Digitalization of the World

Chapter 871: broken star

A famous emperor-level boss appeared in the territory of the 'Xiangong'. They were all summoned by Ji Yueling, and the reason why these emperor-level bosses dared to come so quickly was thanks to Jiang Lao leaving Ji Yue Spirit token.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ji Yueling to summon all the emperor-level bosses so quickly.

"It seems to be two short."

Wang Xian came to Ji Yueling's side and said in a low voice.

"It's really two short. Zhou Chang from the Zhou family and Li Yuan from the Li family didn't come."

Ji Yueling frowned.

The two emperor-level bosses are completely dispensable compared to the fifty or so emperor-level bosses present, but the problem is that she still wants to continue killing some emperor-level bosses.

If Zhou Chang and Li Yuan are not found, it is very likely that the next plan will run aground, and even the killing of dozens of emperor-level bosses will be reported back to the Thirty-Three Regions.

At that time, even members of the Ji family would definitely not end well.

"Are you going to give up?"

Seeing Ji Yueling's hesitant expression, Wang Xian frowned.

"Hesitating? How is that possible!" Ji Yueling denied it, and said with disdain on her face, "The big deal is that after I kill all the emperor-level bosses here, I will go after the two of them. I still don't believe that guy can escape me." Palm."

"If that's the case, then do it now?" Wang Xian asked.

"Don't worry, just wait and see, what if the two of them come?" Ji Yueling said.

"Okay, then wait."

Wang Xian was not in a hurry, anyway, these dozens of bosses would definitely not be able to escape.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Li Yuan and Zhou Chang still didn't come, and the emperor-level bosses present were a little unhappy, especially Gu Ming, who had already started to trouble Ji Yueling.

Ji Yueling looked at Gu Ming who was pointing at her with cold eyes, and secretly gave Wang Xian a wink.

Wang Xian suddenly understood, and immediately notified Yaochi.

Yao Chi immediately made a move, instantly imprisoning the space around dozens of emperor-level bosses.

Used as "Emperor-level First Layer", the gap between these emperor-level bosses and Yaochi is simply heaven and earth. Under the space confinement of Yaochi, dozens of emperor-level bosses have no power to resist at all, and are all imprisoned in the in place.

"Ji Yueling, what do you want to do?"

Gu Ming's consciousness shook, and he let out an angry roar.

"What are you doing? Of course I will kill you!"

Ji Yueling sneered, took out a long sword, and stabbed directly at Gu Ming.


The long sword pierced Gu Ming's chest, and Gu Ming spurted out a mouthful of blood instantly.

"Ji Yueling, you're crazy!"

Gu Ming roared.

"Don't be so angry, with your Bone Race characteristics, it's just a loss of a round of Emperor Bone."

Smiling, Ji Yueling pulled out the long sword that had been stabbed in Gu Ming's chest, and then stabbed in again.


"Ji Yueling, you crazy woman, I won't let you go!"

Gu Ming roared again and again.

It's a pity that he could only roar angrily, and after dozens of seconds, Gu Ming died completely unwillingly.

At the same time, Ji Yueling also gained a lot of experience provided by Gu Ming when he died, and his strength has improved a lot.

"Don't be dazed, let's do it!"

Ji Yueling said to Feng Wan'er, Lu Qing, Lu Lan and others.

These few people did not talk nonsense, each picked a suitable target, and directly attacked.

"Ji Yueling, as a direct descendant of the Emperor's family, you dare to practice evil attack. Are you worthy of the Emperor?"

An emperor-level boss noticed Ji Yueling's 'abnormality'.

"Evil skills? I don't have any, don't accuse good people!"

Ji Yueling said.

"You don't practice evil skills, do you believe it yourself?" the emperor-level boss said angrily.

"Believe it or not, anyway, you will know sooner or later, but it's a pity that at that time, you won't remember everything now."

Ji Yueling shook her head, and stabbed the emperor-level boss's chest with the long sword in her hand.

On the other side, Wang Xian was also constantly killing emperor-level bosses.

Dozens of emperor-level bosses have already been allocated, three of them are Ji Yueling, two of them are Lulan, Luqing, and Feng Wan'er, and the rest belong to the 'Xiangong'.

The death of a famous emperor-level boss greatly increased the strength of 'Xiangong', especially Wang Xian, Nangong Wu, Su Jin, Xuan Ming, Qin Zheng, Jian Ersan and others who have been in the team all the time. It's even more exaggerated.

After all the emperor-level bosses died, apart from Wang Xian, Nangong Wu, Xuan Ming and others had already reached over 800 levels, while Su Jin directly reached level 1005 due to his talent.

