Digitalization of the World

Chapter 873: Sequelae

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Each star field is extremely huge, with more than billions of planets.

As the name suggests, each planet is filled with endless virus wild monsters and virus bosses. They live and multiply here, and they are forbidden for any other creatures.

In the virus star field, the billions of planets are all dry, and even some stars are extremely dim. There are also various virus wild monsters and virus bosses, and it is precisely because of them that the stars become so.

Even in some black holes, Wang Xian discovered the existence of the virus boss, which made Wang Xian feel a little tingling.

At least, with Wang Xian's current strength, he still dare not step into the black hole, the pressure inside is too terrifying.

It doesn't matter if it's just pressure, but the black hole also distorts space and even time. Once it enters, it is almost difficult for him to escape.

"Is this a living planet?!"

Wang Xian looked at the planet not far away in surprise.

In the virus-ravaged star field, a living planet suddenly appeared, how could he not be surprised?

"There are many races on it, and what's even more strange is that there are almost no viruses on this planet!" Ji Yueling was also very surprised.

"It's not a big formation, how come there is no virus invading this planet?" Wang Xian was extremely puzzled.

"Could it be a planet specially raised by those virus bosses?" Ji Yueling's face became serious.

Once a virus is out of the body of a creature, it is almost impossible to survive. Even if it survives, it is not the original virus.

But it's different in living organisms, they can devour the host's cells or energy, so as to achieve the degree of immortality.

"If it's really a planet specially raised by the virus boss, then there will be a big problem!"

Wang Xian gritted his teeth.

With the characteristics of viruses, if they crazily devour each other in the living body, who knows what terrible things will be born.

If it goes on like this, sooner or later, the blood sacrifice formation that seals the virus star field will be broken by the virus bosses.

In fact, the virus bosses have been leading endless viruses to attack the blood sacrifice formation, but it has no effect.

But if the virus boss was born out of the Emperor Realm, then the Blood Sacrifice Formation will probably be breached, and at that time the entire universe will usher in an extremely terrifying disaster, even the doomsday.

"Why don't we just destroy this planet!"

Ji Yueling said.

There is still some time before the shattering of the outer universe, who knows if there will be a terrible virus boss during this time?

If it happens and the virus BOSS enters the inner universe, that will be the beginning of the real disaster!

"Went out!"

Without hesitation, Wang Xian directly agreed.

He can't gamble, even if there is a 999 out of 10,000 chance that this planet is not captive-raised by the virus boss, that one in ten thousand chance is not something he can bear!

Even if he was really wrong and caused the tragic death of countless innocent beings on this planet, he would never regret it!

"Who made the move?"

Ji Yueling asked.

"Let me come, after all, the creatures there are also a kind of BOSS!"

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Wang Xian took a step forward, and the chaotic clock floating above his head turned into a jade lamp.

The wick ignited, and a gentle flame fell from the jade lamp, flying lightly towards the planet not far away.

The speed of the flame seemed to be slow, but it came to the sky of the planet almost instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the gentle flame changed.

In an instant, monstrous flames appeared, enveloping the entire planet of life in an instant, and the raging flames ignited the entire planet of life.

Streams of light suddenly appeared, trying to escape towards the starry sky, but those flames passed through the color of the flames, and were directly ignited like the living planet.



Streams of light turned into various creatures. They screamed, roared, and despaired, and finally were completely burned by the flames on their bodies, not even a trace of ashes remained.

"What kind of precious lamp is this? Why is the flame so terrifying?"

Ji Yueling's face was a little pale.

She had been incomparably surprised when she saw the Chaos Clock turned into a jade lantern, and the power displayed by this jade lantern made her feel as if she had fallen into a world of darkness.

The flame separated from Wang Xian's jade lamp is beyond her cognition, and has various characteristics, which are completely inconsistent with the common sense of flames.

In the thirty-three domains, there are many flames, and a special organization has created a leaderboard for each flame!

There are many flames on the ranking list that are stronger than the flames separated from Wang Xian's jade lamp, but Wang Xian's flame is still in a "young" state. Once it grows up, it will definitely be the first on the ranking list.

