your Chaos Clock!"

Wang Xian shook Little Baize who had fainted in his hand.

"You really don't want to grab it?"

Xiaobaize woke up instantly.


Wang Xian glared at Bai Ze.

"Ah—I'm dizzy again!"

Little Baize tilted his head again, and fainted again.

The corner of Wang Xian's mouth twitched, and he threw Little Baize to Nangong Wu.

After breaking away from Wang Xian's clutches, Xiao Bai Ze woke up again, squatting on Nangong Wu's shoulder, staring at Wang Xian with bared teeth.

Wang Xian didn't bother to talk to it, this little thing was spoiled by Nangong Wu and Hela, otherwise this little thing wouldn't dare to bark its teeth at him.

Of course, Wang Xian also knew that this little thing wasn't really 'baring his teeth' at him, it was just playing tricks.

"The Creation Qinglian seems to be engraving the prohibition of the Chaos Clock." Yao Chi said suddenly.

She has been observing the good luck green lotus and the chaotic clock, and finally found the clue.

When the Chaos Clock erupted, countless tiny runes that were almost unobservable appeared, and Good Fortune Qinglian took advantage of this to engrave those runes on her body.

Even, in order to make the runes displayed by the Chaos Clock more detailed and obvious, the leaves of the Green Lotus of Good Fortune slapped the Chaos Clock from time to time, making the Chaos Clock more irritable and making the Chaos Clock's runes appear more thoroughly.

Reminded by Yaochi, Wang Xian opened his sky eyes, and saw that when the Chaos Clock rang, there were dense runes appearing, and Qinglian took the opportunity to engrave those runes on its body, and also saw The lotus leaves of the good fortune green lotus beat the chaotic clock from time to time.

"Looking at it this way, if Fortune Green Lotus wants to fully unleash its due power, it should be engraved with the restrictions of various magic weapons." Yaochi said again.

"A magic weapon?"

Wang Xian opened his backpack and found a magic weapon of epic quality in a corner.

He has a lot of these things on him, the main reason is to study and understand the magic weapon thoroughly, and then refine the magic weapon for the disciples of the 'Xiangong'.

After all, the magic weapon is completely separate from the equipment, and can provide expensive attributes, and if it is the magic weapon of life, it can also grow with the growth of the player's strength.

It's just that the refining of magic weapons is a bit difficult. Wang Xian can at most refine magic weapons of epic level now, and magic weapons of this level, not to mention the high-level people of 'Xiangong', are ordinary 'Xiangong' disciples They all look down on them.

Wang Xian threw the magic weapon in his hand towards Good Fortune Qinglian, but something happened that surprised everyone. The magic weapon was annihilated when it got close to Good Fortune Qinglian.

"Isn't it possible to have an epic magic weapon?"

After Wang Xian muttered, he took out another magic weapon of mythical level.

Mythical-level magic weapons, in the "prehistoric", correspond to the level of innate spiritual treasures. Although there are many magic weapons of this level in the "prehistoric", they are definitely not many.

However, when this mythical magic weapon was thrown by Wang Xian to Haohua Qinglian, the same situation as the epic magic weapon just now appeared, and the mythical magic weapon was also directly annihilated without a sound.

"You can't ask for an emperor-level magic weapon, right?"

Wang Xian gritted his teeth.

The emperor-level magic weapon, that is, the innate treasure, there are really not many in the "Xiangong", except for the Chaos Clock, there are "Phoenix Hairpin" from Yaochi, Su Jin's "Glory of the Stars" and "San Shengmao Yang Chan" Lotus Lantern'.

"Try it!"

As Yaochi said, he took off the phoenix hairpin from his head, and then threw it towards Good Fortune Qinglian.

Wang Xian's expression suddenly became tense, he was really afraid that this phoenix hairpin in Yaochi would be annihilated in silence like the previous epic and mythical magic weapons.


The sound of the phoenix cry resounded, hot flames burst out from the golden phoenix hairpin, and a phantom of the phoenix emerged, and the terrifying coercion swept the entire hall.