This level is already considered the peak of the mythical level. As long as Su Jin thinks about it, he can overcome calamity and become an emperor!

As for Wang Xian, due to his talent [Immortal Physique], his level is only over 500.

After the boss was killed, the next step was to pack up the loot. Wang Xian didn't need to take care of this kind of thing, so Wang Xian came to Ji Yueling's side to see how to deal with the next thing.

"Don't worry, Zhou Chang and Li Yuan won't escape!"

Ji Yueling gave Wang Xian a reassuring look, then looked at Feng Wan'er, and said, "Wan'er, it's up to you!"

Feng Wan'er nodded, and carelessly took out a stone-like tortoise shell, with innate gossip engraved on it.

Feng Wan'er bit her finger, and a drop of faintly fluorescent blood dripped on the turtle shell, and the turtle shell suddenly shone brightly.

"Whether it's Zhou Chang or Li Yuan, both of them can barely be regarded as the royal family, especially Zhou Chang, the family is also good at divination, so to figure out his exact location, Wan'er must use her own blood." Seeing Wang Xian's fascination, Ji Yueling explained.


Wang Xian nodded.

A few minutes later, the light on the turtle shell disappeared, and Feng Wan'er's face turned pale.

"Sister Ling, I found it."

Feng Wan'er raised the index finger of her right hand and touched Ji Yueling's eyebrows.

"You take good care of Wan'er, and I'll take care of the future problems!"

Ji Yueling gave a warning to Lu Qing, Lu Lan and the others, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sky.

"Sister Wu, Yao Chi, I've left this place to you, I'll go and take a look."

After Wang Xian yelled, he tore apart the space in an instant and chased after Ji Yueling.

The speed of the strong in the imperial realm is extremely fast, especially when they are on the road and using secret methods, the speed has even surpassed the speed of light.

Even if Wang Xian kept tearing apart the space, he couldn't catch up with Ji Yueling for a while.

After more than two hours, Wang Xian finally caught up with Ji Yueling, and it was mainly because Ji Yueling stopped.

"Huh? The ancestral land of the Tong clan!"

Wang Xian looked in surprise at the huge planet of life not far away.

"Do you know the races on this planet?"

Ji Yueling spoke.

"Barely, it was the enemy before."

Wang Xian smiled and shook his head.

The Tongzu rarely offends him, and he kills quite a few Tongzu, but with the improvement of his strength later, the billions of races in the universe dare not provoke him, and the Tongzu also gave generous gifts, so he did not look for Tongzu again. family troubles.

"That is not bad."

Ji Yueling looked a little more relaxed.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Xian sensed something was wrong.

"All life on this living planet is dead."

Ji Yueling's voice was a little low.

"They're all dead?!"

Wang Xian's complexion changed drastically, and then instantly turned into a stream of light, flying towards the ancestral land of the Tong clan.

He wasn't worried about the Tong clan or other races, but Yang Jian!

Ji Yueling was taken aback when she saw Wang Xian disappearing into the light, and then quickly chased after him.

Entering the ancestral land of the Tong clan, Wang Xian saw endless blood and white bones. These creatures seemed to die at the same time in an instant, and the way of death was the same, exploding and dying.

"Under the oppression of the momentum, the power in their bodies is also compressed, and when it is finally compressed to an extreme, it will explode."

Ji Yueling caught up with Wang Xian and explained why these creatures died.

"Why are those two guys doing this?"

Wang Xian frowned.

All the creatures on a whole planet of life are dead, especially a huge planet like the Tongzu Ancestral Planet, where there are at least trillions of creatures living on it.

Trillions of living beings died, and this kind of killing made Wang Xian feel a little chills in his body.

"Not two, only Li Yuan."

Ji Yueling said.

"Do you know why?"

"I don't know, it stands to reason that Li Yuan is not the kind of person who would kill at will!"

Ji Yueling frowned tightly, and she couldn't figure out why Li Yuan would do this.

"court death!"

Wang Xian suddenly roared, and his figure disappeared instantly.

In the distance, a violent explosion sounded, and a figure was pierced by the Emperor Dragon Spear in Wang Xian's hand, and then smashed heavily into the mountain wall.

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Li Yuan looked at Wang Xian who was holding the Emperor Dragon Spear in horror. He couldn't believe that he was actually a small god-level sneak attack, and he was seriously injured.

"Li Yuan, what exactly do you want to do? Why did you slaughter this planet?"

Ji Yueling's figure appeared, her eyes fixed on Li Yuan.

"It's just some ants, kill them if you kill them."

Li Yuan had a nonchalant look on his face.

