Digitalization of the World

Chapter 881: meet parents

Chapter 881 Meeting Parents

The domain masters of the Immortal Realm, Demon Realm, Technological Realm and other realms suddenly retreated, and the Human Sovereign Realm returned to peace.

Wang Xian was dumbfounded, he was still waiting for those domain masters to attack Mount Tai, and then be taught a lesson by the emperor-level bosses on Mount Tai, and he might be able to take the opportunity to catch a leak.

Those are all emperor-level bosses over 10,000 levels. Killing any one at random is enough for him to advance to many levels.


Seeing a tens of thousands of emperor-level bosses leave, Wang Xian felt distressed, but there was no way to keep them, so he could only let out a long sigh.

"We've arrived in the Thirty-Three Regions, why don't you go home first?"

Wang Xian called Ji Yueling, Liu Lan and others out of the inner world.

"Wang Xian, about my parents..."

Ji Yueling looked at Wang Xian imploringly.

Lu Lan, Lu Qing, Feng Wan'er and the others also cast beseeching gazes at Wang Xian. Although their parents were not the same as Ji Yueling's, there were elders in their families who had walked out of the fairy grave.

After seeing the distorted shadows lurking in their bodies, they knew that it was a bomb dormant in their bodies, which would explode at any time.

Wang Xian nodded in agreement, and said: "No problem, but you don't want to tell about the remnant souls directly. If you disturb those remnant souls, it may immediately make those remnant souls seize their homes."

"I know."

Ji Yueling nodded solemnly.

"Okay, then you go, it happens that the elders of your family are outside the Blue Star." Wang Xian said with a smile.

The outer universe disintegrated under the unknown means of the domain master of technology, and the rules of digitalization were integrated into the inner universe, making the entire inner universe digital.

But Blue Star stayed. Everyone knew that Blue Star must be extraordinary, and this is why the domain owners of Immortal Realm, Demon Realm and other realms ignored their original plan and directly turned into a battle for Blue Star.

Today's Blue Star is suspended at an altitude of hundreds of thousands of meters above Human Sovereign's Realm, and all the powerhouses in Human Sovereign's Realm are hovering in the void around Blue Star.

They were all investigating the blue star with their spiritual sense, and they naturally found Wang Xian who was on Mount Tai.

When Wang Xian called Ji Yueling, Lu Lan, Feng Wan'er and others out of the inner world, their faces showed a momentary look of shock.

Ji Yueling, Feng Wan'er, Liu Lan and others soared into the sky, quickly left Blue Star, and appeared in front of those top experts in the Human Emperor's Realm.

"Little friend, see you at the foot of the mountain!"

Above Mount Tai, an old and familiar voice suddenly sounded in Wang Xian's ear.

Old Jiang!

Wang Xian didn't think much, and after explaining to Nangong Wu and the others, he left directly from Mount Tai.

At the foot of the mountain, an old man looked at the incomparably huge Mount Tai in awe.

"Old Jiang!"

Wang Xian's figure appeared.

"Little friend, we meet again."

Old Jiang greeted Wang Xian with a smile.

"Elder Jiang, you came to see me without healing your wounds, why are you in such a hurry?" Wang Xian looked at the blood stains on Elder Jiang's torn battle robe and asked suspiciously.

"Little friend, the outer universe you were in before was a digitized universe?" Elder Jiang asked with a serious face.

After he entered the outer universe where Wang Xian was, he had a battle with the people of Immortal Realm, and then rushed back to the inner universe without having time to check the situation in the outer universe.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Wang Xian asked.

Elder Jiang's expression changed for a while, and finally he sighed: "If I knew this, I should have destroyed that road then!"


Wang Xian was puzzled.

After Mr. Jiang was silent for a long time, he said slowly: "There are good and bad in the digitalized world, but in the secret history of the family, it is recorded that the former Thirty-Three Domains was also a digitalized world.

Later, for unknown reasons, countless strong men took the initiative to offer sacrifices, turning the digitized Thirty-Three Realms back into the real world. "


Wang Xian didn't know what to say for a while.

"Forget it, since the world has already happened, we can only accept it." Elder Jiang sighed, and said: "The Thirty-Three Regions are going to be in chaos!"

In fact, the Thirty-Three Domain is already in chaos.