No, Wang Xian's flame shouldn't be on that kind of leaderboard, because this flame is completely different from other flames, it's like the difference between a mortal and an immortal!

"Are you really from the Emperor's family? Why do I feel that you have so little knowledge!"

Wang Xian glanced at Ji Yueling in surprise.

He admitted that the flame of the lotus lamp transformed by "Creational Green Lotus" was very strong, even stronger than the body of the lotus lamp in Yang Chan's hand, but it wouldn't make Ji Yueling react so strongly, right?

"Little devil, you know what a fart, you flame..."

After being despised by Wang Xian, Ji Yueling was a little ashamed and annoyed, and began to talk about it with a small mouth.

"It turns out that the flame in my lotus lantern is so powerful!"

Wang Xian was very happy.

If you think about it carefully, it is true.

"Qinglian" is inscribed with many powerful treasures and innate restrictions and runes, which can be perfectly transformed into those treasures, and these innate restrictions and runes are finally fused by "Qinglian" and turned into its own innate restrictions and runes.

A large number of innate prohibitions and runes are fused with innate prohibitions and runes, as well as the characteristics of various treasures, and the flames born from these characteristics will naturally become the strongest in the world.

Not only that, but the "Great Fortune Qinglian" can also continue to engrave the innate restraints and runes of the magic weapon, which also means that the flame intensity will increase.


The sound of breaking through the sky suddenly sounded, and a figure broke through the enveloping circle of flames of the Lotus Lantern, and extinguished the flames on its body after rushing out.

However, even if the flames on his body were extinguished, the figure's appearance became extremely miserable, the clothes all over his body were burned clean, and his skin completely melted.

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Even his hands and feet have disappeared, and the whole person looks very disgusting, like a sarcoma.

"It's Zhou Chang!"

The blood that had been controlled by Wang Xian was agitated, wanting to fly towards the sarcoma.

"help me!"

Sarcoma... No, it was Zhou Chang who noticed Wang Xian and Ji Yueling, and immediately asked Ji Yueling for help.

"Zhou Chang, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. I will do good deeds and give you a ride!"

Without any hesitation, Ji Yueling made a decisive move.

A sword qi illuminating the cosmic starry sky appeared, piercing Zhou Chang's head in an instant, breaking through his sea of ​​consciousness, and killing him directly!


Ji Yueling's body suddenly erupted with a shocking aura.

But just as her aura appeared, a wave of will descended silently, directly suppressing her explosive aura.


The momentum was suppressed, and Ji Yueling suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, her face became extremely pale, and her whole body became sluggish.


Wang Xian quickly released various healing skills on Ji Yueling.

Although he doesn't have a healing skill that restores life by a percentage, he can't stand his high attack. An ordinary healing skill can restore tens of billions of life.

Plus some high-level and super-level cures

Healing skills, Ji Yueling's lost health due to the aura backlash was quickly replenished by Wang Xian's healing skills.

After Ji Yueling's HP was replenished, her complexion improved a lot. She looked at Wang Xian speechlessly, and asked, "What is your profession? It's fine if your strength is so exaggerated, why do you still increase blood?"

Ever since she knew that the outer universe is a digital universe, she has supplemented a lot of knowledge about the outer universe. She knows that every player can change jobs, and she also knows that some hidden jobs have strong potential.

But the problem is that no matter how strong those hidden professions are, there is a limit, but Wang Xian is different. He is ridiculously strong, terrifyingly strong, and beyond the scope of comprehension.

Therefore, she attributed Wang Xian's strength to Wang Xian's hidden occupation, but she let her investigate, but she didn't find out what Wang Xian's hidden occupation was.

"Almighty job!"

Wang Xian smiled.

He has already removed himself from various rankings, and has also used the ability of "Star Master" to block his hidden profession, that is to say, no one knows what his hidden profession is except the people around him up.

"Don't say pull it down!"

Ji Yueling glared at Wang Xian angrily, then flew towards Zhou Chang's body.

Seeing this, Wang Xian hurriedly followed, but there were countless virus bosses staring at them with incomparable hatred. If Ji Yueling got out of the protective circle of the "Lotus Lantern", he would be immediately besieged by countless virus bosses.

"Why did Zhou Chang come here?"