"Ants? We humans are among them!"

Ji Yueling roared angrily.

"Hehe! Are they considered human?"

Li Yuan said in disdain.

"Sister Ling, back off and talk nonsense to him, I'll kill him right away!"


Ji Yueling retreated immediately, while Wang Xian activated the skill [Tianlong Breaks the City].


The deep dragon chant sounded in Li Yuan's body, and Li Yuan's expression changed drastically.

"Bastard, what do you want to do, an ant?"

Li Yuan yelled at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian looked at Li Yuan coldly.


The power of [Tianlong Breaks the City] erupted in Li Yuan's body, and the terrifying energy instantly tore Li Yuan's body into pieces.

- Spike!

A text that only Wang Xian could see appeared in the air, and then slowly disappeared.

"how did you do that?"

Ji Yueling looked at Wang Xian in shock. She knew a little about the rules of digitization, and knew that it would be very troublesome to kill an emperor-level boss.

Can Wang Xian?

He actually killed an emperor-level boss in seconds!

"Of course it's strength!"

Wang Xian shook off the blood remaining on the blade of the Emperor Dragon Spear, and said with a 'proud' face.


Ji Yueling gave Wang Xian a hard look.

Wang Xian chuckled, put away the Emperor Dragon Spear, and quickly picked up the loot dropped by Li Yuan after his death.

"I'm so angry, I want to become a player too!" Ji Yueling said angrily.

He could see Wang Xian picking up things, but he couldn't see what Wang Xian was picking up. This was the difference between a player and a non-player.

"What happened?"

Seeing that Wang Xian was not picking up things, Ji Yueling immediately moved to Wang Xian's side.


Wang Xian threw a long sword to Ji Yueling.

This is the equipment dropped by Li Yuan after his death. It is an emperor-level weapon. After passing through Wang Xian's hands, Ji Yueling can see this equipment.

"Emperor-level weapon!"

Ji Yueling let out an exclamation.

Although she is a direct descendant of the Emperor's World, she does not lack emperor-level weapons or treasures in her hands, but this does not mean that there are many emperor-level weapons.

On the contrary, in the thirty-three domains, emperor-level weapons are cherished very much. Many low-level monks in the emperor's realm may not have an emperor-level weapon until they die. There is an imperial weapon.

Wang Xian didn't understand why Ji Yueling was so surprised. He had now entered the forbidden area of ​​the Tong clan and began to contact Yang Jian.

"It's going to be at least a month..."

Wang Xian was speechless.

It has been a year since Yang Jian retreated in the ancestral land of the Tong clan, which has exceeded the time agreed before, but now it takes one month, and it still takes at least one month.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Yueling asked.

"A friend of mine is retreating here, and it will take another month." Wang Xian replied casually.

With Ji Yueling's strength, as long as she was careful, she could find Yang Jian who was retreating underground, so Wang Xian didn't hide it.

"Are you waiting for him here?"

"Don't wait, go and kill the last emperor-level boss first, so as not to have any accidents."

"En." Ji Yueling nodded, stared at Wang Xian, and said with a serious face: "Let's talk about it first, I will kill this emperor-level boss!"

"All right, all right!"

Three hours later, Wang Xian and Ji Yueling appeared on another living planet.

"The ancestral home of the human race!"

Wang Xian was surprised again.

"The ancestral home of the human race?"

Ji Yueling asked in surprise.

"The guild established by some powerful human races is called 'Human Race Ancestral Court'." Wang Xian explained.

Speaking of which, when we got here, Wang Xian suddenly heard something.

That is Zhao Qi and Zhao Han.

Zhao Qi is the person in charge of the 'Human Race Ancestral Court', while Zhao Han has obtained the hidden profession of 'Ice and Snow Master', and Zhao Qi also promised to give Wang Xian a treasure, that is the 'Heart of the Universe'.

The results of it?

Zhao Qi disappeared, and even disappeared with Zhao Han!

"Don't let me find you, or I'll beat you all over the place!"

Wang Xian was furious.

He didn't care why Zhao Qi disappeared, anyway, he would remember what Zhao Qi promised him but failed to do!

"What's wrong?"

"It's You can wait here, I'll get rid of Zhou Chang."


Ji Yueling's figure disappeared.

Not long after, a terrible battle broke out on that living planet.

In the end, even the entire planet exploded.

Wang Xian was dumbfounded.

This was the first time he saw a scene where a planet exploded.

"I should be able to blow up the planet, right?"

Wang Xian's gaze suddenly fell on a dry planet not far away.

With all the strength concentrated on his right hand, Wang Xian violently swung his fist towards the withered planet. 13183/11278572