The entire Thirty-Three Regions has become a digital world, which makes countless creatures in the Thirty-Three Regions know that a terrifying era has arrived.

An era in which one can improve one's strength without limit as long as one works hard has arrived.

Originally, the improvement of strength required many conditions, such as understanding, resources, and skills.

Now it's different!

The entire thirty-three domains have been digitalized, and the realm of practice has become a data level. As long as you work hard to kill monsters, you can improve your strength.

More importantly, killing monsters can also reveal various equipment, props, and materials, which directly make up for the embarrassing situation that they have no treasures even though they have realms.

So, under such circumstances, the Thirty-Three Regions were in chaos.

The reason for everything is naturally to compete for the leveling area.

Under the rules of digitization, the Thirty-Three Domain has produced many leveling areas.

Therefore, a normal phenomenon in online games has appeared - booking a game!

Among them, a certain top-level leveling area is occupied by the top families and forces in each of the thirty-three domains.

The next few leveling areas are occupied by first-class families and forces.

The leveling areas that are even worse are mostly occupied by second-rate and third-rate families and strengths.

The weakest leveling area naturally fell into the hands of those small families and forces.

The actions of the major families and forces in the thirty-three domains were very decisive, and soon occupied each leveling area.

This is a hardship for those casual cultivators. Originally, with the arrival of the digital age, they thought they would turn over, but they were still bullied by various families and forces.

Although there are still some areas where wild monsters will be refreshed, they are far from comparable to the number of wild monsters in the leveling area.

What's more, in the leveling area, the boss can be refreshed regularly!

Therefore, in order to **** the leveling area, in order not to be bullied by the major families and forces, the casual cultivators broke out, and they began to attack the major families and forces that blocked the leveling area.

Originally, with the strength of the major families and forces, it was easy to suppress the casual cultivators, but suddenly many strong men appeared.

Their strength is not inferior to the top powerhouses of the major families and forces, which also makes the casual cultivators, under the leadership of these powerhouses, equal to those families and forces.

Jiang Lao left, but a new figure appeared, and after appearing, he rushed towards Wang Xian.

"Brother Wang!"

Wang Xian stretched out one hand, pressed against the forehead of the person rushing towards him, and said angrily: "What are you doing? How old are you, and you still want me to hug you when we meet?"

"Hey! Don't I look too much like Brother Wang!"

The visitor said with a smile.

"You are not authentic, you agreed to find me after the martial arts conference, but you ran to the inner universe without saying a word." Wang Xianxiang said angrily.

"Brother Wang, that was an accident. Who knew that the formation in our family's secret realm would suddenly open, bringing all of our Ji family directly to this imperial realm."

Ji Hao had a depressed look on his face.

For this inner universe, he really doesn't like it very much, especially if he needs to practice his own skills to improve his strength, he doesn't like it even more!

Suddenly, the gloomy look on Ji Hao's face disappeared, and he suddenly thought that the inner universe has become digital now, and he can kill monsters and level up again!

Ji Hao talked a lot, pulling Wang Xian to blare non-stop, until Ji Yueling arrived with a young man and woman, he reluctantly stopped.

"Wang Xian, these are my parents."

Ji Yueling introduced.

"Hello Uncle Uncle."

Wang Xian greeted the young man and woman.

It has to be said that Ji Yueling's parents are really young, if it wasn't for Ji Yueling's introduction, he would definitely think that they are Ji Yueling's older brother and sister.

In fact, this is normal, after all, this is a world of cultivation, and evergreen appearance is really not a big problem for practitioners.

As for old men like Mr. Jiang, they 'aged' on their own initiative.

Of course, this kind of 'aging' is just an appearance, to make oneself look more majestic and more like an elder.

"Boy, listen to my daughter, do you want to see me?"

Ji Yueling's father stared at Wang Xian with a gloomy expression.

Wang Xian immediately said hello with his head full.

what's the situation?

Why is Ji Yueling's father so hostile to him?

"Shut up!"

At this time, Ji Yueling's mother glanced at Ji Yueling's father, which immediately made the gloom on his face disappear, and he turned into a "dog-licking" look, looking at Ji Yueling's face tenderly. Mother, said: "Ma'am, I'm not afraid of my daughter being cheated, so let's test this little brat!"

The corner of Wang Xian's mouth twitched.