Ji Yueling stared at Zhou Chang's body and fell into deep thought.

"It's good to search for any treasures or leftovers on him." Wang Xian said.

Ji Yueling rolled her eyes, and said angrily, "There are no other treasures, they were all burned away by your flame!"

Zhou Chang's body can be seen at a glance. If there is any treasure, she still has to think about it?

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"Don't you have an inner world or open up inner space?" Wang Xian asked suspiciously.

Ji Yueling shook her head, and sighed, "That kind of cultivation method has been sealed by the "immortals" in the real world, and no one at thirty-three can cultivate into the inner world and open up the inner space. "

"Sealed by "Xian", why? "

Wang Xian scratched his head.

How boring this "immortal" is to seal the method of cultivating the inner world.

"have no idea."

Ji Yueling didn't understand why the "immortals" in the real world would do that, nor did the countless strong men in the Thirty-Three Regions.

"Then how do you usually store all kinds of treasures?"

Wang Xian asked curiously.

The reason why he asked this question was naturally because no space treasure was found on the people from the inner universe.

"Are you stupid? Treasures can be refined into energy forms, and naturally they can be stored in the body."

Ji Yueling finally seized the opportunity and scorned Wang Xian severely.

Wang Xian: ...

He actually forgot about this kind of thing.

"Did Zhou Chang take the treasure into his body in the form of energy?" Wang Xian asked hastily.

Ji Yueling once again cast a disdainful look at Wang Xian, and said, "When Zhou Chang is dead, the energy in his body will be dissipated. If there are treasures in his body, those treasures will not have his energy." Sustain, it has already recovered its entity, and broke out!"

"Since we can't find the reason, let's go back to Blue Star!"

Wang Xian decisively ignored Ji Yueling and directly opened the inner world.

The Virus Starfield is extremely far away from Blue Star, and it would take a lot of time to fly back. It is different when passing through the Inner World, and you can return to Blue Star in an instant.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Seeing Wang Xian disappear, Ji Yueling set Zhou Chang's body on fire, then turned into a stream of light, and entered into the inner world that Wang Xian was about to close.

After Wang Xian and Ji Yueling left, Zhou Chang's body was still burning. Seeing that it was about to be reduced to ashes, the endless virus bosses rushed towards Zhou Chang's body frantically.

The virus bosses were burned one by one in the flames, but under the impact of the endless virus bosses who were not afraid of death, the flames on Zhou Chang's body were finally extinguished.

However, even if it was extinguished, Zhou Chang's body was almost burned at this time, leaving only his head and a small part of his torso.

A vague figure flew out of Zhou Chang's head, his expression was extremely gloomy, and his mouth roared silently.

At this time, an invisible fluctuation appeared and spread throughout the entire virus star field in an instant.

The endless virus BOSS has been hacked, UU reading www.uukanshu. They frantically gathered here, but all the virus bosses who came here all burrowed into Zhou Chang's remaining body.

With the integration of these virus bosses, Zhou Chang's broken body began to grow.

A few hours later, Zhou Chang's body recovered completely, and that blurred figure entered Zhou Chang's body again.

"Ji Yueling, you made me like this, I will not let you go, I will make your entire Ji family pay a terrible price!"

Zhou Chang raised his head to the sky and roared.

"We should go!"

Another voice sounded from Zhou Chang's body.

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"Hmph! You don't need to remind me!"

After Zhou Chang snorted coldly, he took out a treasure in the form of a "door" out of nowhere. He pinched his hands and realized that the "door" opened.

Afterwards, Zhou Chang went straight into the "door".

Following Zhou Chang's entry, that "door" also closed abruptly, and then disappeared without a sound.

On the other side, Wang Xian and Ji Yueling, who had already returned to the blue star, did not know what happened in the virus star field. They are now planning how to ambush the upcoming emperor-level boss in the inner universe.

So many emperor-level bosses died at once, and the inner universe can't do it if they want to, so the emperor-level bosses sent must be extremely powerful, and they can even break through the suppression of the outer universe's data rules, bursting out Incomparably terrifying combat power.

Therefore, in order to make the plan go ahead, Ji Yueling and Feng Wan'er frantically arranged various large formations in the Kunlun Mountains.