Digitalization of the World

Chapter 853: weird catastrophe

"What's going on here?"

Nangong Wu flew over from a distance, looking at Wang Xian who covered Su Jin's mouth with his hands, with a confused look on his face.

Su Jin pulled Wang Xian's hand away, trotted to Nangong Wu, took Nangong Wu's arm, and said softly, "Sister Nangong, why are you here?"

Wang Xian suddenly felt bad, probably he just saw the smirk flashing across Su Jin's face.

Nangong Wu's attention was always on Wang Xian, and she didn't feel anything strange about Su Jin. When she heard Su Jin's words, she said, "Didn't this receive a lot..."

"Dance girl, don't!"

Wang Xian spoke and interrupted Nangong Wu's words.

"What's wrong?"

Nangong Wu was strange.

"Don't say those words, if I hear those words, I'm afraid my stomach will be spit out!"

Wang Xian's face turned pale.

During the five days, he not only swallowed various spiritual fruits and potions continuously, but also retched many times.

How fast is it really? This is an era of digitalization. Any spirit fruit and potion will be digested directly after entering the stomach.

Otherwise, he really couldn't swallow so many spiritual fruits and potions in five days, and his retching would not be retching, but vomiting all over the palace.

"Brother-in-law, what words do you not want Sister Nangong to say? If you don't say it, how would Sister Nangong know which words it is?"

Su Jin looked at Wang Xian innocently.

Nangong Wu was very smart, she had already guessed what was going on with Wang Xian, reached out and tapped Su Jin on the head lightly, and said, "Don't play tricks on your brother-in-law!"


Su Jin made a face at Wang Xian and Nangong Wu, and then ran away.

Of course, before she ran, she didn't forget to throw the storage bag containing the spirit fruit and medicine to Wang Xian.

Seeing the storage bag flying towards him, Wang Xian felt retched again, but fortunately, Nangong Wu made a timely move to catch the storage bag and put it away, which saved Wang Xian from continuing. Retching condition.

"If you can't eat it, don't eat it. Anyway, there are not many attributes added. We will only use various rare props in the future."

Nangong Wu stepped to Wang Xian's side, stroking Wang Xian's chest with her slender palm, trying to make Wang Xian feel less uncomfortable.

"Don't eat, definitely don't eat!"

Wang Xian smiled wryly.

He really had enough. If it wasn't for the catastrophe, he would never have stayed in the palace and eaten all kinds of spiritual fruits and potions for five days and five nights.

"Then continue to accept?" Nangong Wu asked.

Wang Xian nodded and said: "Go ahead, even if I don't use it, you can use it to improve your strength."

Nangong Wu chatted with Wang Xian for a while and then left, and Wang Xian also turned and walked towards the Yaochi Palace.

"how's it going?"

Wang Xian came to Yaochi and looked at the Creation Qinglian.

"It should be over in two days at the slowest."

"Seven days? The time is okay, not too long, but I don't know what kind of changes will happen to Good Fortune Qinglian."

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

Just as Yaochi said, Good Fortune Qinglian let go of the suppression of the Chaos Bell and the Lotus Lantern, and stopped oppressing them.

Without the suppression of Good Fortune Qinglian, Chaos Clock and Lotus Lantern quickly escaped Good Fortune Qinglian.

However, they didn't go away completely, but floated in mid-air, and a terrifying aura began to brew on them.

As innate treasures, both the Chaos Clock and the Lotus Lantern are conscious. After five days of suppression and the innate restraints that belonged to them were seized, how could the two innate treasures not be angry?

The green lotus of good fortune floated up, the blue lotus leaves swaying with the wind, and the gentle breath radiated out, easily calming down the terrifying power that the two innate treasures were condensing.

"do not be angry."

At this time, the figure of the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan appeared, holding the Lotus Lantern in her hand, and gently comforting her.

The flames of the Lotus Lantern kept flickering, as if they were pouring out the grievances of the past five days to the Three Holy Mother Yang Chan.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, but there is compensation for you."

The Three Holy Mother Yang Chan said, taking out five beads.

Five Divine Beads!

The universe in Chen Qing's body is a treasure condensed from the five strongest elemental beings in the Five Elements Continent.

The Baolian Lantern instantly felt the benefits of the Five God Beads to him, and the flames became extremely blazing.

Yang Chan, the Three Holy Mothers, did not hesitate, and put the Five God Beads near the flames of the Lotus Lantern.

There, there are already five beads, which are five spirit beads.

However, compared to the five **** beads, the five spirit beads are much weaker.

After entering the Baolian Lantern, the Five God Beads directly merged with the Five Spirit Beads, or in other words, the Five God Beads directly swallowed the Five Spirit Beads, and then occupied the position of the Five Spirit Beads.


The moment the five divine beads returned to their positions, an extremely terrifying aura emanated from the lotus lamp, and the surrounding space cracked inch by inch, revealing a chaotic void.

Seeing that the chaotic void that suddenly appeared was about to wreak havoc, the bell of the Chaos Clock rang instantly.

when! when! when!

Zhong Bo swept across the world, directly suppressing the chaotic void, and repairing the space shattered by the power of the lotus lamp.

Baolian Lantern also noticed this situation, and instantly restrained her power.


Wang Xian appeared beside Chaos Clock and thanked it.


A cold snort sounded, and then the Chaos Clock turned into a stream of light, flying towards a certain mountain in the territory of the 'Immortal Palace' in an instant.

That was the mountain peak belonging to Nangong Wu, and Xiaobaize should be on that mountain now, so the Chaos Clock flew in that direction.

"Can't you discuss with those two magic treasures, do you have to forcibly suppress them?" Wang Xian said helplessly as he took the fortune green lotus into his hands.

The lotus leaf of Creation Green Lotus touched Wang Xian lightly, as if expressing something, but its consciousness was still sleeping, unable to explain anything to Wang Xian.

"It's in its nature."

Yao Chi said.

"Although it's instinctive, it's also too domineering."

Wang Xian said something with a smile, and checked the attributes of Good Fortune Qinglian.

'Creative Qinglian'

Quality: epic


Power +50000000

Dexterity +50000000

Intelligence +50000000

Constitution +50000000

Stamina +50000000

Feature: 'The power to open the sky'

Power of Opening Heaven: Damage +1000%, ignore target defense, ignore all restrictions, and ignore all formations.

Additional skills: [Gate of Heaven]

[Gate of Heaven]: Summon the 'Gate of Heaven' to suppress the heavens and time and space.

Wang Xian was very surprised.

After Haohua Qinglian engraved the innate restrictions of the Chaos Bell and the Lotus Lantern, her total attributes skyrocketed from 10 million to 50 million, and she also added a characteristic and a skill.

The 'power to open the sky' comes from the Lotus Lantern. In the world of the 'Lotus Lantern', the treasure of the Lotus Lantern is the ultimate treasure of opening the sky, so it has the power to open the sky.

[Gate of Heaven] Needless to say, it comes from the Chaos Clock.

"How about it?"

Yao Chi asked.

"not bad."

Wang Xian handed the fortune green lotus to Yao Chi.

After feeling it for a while, Yaochi nodded, and said: "Compared to before, it is several times stronger, and I can still feel that there is an extremely terrifying power hidden inside it."

Knowing what Yao Chi said, Wang Xian told her the specific effect of Good Fortune Qinglian.

"Don't say anything in the future, this is the treasure of your life, the less people know, the better it will be for you." Yao Chi stared into Wang Xian's eyes and said very seriously.

"I understand!" Wang Xian nodded, and said: "But we are Taoist couples, let me tell you, can you still harm me?"

"Of course I won't harm you, but there are always risks of leaking some things once you say them out, so it's better for you to know."

Yao Chi stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Wang Xian's head.

Wang Xian: ...

Although Yaochi was thousands of years older than him, this behavior of touching his head still made him feel a little embarrassed.

So... Wang Xian resolutely fought back.

Then... Wang Xian was in a tragedy, he was directly slapped by Yaochi and shot inside the mountain.


Wang Xian climbed out of the deep pit and smiled shamelessly at Yao Chi.

After Yao Chi glared at Wang Xian, his figure disappeared in front of Wang Xian in an instant.

"Wang Xian, you are really shameless!"

The voice of the Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, rang faintly in Wang Xian's ears.

Wang Xian's expression froze immediately.

But fortunately the Third Holy Mother, Yang Chan, left directly after she finished saying that, otherwise Wang Xianjuedu would have to go back into the deep pit again.

Patting the dust off his body, Wang Xian leveled out the deep pit, then jumped up and flew towards the direction of the teleportation array.

Time passed and a month passed.

On this day, Wang Xian officially prepared to cross the catastrophe.

Wang Xian once triggered the Heavenly Tribulation, and he has seen the horror of his own Heavenly Tribulation. It was a cloud of calamity that could cover the entire universe.

Therefore, this time, Wang Xian did not choose to go to the blue star, nor did he choose to go to the universe, but directly entered the chaotic void.

