Digitalization of the World

Chapter 882: Solve hidden dangers

Chapter 882 Solve hidden dangers

"Ling'er, what's going on?"

Ji Yueling's mother heard something from Ji Yueling's words, and it seemed to be related to her and her husband.

"Mother, do you trust me?"

Ji Yueling smiled and looked at her mother.

"Your my daughter, I naturally believe in you!"

Ji Yueling's mother reached out and rubbed Ji Yueling's head.

"Mother, don't panic, don't be afraid, and don't resist." Ji Yueling said seriously to her mother.


Ji Yueling's mother didn't ask any more questions, but nodded with a smile.

"Father, you too."

Ji Yueling looked at his father.


Seeing the earnestness and seriousness on his daughter's face, Ji Yueling's father did not lose his temper and nodded heavily.

"Wang Xian, let's start!"

Ji Yueling turned to Wang Xian and said.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xian waved his right hand, and the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' appeared in front of everyone.

Originally, to get rid of the "false fairy souls" in Ji Yueling's parents, they mainly relied on the two flames born from the White Lotus of the Pure World and the Red Lotus of Karma.

However, after Wang Xian interrogated the "remnant immortal soul", he explained some things, that is, with the passage of time, the "false immortal soul" and the host's soul will blend silently, and even In the end, it will erode the true spirit.

Once the true spirit is completely eroded, the 'false fairy soul' will completely replace the host, and even the most powerful will not be able to distinguish the real from the fake.

Therefore, Wang Xian delved into the "Soul" heavenly book, and Huang Tian paid off, and finally let him find a way.

That is to use the 'soul tower' to guard the soul and the true spirit, and then use the supreme fire to destroy the 'false immortal soul'.

As for the 'Supreme Fire', Wang Xian reckoned that the cyan flame after the fusion of White Lotus Pure Fire, Red Lotus Karmic Fire, Karmic Virtue Golden Fire and World-Exterminating Black Fire should be.

However, last time in order to clear the 'remnant immortal soul' in his body, Haohua Qinglian fell into a deep sleep and is still recovering.

Therefore, Wang Xian plans to use the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' this time.

Compared with the cyan flame, the flame of the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' is actually more powerful. This is the flame that can melt all of the 'Xian Wen'.

"Uncle, aunt, please enter the furnace."

Wang Xian opened the lid of the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' and made a gesture of invitation to Ji Yueling's parents.

Ji Yueling's parents were a little dazed. They guessed what would happen, but they didn't expect that they would be allowed to enter a furnace. More importantly, they felt a fatal crisis in this furnace.

They can be sure that once they enter the furnace, as long as the person who controls the furnace wants to, they will be completely refined to death.

As for why they were completely tortured to death, it was because before they came, they obeyed their daughter's words and brought all the means of resurrection they left in the family forbidden area.

Looking at Ji Yueling's parents who fell into silence, Wang Xian didn't urge them either.

"Father, mother, trust me!"

Ji Yueling spoke solemnly.


Ji Yueling's mother suddenly smiled, nodded slightly, and turned into a stream of light directly into the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

When Ji Yueling's father saw that his wife had gone in, he closed his slightly opened mouth, glared fiercely at Queen Wang, and flew into the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

Wang Xian curled his lips and dared to stare at him, so don't blame him for avenging himself!

Close the lid of the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', and then put the 'Soul Tower' in the Sea of ​​Consciousness into the furnace. Wang Xian put his hands on the furnace wall, and the steady stream of mana was sent into the furnace. go.


Fierce flames rose from the furnace, enveloping Ji Yueling's parents in an instant.

The two top powerhouses have been observing the surroundings after entering the furnace. When the flames rose, the strength in their bodies reacted instantly, and they naturally resisted the burning of the flames.

"Auntie, Auntie, don't resist."

Wang Xian's voice sounded from the stove.

After hearing Wang Xian's words, Ji Yueling's parents hesitated for a while, and then began to suppress the power in their bodies, allowing the flames to approach them.

"Huh? This flame..."

Ji Yueling's mother suddenly found that although the flames around her were so hot that she felt frightened, she noticed that the flames did not cause any harm to her, and even her clothes were not ignited.