If he didn't guess wrong, Ji Yueling's parents had misunderstood something, or Ji Yueling said some incomprehensible things in order to 'trick' her parents into coming.

"Little guy, what's your name?"

Ji Yueling's mother looked at Wang Xian tenderly.

"Auntie, my name is Wang Xian."

Wang Xian replied.

"How old?"

Ji Yueling's mother asked again.

Wang Xian's face turned dark immediately.

Although his origin has increased a lot, his appearance has only returned to his eleven or twelve-year-old appearance.

"Mother, why are you asking so many questions? Wang Xian just turned into a child by accident." Ji Yueling hugged her mother's arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, mother doesn't ask."

Ji Yueling's mother rubbed Ji Yueling's head lovingly.

"Wang Xian, take us to your territory first!"

Ji Yueling turned to Wang Xian and said.

She has a certain understanding of Wang Xian's territory. It is an extremely terrifying place. Even if the Emperor goes there, he may be suppressed.

And the reason why she wanted to go there was to prevent accidents in the shadows inside her parents.


Wang Xian nodded, waved and opened a space door.

"Uncle, uncle, please."

Wang Xian invited.

"Hmph! Your territory is on this mountain, I'll go by myself!"

Ji Yueling's father snorted coldly, and his figure turned into a stream of light, heading straight for the top of Mount Tai.

"Xiaoxian, ignore him, let's go."

Ji Yueling's mother shook her head and walked towards the space door.

"Mother, wait a minute."

Ji Yueling stopped her mother.

"What's wrong?"

"Wait a minute, father, he should appear in front of us soon." Ji Yueling said in a strange tone.

For Mount Tai, she has a very clear understanding, after all, she is very greedy for those emperor-level bosses on Mount Tai.

However, it's useless to be greedy, there are too many emperor-level bosses on Mount Tai, and they are too scary, and the relationship is very good, so they can't be provoked at all.

Although her father's strength is good, it can only be compared with the emperor-level boss in the lower half of the mountain. Once he passes halfway up the mountain, it will be absolutely tragic.


Although Ji Yueling's mother didn't know what was going on, she could guess that her husband was going to be in trouble.

Sure enough, after a dozen or so breaths, a scorched black figure descended from the sky and landed in front of everyone with a 'boom'.

"Father, are you okay?"

Ji Yueling forced her father up with a suppressed smile.

"What the **** is this place? Why are there so many terrifying beasts?" Ji Yueling's father stared at his daughter with resentment.

He can be sure that those terrifying beasts are definitely playing tricks on him, otherwise his body would not only look scorched black, but would actually turn into a piece of coke.

Before Ji Yueling could say anything, Ji Yueling's father stared at Wang Xian angrily, and said, "Stinky boy, did you instigate those beasts?"

When Wang Xian heard the words, he immediately said righteously: "Uncle, what nonsense are you talking about? With my strength, how could it be possible to instigate those beasts?"

Although he was indeed the one who did this, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com But he will never admit it!

"That's right, how could you, a brat in the divine realm, command those divine beasts!" Ji Yueling's father thought for a while and found that this was indeed the case.

"Uncle, don't think too much, go to my territory and wash up first."

Wang Xian sent out another invitation.

"Need not."

Ji Yueling's father's body shook, the scorched black dust disappeared instantly, and his clothes became clean and tidy again.

"Mother, let's go!"

Ji Yueling pulled her mother up and walked towards the space door.

"Xiaohao, let's go too!"

Wang Xian said to Ji Hao.


Ji Yueling's father's face turned blue and pale, and finally stepped into the space door when it was about to disappear.

As soon as they walked out of the space door, Ji Yueling's parents tensed up all over, and the aura of terror rose rapidly on them.

"Father, mother, calm down!"

Ji Yueling said quickly.

It was only then that Ji Yueling's parents came to their senses, and quickly restrained their direct aura.

"Xiaoxian, I'm sorry, you're a bit scary here."

Ji Yueling's mother apologized.

"Auntie, it's my fault that I didn't explain it to you in advance." Wang Xian said with some shame.

"Wang Xian, mother, stop apologizing to each other and settle the business first!" Ji Yueling said anxiously.

Ever since she found out about the 'Remnant Immortal Soul', she has been worried about her parents' situation, and now it's finally time to deal with those shadows, and she finally doesn't have to keep pretending nothing happened. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page