His catastrophe is too terrifying. If he survives the catastrophe in the universe, he is afraid that the catastrophe will directly shatter the universe where Blue Star is located.

There were many people who came to watch the Heavenly Tribulation of the Immortal Wang. In addition to Yaochi, Nangong Wu, Su Jin, Jian Ersan, Xuan Ming and other "Xiangong" high-level officials, Houtu and other ancestor witches also came, even Nuwa A clone also came.

The chaotic void is extremely terrifying, and ordinary creatures cannot survive in it. Even Nangong Wu, Su Jin, and Xuan Ming, who have reached the mythical level, cannot stay in the chaotic void for long.

However, with the presence of Yaochi, they can ignore the harsh situation of Chaos and Void.




Accompanied by the sound of thunder that almost resounded throughout the chaotic void, Wang Xian's catastrophe officially began.

The endless air of chaos began to churn, and then quickly disappeared, or to be more precise, it was the air of chaos that isolated a region.

This area is naturally Wang Xian's place to cross the tribulation.

The pitch-black robbery cloud has begun to condense, its diameter is unimaginably large, and the terrifying power makes the entire chaotic void start to vibrate.




A huge roar sounded in the chaotic void. It was the roar of the chaotic beast. However, the roar of the chaotic beast that dominated the chaotic void was full of fear.

The air of chaos surged, and a number of chaotic beasts with a size comparable to stars appeared in the chaotic void, but they did not come towards Wang Xian, but fled towards the distance quickly.

On the other side, Yaochi led Nangong Wu and others to retreat again and again, Wang Xian's power of catastrophe was terrifying, and the coverage area was too wide.

If they are still in place, they will be locked by Wang Xian's catastrophe, and then they will go through the catastrophe with Wang Xian.

Moreover, this is not the point, the point is that if they go through the tribulation with Wang Xian, it will make Wang Xian's power of the catastrophe skyrocket many times.

In the center of Jieyun, Wang Xian, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, felt that the thunderstorm brewing in Jieyun had reached a peak. He stood up, called out the Emperor Dragon Spear, looked up at Jieyun, and roared wildly: " bring it on!"

A roar seemed to enrage Heavenly Tribulation, and the silver-white light instantly illuminated the chaotic void.


Terrifying thunder descended from the center of Jieyun, fiercely smashing towards Wang Xian.


Wang Xian roared angrily, raised the Emperor Dragon Spear in his hand, and struck directly at Jielei.


There was a big explosion of energy, and the huge roar shook the chaos.

It was also uncomfortable for Wang Xian to fight against the thunderbolt. The terrifying power contained in the thunderbolt alone made him fall thousands of meters.

"Come again!"

Wang Xian roared, brandished the Emperor Dragon Spear, and rushed towards the Jielei falling from Jieyun again.

Katsa! Katsa!

Silver-white thunderbolts continued to land, but they were also smashed to pieces by Wang Xian.

After half an hour, Jieyun finally stopped raining thunder.

Wang Xian was panting heavily, staring at Tian Jie with an unusually solemn expression.

He knew that the tribulation of thunder just now could only be regarded as an appetizer, and the real horror had yet to come.

Soon after, Jieyun began to change, the pitch-black Jieyun began to turn red, and finally it was like sticky blood.

Not only that, but a continent appeared under Wang Xian's feet.

Like the robbery clouds in the sky, this piece of land is like a continent formed by blood, and it is full of red everywhere.

Red mountains, red lakes, red vegetation, red animals.

Those animals that seem to be coagulated with blood live leisurely on this continent. Although Wang Xian's appearance has attracted their attention, it has only attracted a little attention.

After they glanced at Wang Xian curiously, they leisurely gnawed on the grass and trees like blood coagulated again.

Wang Xian looked at all this solemnly. He thought that his catastrophe would be extraordinary, but he never thought that such a strange scene would appear.

The robbery cloud above is still has turned from bright red to black red, and following the change of the robbery cloud, the animals on the mainland have also become restless.

A violent breath began to rise in their bodies, and the already blood-red eyes immediately glowed red.




Those animals seemed to have received some kind of signal, let out a roar, and then rushed towards Wang Xian frantically.

Their speed was very fast, and they appeared in front of Wang Xian almost instantly.

Without thinking too much, Wang Xian swung the Emperor Dragon Spear and blasted the **** animals to pieces.

The next second, Wang Xian's expression changed, because those blood-colored animals smashed by him actually merged directly into the bodies of other blood-colored animals, and as they merged, the aura emanating from those blood-colored animals became even more terrifying. 13183/11273855