A miserable cry suddenly rang in her ears, startling Ji Yueling's mother, who was observing the flames, and immediately turned her head to look at the people around her, with a look of astonishment appearing on her face.

The flame that did not cause any harm to her not only ignited her husband's clothes and burned them to ashes, but also burned her husband's hair and eyebrows cleanly, and even his skin showed signs of melting.

Looking at her miserable husband, Ji Yueling's mother understood what was going on after a short shock, and raised her head angrily and shouted, "Xiaoxian, stop teasing him."

She is fine, but her husband is so miserable, if Wang Xian didn't do it on purpose, she wouldn't believe it if she was killed!


Wang Xian's laughter resounded in the furnace, and then the flame that burned Ji Yueling's father became milder.

"Stinky boy, wait for me to go out, I will beat your **** into eight pieces!"

Ji Yueling's father changed into a suit of clothes, put on his clothes, and roared angrily to the sky.

"Uncle, are you sure?"

Wang Xian asked calmly.

Ji Yueling's father's expression changed, and he fell silent immediately.

"Xiaoxian, what's wrong with our husband and wife?" Ji Yueling's mother ignored her husband and asked with a serious face.

"Auntie will know in a while."

As Wang Xian said, he began to manipulate the flames in the furnace to penetrate into the bodies of Ji Yueling's parents.

Ji Yueling's parents didn't resist, but just entered their bodies with their spiritual consciousness, carefully observing the flames that invaded their bodies.

"What's this?!"

Suddenly, the expressions of Ji Yueling's parents changed at the same time.

They saw that wherever the flames passed by their bodies, black gas emerged.

Before they could react, the black gas escaped to other places in their bodies, that is, places without flames.

As time went by, Ji Yueling's parents' body was almost covered with the fire of the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', and the black gas could not escape in the end. turned into weakness.

"Xiaoxian, what the **** is that?"

Ji Yueling's parents had been in a state of sluggishness since the appearance of the black gas in the body, and when the gas finally gathered together and turned into hundreds of distorted black figures, they trembled even more.

They couldn't believe that there were so many terrifying things in their bodies.

"Aunt, Aunt, it's not over yet, let us release our souls." Wang Xian didn't explain yet.


Ji Yueling's parents' expressions changed drastically again, and then without a word, their souls came out of their bodies.

Wang Xian repeated his old trick, controlling the fire to erode their souls away.


The souls of the two groaned at the same time, and pain appeared on their expressions.

"Auntie, auntie, hold on."

Wang Xian accelerated the erosion of their souls by the furnace fire.

The soul is different from the body, the pain of the body can be shielded, but the pain of the soul cannot.

Therefore, even with Wang Xian's precise control, the blazing fire still made them feel extremely intense burning pain.

"Xiaoxian, it's okay, we can persevere."

The soul of Ji Yueling's mother endured the severe pain and said to Wang Xian with a smile.

Wang Xian didn't say anything, and once again accelerated the erosion of their souls by the fire, until the fire completely covered every inch of their souls, Wang Xian was completely relieved.

"Auntie, Auntie, it's time to start!"

Wang Xian exhorted the two of them.

"Haven't started yet?"

Ji Yueling's parents immediately fell into a daze.

Wang Xian didn't explain, and directly turned on the fire.

In an instant, a raging flame ignited in the souls of Ji Yueling's parents.



This time, Ji Yueling's parents couldn't bear it any longer and let out a cry of extreme pain.

At the same time, twisted black figures appeared in their souls. Under the raging flames, those black figures made more miserable cries, and were burned into nothingness one by one by the furnace fire.

Wang Xian carefully inspected the souls of Ji Yueling's parents, and after confirming that there were no 'pseudo-immortal souls' left, he quickly ignited the flames in their souls.

"Huh—it's finally over!"

Ji Yueling's father was lying in the void without any image, with a look of life after the catastrophe.

Ji Yueling's mother was more dignified, sitting cross-legged in the void, and asked Wang Xian, "Xiaoxian, can we talk now? What are those black shadows?"

Wang Xian shook his head and said, "It's still not sure that your problems have been completely solved."

"There are still questions?!"

Ji Yueling's father jumped up in shock.