Yaochi gave a soft drink, and the phoenix phantom instantly put away its power, turned into a phoenix hairpin again, and quickly returned to Yaochi's head.

"What's the situation? Emperor-level magic weapon doesn't work either?"

Wang Xian was dumbfounded.

Although the phoenix hairpin in Yaochi did not disappear silently like the previous two magic treasures, it was not bound by the fortune-telling green lotus to replicate the restraint in the phoenix hairpin.

"Perhaps the system is different." Yao Chi stared at Creation Qinglian, looked again and again, and finally said: "Call Xiaochan here, and let her try the Lotus Lantern."


Wang Xian nodded, and disappeared into the palace in a flash.

Half an hour later, Wang Xian reappeared, followed by a beautiful figure, it was Yang Chan, the Three Virgins.


Seeing Yaochi and Nangongwu staring at him intently, Wang Xian coughed lightly and said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Meet the two sisters!"

The Third Holy Mother Yang Chan stepped forward and saluted Nangong Wu and Yaochi.

After Nangong Wu glared at Wang Xian 'seriously', she quickly helped the Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, and said, "Your sister should know why you were called here, right?"


The Three Holy Mothers, Yang Chan, nodded slightly, then took out the lotus lamp, and slowly sent it to Good Fortune Qinglian.

The blue lotus of good fortune swayed, and a lotus leaf quickly protruded out, directly wrapping the lotus lamp.


The lotus lamp was ignited in an instant, the hot flame was transpiring, the terrifying power seat burst out, and the clear lights containing the "position of opening the sky" appeared one after another, constantly impacting the lotus leaves of the blue lotus.

when! when! when!

At the same time, the Chaos Clock seemed to know that a helper was coming, the bell continued to ring, and together with the Lotus Lantern, it continuously impacted the good fortune Qinglian.

The fortune green lotus trembled, and cracks appeared on the green lotus leaves.

The Lotus Lantern and Chaos Clock also seemed to be aware of this situation, and once again erupted with terrifying power.

At this moment, even with the **** of the fortune-telling green lotus, the power of the Chaos Bell and the Lotus Lantern dissipated.



In a short while, the dozens of restrictions placed by Yao Chi were completely broken.

Yaochi had seen it before, so he made a decisive move. While laying down various defensive restrictions, he took Wang Xian, Nangong Wu, and the Third Virgin Yang Chan away from Yaochi Palace.


Just as Wang Xian and the others left the Yaochi Palace, a loud bang suddenly sounded, a huge mushroom cloud rose, and the palace of Yaochi was instantly shattered.

There are quite a few members in the territory of the 'Xiangong', who noticed the situation here, and all of them rushed towards this place quickly, and many of them even shouted the word 'enemy attack'.

"Sister Wu, go and appease them."

Wang Xian said to Nangong Wu.


Nangong Wu nodded, turned around and flew towards the members of the 'Xiangong' rushing here.

"Yao Chi, I'm sorry, I lost your palace."

Wang Xian looked at Yaochi with some shame.

"It's just a palace."

Yao Chi shook his head lightly.

At this time, the mushroom cloud began to dissipate slowly, and the dust and mist raised quickly fell, and the three magic weapons, the Qinglian, the Chaos Clock and the Lotus Lantern, also appeared in front of the three of them.

"It looks like it's all right!"

Wang Xian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Creation Qinglian continuously engraving the runes in the body of the Chaos Clock and Baolian Lantern.

"Two magic weapons at a time should be the limit, it's better to return one at a time in the future." Yao Chi said.

"There is no future, we don't have any innate treasures." Wang Xian said.

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa's 'Shanhe Sheji Map' should be promoted to the innate treasure, and if there is a chance, I can let Good Fortune Qinglian engrave it."


"It will take some time for Good Fortune Qinglian to completely inscribe the runes of the Chaos Clock and Lotus Lantern. I'll keep an eye on it here. You can deal with other things."

"Then I will trouble you."


Wang Xian left, while Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother, stayed behind.

"Dancing lady."

Wang Xian found Nangong Wu.

"How did you come?"

Nangong Wu asked in surprise.

"Yaochi is watching over there, so I'll come over to see what's going on here. By the way, sister Wu said that she received something good. What kind of good thing is it?" Wang Xian asked.

"See for yourself!"

Nangong Wu took out something and handed it to Wang Xian.

"Good stuff!"

After Wang Xian checked, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This is a rare item similar to 'Ink Bead' and 'Blood Lotus Root', which can increase the ratio between endurance and defense.

"Anything else?"

After Wang Xian used the prop called 'Xuanhuang Pearl', he looked at Nangong Wu with great anticipation.

"It's gone, it's all spiritual fruits and potions with increased fixed attribute points."

Nangong Wu took out another storage bag and handed it to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian took it, opened it to check, and was slightly disappointed.

Although there are many items in the storage bag, in total, the attributes that can be provided are only a few hundred thousand points.

Wang Xian's five basic attributes are now more than 2 billion, and these 100,000 points of attributes are too small for his improvement.

Seeing Wang Xian's disappointment, Nangong Wu said helplessly: "There is nothing we can do about it. Our Blue Star players are basically at the Epic level, and the items they get are also at the Legendary or Epic level.

Although there are also mythical level players, the number is too small, and after they get this kind of spiritual fruit or potion that increases attributes, they will basically take it immediately.

However, the person we traded with was right, all kinds of spiritual fruits and potions added up, should also add tens of millions of attributes to you, Xiaoxian.

What's more, there are still many cosmic races coming, and they should be able to improve a lot of mythical-level spiritual fruits or potions. "

"En." Wang Xian nodded and said, "Then I will leave the matter here to you, Miss Wu, and I will use these props."

There are too many items in the storage bag, there are thousands of them, and it will take a lot of time to use up all these items.

Moreover, there are still many people waiting to trade with 'Xiangong', which also means that there will be a steady stream of items sent for Wang Xian to use.

"You little fairy, do your best!"

Nangong Wu made an encouraging gesture towards Wang Xian.

The corner of Wang Xian's mouth twitched, and he turned to leave. He really wanted to cheer up.

After all, some props are okay and can be used by 'clicking', but spirit fruits and potions have to be eaten.

Thinking of eating tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of spiritual fruits and potions, Wang Xian shuddered.

Five days later, Wang Xian walked out of his palace with a look of 'nothing to miss'.

"Brother-in-law, I'm here to give you spiritual fruits and potions again."

At this moment, Su Jin shouted and flew over.


When Wang Xian heard this, his stomach was churning, and he turned around and retched.

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter with you?"

Su Jin was taken aback by Wang Xian's appearance, and instantly appeared beside Wang Xian, patting Wang Xian's back lightly with her little hand.

"It's okay, just don't say those words in front of me."

Wang Xian smiled wryly.

Five days!

A whole five days!

He was devouring all kinds of spiritual fruits and potions all the time, let alone seeing the spiritual fruits and potions now, even hearing the words 'spiritual fruit' and 'potion' made him want to vomit.

No, he already vomited it all up.

"What word?"

Su Jin looked's..."

Wang Xian was stuck, he didn't want to say those few words!

"Come on." Su Jin waved his hand, took out a storage bag and handed it to Wang Xian, and said, "Brother-in-law, these are today's spirit fruit and potion, there will be more in a while..."

Su Jin didn't say anything, and saw Wang Xian retching again.

"Brother-in-law, are you okay?"

Su Jin looked at Wang Xian worriedly.

"As long as you don't say those words, I'll be fine."

Wang Xian stood up and wiped the corners of his mouth.

Su Jin wondered: "What word? It's spirit..."

Wang Xian quickly stretched out his right hand and covered Su Jin's mouth, he didn't want to retch anymore! 13183/11273854