"Could it be a true spirit?"

Ji Yueling's mother seemed to have thought of something, and asked tremblingly.

The problems of body and soul were all resolved, except for the true spirit, she really couldn't think of any other problems.


Wang Xian nodded.

"Brat, are you sure there is really something wrong with our true spirit?"

Ji Yueling's father's expression changed.

"I'm not sure, those 'false fairy souls' will erode the true spirit, but I'm not sure whether your true spirit has been eroded." Wang Xian said.

"Stop talking nonsense, release the true spirit and let Xiaoxian check it."

Ji Yueling's mother released her true spirit without any hesitation.

When Ji Yueling's father saw that his wife was released, he immediately released his true spirit.

For the true spirit, Wang Xian is actually quite unfamiliar. Whether there is a problem with the true spirit, he can't be sure, but the 'soul tower' can tell.

The 'Soul Pagoda' emerged, and faint fluorescent light sprinkled from the tower, shining on the true spirits of Ji Yueling's parents.


A miserable howl resounded from the true spirits of Ji Yueling's parents, and then two black shadows flew out of their true spirits.

Seeing these two black shadows, Wang Xian didn't hesitate at all, and directly manipulated the fire to surround them and quickly wiped them out.

After the 'Soul Pagoda' removed the two shadows from the true spirit of Ji Yueling's parents, it returned to Wang Xian's sea of ​​consciousness, which made Wang Xian understand that the problem of Ji Yueling's parents was completely solved .

"Auntie, Auntie, everything is settled, put away your true spirits, and return your souls to your bodies!" Wang Xian said to Ji Yueling's parents.


Although the two were full of doubts in their hearts, they both refrained from asking. I believe Wang Xian will tell them everything after they go out.

On the other side, Wang Xian put away his hands on the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', smiled and nodded to Ji Yueling under her nervous and apprehensive eyes.

"Wang Xian, thank you! Thank you!"

Ji Yueling rushed towards Wang Xian, hugged Wang Xian in her arms, and thanked him excitedly.


A cough with deep resentment sounded, Ji Yueling's figure froze slightly, then let Wang Xian go, turned around and threw herself into her mother's arms.

Ji Yueling's father came to Wang Xian's side with a gloomy expression, but before he could speak, Wang Xian said first, "Uncle, you don't intend to repay your kindness with revenge, do you?"

"Is my father that kind of person?"

Ji Yueling's father gave Wang Xian a hard look, then took out something, stuffed it into Wang Xian's arms, and said, "Don't play tricks on my daughter!"

Wang Xian curled his lips, when did he plan on Ji Yueling?

Then, Wang Xian's attention was placed on the things in his arms.

"Ascension Order? What is it?"

Wang Xian asked suspiciously This is a token. Although it has an introduction to its attributes, it doesn't go into details.

"You don't even know about the Ascension Order?"

Ji Yueling's father immediately cast a contemptuous look at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian's face turned dark immediately.

He just came to the inner universe, that is, the Thirty-Three Regions, if he really knew everything, he would be hell!

"Xiaoxian, don't talk to him, let's talk about our problems first!"

Ji Yueling's mother came over.

Wang Xian nodded, and directly told about the 'immortal grave', 'remnant immortal soul' and 'false immortal soul'.

"It turned out to be a fairy grave!"

Ji Yueling's parents were shocked. They really didn't expect that the black shadow that invaded the soul and the true spirit came from the fairy grave!

"If we are all like this, does it mean that all the creatures who enter the fairy grave will be corrupted by those 'false fairy souls'?" Ji Yueling's mother said suddenly.

"If there is no accident, it should be like this!"

Wang Xian nodded.

According to the "remnant immortal soul" who was caught by him, all the people who entered the "immortal grave" were either corrupted by the same "remnant immortal soul" like him, or were corrupted by the "false immortal soul". exception.

"Xiaoxian, can you still get rid of those 'false fairy souls'?" Ji Yueling's mother asked anxiously.

Although the "false fairy soul" in her and her husband's body was expelled, there are still many strong people in the human race who came out of the "fairy tomb" alive. More importantly, among the current digital emperors, One of them had entered the 'Fairy Grave'! Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter